West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1935, p. 3

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-- *1' A . . , i . " .ifW;,* _ *.iMMiM immm -------------assli&f»li|9:s« mtmmm «MHit wawMiwifcii lime 27, 1988. THE WEST V A N NEWS V o O R ' T C j ^ '̂ b W ! u X r P l r i f x i r i ^ MM** iWMw "if*S8Mtew ESicalffia'Personal Sydney H.4Vu»t, 1471 Dach- Miss Nellie Wilson of JVilsogs WINDOWS ' • DOORS SHINGLES UTH VENEERS ROOFING building PAPER A Cki&plete B uilders' Service IBRICIC CEMENT TILE UME SAND was judged to be the b ^ t in the w. He also won the special PUNS AND ^SPECIFIUTIONS Drawn up and c$tl< mates given Free. Astbury's Builders' Supplies • IB tlrand Marine Drive Ni|?ht Phone West 627R Phone West 199 K ghoW t_ prise offered for twelve ro^»s of distinct varieties in amateur classes. The Young Liberal Associa­ tion are opening committee rooms in 'the store immediately west of the West Van. Motors, 1451 fdarine Drive. nue. 'she"wasTormerV a m id en t of Edmonton. ^* ♦ * Miss Beatrice Hodgson has been awarded a one yM rsflX - tension of her scholarship a t the Royal College of Music, umdon, England, mhking a total of four years.' . ■ ■ "Hi"'":'* ~ R. C. JAMUESON €T CO'S. ANTIMO WHITE Non-poiflonoua. For extprior and interior use.Superior to any white lead, loity Prioos A g en ts-^ G R E E N W O O D G R O C E R Y , 1 5 th a n d M a r in e -W" Miss M a rg a ^ t Miss Jervis have takenja house Major George M. Turnbull of in West Point Gi'cy* Los Angeles, is the guest of his * . . mother, Mrs, A. rB. Turnbull, Thompson--Neville-Sirith 13th and Fulton Avenue. The wedding took place on * Wednesday, June 19th, at ot. Frank Cullln and Bob Blox- ham have returned from a two ® a^ ifS elder weeks' holiday cruise up Howe Jh£U s NeviUe - Sm th. Id Sound. ♦i L. o . B. A. D A N C E IN THE ORANGE HALL SATURDAY, Ju n e 2 9 th , a t 9 p;tn. A D M I S S I O N 1 5 C . Mr. and Mrs.iA. J. Addy arid family have moved from 20th and M athers Avenue into a house a t 20th and Fulton Avenue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N ^ - ille-Smitfi of Edgewater, B. C., to Mr. W alter Belton Thwnpson, younger son of Mrs. C. Thomi^ son of Vancouver Heights, and the late Mr. C. Thompson of Canipbell River. Given in marri- Mia« Mflrv Lott of Montreal agh by her uncle, Mr. W. IligginMiss. Mary ijo n oi ivionireai, » • ai.* j . QUALITY GUARANTEED ' W ILSON'S CLOVE, HOSIERY S UNOERIESHOP Kayser ' W ashable Gloves The new Wind-Bar White, Navy,. Chocolate. Sizes 6 to 7% ............. -...... $1-00 Pair >75 Granville Street. T. 2801 SCHOOLS DISPLAY has been the .guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Lang, 19th and Mar­ ine Drive. , ', ̂ .. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, 16th and W aterfront, are moving this son of Chilliwack, the bride look­ ed lovely in an ivory crepe back satin gown with a wedding veil held in place by a coronet of orarige blossoms, and carried a bouquet of ophelia roses, sweet A large crowd of parents and others interested thronged the class rooms and auditorium of and w a ten ro n i, are moving tins ---v -- " v y ^ u The rfnflfî Vcn '̂ur Em«Y %and Bellevue Avenue. m « ♦ The ferries will maintain ac ia a s xuum o turn. ttuunvLTiiuiii VA . " v . t i i . j. Inglewood School on Wednesday serrice throughout evening, June 19th, where was next Mor^ay^ ^Dominion: D ^ ) , displayed the work done by the The first boat wil^ leave Amble- pupils of all the West Vancouver side^Dwk a t ® ^ Schools during the year. Many a t 11:30 p.m. The first b ^ t articlesi were shown from the the city dock will be 6:30 a.m*j QUICK DELIVERY Dollar Lumber & Fuel Co. Inside Fir, per cord-- $5.50. Slabs and Edgings, 2 cords 7.50 Sawdust, "per u n i t .............. 3.75 291 Elsplanade West. T̂ N«r41fcrVanĉ pu.Y£r̂ ^̂ Day or N ight; Phone North 1350 w>Ood-working, sheet metal, coin- jmercial, .home economics, a rt, and social istudy classes, etc., a high standard of workmanship being maintained throughout. the last boat leaving ̂there' a t midnight. Buses meet all boats. . » ginson, was in attendance and wore a shell pink silk organdie dress with blue picture hat. She carried a sheaf of blue and pink flowers while the groom's little niqce, Miss Eleanor Damonte, as flower girl wore a yellow silk dress and carried a basket of flowers. Mr. E. Thompson, brother of the groom, acted as best rnan ,■ arid the usher-was Mr. D. Damonte. During the signing/* 11 .. .. *_.j__ "T\r\v»tciT A • 1 • u of the register, Mrs. Doris ■ Miss McIntyre^ is closing hor staingibv sang Love You i4*ii/Iri Tilltr ,QTI/1: A nÔ nGif'. ibllF. i _•ling mainrainea rnrougnoui. ayaiod .o -----r - r I ptainsoy sang i xuuAn excellent dress parade by ..studio for July and August, put Truly." Following the ceremony «In/V ;vn̂T,r̂ v, Will w-ntiPTmicT it acrain the ______ Q7.Qd. Ai_the girls was also ^ven , will be re-opening it again the W. N. McDonald, chairman of first weelc in S e p i^ b e r . ^ the school board, presented cer- ̂ ♦ ♦ ♦ tificates to the scholars during The North. Vancouver High- the evening arid in-connection__land_Games-hn(LJBask€t..P.icnic with the I a n B ro w n Memorial will take place next Monday a t Scholarship he presented each oL M ah on Park, starting a t 10 a.m. the 'two winners th is year, Beat­ rice^ Cecilia Spanks and William "^riTnie^©ickinsont î îth':ea~-:0^^^ a reception was held a t 3734, Al­ bert Street. The tea table was centred with a two-tier wedding, cake flanked with pink tapers in siLver_sconces._j:rie.brid^^^ away costume was an ensemble of blue tweed with white hat and and Mrs. medal and a cheque for $15.00. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambltidde ; Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance RECtTAL BY PUPILS OF ______ , , ------------ ^l\fRSy&-MlSS-W-ILSOJ5L--Glac-han^The_par±y_Jieprfiseri!ts. . An .interesting Veeitol b.y the generations. ̂ . piipils of Mrs. Clara'Wilson and.. Rcirrv Mr and MrsMiss Hilda W ilson,, A.T.C.M., Harry, iYLr._ and Mrs^ w . 3-CC€SS01*i€S« A nartv made up of Mrs. Owen. Thompson left for a motor trip ifedger^and-sonr^nd-^drsv-^Army-^-^io^hoBoujyi-and-wilUatenc^ C. Oliyie, a ll of Ehalaha, Mon- a t McGill Street, Vancouver, tana, also of Mrs. C. Bushe of * Kamloops, are guests a t the. JUNIOR ORCHESTRA. He: I wish I could- be a. great dob- tor. I'll like to be a bone specialiat. She: You've got a good head for if. :; ' Miss M argaret "McIntyre and Mrs. T. E. vSnelgrdve are con­ ducting a junior orchestra clas's m iss m ia a vviisoii, tt"": " ~ivrr"and M rs R N ew - one even in g a w eek during the w a s g iven la j t Saturday^aft^^^^ C Bununer T h ey , ex p ect o g ive taken suites in the Fortune Cup a concert early i ^ e fall. f n T t h e T ? ^ f S r w K § S ink and wm take ----------------- listened with full appreciation to " S f an^dv^^ a number of solos executed by residents ot^Vancouy^r. erabfe°^t£hniqu?^a^^^ feeling. _ R. W. Froud,, 1̂ 879 Bellevue ■ Two very Jnterestirifg item s were Avenuq, who recently underwent two two-piano numbers, the first an operation a t ̂Shau^hnessy by M argaret Dickinson and the Military Hospital, is making fav- second by H atty Empey, Mrs. orable progress.^ ^ .Wilson being a t the second ^ ^ u • x* x piano in each case. The grand Dr. G. E. Bayfield is a patient finale was a very finely executed m Shaughnessy Military Hospit- number, Beethoven's Largo from al. y-1. . 1 .. •_ An T\tt..TV/T1Q a THE MARINA 1415 Marine Drive (0pp. Safeway) 50c Concerto in C. Minor, by Miss Hilda Wilson, accompanied on th e second piano by her mother. Following the recital after­ noon tea was served. Duncan L aw ^ n Chapter, I.O.D.E. 13th Annual Garden Party On the grounds of Reeve. a.nd'Mr's. J. B. Leyland's residence 2848 Bellevue Avenue, SATURDAY, JULY 13th, Afternoon--2:30 to 5 p.m., Evening, T:30 p.m. Adinission 25c Bi«;hoff -- Cruttwell A wedding o^ interest to a large circle of friends took place on June the 19th, when the Rev. James W. Melvin.united in m ar­ riage Herman Derrick,^ second son of Mrs. Mary Bischoff of Vancouver, and Johann Conrad Bischoff, ' U trecht, The - Nether- 50c -- SUNDAY D lN N E lt June 30, 1935. 12 Noon to 7 p.m. Iced Celery,. Tomato Soup Roast Leg o f L a m b ,^ in t Sauc.e> V Assorted Cold Meats I Spring Vegetable Salad New Potatoes and Peas in Butter Creamed Cauliflower Lemon Meringue Pie Fruit Salad Tea - Coffee - Milk ̂ s•Jv.' Tlie WEATHER 1h IdtMkl Pktur# WaaUwr. A W« have Aims for all cameras and can develop and finish them promptly at CITY PRICKS. m GemmilPs Drog Store The Stora of Sarwieo. 1586 Marine Drlvo' West 37 or Woai 607 Emergency Phone West 381 Lfter 10 p.m.) S tra tto n 's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening nnd Wedding Cakes ^ Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Btuibury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Ten Breads, Fresh every morning Note A ddress: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 H o lly b u rn T h e a t r e THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Juno 27th, 28th and 20th 'B R O A D W A Y B IL L ' = (Four Star) A story about a raco'horSo with W ARNER BAXTER and , MYRNA LOY SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY June 29th and July 1st *The HEALER* ^ with RALPH BELLAMY KAREN MORLEY MICKEY ROONEY (Matinee Mondayrif it rains.) TUESDAY & W EDNESDAY July 2nd and 3rd. 'm L D O G DRDNNOND STRIKES BACK" RONALD COLMAN LORETTA YOUNG SOPHY TUCKER also " GAY LOVE" FLORENCE DESMOND R a n g e O il B u r n e r s (fully (ruarnntced) f 3 9 . 5 0 In sta lled . Forst's Ltd. N orth 6S6 - W est 87 66 Lonsdale Avo, North Vancouver T E A R O E & S O N 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cement All Building Materials Phone West 84 for quick delivery. Under New Management D n n d a r a v e O r ig in a l W o o l & K n i t t in g S h o p p e T ' 2^46 Marine Drive E v e ry th in g f o r K u t t i n g & E m b ro id e ry W o r k Mr s . E. LATHAM; Proprietress. lands, to Myra, only daughter of the late Comtesse de la Riviere Catania and M. Athill Cruttwell of Cannes, France, and Bag&hot, Svi^ey, England. Mr. arid Mrs. Herman Bischoff are guests a t . Mrs. Grady's, Beach House. 1 W est V ancouver Rose and Floral F estival THURSDAY, JUNE 2 7 th Open to 10 p.m. NOTICE Th^"̂ imeeting of the W est Van»- couv^r; Young Liberals' Associ­ ation scheduled for Friday even­ ing, June 28, is unavoidably post­ poned nntil fu rther notice. \ Watch this paper for , fu tu re announcements of m eetings.' ■ FERGUSON^S MOVING DAILY FREIGIiT SEEVICB Trucks Leave West Vancouver 8 a.m.; 3 p.m. Leave Vancouver 11 a*im; 3 p.m. Phones: ¥ e s t\^ 5 ; Douglas H29. ■A l i f t ) ISIS r"!'■*? I - I ,̂ 'W m i ■m■ n ■ J m : C fA'AAA " 'iiA'.l I s ' . m M m m fW ■;? f- - k r . kt ' i if V: