t'i; iSfŜSSSSBBSSSSItSSSBSSŜ r ■! WE&T FAN mmm tmmm *:'"is H#v. IJiilif Wright* Mlnlit«r - Sunday i«rvie«# V 11:15 u.m.; 7:15 p.m.' ̂, §und.*y.,%b̂I1.U A.m. >■ ' Strartfcerg St Viiitom Wuleomu. ' Perm anent Liash and B row Tint - ̂ I. f "f :h fr it I t ̂ < Sri' ?:V.'t.i A P-'i ••■ PJ'-' Pt I'-i'-- ■ftfv. |i-' p I I I -f . f.' j ' •Igl BJkftiMf CUVMGK lieiidlwce: IMS Knywooil. Am Fh<m« W«it U m , . Sfijififi Jr: 7:15 p.in< Suttdny School, 10:00 Ji.m. UNITED CHURCH Kev. HiIU» W right, Minister. Kow you va n hnve lonif dark < vf JiiHhcHi without making tin ni up with titu v a ry make<up Hlonih*« oKpedHliy should have tii«>ir lushes dyed brown. ( hIJ West 117 for appoint- m erit. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1548 Marine Drive For appointment# PHONE WJ5ST 117 I Summer Requisites IhUliina t'apH Sun (i'okkIcm Hye ShiideH • Huiihurn ('ream# Picnic PlatoN l*iipt'r Napklna AHBLESIDE PHARHACY HOI KIOK. Pron. Phone: W. (Mil rim; Drive WcHt FKKF mCLIVlCIty 323 , You »nnp thorn nml wo finiah tliem, Ja'uvo your lilmM,heie to hi? liMirihod. Crystal Finish Agemo For Service and Satisfaciion; •'REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" Services will be held as usual next Sunday a t 11:16 a.m. and 7:16 p.m. The m inister will preach. Sunday Schtxil a t 10 a.m. The 6IG.I.T. are holding a concert and play entitled "Tam ing of Horrors" a t 8:80 p.m. Friday in the United Church hall. There will aliw be some assisting artists. 'rhe Y. P. Society of the United Church is holding a ih'uch Party a t Capilano next Tuesday, June 18th. Meet at the Anibleside wharf a t 8 p.m. All young iKJopIe are cordially invit ed. ̂ ' Tile regular meeting ,of the Women's Missionary Society will lx; hold a t the home of the president, Mrs. Hillis Wright, 2047 Gordon Avenue, a t 2:15 jj.m. Tuesday, June 18th. The special speaker will be Mrs. J. S. Miildrew, president of the Van- i-ouver Presbyterial, a'nd the soloist Mrs. Niles of South Van couver. All ladies cordially in vited. Home helpers specially asked W m iTA N C O U V ER CliWMR SC16HC6 Society e d i f i c e m k mui liqiilmalb HoUfbiir# Thi# Society is a Branch of Th# Mother Church The Firat Church of Chriat, SehnaUat, i» Boaton, Maaaachuaetta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 1C, 1935 Subject: "GOD THE I'RESERVER OF MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in- vlted to attend our aervicea and meetings. & rji ' ,, *S|̂ > f . - f > ' - >T " 7 f .1 I Burrard h LAUNDRY SERVICEFORDtPENIMBLE Plioncs--West 691L or North 1810 '* INGLEWOOD BRANCH ST. STEPHEN'S W .A. SALE OF HOME COOKING AND CANDY ' at the home of MRS. G. W. JACKSON. 1870 Haywood Ave. T H U R S D A Y , JUNE 20th, a t 2.30 p.m . AFTERNOON TEA, Cafeteria Style. LOCAL SUCCESSES AT MUSICAL FESTIVAL THE LATE MRS. RITCHIE ClaHs 102--Day School Bands -- 1st, West Vancouver School Band, conductor A. W. Dela- mont. Class 104--Junior Bands--2nd West Vancoi^yer School Band. ASSOCIATED BOARD , EXAMS , The examination of the A.s- sociated Board of London, Eng land, will be held on Saturday June 22nd, a t 10 a.m. a t the studio of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, 1332 Duchess Avenue,* ̂ or West Vancouver candidaties. Gordon , Bryan will be the examiner. In the death of Mr.s. Ritchie, West Vancouver not' only lost one of its oldest residents but a most worthy citizen, and a lady who possessed qualities of mind and character that placed her in the forefront of our best people. Mrs. Ritchie took an active part in everything that made for the benefit of the community in which she lived with her hus- With others CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST -- ---- ---- band and family. ....... --------------- to come and bring raite she served on the School Board r iv < 1 1 1 V 1 J 1 ' ̂ . . . « /•boxes. Tea will be served a t the dose of the meeting. Sheet Metal L. SI'ECK, Proprietor W O r k S and took part in the work of organizing and erecting the local public schools. A member of West Vancouver ITesbyterian and later the Unit ed Church,she served-^as a mem-"»" ber- o f. the-B oard .of Stewards, _ and as President of. the Ladies' DR. G. D. H. S E A L E V D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr, tn ilco Hours 3 to 6 p.m. ISvonings by appointment. Phone W est 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2.3rd and Inglewood Ave.- V... . Rev. W .J. M illay,____ Priest in Charge. «o ju *co*«v..u _____ Resicleiice: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Aki Society and of the Women's mione, West 240-R Missionary Society. Sunday Services Up till the time of her death Low Mass -7- 8:45 a.m. • her interest never abated, and High Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 her thoughts were of the com- . - a.m. munity rand the work of the Rdsary and Benediction •-- 7:15 Church. * • P.nT ' . . ' Broadminded and just, she ('atechism and Bible History' could always see the viewpoint every Saturday.-- 9:30 a.m. of others and .so be fair in her _____^yeek^dayi:Services------------decisions.- ----------------------- Mass, daily -- 8 a.m, . Her place will be difficult to "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "The Lord giveth wisdom: . . . He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints." (Proverbs 2: 6, 8). Among the citations which comprise,the Lesson - Sermon is the following.froih the Bible: "I . am come a light' into the world, jth a t whosoever believeth on Me sFould not " aFide in darkness." (John 12: 46). ....... The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Divine Love al ways has met and always - will meet every" human need." CONSULT THE Sun Rise Boat Builder T, Kobayakawa Sherm an. Ask at Store. WEST VAN . Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, ,, Sawdust Burners Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. 8567 Kind's Ave. Phone W. 49Y3 Miss D. Ryan of Vancouver, has taken a suite a t the Fortune Cup Inn. Dr. GKORGE S.-1MACDON A U ) D.D.S., D.U.C.,-------- Denitii Surgeon I lours ; 9:30 a.m.. to 5 - 'TJvenrng.s Uy'appolntnuxrt "T Jtoyul Bank BJUg., TelephoiU' Wont Vancouver, West MS FVidays -- Rosary, Benediction, fill, but her influence and person- ^ Confessions 7 :45 p.m. . ality will live on in the- memory SaUirdays - - Confessions from of all those w h o were privileged 7:30-p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to know her. - f'He giveth His beloved sleep." I^tatJiNhed on ■ North .Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARUON BROS. LTD. JFuiterdI iircctors , North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth "t^n'ot Phone North 131 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 334 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: iTiine r 6th, 1935--Trihit^Sun- day. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.ni.--Holy Communion & -SermoiiT THE ORATORICAL CONTEST The Oratorical Contest, spon sored by the P.-T. A., was held on Friday evening and proved ,a most profitable and pleasant 7,15 p.m ,-K vensong and ser- S f L J * '". ■■ ■ - l i . J l o l k ) . VV t-X ^ « St. Frands-in-the-Woods, ' Grade 7 -- Joan Colcleugh, CaulfcUd "^Fo spoke on "Progress of Man Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong Through the Ages," ' ^ , and Sermon. Preacher th e 'Rev. Grade 8 -- Susan McLintoch, Canoji D'Easum. who chose as her subject "Drift- Wednesday, June 19, 2:30 p. Continents." m, -- Monthly meeting of the ,Grade 9 -- Joyce Burbridge, Corporation of the District of West Vancouver To W ater Ushers As indiscriminate sprinkling, which materially reduces pressure, works a distinct hardship on residents living on the higher levels," consumers-are hereby requested to be as moder- water for garden purposes during dry spells, tjareful observance o f this request'm ay entirely obviate thf» nf miffi'-nr.. --- v i •^ ^ putting in sprinkling. restrictions which the Council do not desire to Introduce if they can be avoided. Hollyburn, B. C., 15-5-1935 W. H ER R IN , Municipal Clerk. .............. .......... . .......... ........ Inglewood Branch of the W. A. a very humorous talk on "Getting up a Speech;" C. J. OveringtoD PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME l-llh & Marine. Hiune West 155 BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P, Humphreys Sunday, June 16th, 1935. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday ^h o o l and Adult Bible CIass." appearing, in theThe others finals were: , Marion McNeil and Margaret Bill, for; Grade 7. Betty'Blair and Janet Thirkell for Grade 8. Donald McKenzie, Brenda11:00 a.m. -- Morning worship. W i v S p Preachei-: the Rev. F. and Aud- Dafoe, D.D., of Prince ' " ".hardson, for Grade 9. . YY ' -.-' • J ----- -- .......... -- .... ................. J ... ■ ■.... .............. ̂ THE W est Van N ews Published Every Thunday: Rupert. , r " The ju d g e s M l 'S . Delmadge, 7:15 p.m. -- Evening worship. president of the Provincial Preacher: the Rev, F. w . the P.-T. A., Judge Dafoe, D. D. Robson, and George Miller -- A coi*dial invitation to all. very highly o f the tone of Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Pi*ayer sei*- speeches, the choice of the vice. „ subjects and the easy, and clear ---- .............. way in which they were deliver- ~:Miss-Er~Nelson;"2195"F ulton" ----- P ro m p t re p lie s com e b y lo n g -d is tan ce te lep h o n e ' I Publisher P. P, LOVEGROVE - . Phone West 363 - Bttiiineaa and Editorial Offic«: 17th and Marino Drlvo . (Next to Hollyburn P.O.) Phono West 363 ̂ J Mail Address; P. O. Box 51, Hollyburn, B.C. - Avenue, i^turned on Saturday frpln a two weeks' holiday in Sdattle, motoring, down there with friends. . ♦ * ♦ , George R. Muiiroe, 1367 Je fl ferson Avenue, is confined to his home through sickness. S tagey Ellis * of Windsor, Ontario, is the guest of Mrs. W. D ̂W atson, 1328 Gordon Avenue. N orth Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. Dr. A. C. Nash has had the c^ la r dug on th e ̂ o t he~ phi*' During the evening Vera P latt accompanied by Jessie Davies on the violin, rendered two solos. The Grade 8 choir gave several very pleasing songs, and the B rp s Quartette, consisting of Bob McCartney, John Wright, Walter Parker, and George Down played. "Drink to Me Only with Thine E y ^ " ' T. E. W, Russell, president of the West Vancouver P.-'T. A., a c ^ as chamman, and Mrs! O^DonneU gave ou t the prizes. 1' rf $1.00 a year b^ ( n̂rier:mail. $2.00 a year chased a t 19th and M arine Drive Wilfred Taylor, 1143 Esqui- p^ paratory to the building of nialt Avenue, has le ft for a trip his new home there* to Kamloops, ^ in g by motor. - When you -wam word in a hurry froth someone in another town, call him by long-distance telephone. In one conversation you can ask questions and get answers. You ,eliminate*ewait that an exchange of letted makes necessary,'" ̂ ------ Tomorrow may be too late-telephone today. B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY "m sfeiQiiiipiS®!? Si '■'-i-ir,liis