West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1935, p. 5

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Wili iW mm maummm MlifM 5THE WEST VAN NEWS I* 'Y O M R WINDOWS DOORS SHiNGUES LATH VENEERS ('ROOFING bu ild in g p a p er Biyi i mCp Cffs Service IBRICK, CEMENT TILE UME SAND ' ^ ' M m m d - ^ l f e w r < * e r c y M i s r l ^ r have moved from 21st and Mar- Drive, has returned from yic- ine Drive into a house at 1521 torla, where she has been attend* Fulton Avenue, PUNS AND SPEOnCATlONS ' Drawn up and asti ĵ .mates given Free. ' . ; H ' ■. ' _ Constable and^ Mrs. A, W. Kruger and family, 1467 20th Street, have> moved to Horseshoe Bay for the summer. Miks Dora Traylor of the local ing the B aptist.invention as a delegate of the \Women*» Mis­ sion Circle, She reports a gow convention with a splendid spirit prevailing.^ * * * Mr. and Mrs. Vellenoweth and family, 25th and Marine DHve, Astbury.'s Builders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drive Night Phone West 627R ̂ Phone West 199 • L̂**'*' i *■*»; e > ACaXllllj i dMWwlI .41X111 . IvAiaa AXt̂staff of the B. C. Telephone left yesterday bn the R.M.S. Aor- Company, is on her annual vaca- angi. to return to New Zealand, tion. u. * * where they will*reside in,future. . . \ Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitman and Mathers Ave., who recently un- family 'of Prince GcorRe. B.C.. derwent an operation at . St. •• ■ - ----->- R. C. JAMIESON U' CO*S. ANTIMO WHITE A gents-G R EEN W O O D GROCERY, 15th an d M arine Non-poiflohous. For exterior and interior use. Superior to any white lead, (oity Priocs derwent an operation at bt. f^e guesta of Mrs. Pitman's Paul's Hospital, has sufficieMy parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Law- son, 2227 Bellevue Avenue. jj-r -- -- - -^ -- 1, --------- -------- --- -- recovered to return to her hotne, where she is making good pro­ gress towards recovery. Miss Marguerite Wilcox of Wadsley, is playing Jeux D'Eau SURPRISE PARTY TEA Clip READING FREE - Starting Nonday o By MADAME LULU LUCK, late pf Spencer's, Vancouver, a t * FORTUNE GUP INN ̂ D undarave P ier y * ' Afternoon tea; 50c, from 2 to 5 Matlame Lulu Luck is a noted clairvoyant and reads through psychic .•-1. ■ power, only. Returning from the early per- by Ravel and the Prelude in D formance a t Holly bum Theatre Minor, Op. 28, No. 24, by Chopin last .Saturday evening Mr. and in the Eleven Pianists' Recital Mrs. J. T. Watt found about Vby the pupils of Kenneth Ross in gi^ty friends, who had invaded the Hotel Vancouver Oak Room on Fridayr JTune 21st.■ ' * * ♦ Mrs. J. L. Pettigrew and daughter have returned to theii* , and taken possession of their home on Esquimalt Avenue, to surprise them on the eve of their 25th .wedding anniversary. The bride was rushed upstairs and-- oriue was rusnou upowmo «»*« home at 28th and Queen s Ave. quickly attired in a complete after a visit of two months to *" *^•<1 co.. ---- Abbotsford. ♦ ♦ ♦ A. J. Frost of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clachan. 'T ^rcK -^D EE iV E inr:-- Dollar Lumber & Fuel Co^ Inside Fir, per cord..,...:....: $5.50 Slabs and Edgings, 2 cords 7.50 Sawdust, per u n i t ............. 3.75 291 Esplanade W est North Vancouver Day or Night: Phone North 1359- ENGAGEMENT Mrs. E. B. Busst wishes to an­ nounce the engagement of her daughter, Maisie, to Mr. Harry IshefwWd, 'bf; Vancouver7 The wedding will take place on Sat- A collision occurred Saturday afternoon on Marine Drive in front of the Hollyburn Block be- tween a municipal buss and a car dfiVeii, by' FrahlT'CandlishT Mrs, Jack Anderson's car, which white bridal oijytfit She was then escorted through the aisle of assembled guests.to the front of the large living room fireplace banked with, mock orange blos­ soms, where Padre J, R. Mitchell , read _,the. marriage, ceremony frohi' the latest edition of the World Atlas, concluding with theWtJUUmg Will uaivt? vii well/- iviio, tjtuiiv xwiiipio'-fii is '-ai, winv.ii yVOriO AtiaS, COnClUQing WiLII bll« urday, July 5. 1935. The ooupl^ was. standing empty by the side Angler's Prayer and Benedic- will .reside in Vancouver. f of the roadway, also being side- tion. After hearty congratula- swiped. Both cars were damaged, but fortunately nobody was in- jured. .v"'" 7,■■■■■■"" ' ; »■ j" tions by thb guests the com|>any settled down to a good time^ Councillor Elgar on behalf ' of . the friends assembled present- Miss Bessie Mountain'of Rou- in^the Bride and Groom with a , silvor ontree dish. SOFTBALL Grout's Flashes and Tritons played two games last week at Ambleside Park., On Wednesday, *-- ------ -------- June 12th, "Grout's Flashes de- leau, Saskatchewan, is the guest beautiful ' nfV»i4->̂v> A r\T\ T3V*4_ mvrrk/iilrci TV̂1» Qvirl TV/Tl̂a ti *■ , . TTT_,.Mrs. W att also received numer­ ous bouquets and there were flowers everywhere throughout K. W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real \ Finance and Insurance feated Tritons 6-4 and on FVi- fqr two weeks Pf Mr. and Mrs. day .night Tritoiis "were the,lwin- Fred Eatock, 610-11th Street. ners 5-4. Both were hard fought \ nowers every wntjrt; liuuukiihul gapes. P. Masterman and W. - In honor of Miss Ethel Ro- the room. Everything had been Zielski did-'the pitching for the berts' 21st birthday, Miss Gwen thought of, including a galaxy Flashes and King land Sullivan Clay entertained last Friday at musical talent, both vocal an^ p itc h e d for Tritons. Last Mon- a delightful party in th e Cla- instrumental. ^Gifts. and mes- day at Mahon Park, Tritons and chan. The evening was spent sages from out of town - friends Keats played to a 6-6 tie in ten dancing while the music was were received^ and happiness innings. King did mound duty for supplied by Bert Koole and Reg. mingled with thankfulness was Tritons. • ..C lay. Mrs. Reg.̂ Clay assisted, the keynote of the gathering. Games Next Week ' v the hostess in seiwing the re- Mr. and. Mrs. Watt rendered i r a d a y f " J f l h e " = 2 4 t h - r = ^ H d ^ ^ r e s h h i e n t 'S = = = o n - = ^ ^ T e r s n a ^ " ^ e ^ ^ vs, Dollarton at Mahon. ' where t^e table "was' decorated Wednesday, June 26th: T r i- with roses "and carnations. The. . -.f T Â VtJLÂ VJ y w -- ---- "T-- tons vs. Engineers at Ambleside. guests were- Mrs. Reg. Clay, the ; ..^ :-- Misses Frances Grant, Ollie . Mrs.tCharles Burbridge, who. has been very-ill a t her home, 2309 Marine Drive, is recovering slowly. the tribute accorded them. The bridal party was as follows': bride; Mrs. J. T. Watt; groom, Mr. J. T. W att; bride's father, Mr. John Lawson; bride's moth­ er,- Mrs. "Elgar; Sen'r ;^groom's. Kerr, Bubbles 3h^ith, Hattie Young, Doreen Clay, Pat Me- _______ Kenzie, Mary Yates, Mildred father, Mr7 John S, Yates;? Lettner, Jean_̂ Lettner, Jean groom's mjother, Mrs. John S. / Thompson; ParDavidsem, (Edith Yates ; best man,'̂ Mr. A. Chilton; ■ine winning wcact in the White, Bert Noble, Margaret bridesmaids, Mrs. Howard Leg- rlriiwintr recently nut on bv the Seabloom, Jean Hutchison, Dru- gatt, 'Mrs. R. Howieson; flower Rainbow Club wL No. 32A; held cillah Dawson, Jessie Stratton, girls, Miss G. Lawson, Mrs. J . ' J L Eobinsol 2396 M€ssrs..Charlie Chapman, Righ- Wilson; padre, Mr. J. R. Mitch- Marine Drive The children ton Parker, Doug. Mills, Ronnie ell; choir leader, Mrs. J. C. L. worked very hard to make the Howard, Jimmy Jackson, D ^g . Hunt; organist, Miss M. Frame; Ik 3k ticket the drawing a success. L. o. B. A. D A N C E IN THE ORANGE HALL SATURDAY, Jiuie 22n d , at 9 p.m. A d m i s s i o n Johnston, Ken McKenzie, Bob in charge of flowers, Councillor White,-Eric Parker, Reg. Clay, G. D. E lg a r;,costumes, Mr. A. Bill Russell, Ross Forrester, Tuddenham; master of ceremon- Buster Woodward, Frank Per- ies. Mr,-D, McMillan, Mr. J. Low- due, Jeff Cornish, Bernard Nash, don; pages, Desmond Elgar, Bert Bowman, BilLSinclair, Roy Douglas W att; supper arrange- McDonnell, Bert Koole, Bill ,.Wil- • ments, Mrs. G. D. Elgar, Mrs. lard and Alan Walmsley. 1 5 C . The puils of MRS. KNIGHT-HODGE and^MISS MARGARET McINTTYRE will give a COMBINED RECITAL Ls^o H.U F R I D A T , J u n e 2 8 t l i , a t 8 p.m '. ' Assisting ATtist--MAR.GERY R. CLARK, Gold Medalist in Elocution at the B.C. Musieai Festival, 1935.; . , ' ̂ * . ' ADMISSION 25 cents WATER POLO A water polo league is being formed by the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. Aiiy interested are asked to be a t Dundarave Pier a t 2:30 p.m. Saturday or on Sunday the s ^ e hour. Dr. E. Therrien ̂ M.D. P H Y S I C I A N A N D S U R G E O N Has taken over the practice of Dr. Ĝ. E. Bayfield ------- OFFICE 2004 INGLEWOOD --------------- - Phone'W. 343 Hours 2 p.m7T:6 5"p?m7ahd by Appointment DECORATION DAY SERVICE All members of the Dibbled Veterans Association 4re re­ quested to attend the Decora­ tion Day service to be. held at Capilano View Cemetery at 3 p.m, Sunday, June^ 23rd. Mem­ bers are requested to meet a t 14th Street and Marine Drive a t 2 : ^ p.m., where transporta­ tion willjbe, provided. LEGION W. A. The last meeting of the sea- isdn" wiir be "held ,at "2 p.m; "ne^" Monday in the l e g i o n A good attendance ia h e ^ d for, as arrangements will be made for -the picnic and garden party. McMillan, Mrs. W. Blair, Mrs. A. Menzies. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs, A. Prentice, Councillor and Mrs. G. D. Elgar, Mrs. G. D. Elgar, Sen'r, Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Menzies,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs,", J. R. Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs, W. Blair, M. and Mrs. A. Chilton, Mr. and Mrs., R. Grieyo,, Mr, and Mrs. J. ■ Lowdon, JH rs;7% ' M. Fraser, Mr. and :̂ Mrs. Pitman, Miss G. Lawson, Mr/and Mrs. J. Lawson, Mr. and-!5:Mrs. J. S,* Yates, Mr. and Mrs. T Russell, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGowan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mitchell (Greenock, Scotland), Mr. and Mrs; R. Howieson, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Brown,- Mr. and Mrs. R. Mac- Vean, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tudden-^. ham, "Mrs. D. StainSby, Mr.s, J. Hart, Miss M. Frame, Duncan , Pitman, Gertie Pitman, -Nancy _ Pitman, Miss Djdreen Algar, Mr. Jack Watt, Mr. George Watt. Leave-Ymic - - *flb UEUEUECf Hi# for G uaranteed Prompt Results by C R Y S T A L FIN ISH . Gemmiirs Driii; Store Thv Stor* of Sorvleo. 1686 Marine Drive West 87 or Went 607 Ki^crgency Phone West 831ncy (Aftor 10 p.tn.) II Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cukes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Btuibury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address : 1468 Murine Drive Phone West 27 I t , •> % 1 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE .luno 20th, 21st and 22nd WHEELER & WOOLSBY iKentucky-Kernels' also nUSTER KEATON "Palooka from Paduka" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY .June 22nd and 24th " Behold My Wife" also "GYPSY SWEErrHEAllT" "MY GREEN FEDORA" "OVER THE COUNTER" TU,ESDAY & WEDNESDAY .June 26th and 20th* sWisAR Jw t : : ' , '7 :1 .'.'ll ' i ' ' ( Is 1» » •• I '.'"Ufe;'13 * ■ 'll '4- I I" 'ft 'ifttM '; "r ) J- I- y m iy .... ANNA STEN -im U Y ^-A G A lN lL J I'J ? 1 ■ 1 ■ ... also- ' , I.I I '̂1" The Great Defender" ■ I' __SALES - SERVICE RADIOS ̂RANGES ' " "'jt■'? ,yI E d r s t 's ^ * b r \ North 6S6 West 37 ' r 5 i ' - 66 rjionsdalc Ave. North Vancouver , ■ ' V " f. '1.4"yy if,.., TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive- Concrete Contractors Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cement■■ ■. #e.' All Building Material^ ' • Phone West 84 for quick delivery. ' ' f 1 ♦i ' i# I . 7; 5 ; (i I - ' k f BEW ARE OF GUESSWORK IN RADIO REPAIRS Repairing 'your radio takes pro­ fessional skill. Your sot is ' a delicate complex instrument. Efficient radio service men , must have modern .equipment, complete data. We have scien-̂ . -tific instruments and data on a l l , ; makes of radio. We work out 'y o u r radio- repair iproblems quld)cly and efficiently and charge only fair prices. Call us for expert professional radio- service. BROWN &jinJNT0N 1542;iMarme W. 366 Members Associated Radio Technicions of B.C. i S m ' 4 ' . - 1 1 4**1.