Citculating in the District of. West Vancouver̂ Ambleside ̂ Hotiybum, Wes^n, Dundarave $1.00 per year. C y p t e s s P a r k , C d i U ^ p d . W h y t e c l W , E t c . : ' \'ol. X H O LLY B U RN P.O .. W EST . B.C., T H U R SD A Y , J U N E 7th, 1935 No. 7 AI.EXANDRA ROSE DAY 'Ik'forc another issue of this paper appears, every house m the municipality-will have been visited and an opportunity given to\he residents to purchase an Alexandra Rose. The Duncan WEST VANCOUVER . YOUNG LIBERAL ASS^N HORTICULTUfeAL ASS»N»S f u o r a l f e s t iv a l NEW FERRY LAUNCHED COMING EVENl'S The Young Liberal Assoda- ̂ The W diilVhnoouyer Horti- tion wa6 first formed in West cultuiral Asfepciritlmi are staging Vancouver in April when a mass the 12th Annhiil Floral Festival meeting was hdd a t the Legion and Rose Shoy^ the Orange uincira nose, xnc Hall. Sixty applications for Hall bn Saturday, June 15th^ T iwson Chapter, I.O.D.E., under membership were made a t th is The direeijors are expecting a auspices these roses are , meeting with'fifteen m ore since, larger exhibit than ever this 1 pimr sold, are anxious th a t each Officers were elected and resolu- year and hope »all Abwer lovers !i'irchaser understands th a t th e tion passed to form, the above will take a^va^age of the fine wv-i?(is will be divided between association. To date,there have prizes offered in al classes for rrnom-'s Crippleage in England, been three executive ,meetings com petiti^ . An added feature a-her the roses are made, the and great enthusiasm shown by this year is a dinner table decor- S e Cancer F\irid, and Work th<̂ members. Through thb work ation, Tables wil Ibe 6 ft. x 3 ft. iny tiie^ children Of ^our own of the executive one softball 6, and flowers need not necessar- m inicipality. There is no set team has been started and enter- ily be grown by the competitor Siarge^ Residents are asked to ed in the North Shore League, in this exhibit. This should be hist ldve as they can afford -- Work , has been found- for four an in teresting competition for bvluE sure tha t the ir donation young hien who are members, by the ladies. It is also hoped that be gratefully received and the Welfare Committee, while there will be keen competition ̂ - ■ fifteen applications were taken- in -the Gardens and Boulevards for the Provincial Forestry Ser- competitionfil. A feature in this vice. This is truly a great s ta r t section is a Cottage garden, and the com m ittee, have good which comprises vegetables, prospects fo r work in the future. - flowers, fru iL btc. Catalogues Several locations have been look- may be h a4 |rb m yanous merch- ed a t for a possible meeting hall an ts or o ff i® ^ which will be put before the p r from Mrs. ,H. B. Garland, members a t their next meeting. secretary> by artV of th e d̂̂ ^ ................................... .... .......... Gn June 12th a t the Legion Hall, the .associaj:ipn. Exhibitors OXY-AGTYLENE WELDING each member is asked to bring are requested to fill out entry Tb£e needing any o x y ^ e ty - .. a new member with the object forms and hand to the s e c re tly ler w e S T o d L are of enrelling h s members before '.no t later th ^ V u n e 14th The Sed to communicate with. A rt the 15th instant. This meeting secretary will m attendance jurns, 1442 Marine Drive, phone-"wiIl take place a t 8 rfclock when West 16. Welding, brazing and the business of the association June 14th, from 7.30 to, 10 p.m., ^ will be dealt with to be foUowed to receive samp. Any informa-^ by a~ dance to the music of th e ^o p ̂vriU ̂ : Black Diamond Orchestra. _ This phomng th e 's^retary,;; is your ̂ soefa tibn , so come but v B *C afla^^ and^,attend_.the meeting .arid _ president. ____________ _ bring a friend) with you. Collec- The launching ceremony^ of Suiurduy, June 22nd -- Gaidon party for 1st B. C. Sea Ranguthe new ferry took place last Saturday evening a t the yards of the North Vancouver Ship Repairs Ltd., before a large crowd of West Vancouver and North Vancouver residents. Mrs. G. D. Elgar, wife of the chair man of transportation, broke a bottle of champagne over the er.K al the home of Mrs. J. Hamilton Smith, 1448 Gordon Avenue. WOOD & SAWDUST \ i\ifillTile Dollar Lumber and Fuel ............. . ..... ̂ Co. of North Vancouver, are bow as the ship bogan to move giving a quick delivery of inside down on the ways saying: 'T dr, slabs, edgings and sawdust, christen this ship the good ship For prices please ipfer ,to adver- Bonabelle and I wish her God- tisemont in this issue. speed." Previous to th is Reeve Leyland had made a brief speech in which he said the launching indicated progress and hope. He BOAT BUILDING carefully expended. June 12:h is_,. being kept in Greater London, England, as Alexandra Rose Day, and the same day has been chosen for W est Vneouver -- so . wear a rose or Wednesday, June 12th, and hue a share In th is great humlanitKian objective. Any who are interested in commended the builders for hav- having a boat built are asked to ing finished the ir work four get in touch, with the Sun Rise weeks after the keel was laid, Builder at Sherman or in- and expressed the hppe th a t tho ' puire at the stoiixi there, launching would herald in a - - turn of good times. At the conclusion Pf the cere mony -Mrs. E lgar was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Mrs. Leyland, following whiph TO WATER USERS The council are asking resi dents not to indulge in indis-,, _ _ criminate sprinkling. In this* refreshm ents" were " se ^ e d ' to connection pur redders are asked those assembled by .the officiajs to the notice re the above of the company in their offices this .i^ue., on the dock. DAMAGING MUNICIPAL PROPERTY Oratorical Contest The annual oratorical contest sponsored by the P.-T. A. will be held tomorrow night in the cutting executed a t any time. L. 0 . B. A. d a n c e . Encouraged by the great suc cess ~ and ia rg e attendance a t their jdance last Saturday. -Ruth C hapteivY iT T B IlC riW I^^^^ similar dance ori Saturday of this , week in the Orange Hall. Dancing will s ta r t a t 9 p.m,, and good rnlusic will be provided. Ad mission, 15 cents." A notice appears in th is issue Inglewood Junior High School, from the municipal hall, stating This year all contestants will be th a t $10 reward will be paid to Junior High pupils and will be anyone furnishing information, the, pick of the school as eveiy -which ^ ill lead to_the convictioii, stodent has given a speech dur-_ of any person or persons guiRy the earlier rounds. Elimiha- B1G.LIHBSa l ^ A N 0 1 - 4>tdam 4̂ ing:a^toeetj8ignjEUJ8̂ ^ and ̂ -• '■ signs, traffic signs; o r mumcipal from the many fine speeches foe- Don't forget the big Liberal Dance , to be given tomorrow (Friday) night by the Liberals and Young Liberals in the COUGHS DONT JUST .---- ^ h a p p e n ------- _ . hesS was the c.electi6ĥ ̂ office^ io r the ensuing half year. ' The following were elected:-^ __o ___________ ______ President, H. Davison; -Vice an evidence of some disorder af- President, Mrs. G. W. Gleed; fe(jting the "respiratory tract. Executive, Messrs/G. Perree, jn , And this cough and the disorder CJook, E. Birch, A. Cue; Secre- accompanying it? don't ju s t hai)- te iy - Treasurer, Mrs. M. John- pen. Back of th is trouble is a ' son; W ays & Means Committee, - UNEMPLOYED ASS'N ̂ The regular fortnightly meet ing of the West Vancouver Un- ^ vy ^ ̂ • -n u employed Association was held Orange Hall. Good music will be i t the Legion Hall on Thursday, provided for the dancing, which ■lilay~'23Td7^henH;her'Ch'ief't)usi'ft^^dH®a^p]aGe.froni.^4;oJ2rAnd- signs, traffic signs, or municipal property of dhy ;deseription. MRS. C. W. RITCHIE PASSES By Captain E. Gallant, Registered Chiropractor Coughing is unnatural. I t is there will also be, refreshm ents.' Admission, 25 cen ts .' Ladies with escorts will be admitted, free. • INTER-HIGH SCHOOLS' ̂ TRACE MEET Mrs. Christina Walker Ritchie ■ passed away on Tuesday a t Rer --residence,-^334--Haywood'-Ave- nue. She was in her 69th year and leayes to mourn h e r loss four daughters; Mrs. F. H. Min- gie of Montreal, Mrs. H. Booth of Vancouver, Miss Ann Ritchie many fine speeches ing given it is going to be very difficult to pick the three final ists in each grade. -The students have all chosen intei*esting sub jects and a pleasant and profit able _evening is promised all tbfiIselwhqji±tend._-._,______ _ During .the. evenings musicaF items will be provided by puj^ls of the school. cause to be corrected. Coughs are, produced by an in flamed, i r r i t a t e condition of the membrane lining the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. TTiis• • j j "̂"1 j* 1.1 Mrs. and G l ^ , Messrs. G. Perree A. Cue; Entertainm ent Hastings Park, May 23rd «xiv* M-*. -- _____________ West Vancouver High School Gommittee, Messrs. W. Wallace, again participated in the Inter- H. C. Johnsoiy(standing); jj . Schools' IVack Meet held bership, W. Davison; Publiftty, ® -- - LEGION NOTES of Chicago, and-Mrs.-B. L-Lane------ The next general-m eeting of 2334 Haywood Avenue; alsoTwb the branch -will be roll-call, and sons, D. C. Ritchie and A. Ritchie a full attendance of members is of Victoria. Funeral services requested- Friday, June 7th. were held a t 2 :30 p.m. this after- Plans for the proposed holding noon a t the West Vancouver of the Children's Summer Pic- United Church, Rev. Hillis ing with im portant activities oruncniai tunes and Jungs. xm s nersnip, w. jL/avison; tiAaf;n<r« Park on Mav 23rd in turn is due to a failure of the H. Gleed; Auditor, Mr. Gook, - "V f , f T .___ •. . - I _ ' . .1 ___ 2.1____ :ii virViAVk arnnAnTfl rmn an- W right and Dr. E. A.- Henry of- items of general business deal- ficiating, and interm ent was ng with im portant activities nerve currents governing th is membrane, hence the abnormal condition. The nerves feeding 'and regu lating this membfance, like all other nerves, have the ir drigin at the spine. Th§y, branch off from the spinal cord and em it The next general meeting will when the local students had an- b e . held a t the Legion Hall on other opportunity of measuring Thursday, June 13th, a t 8 p.m. RATEPAYERS' MEETING The West Vancouver Ratepay-: ers' Association are holding a meeting tonight a t 8 o'clock in their prowess against th a t of city school students. E ntries in the mile event, and in both boys' and girls' relay races bn the final day gained 12 ^ i n t s for made in Capilano View Ceme^ /during the holiday season, ery. Harrori Bros. Ltd., had Members who have not as yet "charge of the funeral .arrange- • _,bought.llh€irJickets_flnd€_r^the_ ments. ' "Vimiy Pilgrimage Club" of the ------------------- -- T Canadian Legion, are urged to do so. The benefits from same are of real value. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST irom tne spinal cord and em it - meeting tonignt a t o p ciouk lu thb High School.- The boys ran between two of the movable , DUndarave H all Very import- gg^ond in their event, while the bones? o f thp aninA T*Karo iq .£iti+ maf+rfara wilf'loonie UI> lo r dlSr - - ---w An.vrvO'Ww ̂ . 1^u i i i M x c v V ' A S eC O n c l i n u r it i ix W i i i l c i/IltJ bones of the spine. There is ̂a n t m a te rs willoome up for dis- girls, disappointed to find th a t where intei^erencejbccursr And' "oussion,^and" refreshm ents will --.ij u - .-------------------- And ______ , , ...... ....... there is where Chiropractic ad- lie served. I t is hoped th a t all / justments are made -to remove being present. A hearty wel- the cause. ' ' . come to a ll / . A - ■ •--1 Corporation of the D istrict of West Vancouver ^ F f t ^ a t e r U scirs As indiscriminate sprinklinig; which materially reduces pressure, works a"^distinct hardship on residents living on the higher levels, consumers are hereby requested to be as moder ate as possible in the use of w ater for garden purposes during dry spells. Careful ob^rvance of this request may entirely obviate the necessity of pu tting in sprinkling restrictions which .-the Council doTiot desire to introduce if they can be avoided. ' ̂ . ^ Hollyburii, B.C., W. HERRIN, I ' Municipal Clerk. 15-5-19J their race would .be .uncohtested, ran the distance in an attempt- - to break, their own 1934 record, but failed to do so by one second. Of the nineteen schools compeb- ing West Vancouver gained tenth place, standing ahead of such large city schools, as King G ^ rg e and Technical, so th a t it was felt th a t the creditable "rec ord of the school had been :vtê Il . maintained. ' ^ MAY DAY DONATIONS The corajmiittee gratefulljfack- nowledge the following dona tions: 4 Bouquets'"for flower girls from W est Van. Florists. 4 Bouquets for maids of honor 2 bouquets fior May Queen, past and~ present," from~Mrs"." T: "At Spender., Money-- In memory, $2.00. - "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches Of Christ, Scien- ist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world."' (Acts 15: 18). . Among the citations jwhich comprise the Ldsson - Sermonris- the following from the Bible: "The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea." (Psalms 93: 4). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the followifig pa.ssage from the Christian Science text book, "l ie n e e and-Health with; Key to, the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Spiritually to understand th a t there is but one. creatbr, God, unfolds all creation,, confirms-the Scriptures, brings the"sweet' assurance of no part-- ing, no pain,,and of man death less and perfect and eternal." . COUNCIL NOTES " H. B. Stevens on behalf of the 2nd West Vancouver Troop, Boy . Scouts, wrote-the councjl-re tree planting campaign. A letter was sent to the.w riter thanking him for his communication and say ing th a t the co<uncil wished also on their p art to express their ap preciation of what had been done -by the Association and for th a t purpose had caused the follow ing minute to be inscribed on th ir records: "T h a t.a resolution of thanks and appreciation be for warded through the secretary of the 2nd W est Vancouver Boy Scouts to the boys-and any who assisted them in the tree plant ing campaign so successfully carried out." A. McDougall made an offer to the council to purchase D.L. 879, Block L, E ast of P.G.E., Lot 6. r ^ e applicant was-advised-that th is Jot could only be bought for casK. , i;: V,!- wife ' ■ ' IJ X '.A*;, : 'ihU i;' ' • ' /J' WMi ■ : J i. :■ ' 'i i ' & ■im m m m m : 'i ■■ ̂J ■: V.. . u. ' - «' ■ %