West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jun 1935, p. 1

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Circuiating in the District, o f West Vancouver^AmbUside, Hoilybum^Weston^ Dundarave $1.00 per ye«r. ' C y p t e S S P o r k i C a u t f t u d , W h y t e c i i f f , E t i c . * 6c per copy at new»»tand». A likwlaanjUB •ik Miiiiiii \̂ ol. X H O LLY BU RN P .O ., W EST VANCOUVER. B.C., T H U R SD A Y . JU N E 20th. 1035 No. 9 THE ROSB AND FLORAL FESTIVAL ROSE AND FLOWER SHOW TEACUP READING COMING EVENTS M- The West Vancouver Horticultural and Agricultural So- (Mpotv are holdi^ig their annual Rose and Floral Festival next Thursday, June 27th, in the Orange Hall. Usually it has been put on at an earlier date, but this year the directors of the society, after a careful check up, postponed it to the 27t)i instant owing to the late season and the consequent scarcity of blooms. Very few except thi^se who have had the actual cxperi- cnco can know the tremendous amount of painstaking work and effort involved in staging a floral festival. The draw­ ing up of the catalogue alone means days of thoughtful at- ' tention to the multifarious details which go to make up a successful show. Apart from this, there is the orderly ar­ rangement of the exhibits in readiness for the judges and the care of them while in charge of the society, not to men- tien the actual running of the festival. All of this is a labor of love on the part of the directors, and is done by themi not only as lovers of flowers but also to encourage ojir residents to maintain the high reputation enjoved by West Vancouver as a.place of beautiful.gardens. ' We, therefore, on behalf of the society ask that the public dve their hearty support to the. festival by sending exhibits and by attendance next Thursday at the Orange Hall. Nature ' remains as lovely as ever in spite of the depression, and a short time spent with the best blooms from» this most beiiutiful garden suburb of Greater Vancouver will help us to forget the hard times through which we are passing. THE PRESENT STRUqOtE^ At present an attempt is being meide through the medium of a strike to throttle the port of Vancouver, with the well being of which that of West Vancouver is inextricably inter­ woven. There is little doubt that a t the , back of this trouble stands the red menace of Moscow byL^pieans of a channel,ot . authority which was exposed in detail im the Vancouver press The fight is on, which is only a part of that greater struggle which is being waged for the souls of men throughout, the world. Communistic Russia, and atheism,--the terms m • The West Vancouver Horti­ cultural Association will hold their annual .Rose and Flower Show an the Orange Hall next Thursday. Judging will com­ mence at n a.m, sharp as there are many beautiful gardei)s and boulevards in our district.' The directors are looking forward to a large entry in the gardens and boulevard competition, and also in all rose and flower classes. In the decorative section a very attractive exhibit is look­ ed for, also in the dinner talrie and ladies spray and gentle­ men's button hole competi­ tions. This should prove very attractive for the ladies. There are also classes for the child­ ren in needlework and flowbrs. It is hoped th^ children will take advantage of these classes. A Leitch and G. Moore of Vancou­ ver will judge rdse and flower sections arid Mrŝ ̂A. Bowden of Vancouver in the needlework. The show will be open to the puWic a t 2:30 p în. and remain open t i i n o p.m.~ "Membership cards are 50 cents which admit members to this show and the fall show and also a chance on three good prizes to be drawn for a t the fall show. A ir exihfbdtol's are asked to m a k e^ special effort to have entries in the hands of the sec­ retary before' 10 p.m.-onjfWe^- nesday, June 26tb .The latter will be in attejidkice ..at . the Grange_Halkon ,that- date- to_re- Madame Lulu Luck, late of Spencer's, Vancouver, will read tod cups free, starting Monday, at the Fortune Cup Inn, where afternoon tea at 60 bents is served from 2 to 5 p.m. Madame Luck is a noted clairvoyant and reads by psychic power only. July 6th, Legion Garden Party on grounds of Mrs. G. Hampson's I'Dsidenoe, 814-20th Street. June 22, Gimien party a t 1488 Gordon AvonueJ sponsored by 1st B. (y. Sea Rangers. 13th July--13th annual I. O. SWIMMING AND DIVING D. E. garden party on grounds of Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Ley- Miss Molly Edwards has re­ sumed giving lessons in swim­ ming and diving at Ambleside and Dundarave. Any interested are asked to kindly phone her at West 436R1. land's residence. ...... L.O.H A, DANCE MARGERY R. CLARK WINS GOLD MEDAL a n d GRAND a g g r e g a t e m array against v./iiriBLiiuu.i/y - And the British Empire, as representing the ^ ea te s t .capital­ istic and non-atheistic power now existing, is receiving the brunt of the attack. The Red leaders, as autocratic, if not more so, than the Czars and their grand ^ukes, <^re no^^ for the souls of men, but they do care for that world dominion which must result from euch coptrol. , " Two aspects of the case stand out as peculiar. , , Firstly, Russia- has -emissaries amjongst u^ the protection of therpM^^gge freedom of, Communism-and the d^truction ttf ^ ments by force. Would Christian n of capitalism, even if sent by us to Russia, be allowed to p ^ - sent-their doetnne^torth^pjppl^rthep,? A s - ^ y ^ ceiye eritHes frMi ,7:30 p.rii.; till 10 :p.m. Catalogues or any in­ formation can be had by phon^ ing Mrs. H. B. Garland, secre­ tary. Admission to show, adults 25 cents, children lO cents. Margery R. CllarR won tho Gold Medal in the ladies' lyric elocution contest at the ,B. C. Musical Festival contest, her total m^rks being 184. She entered the Ladies' Dramatic and received 80. The aggregate being higher than any other cbnT testant won for her the Senior Elocution Champion Cup. Lilias 'Davie comipeted in the Ladies' Lyric. Her marks were 161. This was her first public appearance and nervousness hin­ dered her from doing her best work. She is a promising pupil. , These ladies are pupils of Rev. David A. AllanrThis is the sec­ ond festival in which Mr. Allan irhas-had pupils _Qn theJfirst oĉ -̂ casiori;:' ifl lt»33, 'William won the gold medal in the men's elocution contest. Hearty congratulations to all concernedii' Atiotlier of the popular dances put on by the Ruth Chapter, L. 0. B. A.„ will take place next Saturday night, June 22nd, in the Orange Hall. Dancing will .start at 9 p.m. and there will be good music as usual. These weekly dances have been very popular and have been largely attended. Admsision 15 cents. B. C. MUSICAL ^ F E S T I V ^ . R E S U L T Bupils of Miss Joan Durbint.. " . ■ . ' ' . -mi ' Girls under 12, low voice, Bet­ ty Barbour, 81 marks. Girls under 16, low voice, Syl­ via Morris, 80 marks. Girls under 20, low voice, Phyllis Biglow, 81 marks; Stella Bruce, 80 marks. Girls under 16, high, voice 2nd, Bonnibel Barbour, in a class of 53,-86 marks. JUBILEE TEA I. O. D. E. :Tvl?upns"^T V Irs. F . ICTHodgaori Girla open class--3rd, West Vancouver High ' School Glee Club. High School Glee Club Class-- 2nd, West Vancouver High School Glee Club. - ̂ A most enjoyable Jubilee tea -^-Was--sponsored-^by---MrSi^Jv^F-e Boyd last Friday a t her resi­ dence, 2560 Bellevue Avenue. Those present much enjoyed her The Duncan Lawson Chapter announce that Mrs. ,M. O. Ver- -■"Tal-nbfH^hjrthr-VancOuv^ AFTERNOON TEA they would be put in gaol, or shot m there are found thOse amongst us who will support this greater- freedom of Communism. . . in Secondly, the worship of spme god man's nature. From! the ignorant ^vage bowing d ^ b e t o ^ his idols to his civilized in cathedral or m ^ temple, man is-'a worshipping ̂ nimal. can never win. . It is, therefore, peculiar that arid clever, as the Russian lex ers could be so pi êjudice as to takq part in a fight vdiich is lort before it S started, or that any could be fouiid: to follow th^ip* «annot ' But, because (;fommunism is doomed to afford to sit d aw jL a n d _ d Q ^ h in g .J^ a re faced with a real and a long struggle; -kindly--hosnitality-.-~Reverend--FV a long Struggle. . j T+ acts im - Gomimunism is the cancer m the the samie insidious manner, sending out its body is actually dead from cormption of lawsUnfortunately, we are suffering from a P ethora ot laws and a lack of real religion and tion is only nominally Christian, .fwhile last, extravagance and those of our f in which there through the years into a web 9;̂ unemploy- is starvation in the midst of plenty who The remedy lies in a national has been done, there will be no more Communism, as it win continue so long as present oondifions exist. • A. Ramsey welcomdng the num­ erous company which" had as­ sembled t( ̂ honor the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the W. A. of the church. Offi­ cers of the Diocesan Board gave : two^minute talks on. the, various- activities. Members of the St. Stephen's branch ' and their friends were also present. The speakers were^esdames Stroy- an', Hoodspith,leather and Gould _and the Misses Wright and Dye. Finally Mrs. A. U. dePencier picked up any dropped threads and answered various objections to the methods of the executive. In the course of the afternoon Mrs: J. Hamilton Smith recited selected poems by John Mase­ field, the poet laureate, includ­ ing the "Sonnet", written for the silver jubilee. Teq was served a t 4:30. Stone of Caulfield, and C. H.* A and B group, W. A. Cana- Scott of the Vancouver School dian Legion, are to hold an aft-* of Art, have kindly consented to ernoon tea on Wednesday, 26th act-as-judges-in the-edntestrfor-- June--from-^:30_to 5:30 at the.» the West Vancouver Coat of hoijie of Mrs. Victor Blanch- Arms, arranged by the chapter. As the judges cannot meet until early in July, the time limit for the reception of designs has been extended to July 1st. flower, 2596 Ottawa Avenue. Free teacup reading. Children's horoscope supplied if requested. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Come and bring a friend. WILLIAM SAGAR PASSES ORIENT HOSIERY COMBINED RECITAL Wilson's Glove, Hosiery and Lingerie Shop, 575 Granville Street, announce in this issue some special Wfering^ in Orient Hosiei'y. For further particulars please refer to the advertisemei^ jn this issue. pupils of Mrs. knight- ' Hodge and Miss McIntyre DR. THERRIEN to PRACTICE HERE --̂Dr^-E._Therri€n, B.Sc.,3I.IL, -physician-and surgeOrirDas taken- over the practice of Dr. G. E; %5"field and his house and of­ fice will be at 2004 Inglewood Avenue. Phone West 343. Hours 2 to 5 p.m. and by appointment. - The pupils of Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge and Miss Margaret Mc­ Intyre are giving a combined re­ cital a t 8 p.m. Friday, June 28th, in the Legion Hall. An ou tstod- ing number will be p y d e n s T ^ Symphony, ao<J there will be _piano and violin solcg and ̂ ^®bn ~ en sem b ld -M arg e r3 * J3 M ^ ^ ^ ^ medallist in e l^u tten a t th is - Y e a r ' s Musical Festival, and win­ ner of the grand a g g re ^ te cup, ̂ will be the assistini? artist.^. Ad­ mission 25 cents. William Sagar, who has con­ ducted a jeweller's and watch­ maker's business here for a number of years, passed away last Monday at Tranquille in his 50th year. The deceased,' who had been in poor health for some tinie; is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter, his father and a brother in Edmon­ ton. He served overseas, and was one of the best known baridsmen and orchestra players in Van­ couver. Funeral services will be held a t 2 p.m. tomorrow in St. -S.tephen's_̂ C_hurchj,̂ iJ^v._F^ Ramsey officiating,, and inter­ ment will be made in Capilano View Cemetery. Harron Bros. Ltd.'have charge of the funeral arrangements. RECITAL BY PUPILS OF^MRS. AND MISS WILSON The. pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson and Miss Hilda Wilson, A.T.G.M., will give a piano' recital a t the studio, 2367 Marine Drive, on Saturday afternoon, June 22nd, a t 3 o'clock. An interesting item of the program will be a two piano number, Beethoven's Largo from Concerto in C minor, by' Mrs. Wilson , and'Miss Wilson. The following is the program: 7 Grieg--Two pianos .................. -.................... "Morning Mood" Margaret Dickinson Handel ................................................................... ..... "Minuet" Argent Ray ReinROld................. ............................ "March of Fingal's Men" -- ' Billy Hill Schumann .................................................. .......... "Sielian Air" Bach ............................................................-.......... "Sarabande" ̂ ̂ Margaret White - , Schumann ................................................ . "Knight " Rupert" , / Cliffte-d Hill; . Morrison....... .̂....................... -.......................... "Meditation" S trauss....... .̂.... .......................... "Blue Danube Waltz" No. 1 Betty Blair - Mozart .............................. .................... ......................... Rondo - Catherine Hirst ^ Schumann .........-.............»L.....,-'Little Morning Wanderer" Grieg ...........^ ......... -................*..................... "Patriotic Song' May Ray* H eller........................ ................... ;.................... "Curious Story" * Jungmiarin................................--.I................"Will o' the Wisp" Helene Babbs Moszkowski--Two pianos .........................."Spanish Dance" , ' - Hatty Empey Beethoven...................... Allegro from. Sonata opus 14 No. 1 --------------- -------------^Margaret~Dickinson--------- ^ ------ ------^ Paderewski.......................................................... "Minuet in G Hatty Empey Beethoven--Two pianos-.......Largo from Concerto in C minor HDda Wilson, A.T.C.M., Mrs. Wilson a t second piano - 'I ( 4 V vf:}; Hi "I'l " y'i-" > ' i i"; ̂ i ■ i m' h ■'■I F m m i ■ - J. 1 'u i ' 3 |i A,.'