4 k.,t i ̂\ i i ^ ;i 31" I! H I w ttr r YAK m t m m c h u b o i "" BAPTIST CiiUBCH R«v. flOIls WHfhL Minister ' Pastor: Bev* H.'P< Hnmphtojrs* i Snaday Sarvicef Hjif«idenc«: 134S Haywood Ave. 11:16 a.m., 7:16 pm. Phone Weat 262K. Sunday School and BIMs ClMi '^ Sunday Services -- 11 a m and 10 a.m. 7:15 p m Strangers A Visitors Wtlooms. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Chic SimpUcitO for Summer SmurtnoMH in contour lines, rather thun elAborate detail is stressed in our summer permnnentH. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Msiiiie Drive For eppointmente PliONB WEST 117 , UNITED CHURCH iUiV. Wright, Miniater- Servicea will be held us usual next Sunday at 11:15 a,m. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a,m. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, Priest in Charge. » Riisidence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Phone, West 240-R Tooth Pistes & Powders L̂ oii'h l/iHterine PepModeiit Itevelation Woodbury'H ipanu C'oliriite'H KolynoK, etc. ANBLESIDE PHARMACY W. L. KEll, Prop. NO I Marine Phone: i , Drive Went 323 FREE DELIVERY I'icturoH help tell the fltory, • Le.t UH hell) you tell it by nmkinir midiUoniii L'l'yatul . Fininh printa or enlarfre- inenta. Remember it with HimpH. Crystal Finish Agems For Service and Satisfaction: "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. nigh MasH & Sermon -- 10:45 a.m. KoHary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :3Q a.m. Week-day Services Ma.ss, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rov. F. A. Ramsey Rector; WE9T VANCOUVER Thnstnui Science CHURCH F.D1FIcK 2#tJi and Eaqniiaait, UoUyburn Tbla Society i« a Branch of Th« Mother Church Th# Plrat Church of Chrlat, Seianiiat, in Boaton, Maaaachusetta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m.- Sunday, Juno 23, 1035 Subject: "IS THE UNIVERSE, IN- CLUDING MAN, EVOLV ED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meetinif Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. . B u r r e d L a i j n d t y ^ t d . L A U m ftY SERVICEFORDEl^ENDAULE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative* P h o n e s--West 691L or North 1810 The pupils of Mrs. CLARA W IL S O N and MISS HILDA W ILSO N . A.T.C.M . win give a PIANO RECITAL at the Studi{{, 2367 Marine Drive on SATURDAY, Jnne Z2nd, at 3 p.th. West Vaneouver Kecrealional Centre (Summer Program) BAPTIST CHURCH Cor, 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. IT. P. Humphreys Sunday, June 23rd 10 a.m,--Sunday School <and adkilt Bible class. 1 1 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach. Subject: "A Flame of Fire." 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Subject: "Looking into Heaven." Song Service at (Commencement. Wednesday, 8 p.m., praper and praise service. Thursday 8 p.m., choir prac tice. Ambleside Sheet iVLetal L. SPECK. , Proprietor W O r k S D /i. G: D, U. S E A L E D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST -Hay-81ockr-14th-and-Marine-Dr7- Office lioura 9 to 6 p.m. Eveninga by appointment. Phono Weat 72 June 23rd, 1935. First Sunday alter Trinity. 8 u.,m.--Holy Communion. ,11:15 a.m.rrr:Mattins and Ser ̂ nion. • -- 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon, preacher, the Rev. N; J. Thompson, St .Albans, New We.stminster. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfield. Sunday, 9 ;45 a.m.-^Holy Com ̂ munion. DECORATION DAY .0 Decoration Day Service will be" held at"~the "Soldiers'̂ 'Plot, Capilano View Ometery, next Sunday, June 23rd, at 3 p.m. Rev. Canon D'Easum and Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating. For the convenience of those wish ing to attend. a.Jbus will be avail able leaving 18th and Mm'ine at 2:30"p.m. travelinig via^ Keith Road, In the Legion Hall ba.scment commencing Monday, Juno 24th, at 7:30 p.m., a serie.s of "Phy sical Culture" classes will be con ducted. by M. S. Hallmark, local instructor for the above organi zation, and will continue tliroughout the summer months, on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Body-bdild- ing, boxing, American and Ju jitsu wrestling will form part of a program which will expand ac cording to the response shown by those intending to avail themselves of this opportunity to keep fit. The systematic in struction provided will enable everyone. froi!l 16 years up, to take part in same. Many well known local athletes have signi fied their intention to resume their training "and"will7'be"'seen" working out at these classes. Further information may be se cured by phoning W. 217-R. , QUALITY GUARANTEED " W ILSON'S CLOVE, HOSIERY & UNCERIESHOP Orient Hosiery Chiffon Semi-Service, Heavy Service and Georgette Crepe, pair ................. 75c and $1.00 , Sizes 8% to 10% 575 Granville Street. T. 2801 Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, AutomoUle^ Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc.. 2557 King's Arj|,^Plione W. 42Y8 A rally for those attending the Junior Girls' Camp at Camp Artaban will be held to-morrow at" 8 p m in Holy Trinity Church, Vancouver. LEGION NOTES The next general meeting of the local branch will be held Fri day evening next in the Legion "MemoriaT Hall.~:Many"items~6 f" new business will be up for dis cussion, and a full attendance'is urged. Executive meeting Mon day, 24th. ' Mr. Beck and family of Van couver, have taken the Steele house at 1219 Duchess Avenue,, and are now occupying same. Dr. GKOIIGK S. MACDONAlJ) D.D.S., D.D.C., .Dental Surgeon iioura: U:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EvtmingH by '^apj)ointn\t'nt KoyaT BuTTlrBJdg., Telephone West Vancouver. West 440 EMtaiilifthed on North Shore 2rr YenrA . (Lady AHsistant) HAHRON BROS. LTD. jfuucial Qirrctnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 131, Vancouver PaiTor.s 55 Tenth Aveiiue .East Phone Fair. L'5i C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14th & Marine, Phone Weat 13.'> THB West Van News Publishi^ Every Thursday .1 iff-, '■ Publisher ^ F. F. LOVEGROVE ̂ Phone West 363 Business and Editorial O ffi^ 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollybum P. 0.) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box, €1, Hollybum* B.C.. North .Vancouver Office: you buy a low-priced car, see 'that y V you get a ll the modem featuxesr The TUliRET TOP, for examjde---who would want to be without this new overhead protection of solid steel? Yet only one car in the lowest Master Chevrolet! Take KNEE-ACTION. It's cheaper to lesive it off the car, but the Master Chevrolet retains it --for the ultimate in riding easel Lift the hood and see Chevrolet's ecoxxomical valve-in-hesd Blue Flame Engine. Take a look (for the' 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered, lutly equipped at factory, Oshawa. Government Registration Fee only extra. See the new Standard Series models priced as low as $712 at Che^olet's C^le-GpntroUed Brakes^. Cfom- paie Chevrolet s I ^ e r Body qir^ty, and Y o u s i v e T ^ y - Chevrolet. And your ow n eyes prove it! c-itsc *. 128 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 a year by carrier: IKOO a year Jbr mailv READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. M o t o r s Easy GMAC Terms --3rU S treec^ d tAusdale Avi:̂ . Nortlr^Vaiicoiiver