■ # >>)Smi#ilMiiiiiiw iiii#iM inWiidiliHromiM t* miwi I * # " r\ ' I f f i ' l l» If ^ hff 1 ..»V) i t ': | i l l ' i t «12 4'; -I ft I 'h I 1 u - t ; 'ii-' 1'̂ - |S r '•4 • ! ifi'i 11" f ti0n« We»t W i , Sm ith s Groeerg T B k i r i m t v A K K E W 8 S C a io O L S P O R T S Prices Good Friday & S aturday , Ju n e 7 th & 8 th • KED (k WHITE €OEKEB W m O i- 1 III. 'rin Vacuum Packed.................Sfte I Hi. Vacuum J a r ............. ........... ,4lkr Aunt Mary's 1 lt». liar m HHUEDDKD W H E A T .................... tOc Hcd ^ White JELLY P0WDBK8 AsMorted Ftavnra ..;...........6 pl t̂a 29c ajK N K I) HKEK.................... 2 tftia 19< Hed A White .MAHMALADB 32 (02. Jur . ....... ......... '.............. 2Sc Ked & White TEA Hrwken Oranire Pekue............lb, 42c Ked A White W M ATO JUICE Tall T ina................................. 4 for 2»c Ked A White CATSUP 12 ox. Ihittle ............ ........... ISc Phone W est 370 I 'lN K A I'l 'M i, PauHIcw lic(Hllred. 2a ............................2 tins 17c Kid & White nUEAD K1X>UR 21 ill. Hack ............. ....................... 89c HW KKT PICKLED CORNED liKKF, per l b .... ............... l«C lUJK.VS* s h a m k <x :k b a c o n (Back) .............. Fj lb. packafc 19c >'j III. i'ackaife Side Bacen............ I7c W eiitera, per lb................................. 22c B0I.0(;N A , per lb............................ 18c MI'SIIKOOMS, fresh dally, lb„... 40c I'EI'PKK'H POKK s a u s a g e , lb. 20c BOILINC; FOWL. p4r Ib............. 22c 1 tl'l'i'AfiK ROLLS, Finest Flavor, per lb................................................. 24c f.AMB VEAL -> PORK BEEF The Very Finest Quality For the f Garden | GIAIVES (leulher faciyi) GRASS BOOKS HOES . RAKES SH EARS LAWN ^lOWKKS . . THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL tl ie aimiial achool competHitm opcMrts bet^reen Paulino Johr^on on the Iraultne JohnK>n itround* laa iJM lay . The competitiona in the various eventa were very .exciting aa the final total score proved, -- only six points separ ating the two schools -- Johnson 181 points, and Holly- burn 126 points. ^ Norma Fellows of won the girls' cup and Bun Matthias of Hollyburn had the highest number of indivittol points among the boys. The girls' oHampionship banner went to Pauline, and the Hollyburn boys carried that honor for their school. * A t the close of the gathering IVustee D. 'McTavish briefly ad dressed the assembled crowd and distributed the cups and prizes Boys 50 Yards, age 6 -- 1, D. Bar ker ( P ) ; 2, A. Koljertson ( P ) ; 3, B. Green (H). 50 Yards, age 7 -- 1, G. Cue (H ); 2, K. Crane (P ) ; 3, J. Clements (P). 50 Yards, age 8 -- 1, R. JEFFERIES' SUFE!R10I ^ E A T S Govcrnmwt Inspected Only HAMS :• LAMB BEEF ,POHK VEAL COLD MEATS OP Al LKINDS DELICATESSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 8 , LUMBER a i i dBUILDING MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ----- FOR REAL SATISFACTION ' --------- Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive tli('po(itry, which is not quite up . . . „ /,rv to the sUndard of the remainder Mitchell ( P ) ; 2, G. Mitchell (H ) ; of the annual. However, there is 3, A. Cramb (H). hardly a newspaper or a maga- '50 Yards, age 9 -- 1, G. Mitch- zine of which the same couldj not (Hp; 2, «E. Lauder ( P ) 3, D. Iw said. GockI poetry,--and no Chapman (H). ]>o(*try is worthy of the name 50 Yards, age 10 -- 1, M. All is the rarest lau. ( P ) ; 2, R. MkcAulay (H ) ; C L A SSIF IE D A D S The rate for Claaslfled Advertisemeiits ia 2 cent* per Wuî d, minlmmn 25 centa. Except in the case of thoae havlnf regular aci»iiali% cf«8si. fieds are payable strictly In advMce. Remember Claaaifieda In jbe West Van Nevra get immediftto resulU. The students of the Junior High School are to l>e heartily congratulated on their first An nual, which has ju st been pub- imless it is good ___ _______ . . . lished, and on which they, have t hing in the world. Incidentally, 3, A., Bingham (P) CAPABLE GIRL will mind children FOR SA L E -- - 2 '^ b le s , camp bed, any time. West 296R LOST -- Monday, female police pup, ■ 8 months)^ Phone W est 272L. y asked us to make a few com ments. It Jj^vciry well got up, and their jimriers'liavc done an excellent piece of work. The cuts, which we understand, are the-work"Of"the'-students them selves, are Very'artistic, some of the silhouettes of the sUifT de serving, special mention, having oaptured, not only the profiles but also the expressions of the iwrsons representcjd. There is a deal of subject m atter treated of as regards the various school activities, and we were^glad to note that sane, dignifiecfEnglish had been used throughout and not t he slangy, cheap, up-to-date, jargon which wc are sorry tq^ the best judges of poetry are the general public, and not the critics, who are far too prone to be led away by form or the utter lack of it, and to rave over meaninglessphrases-and-splurg- CH of big words, which only indi cate a paucity of ideas. Finally, we hope that every student will heed the message of Principal Condon. Therein he' 60 Yards, age 11 -- 1, B. Hill (H ) ; 2, E; Pierce (H ); 3, J). Bisset (P).. ■ Girls 50 Yards, age 6 -- 1, J. Gar ner ( P ) ; 2, S* Magoun (H ); 3, P. Reid (P). 50 Yards, age 7 -- 1, J. Cran- will (H) & L. Williamson (H ) ; 3, S.» ^tam atis (P). 50 Yards, age 8 1, B. La Fleche (H ) ; 2 , G. Jenvey ( P ) ; C. J. ARCHER LTD. -- Nice M o d ^ Home, Point Grey, to trade , for West Vancouver property. Rhone W est 225. or Seymour 5964. linoleum, ironing hoard, meat safe* chairs, pieces of ifuirpet. For infor- mation phone W eit*i41. eveninya FOR SALB'= -W h ftf;ieg h o rn Roost- ers, 4 weeks o ld /^ for $ 1. Clovellv Poultry Farm, 01*4* & Mathers Phone W est 296Ei FOR SALE -- Boys' Bicycle, g ^ condition, $8.00. Phone West 60X. FOR R E N T -- yearly lease. 63R1. House on W.aterfrout, Apply Leyland, W est HOUSE MOVING Alterations and repairs; concrek . And basement work. Phone C. A . Wilson, 'North 682L,, WANTED -- Wall tent about 8'xlO', good condition. W est 282R. • HAYWARD AND i^flpBLE--Radio Servicing, Patronia'W est Vancou ver. Guaranteed wdii^^.Phone West 539. has .set down a few truths, 3, G. Edington (H) . which, if lived up to, will make 50 Yards, age 9 --- 1, J. Jessi them good students and good ^ WANTED --• Bedroom Dresser, cheap . for cash. Box 5, W est Van News. ( itizens. 5Q Yards, age 10 -- 1, E. Gook FOR RENT -- Small furnished room, reasonable.*-Apiily ,2696 Mathers r Avenue. ̂ ' ROCK DRILLING -- built, rockeries made and p îanted- Day or contract. Phone Wet t„ 294. -V .say is so much m vogue'with a certain clas.s of~no.wspapers both in the United States and Canada. Also, .interspersed among the varioins aiTicles and sometimes in the articles themselves has been included the lightening ef fect of flashes of'humor. I f . \ve-n itt»t-eriH ci2<jr^^ have been asked to do so. tliAt criticism would be directed to VERNON FEED STORE (H ): 2, N. Vigor (H). Grieve ( P ) ; 3, M. FOR SALE -- 1 Saanen and Nubbin milking goat for $5.00. Mrs. Olive Pearson. 7th and MatJiera. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the h^t^nt- erial and workmanship at. Fdg, 14th at Ferry. . ' ^ ' 50 Yards,-age 11----- 1̂, R- Tur--DUNDARAVE HBRARY,-2476 Mar^ vey ̂(P ) ; 2, J.^Glarke (P) ; 3, N. P?,**K in g s le y (H ) ' / » > gtars Lookv Down," "Green'The" Stars Light," , etc. HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP - r 1> our lunches,, afternoon teas vu -- dinners;__JHomerrmade. bread, cafe and pies. W est ,610. . A. C. .SBARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies Boys' Race, 12 years anti up -- 1, J.,MattRias (H ) ; 2, M. Spanks (H ); 3, S. B r ^ e n (H). Girls* Race, 12 years and up-- Tt̂ -N.--F ellow sr"f'P'I"f~2 f"-Di"*Jessi--- FOR RENT -- Furnished cottage, fu lly modem,, electric rangfe, piano, g a r a g e ,, good view, close to bus.- W est 306X. ------ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermigue Steam Permanent... _Try our fatigue facial ' for tired housewife or busines? wonmn. W est 304. 17th and Mari(Ui\-. over,Royal Bank". - cf man ( P ) ; 3, M. Payne (H). Jumps Boys, 6 and 7 years;-- 1, G. Cue (H ) ; 2, G. Harrop (P) & A. Milner :(PX. FOR SALE Two large lots on Mar^ ' Ine comer"; west df^5lE;'no5Ftff"si3e." Prjee. (half assessm ent value) $750, or one lot if preferred. W est 127, COLIN TURNER, Bpilder and Con- ..,:.4 ?̂ e-tQr_-r=iAlteratiDna.£.and-jr.ej.d̂ ̂ Phone'W esr679R7::------------ --------- MINUTES STEADY IRONING Boys, 8 and 9 years ONE CiNT for electricity; will heat your Iron far 52 min- utes Hunt (P ).;^ E. (H)'; E. Lauder (P). Boys; 10 and 11 years -- 1, B. Simpson ( P ) ; 2, M. Allan ( P ) ; 3, R. Pai-tington (H ). ^ Girls, 6 and 7 years -- 1, P. Scott (H ); 2, L. Williamson (H ); 3, B. Coney (P ). Girls, 8 and 9 years -- 1, P. Pagan (H ); % J, Vance (H ) ; 3, R. Forrest (P ). . Girls, 10 and 11 years -- 1, P . . Langley (H ); 2 , F. Jenvey (PX; 3, R. Turvfey (P) & E .tlook (H). Boys^ Tabloid -y-1, Hollyburn, 34 points; 2, Pauline Johnson, 29 points. Junior Relay, boys -- Pauline Johnson, (D. Barker, K. Crane, E. U uder, R, Mitchell, M. Allan, D. Bisset). 4-Man Relay --r- Hollyburn (J. Matthias, S. Breeden, M. Spanks, P. Jefferies)/ . Junior Relay, girls *-- Holly- bum (B. La Flechet E. Cook, J; f/^^will. S. Magoun, J. Vance, M. W il^n). IS YOUR DOG OUT OF CONDITION --'For worms or skin trouble, see -- PJuMipsJro57-il44S_JMari»_e,_aftej:::_ WANTED -r- One furnished and onê unfurnished : 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone W est 840 or West 143 noons; LOST .-- Ladies lia t case, Whytecliff Road, Sunday night. Phone W est 27 -THE-W ELPARE-A6 SOCIATION-re. quires disj^rded clothing. Phone ; West 37 and truck w ill collect. HEADQUARTERS for All Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. RADK) R E P A IR S -r W est Van. Radio Service (J. L. P ettigrew ), West 108, 1473 Marine. WATERFRONT, Bellevue Avenue -- 6 room, bungalow, every modern conve.nience, lovely garden, partly furnished, garage, no children, from September 1st. W est 297L. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ~ Repairs, a ll m akes.- W est Vancou ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. CAPT. „Ei. GALLANT, Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van- " couver. Seymour 8790. FOR SALE --- W aterfront JBungalow on a large lot in lawn and rockeries; 2 blocks east o f sDundarave. Cash, $2500, terms, $3,000. For details apply 2318 Bellevue. Avenue, DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE. 2446 Mar ine--Tiger, Purple Heather, Leon- ... ora, Crochet Wool. Expert instruc tress (Mrs. Latham ). Prop, M. Busst. PRINTING -- For aU kmds of printing p h o n e . West Van News, W est 363. FOUNDATION WORK, Excavating. Gement.Work, Rock Walls, Garden ing, Septic Tanks installed or clean ed, Land Clearing, Chimneys Clean ed, Fencing. W est 290R. LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, ^2474 Marine -- Complete line spring -wools. • Free ■ knitting school,V ioletr'and Kathleen Clem- ■ ent. Proprietors. ___ _ GEO. HAY, Notary Public -- "Real Estate and Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. DOLLY VARDEN SHOP, Dundarave -- H w ieiy . Millineryi House Dresses and Children's Wear. C ity prices. "'Municipality' o f W est Vancouver PUBLIC NOTICE 4 G irl Relay -- Pauline J o h n - ANN" s h o p p e , Dnndarave,-------- _ j r a u u u e u o « n --Notaons, Novelties, S tationer/son (N. Fellows, D; Jessiman, P Milner, G. Stam atis). P -- Pauline Johnson. - H -- Hollyburn. School Supplies, Hardware. Garden Seeds, L: Lambert w m te the council enclosing resolutions re ( l) \P a rk , area; (2) Clearing bf street .ends and boulevards; (3) Cut ting of grass; etc., Street. In regard tQ (1) the clerk was Re Proposed Amendments to! Zoidng By-Law Notic§. is hereby ^ v e n th at pursu ant tb"the provisions of' the Town Planning.. A ct a m eeting of the Council of the M unicipality of West Vancouver will be held in the Council Chamber, 17th and Esguim alt, Holiy- FURNISHBD AND u n f u r n i s h e d Houses to Rent, Houses, lots, and _______ _ „ „ ______ acreage for. s a le .' J o h ^ L aw son ,"bum , B. C?,' on J ^ com- __ mencing. a t 7.00 o 'clock p.m. . All persons who deem themselves affected by the .proposed amendments ITth-^and Marine, Phone W est 55 J. T EPPE H ^, Boilder and Contractor Expert advice. Planll'drawn. First 481R1. workmanship. ..iPhone West i.aiM4.aa to give the re milage required. As r^ards Hastings St. Se^ionr 41^ (2) the wnter.»as^uiform ai th a t ----- ------- . this m atter waa in hand p riw ^^ to thg. By-law shall be heard before the Council on. tiie natters contained therein. A copy of theproposed smiendmente to the By-law' nmy be inspected at the Municipal Hall, Hollyirara, B.C., from 9:00-n.m.--te-5.00-p.m. on any-da%Y except_ Saturday, when __ the office; Cl bses^at-igrOO -o'clocfc^noonj-from- the- ELECTRIC S E R V I C E - ^ A L W A Y S A B A R G A I N ^ t n a n u p r io r to CnnB"WEBB'St^ir*^iT-«giir ------------cJoses-at-l2:00-o'clock-noonrfrom-tne Bay Street would be p a i n t i n g . Decorating. this 30tbS t ^ t would be considered, Paper-Hang- day S fey 193^^ When Snarices permitted. . or^. Phô e - Hen Wiilimnson, . West 41SR. W; HERRIN,^, ,' Municipal Clerk.