West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jul 1935, p. 3

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■■> -<«-.-if.If*.1- '■«•» IMM MM MM NiMi ' . .......... . - '1 - \ ■ liiilirlillWiWiiMMtW A, tmm wiitfetsiaw ̂ m>nnii<nniiiiwiii« m»in.iig*ii ttfi>iiiiMwiiMi»iwi>i»n>«'! West V anceuter D itiU ed V e tu u il' iU seeu tu B ... At the Home o f Mr. and Mrs. R. P. B lo v ^ , 1788 Fulton Ave. TH U R SD A Ii ^^'A^ y^4 "4 Special Features t W E S T V A N C O U V ER B O Y S 'b a n d H ighland Dancing and Pipers, afternoon and evening. Additional evening attraction >^Frank Vyvyan in a Sj^cial playlet D A NCING O N T H E L A W N 3 family, 1870 BtaWevue Avenue, week to Jolii His family la t« J are spendinsr a holiday a t Beach interior* He wlH re tu rn to W est Grove* B. C* - '!■.• Vancouver to resum e hlS' PWif* ^ * tice foUowinir certalit stud ies in Mrs. W. Lockwood and Mrs. C. surgery In th e east. H. Moore, both , of Regina, are * * * Miss Daisy Brealey is a ttend ­ in g the sum m er school course in Victoria. ' *v. '#,. ,♦ Mr. ahd Mrs. A. Harvey Srnitl^ 16th and * Marine thrive, vare spending, a holiday a t Bowah WHEN THE SU N BEEN S Bo pretwrod with OLIVE OIL, COCA BUTTER, CAREON OIL and UNGUENTINE. We have them and wo deliver. AOMIS$fON-.^Adults 2Sc. Chlldi:en 10c. H I ^ K | o f r u it m a r k e tp Im I ̂ V 9 I FRUIT a VEGETABLES SPECIALS Friday ?i|id Saturday, Ju ly 2htli & 27th the guests of Mrs. V. R. China, 1747*' Duchess ■ Ayenuer*":'" - Mr. and Mrs. George Bryan, 16th Street, s i m t the week end on Vancouver Island. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, 2206 sW and. Marine Drive, are holidaying on Hornby Island.* * * Donald, Sharman, son of Mr. an d . M rs- C. E . ;Sharman, 967 20th, Street, is leaving next Mon­ day for the Old Gemmiirs Drag Store The Stor* of Servleo. 1686 Marine Drive We«t 87 or Weat 607 Bmergency Phone West (After 10 p.m.) 881 Sunkist Juicy Grapefruit, 8 f o r 25e^ 6 for 25c 6 for 25c Sunkisl Juicy Oranges, • Dozen .......... 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c Apricots, lb ................. . 9c Sweet I'lums ................... 2 lbs. 22c Cantaloupes ..................... each 10c Watermelons ................... lb. 5c No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes, 2 lbs 25c New Potatoes................... 16 lbs. 25c Cucumber, large size......... each 10c Lettuce..... ..........................2 for 7c Celery ...................:............3 for 10c Butter and Green Beans, 6 lbs. 25c 1450 Mai-ine Drive, AMBLESIDE, FREE DELIVERY Phone W est 77 * " ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Norton Youngs with the ir 5-year old spn,. Norton W., arrived here from Anyox last Monday and are staying a t the home of W. J . iWenmoth, 1193 14th Street. Mrs. Norton L i O . B . A . D A N C E Ilil THE ORANGE'HALL SATURDAY, J u ly 2 ,7 th , a t 9 p.ni. ADMISSION 1 5 c . beeh-*accepted' as an apprentice Youngs was form erly Effie Wen- by the Royal -A ir Force. The moth, who taugh t school here term of apprenticeship is three some yejps. Mr, Norton years* and he will proceed im- Youngs was for soine years in mediately on arrival in England the assay office a t Anyox. He to the R.A.P. station a t Halton. has accepted a position with the On the completion of this term Ynur Gold Mines and will have he will become a permanent charge of the assay office there, member of the force. He leaves tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Miss Kathleen W enmoth is Keeyes of Vancouver, are oc- down from St. George's School, Stratton^s BAKERY Bread, Cakes,, Pastries,^ Birthday, C hristen ing ' and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls,* Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 cupying^a suite a t "The Gables,'■ W est Bay. J, i Mrs.. Robertson of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clachan......... Engagement Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds,- Tennis Courts, Bathing Boating, Fishing,. Tea-rooms, Sandy Bea^cnes, -------- Cottages for rent!------- Mr. and IV^s. A rth u r Sefton- Taylor of Noi^h Vancouver, beg to announce th^ engagem ent of th e ir youngest daughter, Dora Sybil, to Mr. Alpheus J. Bowden, 1845 Esquim alt Avenue. The wedding will take place in Van­ couver on -17th"A ugustr ̂ ---------- A pleasant evening was .spent a t th e home of Mr; and M rs.,J. T. Littleford* 1336'^' Duchess Avenue, last Friday evening, ered to bid farewell to Mr. Lit'tle- when a num ber of friends gath- ford, who left fo r Stillwater on Saturday. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker, Mrs. C. Lytton, and is staying with h e r father, W. J. Wenmoth,: 1198 14th Street; * * * Councillor and Mrs. G* H*. E l­ gar, 1566 Gordon Avenue, are spending a holiday a t ^ I m a Park. , . I♦ ♦ ♦ . Municipal Clerk W. H errin and Mrs. Herrin, 1387 Haywood Avenue have' returned from a W. Doherty,. Mr. Vic. Ferguson motor trip in W ashington and and Mr. Strickland, and M aster Oregon. Tommy Littleford. . * * ♦ _. ____1 -Jii- * , *-_____ . . . . _____Gaptain_and Mrŝ . H,__P._Skeet_ A delightful evening was spent And family, 2()78 Fulton Avenue, VERNON FEED STCmE A. C. SEARLE Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, -- " Builders*-"S u p p lie 8 r"^V If- 'T^ast' SOFTBALL Wednesday; July. 17th,' a t Ambleside Park, Tritons de- ^-feated-Wardlaw^s-6-5 -in-a-hard fought game. E rnie King pitch­ ed a good game fo r the winners arid was given good support. . O n' Monday, July 22nd, Tat Mahon Park, Wardlaw'̂ defeated "T^rttoiis^i^irL" J~'M c0ue~"hit~^ at.^the.L home__.ofi:Mr._and' Mrs'. Gillies, 1353 Clyde Avenue, on Saturday evening, the 20th inst­ ant, when a nuriilber of friends gathered 'to. ̂honbJf'Mr.- and M m B arnett on -thd* occasion of t f f l ^ ^ t h weddihg anniversary. A m m ^i^ose,-presen t-w ere Mi.. and Mrs. Victor*-Blanchflower, are spending a vacation on Van- epuver Island. -. .' . i i|i i|i * ■ . • Mrs. Bonner has moved from Vancouver into a suite ̂ ^at the Fortune Cup Inn. ^I/-TrM egIaugbIin, m anager of- tfie .B .. C. Electric Company's Mr. and Mrs. G r^ n , M i^ M ^ store here, w ith Mrs. Meglaugh- Smith, Mrs. Smith, . Miss B. Jin and faihlily, is spnding a Beveridge, Miss E. Beveridge, week's vacation m otoring in the Mrs. Littleford, Mrs. E. BelL' , Cariboo country. ' * 4* ' ifc ̂ y -- Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE - July 2Bth, 26th & 27th "When a Man's a M an fP also **South Sea Sickness*'. * Luncheon a t Twelve T .SAT. EVENING & MONDAY 27th and 29th DICK POWELL in "HAPPINESS AHEAD" K.mi. Savdry 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, ^ e s t 143 Listings W anted Real Estate home run for Tritons., G.- Mast- erailan. and L. Willingtoti did the hurling for the losers. ' Dollarton defaulted to Tritons on Tuesday night, July 23rd, and th is leaves only , one m ore game Little Rosemjary Booth who has been, staying with her. grand­ parents for t h e 'lasL-year, has^ gone, down to Hpllyy^ood to be^ with her parents. Rosemary says, i t is very hot and she would RECREATIONAL CENTRE night a t . Confederation Park against Stew art's Sheet Metal Works. Playoffs should s ta r t the following w eek ., ; f- R A D IO R E P A IR S All Work Guaranteed r * V Experience Insures Satisfaction BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marine West 366 A. J. BOW DEN Wishes to announce to his customers that he-is iiiscohtinu- ing his fish business. Miss Winnie Brealey of the munidipal hall staff left oh S a t­ urday to spend Tier annual vaca­ tion in Southern California. Miss E. Mabkay of Foih; Lang­ ley, B. .C., is the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. J. M. .Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive. ■K « * The. Misses Phyllis Nealc^and Gladys Creelman^of the .'B. C. Telephone Company's staff here, On Friday '-night the young men of th e Recreational classes , gave a very enjoyable display a t the Legion Hall for the benefit of the members of the Canadian., Legion. Mr. Hallniark put the boys through setting-up exercis­ es, a f te r which* a few boxing m atehes were held. The demon­ stration of Jiu J itsu was well received by the audience and the boys w ent through th e different ' holds as i f they had been prac­ tising fo r years instead of a '̂ u p l e of months.- TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 30th: and 31st ^ o y a t Cavalcade^' and " TH E NUT FA RM " -- -il, K E L V I N A T O R (KELVINETTB) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Regular price $129.60 S A L E P R IC E $991" F orst's Ltd. N orth 6S5 W ests? - 66 Lonsdale Avo. N orth Vancouver ̂ Over tw enty young men are . taking th e classes each. Monday* Wednesday and Friday. As the are holidaying a t ̂ Alpine Lodge, floor space is limited only a cer- B. C. ■ tain num ber can be signed on * * * , fo r these classes. There is still Mr. arid Mrs. Jenkins of Van- -room fo r one or two more an d . BOWLING CLUB TO HOLD TOURNAMENT W E S T VANCOUVER A M A TEU R^SW IM M IN G CLUB ', Pacific Coast Inlemationed and B.C. Junior Championships A big tournam ent is being staged on Saturday of th is week by, the. W est Vancouver Bowling Gluio: bn the ir new greens a t bouver, are staying a t th e Clach- applications will be taken a t the . 20th and Marine Drive. A large an; • , * Legion' Hall Friday a t 7:45 p.m. num ber of players from Vancou- * . Anyone interested in track and yer, Bellingham, and other Mrs. Hally of Vancouvey, has field events please be on hand points a re expected to take part, taken a suite a t the Fortune Cup,. F riday and sign up. T heinstruc- Men's open i^nks will s ta r t a t InnV and is-now occup3drig-same.~ ~tiori-^is--free^and.^.there- is no^2430-p.m .,^ play -in--men's-^open- dumdabave PIER SATURDAY, J u ly 2 7 tfi, a t Z p.m . General Admission 36c. Reserved Seats 60c. Children under 12 years 16c. Hojlyburfi PavHibrf at 9 p.m.• * ̂ Admission 50c. ^ Jacltie VfVilliamson and his Commodore Cabaret Orchestra.. 'M rs. J. F. Little and .family, . 2291 Haywood Avenue, left Monf day to join her husband a t Jes­ sica, B. C., where they expect-to . take up permanent residence. " .: A fishboat ^ llid e d ' w ith Ambleside Wharf:.^ las t Sunday, damaging some of th e piles. ~ - charge fo r nwmbership. doubles to begin a t 6 ;30 p.m. BEA U nFU I. SHiXtMAN Store ' Giiest Cottage Tea Gardens #fcniteria 3900 MARINE DRIVE B, J. CAMPBELL H<ward Griffithis;,;sori': of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Griffiths, 195 , 25th Street, but his to g e rs badly with^ a bucksaw last .Thursday, necessitating three sidtohes. - , If. ' Mrs. E. J. Pearce of the Hollyr bunFBlock l ia s IMITio spend a jnonl^h a t Selma Park, t T H E ̂ 'j T ̂ S ̂ ^ ^ U L U It iu id VEGETAVEES J)AILY W E S T V A N - P R 0 D U C E 2 i? i ; t-Ptione. West 1^6:"rFree Delivery *1 'f. ft. ; i t ?>v . I ^ i i W i ■' .4 h >1ISi'A-.*!' L ' i 14A ̂ Ah 11 I V I' Itfi- ' . 'rw a ■!tr' 4 2 \ ^ I i ' »:ri Ir f 4 k ••f/X ■ f"! l'4" fp- fVU ' fV; I KilW- J ti V ■.ZriMX' f VV' ■ ; %