West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1935, p. 3

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-t 'I > 1. i - w m m m' - '̂.-*.ir*.-»»«rjt^Tj.,c.-**8*W^ June 13t IflSS. TOB W ESrm N NEWS y o u r o w n t o w n WINDOWS DOORS SHINGLES LATH VENEERS ROOFING bî ii ding paper A Ckuniplete B u lU ^ irs' S e r v lK BRICK.' CEMENT ?Ile LIME SANO PUNS AND SPEOnCATIONS Drawn up and esti* mates given Free. Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drive Night Phone West 627R Phone West 199 _ Van­ couver, have taken the Paris house a t 26th and Lawson Ave­ nue, for the summer and will move in shortly. A big run of steelheads came into the Capilano River l a s t , week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill of Regina and Mr. and Mrs. A. Matthews, '•^'•'"dohnr'*"'Keiidrickr"""160*«^lBt Street, left here for the North on Saturday, having been ap­ pointed to a party, which will ranhfcal survey ofmake a the D e . » f v a U e y , B.C.. for the dominion government. ' "■ * ♦ * ' As a result of discussions be­ tween them Reeve Leylan^ has induced the provincial govern­ ment, t 0 agree to assume the en- df Saskatoon, motored out from' tire cost of taking out the bridg- Regina to visit their parents, es on Marine Drive a t 29th and Mr. and Mrs. A. Matthews. R. €. JAMIESON & CO?S ANTIMQ WHITE Non-poisonous. For exterior and interior use.Superior to any white lead. (;oit.v eric<>N Agenfs-GREENWOOD GROCERY, 15th and M arine J. B. Kerr has moved into a house at 1277 Marine Drive. and Mrs. Norman SmithMr, of Vancouver,, have taken a house, at 26th and King's Ave^ nue, and have moved in. QUICK DELIVERY « Dollar Lumber & Fuel Co. Inside Fir, per cord.^........ $5.50 Slabs'and Edglrigs, 2 cords , 7.50 Sawdust, per u n i t .... 3*75 291 Esplanade W est North Vancouver , Day or N ight: Phone North 1359 close to Sherman Post Office, and of putting in fills a t these Miss G. Cowey of Vancouver, two points. The approximate has taken a house a t 1320 Argyle cost of this work will be $16,000, Avenue for the season. 25 per cent of which aum-would ♦ * * normally have had to be paid by Dittle Sylvia Shaw? infant the municipality, ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. "■. ... Shaw, 233 31st Street, has been Miss Marguerite Wilcox pf presented ' with a silver baby Wadsley, is playing Jeux D'Enu mug by Reeve J. B. I^eyland, in by Ravel and the Prelude in D honor of being the first baby to Minor, op. 28, No.^ 4 by Chopin be born in \Vest Vancouver this in the Eleven Pianists' Recital year. Her birthday is January by tho pupils of Kenneth Ross D. L. Bowman of Vancouver, 1st. * in tho Hotel Vancouver Oak has moved into .a house a t 1312 ♦ Room on Friday, June 21st. Argyle Avenue for the sumirDer. ^ ̂ s. E. Draper, who has been ♦ * * i * * * ' spending a short holiday with Dr. Thierrene of Vancouver, Mauve wisteria and yellow his father, W. G. Draper, 2435 has rented Dr. Bayfield's house laburnum were the floral decor- Marine Drive, left on Tuesday to and office and will take up the ations chosen by Miss Audrey re tum to his home in Ottawa. practice of miedicine and surgery * * * in West Vancouver within a few The council are having 200 days, during Dr. Bayfield's ab- feet of space on the north side sence oh a prolonged holiday, of B hy 'S treet, Horseshoe Bay, .« cleared,for parking. Miss H attie Young, 2092 Mar- ' *. * * . ine Drive, entertained a t a W. Jenvey is building a, new shower in honor of Miss P a tr icia house a t I5^h and Inglewood Davidson, a Shide elect. The Avenue____ ________ . ...........room was very prettily decorated ■ /r-"'*:.: * i in yellow and green, andVthe The bridge on Mathers Aye- guests entered under an arch- We Are Siirprixed Ht the r«Mii>onBe we have received fronV the announcement about LADY ESTHER CREAMS and POWDERS. The Cream is in 4 siaes-o- 25c, 60c, 76c, 11.26 The Powder in 2 sUcs and 4 shades-- 25c. 50c. Gemmill's Drug Store The Store of Barviee. 1686 Marine Drive Weat 87 or Weat 607 Emergency Phone Weat 831 (After 10 p.tn.) ' Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat IMes, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cokes Cinnamon Buns, Variety,, of 'Tea Breads, Fre.Ml) every morning Note Address: H68 Marine Drive l*hone West Lester when she entertained a t a Kitchen Shower, on June 1st at her home a t Altamont, in honor of Miss Phyllis Bright, whose m arriage to Mr. Vernon Lester is tiaking place shortly. The gifts, hidden in a large green ■ crepe-paper lettucer were presented following tea, which was served from a table covered by a Chinese linen cloth and centered with a silver bowl of mauve and yellow garden flow- KW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West ̂ 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Fiiiaiice^and Insurance nue over Brothers Creek, is be- way of' flowers, from "the top of , , T 1 . • ri-T- ing fixed up by the council a t an which was suspended a Jbeil, the ers. Mrs. J. Fowler, sister of the approximate cost of $1,200. table being laid with the tea set ' bride elect, assisted a t the tea ... . ♦ ♦ presented to '̂ the bride elect. table. Aniiong those in v i t^ wê ^̂ Complimenting Miss P at Dav- Those invited w ere: Mrs. War- ^ idson, whose marriage takes ren Davidson, Mrs, A. Gar- B r^ h t; Mrs. Don Doidge, Mrs. pj^ce in June, Miss Lulu Ray thorne, Mrs. R. Barclay, Mrs. J. ir- Cmif., hostess a t a Miscellaneous C. Young, and the Misses Lulu -show er -Wednesday -evening,-at-^-Ray.-Mildred-I^ -- Iraftord, and the Misses Susie home of her parents, Mr. and Johnson, K itty Clements, Ethel ^ s . K. A. Ray, 2124 Argyle Roberts, Edith White, Avenue. A dialogue by H attie and Angus Young and a vocal solo by Gertrude Tliompson were much enjoyed. Mrs. R. N. Rahy, and Mtsi-N. Mussalierh; p i ^ At the tea table with R Rusnell, 'Dorothy Dean, Jo Brea- ley, Peggy MaePherson, Norah Drainey, M argaret Kinninmbnt, Phyllis Boe, Betty McKenzie and Jean Watson.4: 4: * Hutchison. Tbe engagement is announced ly toned bouquet of pink carna-- al ,F. W-. Gaulfeild _and Mrs.;-.- ..,y ,̂^,Lan .̂::^4ii4;etaweet-ip6as,-<and2- CEulfeiTJof HSokTand; s r a ^ tall bridal tapers, which harmon- , , . Sussex, England, . .to Philippa, . nink-dird--*white June 6th, at Continuing the round of gay pre-nuptial activities in honor of Miss Joan Dorchester, Mrs^ 'Theo Kom er and Mrs. Lestock Reid were co-hostesses at,a China an<j Glassware Bfiower oh" We^ 'W estward sea-front bussex, England, to Philippa, . j^ed with the pink Arffd-^w-ln ̂ fday youngest daughter of CapU decorative motif of the r o o ^ ' Ho, £ ^ 1̂" ^-- Assisting--in-sendng--w ere-the-- home . . . . , Mi"s^ BrockieOanx of--Charlton L,.,. oiafrava r.f +Vi,a the presentation of many lovely the beautiful o f t h e latter. Following Hoilybura Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE .lunc 13th, 14th and 16th WARREN WII.LIAM MARY ASTOR "The Case of the-- Howling Dog " also LAUREL & HARDY "DIRTY WORK" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY • June 15th and 17th CLAUDE'ITE COLBERT 'Ĥ he-Giided Lily '- also G O O D BADMINTON' TUESDAY & W EDNESDAY June 18th and 19th 'The Man of Arw' Tho Beat Plouipo ot tho Year,' also ago- when on a trip to Vancou ver. L. o. B. A. D A N € E , IN THE ORANGE HALL FRIDAY, June 14th , at 9 p.m. A d m i s s i o n t I S c : ,--------------- House, Shaftsbury, Dorset-, Eng- ^ rJa re t^ W h ite ^ an d ^Jea^^aS g ift^ tea was servedrib the gar-', land. It will be remembered th a t Lfla Ray The gifts were pre- den from individual tables cent- the admiral and his son stayed . the bride-elect from q ered with white cartetions. m West Vancouver several years decorated basket by little Miss P /es i* n g a t the tea urnA were Lulu Baccash. O ther invited M™- F. E. Dorchester anAMrs. guests were: Mrs. E. Kay, Mrs. Poisson, whilst Miss . A ddW eg W. A. Davidson, Mrs. J. C. Lopatecki and Miss Diana fimdB Young, Mrs. W.' R. W hite, Mrs. assisted as serviteurs. The m- N. Baccash, Mrs. A. Garthome, Mrs. V. Smithson, .and Mrs. J. Bachy. The Misses H attie Young, Mildred and Jean Lettner, Ethel Roberts, Kay Sharpe, Jean Ray, vited guests included Mrs. Dor­ chester, Mrs. Stemsori, Mrs. Hawa'rth, Mrs. MacNeil, Mrs. Johncox, Mrs. C. Reid, Mrs. Poissoili Miss Palmar,rMrs. Ed- Gertrude Thompson; ^ r p r e t P S ';' Johnson, Drucilla and Muriel waad. .Mrs. J. Bussell, Mrs. E. RE-O PENING ST O R E BLINDS - AWNINGS - PICTURE FRAMES E. S . P E A R C E , ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE 18j9 0 m a r i n e d r i v e PH O NE W EST 529 Dawson, PlorenceBdwards, Mary ® Yates, Margaret Seabloom, Jean Hutchison, Lila Ray, Catherine Mussallem, Stella Bruce, Eleanor Lennox, Elsie Partridge, Gert­ rude Pitman, Doris Knechtle and Alda., Polly. Wasson, the Misses Ruth Blair, Betty MacKenzie, Jean Watson, Jean Wilson, Winnie Dorchester, Audrey Lester, Adelaide Lopat­ ecki,- Prances Johncox, Vera Johncox, Diana^ Reid, Barbara Reid and Sue Procter. ion b! thjp District of West VoncouverWJ«A-'i -- - -S IC E $10,001 5; pâ d to anyone furnishing information, vvhich will lead to the conviction of any person or 'persons guilty of Damaging Street Sigiis, -Schcol Signs, Traffic Signs, or Munici ,̂ pal Property of any description.' ---------------~ ' BYtORDEPv, MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hitching, 1448 Argyle Avenue, wish to an- ' nounce the engagement o f their eldest daughter, Gertrude, to Mr. Jam es Wismer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wismer, Mahon Ave., North Vancouver. The wedding will take place during' the month of August. MAY DAY COMMITTEE -------------- -k- Any having bills -outstanding against the May Day Committee are asked to send in , isame a t once to the secretary, Leslie Brooks, 2987 Marine Drive. :The"next-naeeting'-of the-M ay- r Day-Committee, postponed from last night, will take place a t 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 26th, in th e municipal hall. ' N O T I C E ! W est V ancouver Rose an d F lo ra l F estival has been postponed u n til THUKSDAY, Jn n e 2 7 Owing to the late seakin. P.S.--PLEASE N O TE DATE i rS>*' p'- W om an K now s" - . 5 ^ V S A L E S - S E R V IC E -------- ̂ '-I'r RADIOS - RANGES ' f 1; 'w -; M F orst's Ltd. > - |L ' .'.C 'if North 6S5 West HI ' ' 'K . 1 ■ G6 Lonsdalo Avo..r North Vancouver ' ' ' . ' 3 ; i : ■ ; ; ' A> TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine. Drive ----- . Concrete Contractors \ i ':i'. Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cement All Building M ateria l ■ Phone W est 84 - . for quick delivery. J f b .. Jr>' ■"r , <X\ ■ife V 'I ' ; r :!■« . - ' l» JV Lk -i ■Jfti tit; ' ji f Aft