-* * * *i - Circulating in the D istrict o f M^est VancouverTAmbleside, H olly burn, Wes^ky D undarave $1.00 per ye»r. Gyprcss P ark , Cauffetld,W hytecliff, E tc . "/ . . 3 \ \'ol. X HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE ISiĥ 1935 No. 8 WHAT IS TO BECOME OF OUE YOUTH? One of the great outcries since the depre^ion started ii m befjii "W hat is to become of o>ur youth? P o r th e v,'. .r or two it has been an incessant subject on the platform uml over the radioj and the daily press has steadily carried ioiters day afte r day and week afte^,yve?k m ^ m g the same Only recently the Victoria authorities offered to put 450 uiieniplo^d boys th is summer into the woods, there to learn m.mcUiing about the various kinds of work connected with the logging industry of this province, where it is one of the c ii>r sources of. revenue. Thev offered to give them board , niKl' shelter and from $15 to $20 a month. But instead of tlie thousands of applicants expected, the authorities •ist^onished to find out that only 600 had signified their wish to go, and of these half were not destitute or m difficult circum- There is only one answer. The nmvince prefers the life of the pavement to th a t of the hills ml t?eams â ^̂ ̂ woods. The man's life of the great outdoors^ S e r and hard work are the daily port on. are not l o r him The lure of fa r horizons does not a ttrac t him a t all. ' " C W s n o th W of tha t real sp irit of adventure; wMch ■ DcoDled this Great W est and iias through thecen tunes resulted lii the people of two little island^'carving out the greatest pnrnire the world has ever si§en. « ^Y et the blame fo r.it is not with him. It is with us. For we liave coddled him and pampered him educated t o stood, as far as may. be, between him. and all his diflhculties. T h e young of the animal world bave.a very different up- n^)ringing: T h e i i - p a r e n t s ; - ' but spurred' on by God-given instinct, also teach them how and where to find food and how to fight pnemie^ In o th e r words, they are trained almost from the first to stand on their o w n feet, because wheri thev will lio' longer have their parents to fend for them. Remains the blood. Wili it save therw n the f eat atraggle for markets and a place under the sun with which tion on the Pacific Coast in common with the white man ̂everywhere is challenged by the rising tide of color? ■ Almost , certainly not if wc persist in wit.h-one'-chicken methods of bringing up our one warning a t least, w® kave_had_np_^^_Lm us g , -- --̂ ipTit-4n~bart-^o tbOi sterner .way îOif̂ >ouv Torefalmers*;.. ThQ*^-.. methods, a t any rate, _produced men. And, if there ̂ e r -w a s a. time wWn the white race , needed men, it will be in the years . that-are even now upon us. "I i . ------- --------------- POPULAR PRINCiPAI.S AT LARGE WEDDING IN N O R tH VANCOUVER SALE OF HOME COOKING AND CANDY COMING BVENIB A sale of home cooking attd 2Gth June--Tea by Legion W. A. ' at home of Mrs. V. Blanch- One of the prettiest weddings ' the ever held in St. Andrew's United June^ 20th. ^«t^ W Church, North Vancouver, was tha t of Margery Etheral, young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harron, and Mr. James H. F. home of Mrs. G. W. Jacksom 1370 Haywood Avenue, under the auspices of the Inglpwood (St. Stephen's branch) of the W. A. Afternoon tea will be F w lu sS !' aS!f the l l t e ^ m sem ll'c a fe te^ rs t^ llower, 2596 Ottawa Avenue. 281 h Juno--Combined Recital by puiiils of Mrs, F. Knight- Hodge anil Miss Margaret Mev Intyro in the Legion Hall. July 6th -- Legion Garden Party on grounds of Mrs, G, Hanm- son's ixjsidencei 814 20th St. BUILDING PERMITS $31,435 Ferguson, which was solemnized bi'i^K h friend, last Thursday evening. The lovely imported wedding robe of bridal rose lace the mold- ____ _ l t s o T B S l l t ^ "'lfnZnc^ , '^llS ™ t e beauty of the bride, ' who was given in marriage by 435, which is the her father. Net ruffles encircled one m ^ h foi ^ .p i the high neckline and wrists of 1 tight-fitting sleeves, a flounce of iows. SI - the net term inating the bridal garage, $16(), 5 additions,-Jl, ' '*1 f the net terminawng m e onuai t ftiu„ rose lace court train, over which 6 2 5 2 miscellaneous, S S t ? s -n t head by triple strands of orange $14,495 s w^t-h of perm its was blossoms. The bridal flowers ^ good, month. were Ophelia ros^s. «/^rrm>ATT As her sister's matron of hon-^ ________ SOFTBALL or,;Mrsr^Harold:W6rsley~wor^^^^^ V " . -v ^ becomli'ng gown of Jubilee blue Last AVednesday hjight a t REVISION DOMINION * VOTERS' IJS T A revision of the Dominion Voters' List will be held a t the municipal hiill, West Van couver, today and tomorrow, 13th and 14th June, from 12 noon to 8' p.m. each day. This will include all West Vancou ver including West Bay and Caulfoild I'olling Divislqiis. l-fi WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASS'N The directors of the Horti cultural Association after care ful-consideration and -the v isit- gardens in theK,nr.ATYin,Tio- û nwii dM uuuiicc wiuc ______- ___ ing of various gaHlens in "Artisian lace,inset with net god- Ambleside Park, J u ^ 5th;'Dol- municipality have decided to e ts to g ran t g r^ e fu l fullness, larton defaulted to Tntons, An postpone the nmio^l M r gloves matched', while her exhibition game was .played m Floral Festival till Thursday,H er loves maicneu, w iiue xicju , .. „ picture h a t was white and in her which Tritons won by the score June 27th, owing to the late sea bouauet were pink and rose car- '^of 5-4. Do not forget,the second son and scarcity of bloonis. By ■ game of the local series, Tritons doing so they hope there will be vs. Grouts at Ambleside P ark on a larger and better exhibit than Friday night, June 14th. " coul^ possibly be expected^ on Games Next Week ~ Saturday, the original d a f e n/r A i 7fVi ivifATifl information regarding entries Monday, yidll beM fUmishedYSk K eates.at Mahon. W ed n ^ a iT ^ J^ tons vs. Stewarts a t Ambleside. , Games start a t 6;30 p.m. Y. W. C. T. U. MRS. FLORENCE E. WEBB PASSES ■ ^ nations. Another ' sister of the bride, Miss ; ^ t a Harron, was . brides maid, with Miss Alice Hutchin- ___The - groom jwas su p p o tt^ by his cousin. Mrr Wfroh. FeirgUSOn; and the ushers were Messrs. A:. Henderson, L. Spracklin, H. Worsley and F. Cornish. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. E. Horton of Van couver, assisted by Rev. William Stott. Mrs. Gertrude Bailey of- r i |r- ■ VV ' WC' A va*. AO 11 ̂ w f c j ^ . • ;i»ry, ■=!Mra. H.j-Bv--Garland, :22_4_3_ Bellevue Avenue. ' i 'i; ■- ̂( 4>i SCHOOLS DISPLAY BLINDS, AWNINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, ETC. On Wednesday, June 19th, a t E. S; Pearce announces ki this of the Y.W.C.T.U. w ^ h e ld ta s r Tuesday -at the home of the Sup- intendent, Mrs. G. H. Faulkner, 1344 Gordon Avenue. __ JQ ieC p x o p O sed _ te a i^ ^ bn June 21st is being postponed to an early date in September. A final review of the lessons on scientific temperance was given by the superintendent, • Mts. Faulkner, the m arried ladies' side-winning the .con test by a, small majority.'^-- The g u e s t speaker for the evening was the provincial sup- -. erintendent of the "Y's," Mrs. Williscroft. H er topic fo r the evening was their i p ro cess during the year in ridding Van couver of all night liquor clubs and their efforts to prevent"the sale of liquor in restaurants. At the close' of the meeting a very enjoyable tea was served by the hostess. - passed away suddenly last Mon day morning a t her home, 2463 Marine Drive, aged 61. The de- --ceased', a native of Plymojith, England, had resided for tw enty-- eight years in B.C., and vived by her husband, A lirea Webb, and four daughters, Mrs. A. • J. Spencer and Mrs. A. 0. Stavert, both of Vancouver, Mrs., E. W hite of London, and Miss , Frances a t home. Funeral ser vices were held a t 2 p.m!. this afternoon a t the t chapel of Har ron Bros. Ltd'., 122 W est 6th Str-eet, ^North Vancoi^er, the Rev. F .' A. Ram<sey officiating, arid interm ent was m ade in Cap- ilapo View Cemetery. ^ S t o r 'M ?r^rtV udeB aU ey.<>f. 7 :3 0 % :.T 'irfog iew 7od'» ^ ■ ™ ™ d " ■ AfU? the signing of the register, Mrs; S. Gardiner sang "Oh, Promise Me," and- Mr. W. Mudie sang ^'God Touched the Rose." ' from all We^t Vancouver .schools; cons61idiatbd/ ;iri one centre iri -- order th a t parents may have an Meriibers"of~t-he-L-.OrL.n-in-full-- opportunity--ta--get-a-cross^sec^L regalia formed a colorful, guard tion of all work from the prim LU.. of honor as the bridal entourage left the church fo r the reception th a t was held for oyer three hundred guests in the church hall. \ • J. J •The bride's parents assisted m receiving, Mrs. Harron wearing an imported ensemble of royal blue silk lace and Sandria model ha t en tone, with corsage of to ' the ■ highary dep^tm ent school. ' , At this time the products of the shops and home economics deparizment will be seen, models and projects from the boys will be set out, and a dress parade has been arranged by the girls;- A commercial class will be in Ferguson's Motor Transfer), and will be pleased to'give estimates free for window blinds and awn ings^ either new. or repairs to those~^lf€ady~Tnmser--He--aiso- has- 'On hand a new range of pictu!re mouldings. Mr. Pearce .-'t* I i.i' ■ ■ J ^ was formerly in th is business foi a number of years in West Van;, couver, and previously, in Eng land and the United States. ■> • .'M- J I - f % Mr. and Mrs, Brown of Van couver, are staying a t the Clach- an. - Florence E . . Kilby wrote the coiiiicil re lane between Meikles ;and Kilby's property, D.L. 811, Block 2, Lot 26, and D. L. 811, Block 2; Lots 27 and 28. The m atter was referred to the eng-, irieer for report as to cost. •of the valley. An illuminated wedding bell Avas" suspended above the four tiered wedding cake th a t centred the bride's table,' which was graced w ith pink and white car nations and shaded pink tapers in silver sconces. ' ^ For travelling the bride wore a three-piece suit of delphinium blue with hat, shoes and acces sories of Marina^ blue. On re turning from a mlbtor trip , Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will reside, a t their new home on Marine Drive, North Vancouver. L. O. B. A. DANCE XX cuiiiincjivicu x-i«,oo .VV. Ruth Chapter, L.O.B.A., are nat en Lone, witu v.x action and the a r t display is ex- giving another of their popular Cecil Brunner rosebuds and lily pected to be even better than dances tomorrow (Fnday) night ..x xu. th a t of last year. Special rooms of Saturday night in the^ have been set aside for Pauline; Orange Hall. As previously, good Johnson, Hollyburn and the music has been arranged for, Senior High Schools and teach- , and dancing, will s ta rt a t 9 p.m. ers will be on hand to direct the The dance last week was most visitors and explain the features successful, and a large crowd is of the display. All interested expected hy the Chapter tomor- residents are invited to be pres- row evening. Admission, 15 ent. .ceuts. .<4 4'(f , .f ' > j] i p t. i ,'Hv m ff §' I'f '{» % i 'iM;' m ________ TO^OCEAN TRAVELLERS J. T. W att of the W est Van couver Realty and Insurance Co., 1744 Marine Drive, who has been the local agent of the. Cunard Line for thirteen years, would like to draw the attention of, in tending travellers th a t passages to the Old Country can be booked a t his office. Tbere-all details can be arranged, dneludiiig, pas sages via the Panama, also th e necessary connections by a irw ay r bus or rail: 'A ny In terested-are -- 1̂-- 1--i--- - , 1 . „x.- , A West Vancouver Home lUUS v/i. a s k ^ to kindly call o r phone a t any time. W est 141, 'll . I'ii r * ; ̂ ^ J,;-, 1