HiHMI 4 ■ t«S»iU'm' j j l y 2S,i m i i .. 1 , P . h » i i i , W f i l J i l 'TOE MJKKJNO b u s h Prices Good Friday Sc Saturday, July 26th & 27th HE8T FOOD MAVONNAISE H oz. Jar, tOti 16 m . Jar 3Sr Itrd Arrow TOABTKD SODAB, HmuII package' ......... ............ . Sc BISCUITS ....................... ..... Ib. 25c AKMortccI Sandwich, OLIVKS, Mbby'a No. H jar ...... I7c IIONFXKSH CHICKEN, Naf>ob 71/j ox. Iln' S).............. ........ 2&C Hod & While COHSTEIl, Fancy whole meal, Âh, tin.... . 15c Hod & While JEU.Y FOWDBIIS AaHortod fluvorn ......... 6 pkta. 25« MUHTAHI), ready prepared French'n, 5 oz, l>oUIe ............ 9c FOHK & DEANS, Naimli Large 2'/ ,h ................... 2 Una 26c Oranlluim'H LIME JUICE COKDIAL Sweelened; 25 ox. IkiUIc .......... 30c TEA, Aunt Mary's,̂ .... | ,lb. bag 35c COFFEE. Iliiia Brand, I Ib. bag. .. 24c JAM, SlrnwlH*rry, Nabob New pack ................. 4.1b. tin 52c . Meatg Phone West 370 o f l a m b , per Ib................. 27c KliOULDEH OF LAMB (whole), I'or ib........................................... 16c I'l/r HOASTS OF BEEF I'i-r ib ........................... 12yic & I6c j'OKK SAUSAGF^ per lb. ......... 20c MNNAN IfADDIE, per Ib.......... IGc riNNANIIADDIE FILLEI'S, Ib. 20c JIUHN.S' BAKED HAM, Ib.......... 65c \'KAI/ M)AF, per Ib. ..................... 22c JIOLOCNA, per Ib.......................... I8c WLINEHS. per il)....................... 22c MONTEHKy CHEESE, each....... 20c BEEF -- FOHK -- LAMB -- VEAL Very Fineat Quality. m FED WHEAT................ .pkt. lOe SOAI', I'earl White...........10 bnr» 35c (l.irjiit 10) ' The little girl'n prayer: "Oh good and the good jx̂ ople nice, leads one to aî k what kind of a person is he or nhy whom a cmld would designate as "nice' Ob viously, a little child looks first for love and sympathy exp res^ in words and actions as coming from the soul within. There must be no make-believe about it. Secondly, as Wodehouse would say, a sense of humor is indicated,. also the: ^bigness bf soul which can .stoop down to the mind of a child. We remember what the Master said about children, and al.so that He was accused of companying with ,sin- « nerd] We suspect that, were He to walk upon the earth again as a man, He would still choose the same kind of companions, and , ; suffer from the same accusation, "No more, brother, or you will be thinking I ami a parson. JEFFER IES' HAMS Government Inspected Only .♦« LAMB -I- BBBP ' POHB , VBAL COLD MEATS OF aI l KINDS - DBUCATESSBN 1 Store at Hollyburiiy next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU N B ER and a ll BUILDING MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER L U P E R CO- WD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTION ̂ ' " ' "t Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive UNEMI»LOYED ASSN in is credited with At the last regular meeting of the West Vancouver Unemploi^ad Association K. Bloxham was ap pointed as vice-president to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of. Mrs. Gleed . and W. Wallace was elected to fill the vacancy on the executive com. mjtta*. The next meeting is to bo held 'iUu.I< orVn̂ tonight, saying that women marry be- I Int s(la.\, July 25th, at 8 cause they don't like to work. wlicM it i.M lequested that all Thot»« the lot of trash mciiibei-s make a .special effort to - • ®|. j . I have read for some tiriie, con- ' 4 ' ;..... i.. i. sidering that laziness is much (• Kol-iiii the obieci^^orthe^nrrT prevalent among men thanwomcn. The average woman has ot-bi in 1 Iv, just as much brain as the aver-tona in September and the de- man haa morp real ronratrp tails of the picnic which is to be orsouf and iAhe^i lield at Swedish Park, Lynn- Sn & shV moi^mmic mi Aiiirnuf i/KVi «m*ii SHC iTioie man maxes C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Classified AdrerUsements is 2 cents jper word," minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tlyMie' having regular accounts,, all classi fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West vVan News get immediate results! HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B. C., --- join Our Library: 25c u month; $2.00 a year. Ladyship Wools. 1678 Marine Drive. West 001. inoiir, on August 14th, will be ai rnnged for. S u m m e r is here Book of tickets - 250 lbs.-for $2^00 a regular Ice.Dcliverv Service to North _Vanco.uvcr,k. Dbliarton, Deep Cove, W est Vancouver, WhyteclifF, Horseshoe Bay and way points. Refrigerators anef Ice lioxes For Sale or Rent IF PHONING for SERVICE ask the operator to CHARGE THE CALL TO US fiA J ^ IN ICE & FUEL CO., Lti 325 East 5th Ave. Fairmont 6707-8 -9 "Tunp (n on iho Ico UarnivAl <if ihoUlr ovit ICOMO. 8 to 8.15p.m. Montliiy« lUKi FrldavH." ' ' up for it by her instinct. She can keep a secret, too;; better than mlost men providing she has not got a score to settle with the/ person concerned. The real cause for marriage is much more truly expressed by Elizabeth Marbury: "A caress is better than a career." After giving vent to the above, I am expecting a few invitations to afternoon tea, and mine's a wi^js-' key and soda. ̂ ^ - - ♦ i -tr- We usbd to have physical jerks ̂ in the C.E.Fi 'and it was certainly tough on the fat ones. I don't know ;how some of them survived all the chivying we got all over the lot. After a while . we became so smart we could go round a tree on one foo t and meet our shadow on the other side of it. .Since then I find I have slowed up for I tried these physical jerks over the radio yesterday; WINDOW SHADES and AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estimates free.' Picture framing. E; S. Pearce, 1890 Marine. Phone West 629 or West 145. !<F0R s a l e -- Kitchen Cabinet, Camp ! Bed, Camp Chairs, Brass Table, Ice Box, 3 small Hugs, Wicked Chiiir. ' Apply care of Mrs. Blow, 'Redmill Apts., West Bay. TO RENT -- Good furnished house. Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West COl DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine Drive -- Everything for . knitting and emibroidery. Free instructions. Mrs. Latham, proprietress.' DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE made bread, ̂ cakes, and West 514. -- Home- pastrie^. FOR SALE -- Eleven foot boat NEW also severaLsmalLarticles . of furn* iture. Apply, Oliver, 15th and Wat erfront. FOR RENT -- ̂ Nicely furnished cot- ^ge, fully modern, piano, electric range, splendid location and view; , August, $30. FULLY MODERN HOUSE near Ambleside Beach;- good •view, 3 min utes from ferry, partly furnished, Garage. ALSO, SMALL COTTAGE (furnish ed) overlooking Ambleside Beach, not fully modem. Phone West 306X FOR SALE--T- Several pieces of used furniture; reasonableTTMrs: Lymar Jones, 2277 Jefferson. ' LOST-- Canary, dark cplored, Phone West 520L. FOR SALE -- Fleming Refrigerator • Kitchen. Cabinet. Apply 2295 Fulton Avenue. RADIO REPAIRS; Tub^; Ariels, etc. J. L. Pettigrew, .The Radio .Man, 1890 Mwine; West 145. - WANTED -- Girl for domestic, ser vices, preferably near West Bay. Phone West 233-L-l. j u b il e e LIBRARY, iVost Bay Store Subscription 50c. Isabel M. Leigh ton, B.A., Librarian. THE MARINA, 1415 Marine Drive-- Wild Blackberry Pies -- Delicious! WANTED' -- Home for two male kittens. Phone West 689-R. RENTALS -- ̂We have a few at- traetiye furnished and unfurnished homes for rent. Inquiries invited. 40 J f ' it w a s' not so -------------- -̂-------------------- aui xeuu .inquiries invicee., .. A , broke^ , tw o oJootric,._. ŶAN-TEp,.:--^GeneraL-heIp.-I^ ---,..-....G!-J«^Archerliimited,x.-1415--d\Iar-ki^ grob-es^ lth my n H d s , sp lit my S non-smoker; one adult. - SLICES OF TOAST best , pants, arid.-sat !on the cat. So , now I thinlc Fll wait for the next war. West 471-L-3. WANTED -- Good cook< for two tuonths, wages $35.00. West 70-R-2. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Phone G. Meldrum, 725 'East 14th ' Street,. North Vancouver. T Misses Mary: A. Dunn, Lillian M. Foley and Edith Part ridge, members of the staff of Brooklyn Public Library, (Brooklyn, N.Y.) have been spending, their holidays with their friends, the Misses Bar- row, at "Innisfree," 2304 Ingle wood Avenue. .Miss Foley and Miss Partridge are npw on their way home via the Panama Can- LOST rr^JTrumpet mouthpiece, -Thurs day afterriooa at Whytecliff Park. . - Owner.jn,^oys'̂ Band. Phone West . 253-L. . , , . GIVE THE WIFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to Hunter's Coffee Shop, Luncheons, teas,-dinners. West 610. FOR SALE OR RENT -- Three room- fuftafe, furnished or unfurnished , rulton Avenue. Apply 1295-Fulton -Avenue or phone West 459. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. ■LOST -- Glasses between 24th and Orange Hall,. Sunday.' West 322. RADIO. SPECIALISTS -- Hayward & Prebble Have your set over hauled now;-summer prices. - Phone West 539. > 1 STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES -- For sale or. rent.. ,West.220-L. Louise and Banff. This IS their first v isit to B. C. all have been so capti- vated by.the lovely scenery,and climate that they hope to return Often in the future. * / V ♦ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Return c|o Mr. Speck, 1483 29th St t im e to plant your Brussels sprouts and dozen. West V^n. Florist, 18th & Marine. West SHOE REPAlRSic;;- Get the best mat erial and workmanship at Fox's, "14th at 'Ferry. ^ " C"'.Shop.8- B. Cripps, f«6 Marine Drived S u S p S ' th e ir -- stoHnnoli?' hooks, magajines' MARCEL SH()P -- Thermique Steam Permanent.. Try our fatigue facial ■for -tired housewife or .business woman. West 304, 17th and Marine over Royal Bank, 0N£ CENT for <)leetricity Will toast 40 slices of ;-breacii guests R. Rarrtshaw of Ridell, baskatchewan, and Mr. and Mrs. Keed of Scott, cousins of Mrs Cripps. A yacht wa$ blown ashore last Ihursday on the easterly end of Ambleide Beach;' some"damage being dohe to the hull. stationery, gifts. HEADQUARTERS for All Pomilpr Ci^rettes and Tobaccos '̂' also Fishing Gadgits for local wat' ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. COLIN TURNER, Builder and Con tractor -- Alterations and repairs. Phone West 679R. , ^ABLANT, Registered . Chiropractor, „712 Robson S t v in - couven. , Seymour 8790. ' WANTED -- One famished and one --unfurnished 4-room ' cottage near • ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- discaidiiJna'otKing. Phone'quires-------- - - - West 37 and truck will collect. WEST VANCGUYER PPWER LINE REPAIR HANBY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave ,--------- Schon/®"!', Stationery' " MOWERS SHARPENED Hardware Garden Seeds!- Bepams, all makes. West Vancou- Lavtt-aa repair^ may be Pt>wer lines serving West Vancouver, rWhybecliff and Bntamiia, It is Announced by the Company that there will be a power inter- F l^ N IS H E D 'A N D 'U N P U R N ISH P n Houses to Rent' HouLs lots , for sale. John Lawson I7th and Marine. Phone W e s t l l ' ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line" spring- wools. Free knitting school, Violet and Kathleen Clem- , ent. Proprietors.: dav a^sohlJrom school one « P « 0 „ a ffe c to j f X ELECTRIC SERVICE --ALWAYS A BARGAIN West Vancouver and Whytecliff Monday July 29th, between the hours, of 3 and 6 a.m. J" his teacher* sent Jimmy "for being ah'. sent--he had a new baby brother Tf was not his fault" - GEO. HAY, ^Notary Public -- Estate and. Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic itor,' 1447"Marine.-' naomings; 510 Hastings St,. i e y S io S 4199. after noons, ' '