West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1935, p. 2

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M m t YAM m m m ^ SttjMitr' SirriiNMi " 11:16 ft.ni., 7:16 pjB. Suna«y Scbool ftod Bflilft OftM 10 ft.m. Str«nr«rf A Vlsltnrt YTtieom*. BAn-IST CHURCH Fft»tor: Beir. H. Residence: 1343 Hey wood Ave. Phone W «it 352R. 'Sundiy'Servl^i ll"iuC"i»d 7:16 p.ni. Sund«y School, 10:00 n.i».- Chic SimpUcitg for Summer UNITED CHUBCH Kcv. Hillls Wright, Mintoter. WMSTJTAKCOUVBB C k r is t ia B S c ie n c e S ocie ty Smsrinestii' in contour linen, rather than eialiorttte detail is MtresKcd in our nummer pernianenU. Hervicea will be held m uaual next Sunday a t U :16 a.m. and ',7:15 p.m. ' ' ' Sunday School at 10 a.m. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1546 liftHM Drieft For ftppointintntft PHONE WEST 117 S r. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. ^Rev. W. J. Millay, i'rie.st in Charge, lence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. I'hone, West 240-R ICE CREAM in Hulk and Brickn Sunday Services Low Mass ■-- 8 :46 a.m. Iligh Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 , a.m, Ko.sary and Benediction -- 7:16 CHURCH EDIFICE 20th ftftd BaqaimnJt, HoUyborn Thin Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Fim t Church of Christ, Seientiat, < in Boston. MftiMchusetta Sunday Service 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Jum; 30, 1935. Subject; 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE5" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. ) Testimony Meetinjf Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public i» cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. .... ......... . ....... B urrard I* LAUNDRY SERVICEFOUDEPENDABLE DAVE A N D ER SO N , ,West Vancouver Repreaentati Phones--West 691L or North 1310 ve CHURCHES OF CHRIST, " SCIENTIST T VANir.LA, TUTTI-FRUTTI, ORANUK, NEAPOLITAN p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector: We deliver to your order, ANBLESIDE PflARNACY W. L. KER, Prop, Phone: , V'l*' I*-' i. 1401 Marine J---- n Drive ̂ W est 323 FREE DELIVERY i rrt., Catechism* and Bible History every S a tu rd ^ -- 9 :3D a.m. Week-day Services Mas.s, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. Saturdays. -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 pj,m. 'rake a Kodak With you and on your return leave your films at AMBLE- SIDE PHARMACY. Crystal Finish Agency For Service and Satisfaction: "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" Ambleside Sheet M etal L. SPECK, Proprietor ^ ' O F K S D R . G. D. H . S E A L E D.D.8 ., L.D.B. . DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine ̂ Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone W est 72 BAPTIST CHURCH f - . Cor. 16th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, June 30th, 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. J 1:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. P as to r'will preach; sub­ ject, "Honey in, the Mouth." 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. 1 Subject: 'A Gospel Chain' Song Service a t com-r mencement, * The ordinance of Believ­ ers' jBaptism' ^will be ob- ̂ ,, served a t the evening ser­ vice. . A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Mid-week '. Prayer Service. June 30th -- 2nd Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m,-~Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.--^Annual Flower Ser­ vice. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon * 7:15 p.m.--.Evensong and Ser­ mon. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfield 9:45 a.m.-^Matins and Sermon; Preacher, the Rev. J. S. Brayfield, "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will be the subject of the Le.sson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden,;Text is: "Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ," (Rev­ elation 12: 10). Among the citations which comprise the I^esson - Sermon ii? th e ' following from the Bible; "He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from., their .destructions." (Psalms 107: 20y. The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker E ddy: "Divine Soiehce derives its sanction from the Bible, and the divine origin of Science is demonstrated throi;igh , the „ holy ..influence.,of „ T m th in , healing sickness ahd sin." ^ P h i l ip C> C h a p m a n General Insurance Agent Flrê Antomohtle. Bartlary. Aeddent and Slckacfti, etc. B657 Kint*ft At*. Phone W. 4IY3 LEGION NOTES (Special Meeting) Members are requested to take note of a spedal meeting to be held in the Legion Club Room tonight a t 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing a report on the Hynd. man Commission dealing with unemployment amongst ex-ser­ vice men, and discussing the recommendations and findings of same. Those affected thereby are ad­ vised not to miss this meeting if the issues involved therein are to be kept alive. ' Next general meeting July 5th WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION GARDEN PARTY SCOUT NOTES BRITISH ISRAEL PRAYER MEETING A weekly prayer meeting will be held in the Gospel Hall on Marine Drive a t 25th each Thurs­ day evening a t 8 o'clock. Mrs. CJornish will be in charge of Bible study. It is hoped that many, both men and women, will accept this very cordial invita­ tion to attend. Plan to attend regularly. "Nothing but the Gospel of the^Kingdom' can bring about a ehange of h ea |t which ynlbleaii^ • The two troops went in force to the Annual Scout Sports in North Yancouver on Saturday last. While not being -lucky enough to bring home any of the. five cups they took one second and nine third ribbons as fol­ lows: Thur.sday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac­ tice. to the co-operation of all peoples for the common good." „ Hr. GEORGE 8. MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C.. - Dtjntal Su rg^ n , ,c, Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by uppointmeht Royal Bank BJdg., Telephone West Vuncouver. Wc.st 4*10 ' Mr. and'Mr^. Reilly and family of West Bay, have moved to Vancouver. ANNUAL RAINFALL EHtabiished on North Shore 25 Years (Ijidy Assistant) HARJ(SON BROS. LTD. I F u n e r a l B i r e c t o r s North Vnncoiiver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 131 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 131 ^ XARD-OE-XIIANKS- Mrs; Sagar^ and \fam ily , 1522 Marine Drive,- w iah \to express their grateful thanks and^appreci- ation* fqr all the hclj) and sym- pHthy extended to them in~ thoir bereavement, also for the flm-al tributes and to those who kindly loaned cars. The annual report on the cli­ mate of the province has some interesting figures on the rain- show :" jKilJL. Ê Harrison, 3rd, half mile; P. Fagan, 2nd, high jump, class B; G. Radlett, 3rd, high jump, class A; R .^au g h en , 3rd, 100 yards; B. Jordan, 3rd, slow bike race; 3rd in the chariot race, the following made up the team, R. -A^ughen,---G.- Radlett,-N.^HarL R. Rathie, G. Jones. - Scoutmaster Murray Watson has resigned having obtained employment with the Campbell River Logging Co. Scout Nei.1 Peacock having passed the re­ quired tests has been presented with his allround cords Class A. Station Kitsilano Total rain and snow Per inches cent 58.49 100 In form er years the members and friends of the W.A. of the United Church have been privil- eged to enjoy the gardens of the hillside homes as the scene of the ir summer activities. This year the setting will be one over­ looking the sea, Mrs, W. Part­ ridge having generously offered the grounds surrounding her home, 2212 Bellevue, for the an­ nual garden party. The afternoon of Thursday, July 4th, has been chosen for the event, and arrangem ents are in the hands of the executive under the leadership of the president, Mrs.'A. M. O'Donnell. (Convening the. tea will be Mrs. R. MaeVean and Mrs. R. Hoyvieson, while Miss Philip and Mrs. Herrin will "have"chargeofh i>m ^cbfllanga^ candy stall. Rea^^ngs will be given by Miss Lillias Davie, a pupil of the Rev. David Allan. Altogether an enjoyable after­ noon is assured and the affair should prove a g reat attraction, especially to lovers of gardens and natural scenery. ■ . . ■. Brockton P o in t____ 66.29 114 Hollybum ............... 72,89 124 West-Bay .......L ...- 64.69 110 Seymour Creek......... 142.74 243 W E S T V A N ^B |tO D U C E -F riiit and V e g e ta b le Fresh Daily W e s t 186 C . J . O v e r in g to B PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14th & Marino, Phono West hV) CHANGE IN BUS SCHEDULE betw een N orth Vancouver - W est Vancouver - GaulfeUd - Horseshoe Bay EFFECTIVE JUNE 28, 1932 WESTBOUND WEEKDAY SERVTrF. Lv,. North Vancouver Ambleside .............. Ar. C aulfeild ........... Ar. Horseshoe Bay A .k . 6.40 6.50 7,00 A.M. 7.15 7.23 7 . 3 5 A.M. 7.50 8.00 8.15 A.M. 9.00 9.10 9.25 9.40 A.M. 10.20 10.30 10.45 11,00 A.M. 11.20 11,30 11.45 12.00 WSa P.M. 1.40 1.50 2.05 2.20 P.M. 2.20 2.30 2.45 3.00 ESa P.M. 4.^0 4.30 4.45 WSa; Wednesdays and Saturda ys ONLY. ESa; Except Satui^ays'^ S^D T s^ r d a v s nniv ESa P.M. 9.40 9.60 10.05 SaO . P;M. ,9.40 9.50 10.05 10.20 MID 12.00 12.10 12.25 12.40 THE West Van News Fublialied Every Tharsday- > Pnbliaher Ff F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bnalneta and Bditorial Office: 17Ui and Marine Drive (N ut to HoIlYburn P, 0.) Phone West 363 Mail Addrem: P. O. Box 61, HoUyborn, B.C. North Vancouver Office: 123_XK>nsda)e Ave. NOTE: A ll trips. Westbound . and Eastbound, route via W est Vancouver Ferry PociE^ P.M. 9.30 9.40 9.58 10.10 P.M. 10.30 10.40 10.58 11.10 11.60 m year b^ e a ^ w : |2.00 a year naB. P A C I F I C S T A G E L I N E S TELEPH O N ES W E S T 1 2 , . SEYMOUR T131