West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Jun 1935, p. 1

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wwi<ii»i«iiwip»iii»i^^4 ' i " ̂ ̂ r •'4 . ifi , , ""» Circulating in th i D istrict o f West Vancoui>er-f^ntbleside^ HollyburnxW estoky D undarave $1.90 per year. Cypress Park, C au^eiid, WhyieeliJif, E tc i ^ per copy a t newsstands. \'ol. X H O L LY B U R N P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER. B.C., T H U R SD A Y , J U N E 27th. 1935 No. 10 PAY YOUR TAXES W hile'W est Vancouver continues to be from a financial standpoint better off than probably any o ther municipality in B. C., yet it is like them confronted still w ith the same difficult problem, th a t of providing the usual services and increased social services including unem|ployment costa in the face of decreased revenues and a cancellation of provincial grants. ' The time limit for the payment of taxes expires a t the end of this week, and i t is earnestly hoped by the reeve'and council th a t before th a t time all who can possibly do so will have met their tax bills. , Many, of course, due to the depression cannot possibly pay, , but to those financially able i t is a first duty as good citizens. Bv so doing, they are also, not only giving tangible evidence o f , that faith in West Vancouver which is so universally shared in Greater Vancouver as well a s by our residents; but are placing themselves "in a position to benefit from the rapid growth of th e 'municipality revealed by the recent remarkable increase in our building permits. , , West Vancouver is at^ the present moment Reading the ])i*ovince. Let her citizeps keep her so by paying* their taxes. NEW FERRY IN OFFICIAL TRIAL TRIP ' ' .... ■■■ ■̂i'" The new ferry boat "Bona- belle," underwent her official trials last Friday afternoon, her performance being-decidedly sa t­ isfactory in every way. She made IOV2 knots over the measured mile in JBnglish Bay, and it was found th a t a t full speed she could turn round in twice her own length. Her speed was checked by Captain H. I. Vince, Captain F. L. Clarke, senior surveyor for the board of marine underwrit­ er's, arid D. M. Service, manager of the North-Van. Ship Repairs Ltd.. I t IS expected th a t she will be on the run today. LESTER -- BRIGHT CANADIAN LEGION ORIGINAL SHOFPE UNDER ■' - NEW MANAGEMENT There was a springrlike fresh- ______ __________ _ ness and simplicity ab o u t, the Qn Saturday, July 6th, the K nitting Shoppe, 2446 Marine wedding th a t took place in the Canadian Legion and Women's Drive, has been taken over from ____1 Q+ ■OoiiV.n ATi(rli/»nn a . i ̂ A/Tioo TWa JetTa R n ea f n\r Mrn Hi GARDEN PARTY The stock and business of the Diundarave Original Wool & weaaing ^ uanaaian juegion ana women s chapel of St. P au ls Anglican Auxiliary will officiate as host Miss Maisi'e Busst, by Mrs. E. Church on Friday evening when ^nd hostess a t the first fashion- Latham who has had very conr Miss Phyllis Mary Bright, able garden party andTete of ..the siderable es^enence in̂ ̂ these daughter of Captain and Mrs. season in W est Vancouver: th is lines. She will carry a full stock John B. Bright of 1080 Burnaby party, under the distinguished oPall Wools, etc:; for knitting and Street, became the bride of Mr. patronage of Lieut. Col. and Mrs. silks fo r embroidery Work. She Alfro/1 V#»mrm Tyfister. \ xt a i\/r..o w ,w t.liA tiatronaore of WestRobert Alfred Vernon Lester, w . S. Bhell, Col. arid Mr% W. W. solicits the patronage of West eldestspnof Major A, M. Lester, Foster, to y o r and Mrs._ G. G. Vancouver residents. 2874 Bellevue Averiuk7 and th e McGfeer, IV^s. Julia W, Herishaw, - ---------- late Mrs. .Lestfer. :; - ^ ........and Mrri J. B.- L ey l^d ,' Youthful simplicity was the Mrs. W. B .. Small, Mrs; F. A. key-note of the gown of white Ramsey, and Mrs. H. Walker, organdie over taffeta* worn by will be held"in the home and -the bride, th a t fell to the ground ' grounds of Mr. and Mrs. G. in full graceful flounces from the Hampson, 814 20th St.reet, from R uth Chapter, L.O.B.A., are giving the ir regular weekly dance on Saturday, June 29th, a t '9 p.m. in the Orange Hall. in luii graceiui iiouiicesiii^m naiupw u, oj.y ;w ... These dances have now been held wide girdle of taffeta. Frill-like '. 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., and friim ,7 e v e ^ Saturday evening for some msJihe.aadfiJa!MaLtliafc^hapad. . , j t t^ ___ .................... ............................... ................ to a high V in both the fron t and . Mrs. D. W. Graharn^niTfitrs. back. The capelets eovered the Victor B lan ch flo w er i will ibe in; he provided as usual, Admission shoulder and the long fitted chai'ge of the afternoon t ^ , Mrs. 15 cents.-^ sleeves ended in wide fn lls cov-' J. Barnett is taking care of home a tvqwfr Q FRV irF ering the hand. In the shower cooking, whilst Mrs. F. Rivers bDJiouetjfragrantJiLy-ofJ^he-JvaL-- .will-be-busy-w-ith-an-interestmg-- .. ley were arranged with tiny raffle and Miss Casey will dis-:^'19th and rose-buds of pink. pense ice creaim .. tains ^ ^ a ily f r e i g h ^ ^ ^ Brown corded ribbon trim med The Boys Band Under the dir- tween es SWIMMING CLUB NEWS lirown corded nnoon tnm m ea xne isoys rsana u n u ^ une uti- ^ ve W est Vancou- the gowns of yellow organdie . "action of Bandm aster Delamont, af 8 a m and 3 d a^ worn by the bride's two atteud-. will entertm p d u i^ g the ' 1." c o u ^ r T i n k ^ ^ f J ^ S p" ants Mrs. Jam es C: Fowl® of noon and Moll^ daily. Household furn iture mov- California, sister of the bride,, ner clever dancing girls will he . . i, -x hrarir»hA<i For and Miss A udrw I ^ t e r , s i ^ r fu rther in tom ation kindlyphone of the groom. Molded in sh irt- Ladies desnjous of playing bridge ok a- ' waist lines, over yellow slips of w ill be ablri to indulge. A' very West 85 or Dougiag 4 t̂». taffeta, th e girdles of brown and interesting concert'has been ar- the tiny buttons of the same ran ;^d from the balcdny material were the only trim m ing . the evening festivities, which of' these attractive gowns with * will be heard by the guests seat- their graceful; flared'skirts -.TOe ed amid electric l ig h t^ pounds. augpioes o f th e W.V. damty m ittens, with P ^ t e d a extending a rordial imnta- I^y^d a t Dundarave cuffs, and the boom ing -w ide-/ tion, to everyone, the C an ^ ian pjjjr in the presence o f a very fine brimmed picture hats w e re ^ M L e^on once more, express the ir fum out of about 150 spectiitors. of sunrhucdnrgandie. Even th e ir appireciatio to their many friends judging by the applausb arid the bouquets of snapdragons and for their support in the past and r ?, 4̂ roses reffecteff th is tbne, relieved tru s t this year will see the dawn by the delicate mauve o f sweet of a brighter day for all. peas. On Sunday, June 23rd, the first W ater Polo Garajes were held Acting as l^ s t jn a n for the ̂ PRESENTATION TO ' groom was Mr. Thurb J Ia m s . * The brother of the bride, Mr. Bright,-with Blr Rtis- MacLean, sell J. Kinninmpnt ushered. judging by the applause spirit shown by the spectators this form of aquatic sport has already taken hold. I f the spec­ tators and the players continue to display the same enthusiasm', A. J. ADDY the Swimming Club Committee -plan on having a game with one 2031 o f the Vancouver Clubs. «. ^̂AAAAAAAAAAAJAAi, Moxî xwv. .MaWne Drive^ kindly loaned her ... All players are requested to At the reception held jn Hotel home last T h u rs^ y eveningrfor be on hand again on SuiMay> rt, --X f gm .-X ■ M --- --■ -- -- -• -- ..r.' ", 'lAx --x > *i * 1.x. 1^ ' ' ' ^ . x. ̂ L' ' . % # ' « « W ' :fl. -- XGrosvenor followiiig the cere- a ^ i a l by the West Vancouver June 30th, a t 3 p.m., fo r the pur- mony, when only the relatives United Church Choir, when a pose of anoth2r game, and tu and-immediate friends atended, presentation of a beautiful stand- place members into team s.4 roses and. peonies in pink tones * a rd lamp was made to A. J. Ad- The Annual Dundarave 7 W^es- decorated the rooms. P ink and dy who is retiring as cdv who is retiring as conductor. Ton Swim' of 1,000 yards will be. lait? i\/\juxs7* X ixixv' <«xiu f ly \yixiO IS AcLiilii© ̂ - . white rosebuds also adorned 'the T\/frg, Addy was also the recipient held on Sunday, July 7th, a t 3 :30 bride's table, centred by the / 6f '̂ bouque t. A very pleasant p.m. S tart and finish a t Dun- tiered cake, flanked with ta ll evening was spent in competi- darave pier, ^ i s is a closed white tapers In sffyer holders. . tions and music afte r which re- event, and contestants wishing When the bride left fo r the, freshm ents were se^ed ,- -The te participate should get their South, where she and her hus- guissts were: Mr. and Mrs. Addy, W.V.A.S.C. m em b^ship cards band will visit th e d^alifomian , Mrs. Greenway, Mr. and Mrs. JI. from any one .of the^executive cities and continue on into M exi-- - Young, Mrs. Gleam, Miss IFVame, members of the club: J ^ k Bow^ CO, she wore a 'sm a rt travelling Mi^s G. McNair,, Miss Groof, den, Buster ^ o o d ^ Gwen dress ________XX-J -JM. - ' hat-.- Tf/iv stnii Mrs.; H.in coin spotted silk on a M rk'BroaSey, Rey. and l^ s . H. ■ w Howieson, Mrs. X Bob. White, V ictor,Black, Miss T W att Miss S, Bruce, Miss J. *'P a t" McKenzie, Kay Bussell. background of rriyal blue. The halter neckline was gathered by a tie of yellow. Yellow was'again i*cpeated in the chic linen cha- Jefferies, Mrs. and Miss Durbin, J; Johnson, J. Fiddes, M rs.^llen, trimmed w ith royal ■ blue, Mrs. Richardson, Mra. Froud also in fhri gloves ' and linen*"- Sheffield. Mr. - and Mrs sandals. :Mi». Sheffield, Colin .MacLean. Mrs. Mrs. N. K elM , of Aginlar, Colorado, is the house ^ e s t of her sister, Mrs. A. Ray, 21st ' ________ _________ , ROSE AND FLORAL COMING EVENTS FESTIVAL TODAY , --------- Don't forget to attend thri Annual Rose Show .which Is be- IHipila of Mrs. C. E. Burbridge. ing put on th is afternoon and evening by the W est Vancouver •*"*y ~ I.O .p.E .-lJth An- H'orticultural Association in the .. Forty in the Orange Hall. There will bo found tooumis ol Reeve and Mrs. J. all the best which W est Vancou- „ ^ ver can produce in horticulture " --roses of all kinds, herbaceous Girls Auxiliary Social and . and other flowers, decorative sec- dance a t the Clachan. tion, fruits, needlework, etc. Open till 10 p,m. Adnjission, 2 ^ ; WOOD FUEL children, 10 cen ts; members free. , '_______ L--_ Charles Thompson, 1257 Clyde FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Avenue,, is delivering old growth ~ The-West-Vanr Produce, 1574 fir,-fir slabs, and green .alder a t Marine Drive, carry a full line of »Pecial prices. His residence fru it and vegetables, all fresh pbone is West 621L. For fu rther daily. They d so give a free de- particulars please refer to the livery. Phone W est 186. advertisement m this issue. .............. ...... . V ■ ■' ̂ ...y COMBINED RECITAL bined recital a t 8 p.mli^ipjar -- -̂----- ; (Friday) in the ' The pupils of Mrs. F. Bjiight- Admission, 25 cents jMjjrajri Hodge and Miss M argaret Me- cents. The fbllowinkfs^Hif In tyre will be heard in ^ 'co ihr gram: Toy Symphony ...........1..... ............................................ Dorothy Harirop (rattle), . Maiaie Grieve, Patsy/ PovJeh/ (trumpets), Helen Pochin; Betty Barbour (drums), Beverlej?>A Ellis, Eleanor Wycoff (triangles), Norma Minions (cymbal t̂hri Dorothy Harvey-Smith^ (castanets), Margaret Kydd̂ (cackfliojr . Phylis Pochin, Marion Ae March (tambourine), Louise '̂J^et^si ̂ ger (nightingale), Cathll^ine liO'wdon (quail), Murie(»H!^wlB/' (bells), Jacqueline Patterson imetalophone), Julie Pym criljiins). -. / - , Conductor,tMrs. F. Knight-Hi^ge. ' : .̂-aaBiated, .by membersVf:;West ya»,Orch'i6tEalJBocie^.^. , .r'. BEGINNER'S CLASS " , Piano--a. Swinging ........... :.................... ................................. Bamford = b. Little Bird's Flight....................................................Holland Beverley Ellis Piano-rA Day in June......... 1....................................................... Duval Patsy Powell V Piano--Sans Souci .... Lichner * ; ' ^ - Marion LejMareh . .i . . . , . ... (Mrs. Knight-Hodge) ELEMENTARY GRADE Pi^no--Queen Mab :.............. ;.7............................................... Carroll Eleanor Wyckoff Piano--Stately Minuet ................................................................ Furze _____ ----- ------------ ------- - Catherine Lowdon : . y.' " ' (Mrs., KnightrHodge) Violin--Andante ................. ............. :..... ..................................... Gluck i Ruth .Williams _ • -. (IV^rgaret McIntyre) . Piano--Valse Brilliant --.............................. ;......................... Anthony : Eric Peacock (Mrs. Knight-Hodge) Elocution--a. To a Snowflake... ............................. Francis Thompson < b. Tears, Idle Tears .............. ............................... Tennyson Margery R. Clarke (Gold medallist 1935 Musical Festival. Winner of Championship Cup toT B.C.) Violin ensemble--a. Samoan Lullaby ..................................... Tod Boyd b. Spring Dance ........................... Margaret McIntyre Marjorie Murray, Jessie Davies, Ted Sheffield, John Thygesen, Irene Gracey, Jack Howdle, Ruth Williams, Bill Qracey, Jerry Jervis, Mary Murray, Patsy Weeden. (Margaret.McIntyre) JUNIOR GliADE Piano-"-Frolicking March............. Voorhees. ' Gordon Vince Violin--a. Serenade ........."............................... ............ ......p..... Haydn b. At Daybreak ......... -1........ .̂.......................... ................ Jack Howdle Piano--Scarf Dance...................................................... Chaminade . Patty Weeden Violin--Siciliana ............................................................................. Bach John Thygesen Piario-i^fst Valse J,..................-................................................... Durand , , Doreen: Addy ̂ ̂ ' (Margaret McIntyre) Piano--Allegreto A Minor....... ....................................... ..........Kirichner- Maisib Grieve , Piano--Round the Maypole........................................... Boroditch ; Dorothy Harrop ■ (Mrs. Knight-Hodge) ' . . . advanced CLASS Violin--Minuet ...................... Mary Murray , SibelieusPiano--Romance .... ............................ Peggy Glen * Violin--Adagio and Allegro ...................... Vivaldi (Concerto In G Minor) \ ... Irene Gracey ^ \ -------- (Margaret r McIntyre)-- - Piano--Huhioresk-in D ................... ....... . - ** Gertrude Nash , . Violin--Largo and Allegro .......... ........ ..................... Galuppi Craxton George Grand! Fiano-HongMUn .Dance ..... ................................ ..................=: Brahma _ . (Mrs. Knight-Hodge) T S1 II m \ m ■J /Il'M ■Htr i f f 4 k - i i ; : '"'l A. "IP r . & tW: 'i ft 'fJ> ■ ■tk&v m k4 ■: kkfm '.W' rJ-A W:4 »■. ft T'i :■■■"'i u, -•.iM "I 'i'Atii ■: