West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1935, p. 4

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m m m . ■"f J/|U |l} f® W ' 1,1 M- Kn'**'K I.;' ,t< ' i >i 1' V <f ' <1)'*]; If'.; '.'<v' , 1',1 Ji •>',( *'#as»».*>■.■> ■iariS.'"t 'i'f"W<8*§ tiWiw«.?'•■"" > i! ,,i(̂ '.' '̂<"̂ .'i!'î i;%ii&̂ ̂ . ' 'I,.' ) ' V'- i W ' H "V ̂' I « , ' i l ' ' 'i t* % \i ' fAi , ■'(# î<1 H , ( ' W z j I ,.. Ms ill!'- P -s.f I i : ' l l ' :■!> i ̂̂ M H ■ :• t5 i - " ^"■̂i i %tV *' ' '\Ji 'tS'i 'tho^orioM thjii iho uni\i'ori!« f« itniitiirlal' ' f̂., > ,01V. thu t ,lt ini, mimlfii .Maity of tlieise authbriileti might; bo; ouuUmI; ono 1 think will be HUfrldent; tSii* Jurnt'.'ft JenriH writoM in hie latent - ,- '̂V'H^^round lOjf.;,aeiiencc»rj4^^ ylhuHi "Our lust improedon of nature; * "before we begun to take our huitmm - - s|)ecliieles off, w asW ocean o f mecjh-/" unism HurroumUrig us on nil HidoMf, A» '; we griiduully (llseard our, HpccUAleM. \ we see rnedinnlful concentH coiltlnu* Ully giving phiee to njcntai* I f f ro m Ibe rirtlurc o f , thln'gs ' we can 'never ' dlHcanl them ('nUrjsly, we may yet cmijeeture that the eifeet of cjoing'so ' would bo 'the total (jUimppoarance "of * niiittei* and mechanlHipv mind reignihg • suohUr^e and alone." I t will, bo ob-' I ,,nerved that these, eoncIuHlona of.tho ' natural Helenlltits mean nothing to >' <,;hrijHlian Heieptlsts, hex'auKO the nftt- iiral, HehfMtlsUhas not) yet pOrcoivcd that Mind is One--God, Thd n a tu rh l. snenlluLjs (inly beginning to', perceive , ' dimly, iroimr of the' prinlary tru ths whlwh Mis. Kddy has pdn'eived'In thoi-r ' enllrj.'t'v, . >,, . , In ftonneciion, wjth the conduBion» , -T or'iSIs d(unes-,J/tunH, it Jsdntorek'Unii'.. Ip mile that' in KUhi'a Jlohemian. Iiiameil K(inn*mdty, in h work calldl , 'Ih e Laiiynnth of (ho World*and the ) J/aradlHc* <if the lloart" tells of a njl- I grim visiting the City of Vanity who cuine m rosH a guide called Faladiood; this Kiiidt^litted .the pilgrim with , fulsifyuig glasses fashioned out of the glass of IMuslon with rima of horn, nanud cnstorn. lint .when, latbr, he was Uted with glassoH furnished by the (liyiiHi .Spirit, ho saw 'things as theu ,really were, not as the giaBBes . <if illnsion had made him, sdtjrn to aoe. , U t will,bo observed that while those wrttei'H, eonturioH atmrt, are In agree­ ment US to the falsity of the testi­ mony of tho senses, they do not pro--. . . i . - .................. " G u a V i( jS n ih g '̂ w&U^^^^^ ..... 'vcre falsely testifyirig. , i -, shitted to. Mrs. Lddy herself. It spoken,--the discovery by Mary Baker u I ,was declared that she was not tho, w 11.. i? *1. • " « • • • 1 / 1 1 M™. K.I.I.V dml» « lth thl» Bubjoct, ]','»> many'folio BtBtemonts «B *w orkr"o f^ .V o S °in"'otber mo '.;o ih , ""'I . f" r b' l , fh..'vo n t o i l f o ^ a C h r i S Soli.'em. Sho not oSlym uinoi shows uit tia-' way of escape vain nope 01 alscredit discovered this trreat snii!itual truth ' (Sdenee' and Ueallh, p, 2(M); "As - Christian Science.. Many but gave it t o ^ t h f wEdd and X mortals gain -more con-oct views- of i n m l speculations were S b f S h o d t h ^ a S r.f f?l RcU ' vam'cd-eoneermng-unlmportnnlrhistori-- n;r;,A rf.-.. . „• ^ of the j - word > r t . " the ."employmenlAi--o£- anti her diKcovery, Airplane view of th^fj^ristian Scientoe Buildings in Boston, taken by the .Staff Pho­ tographer of The Chriatian Science Monitor f God-nnd~mnn7"imiItltaulifiouF ohjcTcIb '1'*'1*l-coneern 1 ng-unIrnpoi of creation, wlihdi before were invls- f having the , jble,-wiJl .become-visible.-i-.-.t;-When^vve ~-tiver^lluil_oJl.discrediting 1 V, BO. . i I .; ... ' . . . I ' 4 ' 1 B > ... -M " ' r t * « i I ' ' I t >'t «*. B 1 1 i« >1 .'O ■ « #L ««W a ' . ~ ■:Sr --'5'? I,. f ll.l ' • r-3% W il i f t ' . f Z i % ' fir-®' I m i l ' : learn tho way in Christian Science and rec'dgnlze man's spiritual beings we shiUI, liehold and understand God's creation,..-all the gJories of earth ami . heaven and npin." Rotunilng to our starting-point that all is innnite Mind I'md its expression, _ l t , i s instantly, self-evident that every­ thing is mentnl ln its nature, and ibis inclu'des that whicih wo term our* . everyday expeiieiieo. Since everything IB the .manifestation of thinking, we must learn to think aright, im other Words, to emUmvor to know tho uni-, verse ns God knows It, Paul sums up the miportunen of right thinking when he dfdare,s that "(0 be .spiritually iiniiided i.< life and peace," but "to be carnally ininded \s death." As we begin to think in terms of divine-, rnneiple we are imlorLaining (iivine _ 4(leas.__jn. wliieli no huniiiii discord- ex ists. As the.se ideas tVnd perniuiieiit - • lodgment^ in our consciou.sness. they provide or create Uioir own environ- ==a«tni-t=ift=otir-ii(txiniTneneeT-and-l1re^niTtn 'spiritual^ "means" Mrs, lOddy, however, with ciilm courage, based upon a spiritual under­ standing of God, ])ressed bravely on, and, like Paul, might have declared,. "But none of these things move mo, neither count l^my'lifo dear unto my-. utilize and prove. which all may Ocassionally one hears the remark, Christian Science is dilficult to under­ stand: the speaker will state that he has tried many times to understaml it, but for some reason he does not ■ot it. This attitude o f mind is usual- 8alf,_«<, that 1 n , l i h r M 8h ;n rr;o iram reault'bf a m isSnM pfioi a* tho- with .jtiy, and the ministry, tvhidh _ -have r(!iceived of the Lord Jesus, to -testify the gospel of the grace of God." Now wo can affirm \vith grati­ tude that Mrs. Eddy's accomplishment is llrmly established from every point --legal, scientific, and literary; Tho leavening power of Christian Science i.s shown by the changed a t­ titude of the world's leading thinkers. AVhon Mr.s, Eddy announced to a world. existence her epoch-making state ' mont""All is infinito Mind and its in- Unite manifestation" (Science and Health, p, *168), it was declared by tho nature .xiif ̂th is , Stdence. A few min­ utes ago I quoted from Mrs. Eddy as 'follows: "'We-.x'each the Science of Christianity through the demonstra- , tion of the divine nature." That is not difficulty to understand,,, is it? Christian_ Science is not made dp of metaphysical subleties, but is the simple; practical tru th tahght. by Christ Jesus, utilized in daily life. I t IS nbt difficult to understand that hate, and revenge react .on the body, that the ex- submerged in the belief of material ' since anger, hate, and revenge react existence her epoch-making state- dnfavorably.on the body, that the ex- ®tci*S6T-of 'the:;OPposite divine rqualities^ would restore harmony. Any - sincere ■person may demonstrate this; thus dlRcor<I,s are expeUed. Thus our life ■ 1 l activilicH more and more approxinintu " piete change. the f u m m i u l l ' 'condition is ' Por instance, in tho year 1009, -a ie "iti r iM-nptunjl prom- .subscriber to n New York stoVehm.se lint ,, ftsking-tll . «AV.cAIVll| H* : •UO;/ IV :W«i5 ' UvCIUrvCl Uy • XIIO '• ' 7 * ; V*'-***"*«oCl U V .i'na.teria1ists--that-i--it----<m«k4̂ .̂ wft4:---4M>:̂-- tu'oved. This attitude has" undergone -Hiat "all things work together for 1. rAmnllsl-A AtinnoBf* * gOOd tO them thflt tiVuo newspaper the question,. iiir I f : ' iki m - S S 'l : i l good to them that lOve Cjid/' .Mrs. Eddy conferred a great bless­ ing upon mankind when she taught and Proved tha t the qualities of the * dm ne Mind are never discordant.- Now the correlative' of this is, that* the (qualities of tho 'carnal mind can be discordant and .therefore produce' • mortal conditioiigr"XnL the divine Mind there is no sin, decrepitude, disease,^ nor death; no accidentsi no lack, loss, or limitation; no g r i ^ . or sorrow. . Here we have â profound statement ease; and yet it is so simple that a child can' readily under­ stand. fs it not self-evident th a t since there can be no discord'in tho divine; mental qualities, in the proportion that we express this Mind we shall pro- ' gressively be protected from mortal ' troubles? Each experience will eon- vince us that when we shall express n ^'^8hties of the-divine Mind ' all the time, then wO shall be well all ^ e tim e., * , Whom do you consider the ten great­ est living Americans ? The anS^ver ciuno in substance: "If 1 were to com- ' pile such a list it would be headed-by Mary Baker Eddy; for what she has ' accomplished is nothing short of tho miraculous.. She threw down the gage U> tho three leading . sciences most inveterate -in human dogma. Her teachings-declare to the materialist. There is no m atter. They declare to imxdicol science, Since sin, fear or igh()ranco ^ the cause of disease, it is evideiit that only the oxer-' ci.so of the qualities of tho divine Mind can • be the remedy. They <loclare to the theologian,. , Your (Muicopt of salvation, based upon the letter o f . the Bible, dishonors every rmisonablo concept of Deity." That- you-wilt note, was in tho year 1909. Today ybiv are all* fam iliar with the - tf ̂ ' ' nation-wide poll, conducted bv The prove the tru th of Ladles* Home Journal for tho l^ation- - nothing can hinder; ^ al Council of Women, to ascertain the n i from enter- • * ■ ■ }P« path which leads to eternal iiln'i <lcsirous of gaining a prac i f t t ' I ' I f . : f t ' ■ storehouse, that there may be meat in . mine luiuse, and prove mo now here­ with, auith the Lord of hosts, if 1 will luit open you the,.windows of heaven, and pop ivy ou out a bresaing, that there shall not bo room enough to receive The Huece.ss of Christian Science _ pruetice m .dealing with human ills, irequontly when material Systems ami remmlies are powerless to helh, i.s due i.to«the fact that ChHstiaiT. Science deals primarily with the mental eausc instead of effects. Material mctliods are unscitMiUflc. because they deal wholly witlKetfects ami are not capa­ ble of dealing with mentai causation., I t does not matter how skillful one might bo m cutting off the loaves of .some noxious weed, if one failed to pull up the roots. To Ulu.strate; let us supjioso one was .suffering from h physical diao^tM' caused by anger. In such a case W would be of no avail to masango or medicate tho bodv, for It 18 manifest that only that which (ould remove the cause, .anger, could produce any permanent recovery. An eminent medical aullmritv quoted as a.ym g in regard la ou'e of the so-cn led mcuriiblo lliseifsos, that ho novor know' a case o f it to develop which was not pix'coiled by a strong emotional^ upheaval of some sort Hero again it is manifest that. il is the _ oipotiopal disorder that requiivs primary attention. . Occ.nsionully one hears the criticism v-of some medical authority that ('hris- tian Science is a menace, ' deprives people of medical o n tj of those who turn tq Christian i»iienee do jSo after e.vhaustihg mat- wml nwlijTiK. „,rf .ih-IIkkIsj 1,™"; , nqt a.tree known by its fruits? . ' MUS. EDDY When Urn Discovertm and Founder of Christian Science her wonderful Health with Key .............. in the year 1875; it Avaa imnuHiiatelv bombn^od by the malVrialists. It so a ^ to was,said to m -absuH , Blogtcal--the . Vo*' ■ *'" consciousness m constant work of the devil. L » S i ? w C all of • v / ' the divine* the a S S ! had W n ^ * ^ jjisproved and the b ^ k The "grea test discovery""prophesied finite^powe?^ and J." '̂ \vid^Hze in- had beconio a po^'cr m religious, by this W te ic id geiaos v a r f l m l y Science," ' Christian al Council of Women, to ascertain the names of the twelve women who had eunlribut^ most largely to American progrehs in the last century. You a re . also doubtless aware tha t Mary Baker Kddy heads this list, with thousands oi votes to spare. Leading thinkers in natural science arc rapidly changing their viewpoints ami are now favoring a metaphysical basis, in plaeo of a material basis, as a premise from which may bo deducted demonstrable ■ ^ow ledge of , Cdmstian Science will-necessarily re- "Science and ® permit the propositions enu- Such ' students w ill. Sunday services held in 11 iuenuso irom wmqn may no deducted '■"Y "'»J^*st\nn Science church of great the facte concerning tho universe. As' . f ' they set forth and elucidate an oxamnle of this, one of the fore- iJlm r *fteaning of the most e ioc lri^ l engineers of tho world ^he Wednesday; evening testi- dcclared: - *T think the greatest dis- power in th e development of man and history. Some da that material thin, jiiness and a re of little use in making men and women creative and power­ ful. Then the scientists oC-the world ----- 8 ®̂./^ o t i r c e ol hope, .tnapj ration. ; At these ' of every ^onceiv- HU turn their laboratoriW Over {o show yoiT*^bmethIng^AD^^ the study of God and prayer and the ' Christian Science is; .w h it it p r ^ f - WITH k i s f TO TI|E SCRI^URES; MARY BjlKER EDDY The original standard and only T ex tb^k oh Ghristian Science Mind-healing,, in :one volume, of 700 pages, may be read or pur­ chased a t ', . Clwistian ̂ Science, Reading RooiMf throughout the' World, V : , The addresses in British Colum­ bia where "Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures" -may be read, purchased, .dr-- ordered by "post, are: NORTH VANCOUVER; " ' Church, Victoria Parkl E.- Cypress Falls ^27 Birks Building. 14&0 W . Broadway. 1075 Burnaby St. r Corner 10th Ave. and Main St'. VICTORIA:. - . 512 Say ward Building. ̂ . CHILLIWACK; ' r . . ■<K)URTEN*AY; , - ' Agricultural H all.' , D U N C A N ^.' ' . ' ̂ King's Rj5ad and Ingram S t . . , KAMLOOPS: Orange Hall. . KELOWNA; ■ Bernard Ave. and Bertram St. KIMBERLEY: I.O.O.F. Hall. LANGLEY PRAJRIE: Fuller Hall; ^ NANAIMO: Chapel St. NELSON: 209 Baker St. NEW WESTMINSTER: 541 Clarkson St. PRINCE RUPERT; ' Besner-Building. TRAIL; W^EST VANCOUVER: , 714 20th Street. The other works of Mrs. Eddy may also^.be.read o t purchased Christian Science Reading Rooms or Churches, or ,a complete list with descriptions and prices will be sent upon application. b io g r a p h ie s OF MRS.. EDDY S l f " i>y i.yn>aS K . Point Atkinson Lighthouse i ^TIow's that?" *Wel|, if you stand'there and are ruh over by a motor car, d rh r^ "^̂® recover from the A West Van^uv^r Garden