West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1935, p. 6

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MiiMiiMiM iB]ii(iMiioiiii 'fjS'yafTaai'ygwB* MMMiMiilMl Phone West 469 Fhone West 46 f4 W iW B |.|K )R C H E S T E E Guest Prices Good Friday dt Saturday , J u n e 31st Sc 23nd Hf^ & White TOMATO JUfO&». (I.imit 5 tinit) . 10«<n(. tin Se TEA--Aunt Mwy'i* Hi. $&€ HflKKODKI) WIIEAT~-100% Canii- diun j»ki. lOe Iti^ a. White PAKTftY FE O U E-. 7-lh Mtfrk . , 22c Itfd A While KALMON--Fine«t Sock- *•>«?. f : f tin H»c NAlton KAIUlINKH _ Norwcirt«n tin** ....... 25c Kt^ A While JKM .y FOWOKtlg-- ANMurted fluvorn .......... 3 pkt«f. 13c l U d A While (,'OHN--(thiden Itantiim^H IJ** ............................ 2 tinw 27c Ked A While T t)IM fr TISSUE -- 3 IjirKe roIlM ...................... 28c lied A While COFFEE--Vacuum tin . ■> . ____ __I ]|| 30e . lied A White KI'AOIIEITI--Heady lo .. . ....... 2 tlnn I9c lied A While TOMATOES--Hand piiehed, N„. 2 Vi t i n ......... 2 tina 23« IteNi FwkIm MAYONNAISE -- It'w double whipped ........ H-die. ja r 20c M e a ts Phone W est 37# SPE C IA L Fresh Nushrooms lb. 27c m HNS' MAKBO I1A51. per lb....45c l*KI*l*Kll'S FOIIK SAUSAGE, lb. 20c III HNS' DEVON SAUSAGE, Hreuded or Plain, lb....................20c KliOS, Grade 4 l/ocal, do*. 22c ItOI/OO.NA. Fineat Quality, per lb. 18c V KAI. LOAF, per lb...................... 22c OAIS'I I.*OAF, A Treat, per Ib. 28c HONKI.ES8 COHNKI) HEEF. ,'ji rimrked^^,, w ith nm* & prufusion of soft­ ly Bhad«d pink, y ellow and blue summer Gowers formed a set- «f--the..North Shore's most fashionable wed- dinsrs when Kev. F. A. Uamsay united In marriaî ro, Joan MaUd Patricia, second dauKhter of Dr. and Mrs. F. E! Dorchester, of Aitamont, and Donald Dalton, son of Mr. R. H. Palmer, 1045 Balfour Avenue, Vancouver, at St. Stephen's Church, on Satur­ day, June. 15th, at 8 oclo)?k. To the strains of l^ohenirrin's Wedding March, the petite bride, in traditional white, enk*red the church wdth h<*r father. Her gown of white mo.is crefK* was fashioned ph simple line.s featur­ ing a skirt flarini,' slightly from JEFFERIES' SUEEBIQEIIEATS Government Inspected O nly.. HAMS hAMB VEAL COLD MEAK OK ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 Store at HollyPurn, next Theatre KHONE WEST 3 LUKiMEIl ISEEF, lb. 16c iu Z " 7 " **' v'"*; YOUNG JioiUNG FOWL, lb. 22c thfLnatural waist-Iine to a short 1 f t / A t f A t « r » i * / \ i » i i / ^ 4. V . ^ a^ U a Z _______ I _________ l ! . . . . and all BBIDDIJVG MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. VEAL, LAME, FOIIK, BEEF, Hiid Smoked Fi»«h of all kind*. I'KAH -- Columhin, sieve 5, 2m - tiMK ...........................23c H.d ^ While AFIIICO'J'S--2«,-tin l«c FaiilUehH FINEAl'FLIi--2h, 2 tins 17c W.C.T.U. The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. held their meeting in the homo of Miss Philip, 2U03 Bellevue Avenue, last 7'hursday aGer- noon, Mrs. Hibberd, the presi- dei|)l, (x'cupying the chair. After a shoi-t devotional, the yearly reports were given. The report of the "Y" superintendent, Mrs. I"aulkri(!r, showed great progress in thatdepartment. The follow­ ing officers were elected for the coming year. Honorary president, M rs. Kush; president, Mrs. Hibberd; first vice-president, Mrs. Her­ ron; second vice-president, Mrs,. Beamer; recording .secretary, Miss Philip; corresponding sec­ retary, Mrs, Baldwin; treasurer, Mrs. D. Chapman; "Y" superin­ tendent, Mrs. Faulkner; devo ̂ tional superintendents, Miss E. Ileveridge and Mrs. Johnson.^ 'Miss Stella "Bruce gave two, CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "IS TJIE UNIVERSE, IN- Cl,UDING MAN, EVOLVED ilV A7'0M1C f o r c e ?" will be the subject of the Lesson-Ser­ mon in all Churches of Christ, '.Scicniist, on Sunday. 'I'he Golden Text is : "Thou art worUi.y, 0 Lord, to receive glory tram, the close-fitting bodice of which was buttoned up the front with tiny self-covered buttons fronFthe waist to a smart tailo ored Peter Pan collar, while the sleeves softly fell from deep shirring at the shoulders to a fullness caught at the wrists by close fitting .bands. Her veil of white tulle, worn in cap style, was caught at the sides with orange blossoms. For her bou- ffuet the bride carried stately Calla Lillies. Following, in shades harmon ̂ izing with the floral decorations of windows, pews and altar, were the . bridesmaids and little flower-girl. Miss Winifred Dor- -KOII IlFAL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive C L A SSIF IE D A D S The rate for Classified AdvertlsementB is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tlioae kavinir regular accounts, all clasai. fieds are payable strictly in advance. ■ .Remember Classifieda In the West Van Newa get Immediate results. FOR SALE--Piano, good condition. Apijly 20;i0 Esquimalt._____■ >■' LOST--Yellow canary, dark green head. Friday. Phone W est 2081.,. FOli KENT--Furnished cottage, fully modern, electric range, piano, gar­ age; good view, close to bu.s. West ,306-X. - - ami honour and power; for thoii '̂ower.giri. Mis.s Wimlretl Dor- ha.st, created all things, and for bride and created" (Revelation 4 : 1 T). gowns honey-coloured taffeta with quilted epaulets over the FOR SALE-Model "T" light delivery in good condition. 1503 Marine Drlve^,' WINDOW shades and awnings made -to measurements 6r repaired. Esti, mates free. Picture framing. E. S Pearce, 1890 Marine. Phone West 529. FOR. BALE--Garbage burner, good condition, cheap. Phone W. G54X. Among the citations which .;o.n„ri.c. the I.sso„-Ser„ran> 11|.' following from the Bible: Thou .s<uKle.st forth thy spirit, length,I................... . . . 1 ̂ ' slightly flared skirts also had< h<?y arc created: and thoii re- newc.st the face of the earth" (Psalni.s 104:30). 7'he ix\s.son-Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from tiie Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with quilted bands above the hem­ line below which were revealed leaf green crepe sandals. Hats of taffeta, matching the gowns, were shallovv crowned and broad- brimmed, Miss Procterjwearing hers off the face and Miss Dor- !WANTED to sell or to exchange, a seven-roomed modbrn house in West Vancouver, clear title, about 160 yards from waterfront, fqr a small house or bungalow (any good dis­ trict) and cash payment. Apply Box No. 11, West Van News. 1928 BUICK SMALL SIX SEDAN- __A real bargain a t $200. West 23IL. WANTED--Housekeeper for first two weeks July. Phone West 149X1 after 6. LOST--Gentleman's glasses in black case. W. 247L. 1488 Ing. FOR SALE^--Oil' burner for range bargain. 2129 Bellevue evenings I till 8:30. . • FOR . 68. SALE--Piano, $60. Phone I . v»,o, Key to ihti Scriptures" b'v Mnrv h'Crs oii the fs.ee snd Miss Dor- re- Baker Eildy:. "L d creates^and dowi^?i f i i e governs the universe, inrlmlinfr oown, in front _and-rolled softlyfreahmonts were seiyed by the g<>verns the unrv6r̂ ^̂ indmlinlJ down, in front and-rolled softly hostess assisted by Miss Bruce, man. The universe is filled with Both carried P h d i n ' H O b e d e n t ' to the UuHpsgaiden. jvfind that makes them." FOR RENT--Partly furnished mod­ ern house, overlooking ^Ambleside Park. Redecorated throughout, gar­ age. Phone W. 306X. FOR REWT--$18 per month. Unfur­ nished suite on waterfront. New, 4 rMms and bathroom,- large balcony glass enclosed; built-in cupboards S / l 7 M ^ e . ™ '" -e^"™=e. Ap. DISABLED VETERANS'ASSN. (1921) ̂ West Vancouver Branch COMMITTEE ROOM ; PERRY BUILDING 1 a t 8 p.m . A FULL a tten d a n c e IS REQUESTED I'Qse-buds and fern. The flower-girl, little Isabel Russell, was charming in a Kate .Greenway frock of the palest pink-net over a pink taffeta slip. Her quaint bonnet of the same- shade-was trimmed all around with a tiny edging of pleated ^t-m itF -tted--w iH rpnrlfT *i& ^ DUNd Ar AVE Library and Gift Shop, . 2476 Marine Drive. Subscription, 50c month. New books, magazines, stationery, gifts. ®1YE TYEBB*S®a trial- for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. FOR S'ALE^Cook stove, Lawnmower.. Phone W. 5l[6L. "" Hayward & Frebble -- Have your set over- W t 539 summer prices. Phone \^ANTED--Small car suitable ' light delivery. Phone W. 516L. for STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES -- . r or sale'^or rent. West 220-L. HOURS CORRECT TIMt W1 LH piim riooons. , '-------- On her arm she carried a basket UAWNMOWERS ground, called for of rose petals which were daint- E l it s : 'M iv le ily strewn before the bridal cor- 516L.. ^ ' . tege as they left the church. - ■ ■ ---------- ------ -----^ Dr. Russel Palmer, brother of Headquarters for All Popular lth^groom,-.ac,tecLas-best-mani------ .C.AJv.^AEeHBR--LTDr4?.. ---- 7:-- -- "STnilooihsi furnace, fire-place.'full plumbing, new range, close to ferry, good buyy $1660. and acting as ushers were Frank Dorchester, brother of the bride, and Mr. M. McDonald. ^ s o F i l in g (Sadgits for local wat­ ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. bock d r il l in g -- Walls baill, rockeries made and planted. Day __9I-g<>-ntract.^Bhone-West-29.L_____ TV w in g the ceremony Mrs. h. E. Dorchester and Miss Pal- o n e cent for electricity wJII oper­ ate yourel-ectric clock for 256 hours. mer received with Mr. and Mrs. 1 aimer at a reception at the the bride at Altamont. Mrs. Dorchester' chose as her pwn white crepe with a slight ti'fun and a jacket faced with cherry red. Her broad brimmed hat Wiis of white straw and'her accessories were en suite. Miss 1 aimer, aunt of the groom, wore a gown of figured crepe with shades of grey, blue and rose predominating,. Her bat was of blue-grey straw and her accesi ' sones matchinjg. For travelJihg, Mrs. "Palmer wore a smart white woollen suit with accessories to match, and carried a top-coat e f tile colour­ ed tweed. Following a trip to the in- teriw of British Columbia and ' the Northern States, Mr. and P^)hier will reside on Rad- fe Avenue for Uie^'iimmer. WATERFRONT^ Bellevue Avenue -- 6 room bungalow, every modern convenience, lovely garden, -partly furnished, garage, no children, from September 1st. West 297L. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- and* workmanship a t Fox's, . . 14th a t Ferry. GALLANT, Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van­ couver. Seymour 8790. HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP -- Try our lunches, - afternoon teas and dinners. Home-made bread, cakes and pies. W est 610: "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE. 2446 Mar­ ine--Tiger, Purple Heather, Leon- , ora, ,Crochet Wool, Expert instruc- Busst batham ). Prop. ,M. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanent. " Try our fatigue facial for tired house\vife or business womM, , West 304. 17th and Marine over. Royal Bank. COLIN TURNEiR, Builder and Con­ ta c to r -- Alterations and repairs. Phone W est 679R. DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave ANTED -- One furnished and. one ■ House'Dresses ? - "™^®Ked 4-room cottage v near and Children s Wear. City prices. ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 143..- h a n d y ANN SHOPPE. Dundanvp W®5?ARE ASSOCIATION re- --Notion's. discarded' clothimr.: Phone--Notions, Npveltira, Stationerj,; HatAwnrl."'" ' w, . d isc a rd e d clothing. Phone West-37 and truck will collect. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and John, Lawson, f a n and Marine. Phone West 55. and Contractor Expert advice. Plans drawn. First Jg^Ri ""'est LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - ^ep a i/s , all makes. West Vancou- ver Machine S.hop, .1449 Marine. U I-O W S WOOL & "KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring wools: Free knitting i and 'Kathleen Clem^ ent, PronriBtnrg. VERNON FEED STORE Av C. SBARLB Pbone West • Fertilizers of AB Einds ^ ^ o d r C o B ir ELECTRIC s e r v i c e -- ALWAYS A BARGAIN Builders* .Supplies -- ____________ . Piiblic -- Real GIORDOX pnncrtxT ^ - a o d t ^ s u r a n c e . Phone West M to r vL^ib£fea>oim,_1266.itor,. 1447 Marine, m o V S s r & n ;----- Hastings S t, Seymour 4199. Paper-Hang- :!^C?^1fe^3YilIiamson, West 41SR. J* T. WATT VANCOUVER REALTYwlc-r insurance a n y t i m e GENT FOR CUNARD sfEAMSHiPS All details arranged via Panama. Airways.- Bus or Rail BOOK YOUR PASSAGE LOCAÎ LyP 4,'tr .(Cf̂ryx'w: