West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jul 1935, p. 4

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HiHMI 4 ■ t«S»iU'm' j j l y 2S,i m i i .. 1 , P . h » i i i , W f i l J i l 'TOE MJKKJNO b u s h Prices Good Friday Sc Saturday, July 26th & 27th HE8T FOOD MAVONNAISE H oz. Jar, tOti 16 m . Jar 3Sr Itrd Arrow TOABTKD SODAB, HmuII package' ......... ............ . Sc BISCUITS ....................... ..... Ib. 25c AKMortccI Sandwich, OLIVKS, Mbby'a No. H jar ...... I7c IIONFXKSH CHICKEN, Naf>ob 71/j ox. Iln' S).............. ........ 2&C Hod & While COHSTEIl, Fancy whole meal, Âh, tin.... . 15c Hod & While JEU.Y FOWDBIIS AaHortod fluvorn ......... 6 pkta. 25« MUHTAHI), ready prepared French'n, 5 oz, l>oUIe ............ 9c FOHK & DEANS, Naimli Large 2'/ ,h ................... 2 Una 26c Oranlluim'H LIME JUICE COKDIAL Sweelened; 25 ox. IkiUIc .......... 30c TEA, Aunt Mary's,̂ .... | ,lb. bag 35c COFFEE. Iliiia Brand, I Ib. bag. .. 24c JAM, SlrnwlH*rry, Nabob New pack ................. 4.1b. tin 52c . Meatg Phone West 370 o f l a m b , per Ib................. 27c KliOULDEH OF LAMB (whole), I'or ib........................................... 16c I'l/r HOASTS OF BEEF I'i-r ib ........................... 12yic & I6c j'OKK SAUSAGF^ per lb. ......... 20c MNNAN IfADDIE, per Ib.......... IGc riNNANIIADDIE FILLEI'S, Ib. 20c JIUHN.S' BAKED HAM, Ib.......... 65c \'KAI/ M)AF, per Ib. ..................... 22c JIOLOCNA, per Ib.......................... I8c WLINEHS. per il)....................... 22c MONTEHKy CHEESE, each....... 20c BEEF -- FOHK -- LAMB -- VEAL Very Fineat Quality. m FED WHEAT................ .pkt. lOe SOAI', I'earl White...........10 bnr» 35c (l.irjiit 10) ' The little girl'n prayer: "Oh good and the good jx̂ ople nice, leads one to aî k what kind of a person is he or nhy whom a cmld would designate as "nice' Ob­ viously, a little child looks first for love and sympathy exp res^ in words and actions as coming from the soul within. There must be no make-believe about it. Secondly, as Wodehouse would say, a sense of humor is indicated,. also the: ^bigness bf soul which can .stoop down to the mind of a child. We remember what the Master said about children, and al.so that He was accused of companying with ,sin- « nerd] We suspect that, were He to walk upon the earth again as a man, He would still choose the same kind of companions, and , ; suffer from the same accusation, "No more, brother, or you will be thinking I ami a parson. JEFFER IES' HAMS Government Inspected Only .♦« LAMB -I- BBBP ' POHB , VBAL COLD MEATS OF aI l KINDS - DBUCATESSBN 1 Store at Hollyburiiy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU N B ER and a ll BUILDING MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER L U P E R CO- WD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTION ̂ ' " ' "t Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive UNEMI»LOYED ASSN in is credited with At the last regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemploi^ad Association K. Bloxham was ap­ pointed as vice-president to fill the vacancy caused by the resig­ nation of. Mrs. Gleed . and W. Wallace was elected to fill the vacancy on the executive com. mjtta*. The next meeting is to bo held 'iUu.I< orVn̂ tonight, saying that women marry be- I Int s(la.\, July 25th, at 8 cause they don't like to work. wlicM it i.M lequested that all Thot»« the lot of trash mciiibei-s make a .special effort to - • ®|. j . I have read for some tiriie, con- ' 4 ' ;..... i.. i. sidering that laziness is much (• Kol-iiii the obieci^^orthe^nrrT prevalent among men thanwomcn. The average woman has ot-bi in 1 Iv, just as much brain as the aver-tona in September and the de- man haa morp real ronratrp tails of the picnic which is to be orsouf and iAhe^i lield at Swedish Park, Lynn- Sn & shV moi^mmic mi Aiiirnuf i/KVi «m*ii SHC iTioie man maxes C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Classified AdrerUsements is 2 cents jper word," minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tlyMie' having regular accounts,, all classi­ fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West vVan News get immediate results! HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B. C., --- join Our Library: 25c u month; $2.00 a year. Ladyship Wools. 1678 Marine Drive. West 001. inoiir, on August 14th, will be ai rnnged for. S u m m e r is here Book of tickets - 250 lbs.-for $2^00 a regular Ice.Dcliverv Service to North _Vanco.uvcr,k. Dbliarton, Deep Cove, W est Vancouver, WhyteclifF, Horseshoe Bay and way points. Refrigerators anef Ice lioxes For Sale or Rent IF PHONING for SERVICE ask the operator to CHARGE THE CALL TO US fiA J ^ IN ICE & FUEL CO., Lti 325 East 5th Ave. Fairmont 6707-8 -9 "Tunp (n on iho Ico UarnivAl <if ihoUlr ovit ICOMO. 8 to 8.15p.m. Montliiy« lUKi FrldavH." ' ' up for it by her instinct. She can keep a secret, too;; better than mlost men providing she has not got a score to settle with the/ person concerned. The real cause for marriage is much more truly expressed by Elizabeth Marbury: "A caress is better than a career." After giving vent to the above, I am expecting a few invitations to afternoon tea, and mine's a wi^js-' key and soda. ̂ ^ - - ♦ i -tr- We usbd to have physical jerks ̂ in the C.E.Fi 'and it was certainly tough on the fat ones. I don't know ;how some of them survived all the chivying we got all over the lot. After a while . we became so smart we could go round a tree on one foo t and meet our shadow on the other side of it. .Since then I find I have slowed up for I tried these physical jerks over the radio yesterday; WINDOW SHADES and AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estimates free.' Picture framing. E; S. Pearce, 1890 Marine. Phone West 629 or West 145. !<F0R s a l e -- Kitchen Cabinet, Camp ! Bed, Camp Chairs, Brass Table, Ice Box, 3 small Hugs, Wicked Chiiir. ' Apply care of Mrs. Blow, 'Redmill Apts., West Bay. TO RENT -- Good furnished house. Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West COl DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine Drive -- Everything for . knitting and emibroidery. Free instructions. Mrs. Latham, proprietress.' DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE made bread, ̂ cakes, and West 514. -- Home- pastrie^. FOR SALE -- Eleven foot boat NEW also severaLsmalLarticles . of furn* iture. Apply, Oliver, 15th and Wat­ erfront. FOR RENT -- ̂ Nicely furnished cot- ^ge, fully modern, piano, electric range, splendid location and view; , August, $30. FULLY MODERN HOUSE near Ambleside Beach;- good •view, 3 min­ utes from ferry, partly furnished, Garage. ALSO, SMALL COTTAGE (furnish­ ed) overlooking Ambleside Beach, not fully modem. Phone West 306X FOR SALE--T- Several pieces of used furniture; reasonableTTMrs: Lymar Jones, 2277 Jefferson. ' LOST-- Canary, dark cplored, Phone West 520L. FOR SALE -- Fleming Refrigerator • Kitchen. Cabinet. Apply 2295 Fulton Avenue. RADIO REPAIRS; Tub^; Ariels, etc. J. L. Pettigrew, .The Radio .Man, 1890 Mwine; West 145. - WANTED -- Girl for domestic, ser­ vices, preferably near West Bay. Phone West 233-L-l. j u b il e e LIBRARY, iVost Bay Store Subscription 50c. Isabel M. Leigh­ ton, B.A., Librarian. THE MARINA, 1415 Marine Drive-- Wild Blackberry Pies -- Delicious! WANTED' -- Home for two male kittens. Phone West 689-R. RENTALS -- ̂We have a few at- traetiye furnished and unfurnished homes for rent. Inquiries invited. 40 J f ' it w a s' not so -------------- -̂-------------------- aui xeuu .inquiries invicee., .. A , broke^ , tw o oJootric,._. ŶAN-TEp,.:--^GeneraL-heIp.-I^ ---,..-....G!-J«^Archerliimited,x.-1415--d\Iar-ki^ grob-es^ lth my n H d s , sp lit my S non-smoker; one adult. - SLICES OF TOAST best , pants, arid.-sat !on the cat. So , now I thinlc Fll wait for the next war. West 471-L-3. WANTED -- Good cook< for two tuonths, wages $35.00. West 70-R-2. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Phone G. Meldrum, 725 'East 14th ' Street,. North Vancouver. T Misses Mary: A. Dunn, Lillian M. Foley and Edith Part­ ridge, members of the staff of Brooklyn Public Library, (Brooklyn, N.Y.) have been spending, their holidays with their friends, the Misses Bar- row, at "Innisfree," 2304 Ingle­ wood Avenue. .Miss Foley and Miss Partridge are npw on their way home via the Panama Can- LOST rr^JTrumpet mouthpiece, -Thurs­ day afterriooa at Whytecliff Park. . - Owner.jn,^oys'̂ Band. Phone West . 253-L. . , , . GIVE THE WIFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to Hunter's Coffee Shop, Luncheons, teas,-dinners. West 610. FOR SALE OR RENT -- Three room- fuftafe, furnished or unfurnished , rulton Avenue. Apply 1295-Fulton -Avenue or phone West 459. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. ■LOST -- Glasses between 24th and Orange Hall,. Sunday.' West 322. RADIO. SPECIALISTS -- Hayward & Prebble Have your set over­ hauled now;-summer prices. - Phone West 539. > 1 STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES -- For sale or. rent.. ,West.220-L. Louise and Banff. This IS their first v isit to B. C. all have been so capti- vated by.the lovely scenery,and climate that they hope to return Often in the future. * / V ♦ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Return c|o Mr. Speck, 1483 29th St t im e to plant your Brussels sprouts and dozen. West V^n. Florist, 18th & Marine. West SHOE REPAlRSic;;- Get the best mat­ erial and workmanship at Fox's, "14th at 'Ferry. ^ " C"'.Shop.8- B. Cripps, f«6 Marine Drived S u S p S ' th e ir -- stoHnnoli?' hooks, magajines' MARCEL SH()P -- Thermique Steam Permanent.. Try our fatigue facial ■for -tired housewife or .business woman. West 304, 17th and Marine over Royal Bank, 0N£ CENT for <)leetricity Will toast 40 slices of ;-breacii guests R. Rarrtshaw of Ridell, baskatchewan, and Mr. and Mrs. Keed of Scott, cousins of Mrs Cripps. A yacht wa$ blown ashore last Ihursday on the easterly end of Ambleide Beach;' some"damage being dohe to the hull. stationery, gifts. HEADQUARTERS for All Pomilpr Ci^rettes and Tobaccos '̂' also Fishing Gadgits for local wat' ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. COLIN TURNER, Builder and Con­ tractor -- Alterations and repairs. Phone West 679R. , ^ABLANT, Registered . Chiropractor, „712 Robson S t v in - couven. , Seymour 8790. ' WANTED -- One famished and one --unfurnished 4-room ' cottage near • ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- discaidiiJna'otKing. Phone'quires-------- - - - West 37 and truck will collect. WEST VANCGUYER PPWER LINE REPAIR HANBY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave ,--------- Schon/®"!', Stationery' " MOWERS SHARPENED Hardware Garden Seeds!- Bepams, all makes. West Vancou- Lavtt-aa repair^ may be Pt>wer lines serving West Vancouver, rWhybecliff and Bntamiia, It is Announced by the Company that there will be a power inter- F l^ N IS H E D 'A N D 'U N P U R N ISH P n Houses to Rent' HouLs lots , for sale. John Lawson I7th and Marine. Phone W e s t l l ' ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line" spring- wools. Free knitting school, Violet and Kathleen Clem- , ent. Proprietors.: dav a^sohlJrom school one « P « 0 „ a ffe c to j f X ELECTRIC SERVICE --ALWAYS A BARGAIN West Vancouver and Whytecliff Monday July 29th, between the hours, of 3 and 6 a.m. J" his teacher* sent Jimmy "for being ah'. sent--he had a new baby brother Tf was not his fault" - GEO. HAY, ^Notary Public -- Estate and. Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic­ itor,' 1447"Marine.-' naomings; 510 Hastings St,. i e y S io S 4199. after­ noons, ' '