West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1935, p. 4

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11 'H if **■ Phone West 469 Phone West 46 P̂*"IE ^ .m M. i»--im. S m t t h 8 G r o c e r y Prices Good Friday Sc Saturday, June I4th Sc 15th Hfd A WhUr TOMATO gOUl'--H at thut rirh TomaUi Savor,...Jf i lm l$g k y j t AKKOW TOAHTKU BOOA8 l.nriee Fairniiy Hize l*Mekage..,. t fe SVGAU II. 0. Oranulatod I« lb*. $ !k SAl ton roitK & HKANH LarRi* tin ,..2 tin* 2S« tM'AKKII ( OKN FhAKEH, 3 picta 2$c Stn<' the ('ou|>»nM. K<d A Whiti- TOMATOIiH. 2 tin* 23« l.arn<'. 2'i -- Vinv Hipemrd. »{i d A U l.i««. rOMA'lO JUICK I I ill** ............. ante Ited A wt,ii«. ASI'AKACUJS. Grcon CaiKidiMi I'ack 10 o*. tin lOc l*KAS niiw A Whin* „ I 2 tin* 25c i'lNEAl'i'I.K CEIlIiH, raaltlc*, Meats Phone West 370 S P E C I A L Fresh Nushrooms lb. 27c m UNS' IIAKKO HAM, iHfr lb..... 46c SWIIT'H LAUD, IKT lb............... . |5c I'KI'I'Elt'S l*OUK SAUSAGE, Ib. 20c Nineteen yearti from now* the burning qaeitloi) will be *̂VVhat about th e iover» of the quintup­ lets?*' F laring headlines will ap­ pear in* the iMtpers such a s : "Divorce proceedings exp<*ct- ed. Married a year to wrong sis­ ter." "Goes lnsam^ Proposed four times and still not sure to which.'* In my, own callow youth ,I once popped the question to the wrong twin sister, and what'/she said made a very full sunimer moon hide his face in very shame behind a cloud. As for ' *■ f™ "•'- 'i y ' ' - I"-.- i ' IE5 ' SUPSiiefHMlEATS Government Inspected Only 'POiar̂ r̂;h a m s ' I uCMD -:-"*T3BEP COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 t 'hnin* qiidlit} ly 0/ lem , 10c .SALMON, lllii(> rr*'Ht, Fancy Kclii (riiiiiii) Tull tin* 2 tin* 17c (OUNKi) IIKKF, llclmH .. .VV"*'*' 2 tln» 19cUed A While SFAGIIEH I, with rh<'«'M<' and TmnalopN . , 2 tin* 19c INd A Whin- lAHlHTKU, '/<h, tin 16c ON SAudAGK, t u* 4, # I .1Dreaded or F/aln, Ib................. 20c I Ut out for home and moth- ];lls , Grade A Unct% i.4Mral, doz. 22c or like a tom cat with a lirc- !a»MK;NA Fin<Ht Quality, per,Ib. 18c cracker tied to hi.s tail. And I V l. VL Lt/Ar, per lb, ... ........ 22c never went hnr-l. Yes it will heJMLSV M)AF. A Treat, per Ib. 28cIMLSti M )Ar. A Treat, per Ib, 28c mi x • . i *' ■ < IJO.NKLESS COILNED H E & , lb. I6c- ."h w o rk x e k ie v i i ig th e s is te r one ^OI NG IIOILING FOWL, ib.... 22c Wants out of a bevy of live. 4 t I a s e n ' f f k # a v « r r ^ ^VKVL. I.\.MII. PORK, BEEF, Hiid Hmohed Fi«»h of all kinda: M \/OLO OIL. I Ib. l ln .............. 26c ind A Whitt* BAKING POWDER U I)/.. tin .... ... ...... ............. 17c J'or Better Bukliix KeHullH. C O U N C IL N O T E S 'I'lic engineer's' reports to the council were dealt with as fol- low.s: K Keith Hoad Bridge at Cap- ilam>. Keferred to the reeve, 2. (L P. Johnson's applicatibn re drainage Parcel A, Block 3, EI/2 I). L. 554. That the lumbef uhIomI For be Hiipplied, cost not to exc<'cti. .$27.50. .'1. iJundaniv'e Pier, repair.s to gangwtiy. That the w'orlc- be (lone, cost not to exceed $75. , ;The.j:ecommendatioii. Jn._regard~ t(> -Marr ('reek on the w'est side of th(* wharf- to remain in abey- unc{*„ . 4. 11th Street near Jefferson --widening of. That this work be done at a cost not to exceed $84.79. , ' 5. J. Alleii'.s application, lane a( tess to I). L. 430, Block 34. 'I hat a portion of the North li«aj|('vard on Bay Street, west o f HoyaT Avenue, be staked off foi- parkiii'g-purposes and tend- (.T.4 ask.ed for the W'ork. 0. Keith Hoad east o f ' i l t h Stre(it ami the DaU?, Caulfeild. 7'hai an additional .stuction !>*■' ■ Helen Wills Moody, the tenni.s champiorf^ is credited with this remark: " If you sl*e a tennis player who looks as if he is working very hard, then' that means he isn 't very good." The same applies in everything. The man who is always in a hurry, takes comers on one foot and throws the baby at his wife be- LUNBEK and all ' BUILDINGm a t e r i a l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. il -FOB IlFA L SATISFACTION Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive C LA SSIFIED A D S The rate Tor Clnspified Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, ali .claRKi- fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Ulassifleds in the W est Van News get immediate results. cause he hasn't lime to hand it pou r e n t -- House on Waterfront, to her, ris either inefficient or yearly lea.se. Apply Leyland, West trying to make ̂ an impression. C3Ri. GIVE WEBB*S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive, an additional .st;ction of K( i t , tarred niid also larly in the U. s'. It went with <iic at (/aulteild. get-rich-quick methcxls aiKl high Bridge at .Meglaughlin pressure salesman.ship, also dis- The idea of m iking a great show „EADQUAUtEttS for All 'Popular pi being busy was very popular. Brands of Cigarettes and Tebaccos; before the depression, particu ' - * > * FOR SALE -- Simmons Bed," almost new. 1894 Msirine. W est 85. Ill also F*ishing Gadgits for local w at­ ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. PREt Fy k i t t e n to Give Away. Phone W est ^J3X2. • ' - ■ 7 C3 w W*.?** ACS 11 »,Ji Crt'('kOil Mathers Avenue. Re- .gruntled digestions 'and early pains, 7'hat this work be done a t graves. The last specimen of not to exceed $1J)0. ___ __tins k in d I „.siiw. in Vancouver, ---------------- ----- and he fairly skidded round his Jlumorou.s A rtist: W hat's the He is now out of business, WATERFRONT, Bellevue Avenue -- , C room ' bungalow, every modem convenience, lovely garden, partly, furnished, garage, no children, from September 1st, W est 297L. - - LOST $6.00 -- Vicinity o f 26th and 27th Sti*eets. Reward. W est 69GR1. m atter? It's a good joke, isn 't"M and SO is h is business^ CAPT. E. GALLANT, R egister^ Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van­ couver. Seymour 8790. RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Hayward &-Prebble -- Have your set over- " "hauledTnbw;' summer"prices; ' Phone' W est 539. ' T it ̂ 10(1 itor: It's a very good joke, 'riic* first' time I heard it I laughed Until the tears rolled (lowh my bib... ,ij, T H E W A Y O F If^ E F F IC IE N C Y By Capt, E. Gallant, Chiropractor Revision of D om inion-V oters' L ist MUNICIPAL HALL, W E ST V A N C O U V ER All West Vancouver, includ ing W est Bay and Caulfeild Polling D ivisions June 13th and I4th - 12 'boon tjll 8 p.m. Did it ever strike you that,_the-i .. I'emoval of a bodily organ is,'^ migjity inefficient -- as w ellas ^ in c o n v e n ie n tm e th o d of stop- --ping--the--trouble--which-- t̂hat-- organ ig producing? In effect, DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE,"2446 Mar­ ine--Tiger, Purple Heather, Leon-: ora, Crochet Wool. Expert instruc­ tress (Mrs. Latham). Prop. M. . Busst. YOUNG GIBfL -- Help care for baby, light housework exchange for good home; $3 monthly. W est 367L3, mornings. DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave ---Hosiery, Millinery, House Dresses and Children's Wear. City prices. LOST --r, Between Hollyburn School and ■ 23rd and Lawson via Marine pair glasses in leather case. Phone W est 487L. WANTED -- Light cook stove, gO(kl condition; reasonable. - W est 488Y. MINUTE5̂ TEADyjRON4NQ the. advice to operate, in many case^, is equivalent to saying 'We know .where the trouble is. but we don't know how to stop, it, so you had best get rid of the organ altogether!" Chiropractor^ rarefy give such advice, for- Lhe'reason th a t once '~the--t-roubl^~i^definitely^kiloWii7^ they know th a t a deficient supply of vital energy is reaching that organ, and, what is more to the HANDY ANN SHOPPE,-Dundarave, --Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Garden Seeds, Hardware. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale." John Lawson, I7th and Marine. Phone W est 55, - AN--ELDERLY--LAD Y-rwould""! ike^a' nice housekeeping room furnished or unfurnished, or would share a small bungalow (not on hill). Rent must be moderate. Box 21, West Van News. STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES -- For sale or rent. W est 220-L. J. TEPPEMA, Builder and Contractor Expert ^advice. Plans drawn. First -rworlonanship;--^*-hone--West-* 481R1. FOR SALE -- Greenhouse 9' x 9'̂ Take away for $10. -W est 282R. _.ei22.45.. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic- -- o --V V....*, lo n iu x c Lu u ie itor, 1447 Marine; mornings; 510 --^ o in t, they know how to release 'Hasting5-Stn-Se'ymour î997^ftwr the pressure upon nerves which ' 'ivS responsible. C. J. ARCHER LTD.' -- 5 Rooms, furnace, fire place, fu ll plumbing, attic; furnished, new range, close to-f erryrgood-buyr $1050:---------- ^ Is not th a t method more ef- iicient than dispensing with an organ for which -Nature found a need. PAINTING, Decorating, Paper-Hang­ ing. F irst Class 'work only. Phone Bert Williamson, W est 418R.V FOR SALE_-- 2 Tables, camp bed, » linoleum,^ ironing board, meat safe, chairs, pieces o f carpet. For infor­ mation phone W est 141, evenings. HOUSE MOVING -- Alterations and G L E N E A G L E S G O L F L IN K S- repairs; concrete and basement ■y L E G IO N N O T E S Those. who turned out early Sunday morning got in a good I s i t ' Wilson, North i„„x _ ' , . . wFuiiutvy lu u iu u ig g o t m a gooa Jupiter Pluvius took evpnh^ anch was held FViday a hand in m atters soon afte r one dent ^clock. The Jnew fourth green hAm miade to provement was noticed in the at fairway, which has been J Iv ] 7 th "^dened on the right. A t t̂he same will La request .of the management, players voted on the out of Canadhn^ Sem ce bounds rule on the -fourth fair- aiid^lfAv^ Legion members, way and in accordance with their £ n been ^ n -aepenclants, are hereby remind- celled. ' «<l 01 the annual ;decoration dav service, held in Hanilann ROCK DRILLING -- Walls built, rockeries made and planted. Day or contract. Phone W est 294. SHOE REPAIRS G et the best mat­ erial and-workm anship at Fox's, 14th a t Perry. HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP -- Try our lunches;' afternoon teas and dinners. Home-made bread, cakes and pies. "West 610. ONE for electricity will heat your iron for 52 min­ utes ̂ c *'ice, held in Capilano View Cemetery, 3 p.im Sunday, June 2drd, Rev. F. A. Hamsey officiat­ ing. operate from loth apd Manne at 2:30 p.m. \ - Mr. Fowler: ■ "Riches take to themselves wings and fly awav jt is" said. W h^ Iciî d of riches is meant? Chas.: "i ostriches.'; Xguess it means VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLb Phone West 9 PertUizeiB of AH Kinds Wood, C o a^ ' BoHders^ Sniq[>1ies ET-ECTftlC SERVICE -- ALWAYS A BARGAIN MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanent, Try pur fatigue facial for tii'ed housewife or business woman. W est 304. 17th and Marine over Royal Bank. COLIN TURNER, - Builder and Con­ ta c to r -- Alterations and repair.s. Phone W est 679R. -WANTED -- One fam ished and one unfurnished 4-room • cottage pear ferry. Phond W est 340 or West 143 THE W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re- Quires discarded dotbm ^. Phone W est 37-and truck will collect. r a d i o REPAIRS -- W est Van. Radio Service (JT..L, Pettigrew ), W est 108, 1473 Marine. J. T, WATT VANCOUVER REALTY ^ tNSURANCE GO. .i. WEST t4 f AMY TlMC , A G E N T FOR C U N A R D s tea m s h ip s____ i ___ Panama, Airway; B^~6r ftMl l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED -- Repairs, all-' m akes. ' W est Vancou- ver Machine-Shop, 1449 jMarine. LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete __ spring -wools. Free knitting^ _ .sehdon -Violet arid Kathleen CI^?- _ ent, Priapiietors. . v __^ Re l̂BLAY; N othfy Public -- -- -histate-and'Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seym our 1260. 'V ' ' 'it- L