West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Jul 1935, p. 1

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iliSJfeSSS :4' :a|||«|||̂ . .•. --- ^ .. mtfm _ . ... Circulating in the D istH ct o f Z W Vancouver^ Amblesidex .:HoUjfburhi-^^^^,> Dundarave ?i.oo per y^r.f. : 'r --y r .y 'y C y p t& jP a rk , Gakifetld, WhytecHff, E tc y ; ;' ««pw copy at Mwaatanda. Vol.,J^ ifiOLLYBUKN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JU LY 25th. 1935 No. 14 iNTEKNATIONAIi CHAMPIONSHIPS SWIMMING GALA arrangem enti have been completed fo r the th ird RTinuul Pacific Coast International Outdoor Swimming Champ- innships and B. C. Junior Championships Gala which is being nut on by the West Vancouver A m ateur Swimrning Club a t 9 nm on Saturday o f this week a t Dundarave Pier. As.wdl hP seen by reference to the names of the various contestants • .riven below, many Of the best swimmers and divers on the Pacific Coast will be present nex t-S a tu rday • to com pete.,« General admission, 35c;-Reserved seats, 6pc;. Children under 12 years, 15c,. ; ■ : , . • j. In the evening th^ usual regatta dance will be given, a t .. Hollybiirn Pavilion, starting a t 9 p.m., when Jackie-Williamson ' and his Commodore Cabaret OrchestrA will supply the music. , Admission, 50 cents. The officials of the Swimming • Club have gone to very considerable trouble and expense to pu t on th is gala; and it is hoped th a t West Vancouver residents' will tu rn Out in force at Dundarave Pier, and also a t the dance in the evening. The following is. a list of the events with the names of- the contestants taking p a rt: B. a JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS' . 1. ^ 5 0 Yards, Boys, Freestyle-- George Stamatis, Crescent S. C.; Junior Lamb, Crescent S.' C.; Chris Stamatis, Crescent S. C .; RobJ:. E. Moss, Victoria A. S. C.; Jack Rose, Vancouver A. S. C.; V ictor' Curran, Vancouver A. S. 0 .; GeO.. Athens, Vancouver A., S- 1 Archie Byers, Vancouver A. S. C. ̂ " 2. --5u Yards, Girls, Freestyle-- Buntie Harrington; Crystal Pool' Vancouver;-.W innie - .BradlOy,' . V.A.S.p.; Joan Langdon, V .A .S .G V a le r ie '• I___ Rowan, V.A.S.C.; - Eilleen Boden, V.A.S.C.; Joan Crans- wick, V.A.S.C.; Eilleen Oxenlbury, Crescent S.C.; Noel Oxenbury, Crystal S.C.; Elsie Partridge, , W.V.A.S.C.; Lucille Currie, W.V.A.S.C.; Judy Good, W . V l X . S . C . ....... 3. --3-Metre Diving, Boys.-- . - . ? - ' - - - i. Jack Rose, Vapoouver A.S.C.; Vic C urranj Vancouver A.. S.C.; Geo. Atkens, Vancouver A. S. C. - , - - 4.--3-Metre Diving, Girls-- . ' -7/ - * r " ' - Buntie Harrington; Crystal Pool; Joan Langdon, V.A.S.C.; Norma Chute, V:A;S;C.; Noel Oxenbury, C rystal Pool. , 5. --200 Yard Relay, J^oys-- v > . ' ' . 1, Crescent" ̂ I m m in ^ CluhT % 'yancOnVerrA"mateuf '^.C. - " 6. --200-Yard'Relay, Girls^=^~"""^ " " ------- ______J.,_VancouveiLA.S.C.; ,2,JV est yancouver A._S, C._ _____ COUNCIL INQUIRE re NEW POST OFFICE L. 0 . L. PICNIC SCOUT NEWS The annual basket .ploiilc of Rover Crew to be Formed .The 2nd West Vancouver Boy Scout Group committee have Tho council at* their meetirig the al^ve lodge will be held bn, on Monday n ight ordered the fol- Saturday,-July*27th, a t Capilano lowing telegram sent to J. B. Park. Cars will leave the Orange Hunter, deputy minister o fyub- Hall a t 1 :30 p.m. Tea, sugar and been engaged fo r the past th ree lie worksY " milk will be provided,; also ic e or four months in making pre-' "Gan you please advise us if cream fo r the children. - Races pamtions for the' forming of a there is any possibility of early for "young and old. Friends of Rover, Crew, here th a t will oper- construction WAst Vancouver the lodge cordially invited to be ate under the same auspices and Post Office as' provided for in p resen t., Bring your basket and committee as the Scout Troop, estim ates passed last spring? have a good time. - Mr. S. Dow will act as temp- We should be very glad if con-,. . ---------------------- orary secretary for th is crew ih struction could be hastened as VANCOUVER, GIRLS' BAND formation and he will be delight will help out, a number of m en ' looking for worki^' J. B.'LEYLAND, Reeve. ON TOUR ed to hoar from any boys 17 years of age and over who wish to join. Mr. Dow can be reached a t phone West'452R. The committee are very on- DUNDARAVE -- WESTON ' - SWIM The Vancouver Girls'" Band, under the leadership,, of A rth u r. W. Delamont will l ^ v e the city .u,;"-® S T S r t h k e S J ™ on Friday, July 26th, fo r a trip 4*1-1 4*Vi/\ tnG ir flCtlVltlGSj fllldi flltllO'Ufifllthrough the Lanadian KOCKies, , resnonsibilities are heavv in giving a concert m-Banff,' then » on to Calgary, where they__wijl fh jv are Sinfident give twio concerts in the Hud^ thaU h?s efforUo L te^^ 'son's Bay Store, th rough the ^bat this etioi t to in terest young Nine swimmters fiaced the s ta rte r a t 4:15 p.m. last Sunday a t .Dundarave Pier on the oc- _______ _ ____ ̂ ____ caaion of, the annual Dundarave courtesy of the manager; J. E. -- Weston Swim. There was, Stanfield, quite a ^ u n d sffell, but otherJ' jh i s baud was formed about . OTse conditJons were perfect fo r ^hree years ago by A. Delamont. . „ „ seoretarv oi m e the race, which was witnessed t+ Rno mAdp ranid nroirress dur- 11.,.0 . Stevens, secretary 01 ine hv a larti-o niimfipr of ahpptators . i ^ u e rapio pragresa uux, Qj^up Commtittee,-will be glad oy a, large n u m o ^ 01 spectators ing th a t tim e apd is now. cap- ^tiv information should a sg ,m b l^ on,the, pier.- . able of putting oji a very c re d it to give any m tormation snouia Bill Turney was first .home m ^^le and interesting progyami eAbhvl^HiplA^iip\:i brass and reed instrum ents th a t go 'to make , up a, M ilitary-band. So fa r ias;js Imown, this- unique men will meet with the enthusi­ asm and goodwill of parents who have an in terest in the welfare of these young fellows. ' H.^B; Stevens, secretary of the ,11 13 -m inutes, winning, the Blair challenge cup, while MiSs Edith W hite was second and the leader among the ^ r ls ,^ n 14 minutes, thus securing fo r the second year running ,the WUson & Moore challenge CUR. L i'to . Billy Simp-- son and B etty Barbour, both 12 years foldy.were each the winnpr give any Mr. Dow not be available. * ♦ ♦ A chart showing the location of the C hestnut trees planted by the 2nd West Vancouver Boy Scouts and sponsored by the group is the only.qne of its kind pan be seen in the 'vesti- bule of the P ost Office a t Holly- ̂ . : burn and a t th e Dundarave C. C. P. NEWS Pharmacy owned by Mr, Finlay- son. PACIFIC COAST INTERNATTONAL OUTDOOR SWIMMING - CHAM PIONSHIPS/ 7.--100 Yards Freestyle, M en-^ : _ - „ Ed Cline," V.A.S.C.',;' F rank T u rn e r,. V.A.S.C.; Archie Byers, V.A.S.C.; Bobbie Hooper, V .A.SC.; George Per- ^-'-=soneti^f'Crystal~S:6:r'Seattle;:rWiHaTd--Hamptonr^i^stal-_- S.C., Seattle; Mack. Bockman, Crystal ,^C ., Seattle; Herman Kipperbiirg, C rystal S. C., S eattle ; Fred Carlson, CpystaLStrC/Seattley^ 3̂ --100 Yards, F reest^e ,' Women-r Party/held-: at^.th^'--. Sponsor^ pof trees - will -. find Hamilton ah'd h e r " the ir names allocated to trees son, E. ChaJm'era, 1584 Argyle shown on a properly drawn sur- Avenue, ,.was7a . m<Qst successful vev of the-roads concerned. - - and ̂ enjoyable affair. T he m u si-. Owing to the final rush of cal p a r t 'Of the program was sponsors during the last two taken care of by Mrs, Harrison days -.of the campaign, i t was . and C. Spencer and was much found .that there were insuffici- ^__ enjoyed.. The housiejiousie and en t trees to aUot one each. .The were mqs,t amusjg£X^r.03niicjad^^^^^ manv soectators prizes being won. as foTfows: Department therefore promised many sp ^ ta to rs .......... Klondike . GoW Mine, Mrs. H. the Boy Scouts th e necessary DISAb H^D VETO t o Chapman; Picture. Ad. Gompe- number in the Fall. Those spon- tition"M T8F=PikSTr=Cards7trM ^ -- .^sors-therefbre-whose-names -are- coiirsb. ' T he .' .cups prizes were presented to the competi­ to rs by Presideflt Bo^^den of the West Vancouver Am ateur Swim- miing Club immediately..after the conclusibn of the race. W ater polo was'.also played* in the tank previous to the "race,-* •$ ' M • " k f , 9.- Eleanor Peden, Victoria A.S.C. ; ,Noel Oxenbury, Crystal Pool; Beverley Bandimere, Crystal S.C ., S eattle ; Shirley Bandimere, Crystal S. C., Seattle; Lucine-Harvey, Crystal S. C., Seattle; Aurora Kipperberg, Crystal S. C., Seattle; .Olive Urline, Crystal S. C., S eattle ; Marion Moffatt, Cry­ stal S. O., Seattle. - * ' ' . -100 Yards, Backstroke, Men--7, , Ed Cline, V.A.S.C. ; S. C. Roberts, V.A.S.C.; Archie B j^rs, V.A.S.C.; Bobbie Hooper; V.'A.S.C.; Fred Hoeppner, C o ­ stal S. C., Seattle; Herman Ripperberg,, Crystal S. G., _ _ .Seattle; TYed Carlson, .drystaL S., C.,- Seattle. - \ 10. --100 Yards, Backstroke, Womeh^-- Eleanor Peden, Victoria A.S.C.; Noel Oxenbury, Crystal Pool; Beverley. Bandimere, Crystal S. C.,, Seattle; Olive Urline, Crystal S. C., b a t t l e ; Marion Moffatt, V.A.S.C.; Madge Tompson. Crescent S. C. " 11. --100 Yards, Breaststroke, M en-/ ' Archie Byers, V.A.S.C.; Tom Cox, Jr., Crystal Fool. 12. ̂ 1 0 0 Yards, Breaststroke, Women-- , Shirley Bandimere, C ry s ta l S. 'C., Seattte; Beatty M ea^ - am, Crystal S. C., S eattle ; Eleanor Redeh, Victoria A.S.C.; Pauline Bamf ord, Crescent S .C . 13. --3-Metre Diving, Men-- , ' - Jack: Rose, V.A.S:C/; Lloyd Chapman,. V.A.S.C. ; George Athen, . V.-A.S.C.;; C arl Bailey, Crystal Pool; C h ^ . Dominey, Crystal S. G., Seattle; Chuck Redling, C o s ta l __S.- C.,- Seattle;-Jess-R utherfori-C rystaL S._C.,_Seattle. . 14> " HOLD GARDEN F gT E ■. West Vancouyer Disabled Vet­ erans .Association are holding ,a Garden Fete a t / h e home of the "president, R. P. Blower, 1788 F u lto n ' Avenue, ; on Thursday, August 1st, from 2 p.m. till 6 Bowman.; Collection draw, Mrs. • not shown will be taken care of W. Salter. . la ter in the year. The young people^ enjoyed the ,. -- :------------------ boatings and bathing, also the L. 0 . B. A. activities round the bonfire. --------- Refreshm ents were'̂ served on The regular weekly dance of i"* V j' il? I l l the fron t la-wn by Mesdames,. R uth Chapter, L.O.B.A:, will Boshier, Reynolds, Meuse, G l^d, - take place next Saturday in therk Tvi' QTiVl fvnTYii 7 n TYi fill 11 m piace iicx i oaturuay in I t wfn S i l i X ' pavison, , (>ol l and o tte r willin Orange Hall. Good music, 1 1 . w ill jUe u iuciauy opeiitju u y w liils t fiBilit.v in uriii-v./̂ Tin Mrs. J. B. Leyland a t 2 p.m. The following, ladies have kindly consented to lend their patronage: Miss J. Matheson, m atron Shaughnessy Hospital, Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. .H. R. helpers whilst, g rea t ability in . usual, will be provided, and danc- palm ittry and card reading was ing will s ta rt a t 9 p.mi These disj^ayed ^ Mrs. Johnson and / la n c e s have proved to be one of ' • J 1 ̂ most popular Ovents of the A H. Gleed. There is to be a joint business meeting of the C.C.F. Club 'arid the W est Vancouver Branch 'of the S.P. of C. on Fri sum m er season, cents. Adm/ission, 15 O Donnell, Mrs. H. Walker. Mrs. Business: To. discuss resolu- tions arid instruct delegates to _-*-'J'®*iorci J. ly^son , JVlrs., Hillis W right, t t e C.C.F. convention. M argaret Johnston Mrs. Mrs. F. A. Ramsey... The West Vancouver Boys' Band will be in attendance afte r­ noon, and evening, also Highland dancers and pipers. ^-A special feature in the evening will be The C.C.F. Convention to de­ term ine all niiatters relative to arid to consummate the merger of the Associated C.C.F. Clubs and the B. C. Section of the Soci- SHQWER - , B. Trafford and Miss were co- hostesses. a t a surprise shower in honor of Miss-Ola McLean, a t her home, 2120 Bellevue Avenue, last Friday evening. Miss Mc- : Lean who is leaving for Toronto, 1*• ■'I'l XiĤ J -S^etreTDfivirig^^omen- . , , « Lynda Adamis, V.A.S.C.; Betty Meacham, Crystal S. O., Seattle,' ' ■ 15. --400 Yards.. Relay, ;Men-- I . 1, Crystal S. C., Seattle; 2,> V.A.S.C, . 16. -- 400 Yards, Relay, Women-- - 1, V.A.S.C.; 2;;(>ystal S. C.,. Seattle. Po f -was the recipient of many de- a . special playlette by F rank . SpYd Saturdav^and^^^^ Ulghtful gifts. They were pre- -Vyvyan. -T here , will -be >-SllSi ' sented in a beautifully decorated -b lfe r rr im ^ m en tsT su W arB b ^ ^ ^ top of which was a terfly competition. Hidden Treas- ' spray of yellow rose buds and ure Hunt, Clock Golf, Hojisie, ^ 'm aiden-hair fe rn ,. The invited and fortune telling, also dancing ' D elegat^ .. guests w ere: Mrs. I. McLean, under the flood lights. The gen- ^er ®reC. G. McNeil, H. Davisw H rs: H. I. Dempster, Mrs. F. M. eral convener is Mrs. D: McTav-. and Miss P a r k p w itt Mrs. E, - - -- - ish," phone West 395-X. Mrs. K err as alternate -- and Mrs. P, iL - ' r i'v̂j LEGION NOTES Those members and th e ir - friends interested in sport, are \ "'rill.,-,.--,, H. B. Garland wiU be itf'charge Meuse for the S. P. of 0. with jm m h • - ' mir' •rr \AT a 4*t«r/\/\/4 niT'̂m'lQTO Members are requested .^ take invited to see the l>oys in th e ir■Yfl/vn _11- . 1. _ *--.'1 - J "/Jlir-.l- r%4* flm i tlSULlnotice, that all general m eetings w ^k-ou ts a t t ^ Legion in the fpture, are'hereby chang-^^ - /v e ry Monday, Wednesday i^ a ed to the first and th ird Wednes-. FViday. These classes, are im- of home cooking;,Mrs. C . W. K. Doherty, candy; Mrs. J . D. Ran- kine and Mrs. Ed Black, afte r­ noon teas, Mrs. H. P. Allen, Mrs. Wm. Dickinson, ic e /re a m and soft drinks.. Floor'stall,;.,A/M c­ A rthur and Miss McArthur. W. Atwood as alternate. The next W hist Dfive will be held Wednesday, July 31st, a t Johnston,-M rs. J. H. Moncrieff, Mrs. L. Garthorne, Mrs. A. E. Jam es, l\Irs; A. Garthorne, Mrs. R. Tiderington, Mrs. H. Dixon, Mrs. A. G. B ru c e ,th e Misses Helen Stevenson, Jessie Castell, i - cl':- 8 ;30 p.m. as usual with the same Dorthea Buck, Eileen Hampson, l e ^ l a r atttactions. LornaThomsori, Gertie Lawson, ------- -̂------------ . M argaret Hardy, 'Ethel Millard, If Joe Penner ever attended a Long Audrey Lester, Jean Watson, 4 I:: ! % 1 7th. P lease-notify-othw B -w ho.. movement, u n d er the. ^ p a b le / a y not see this np tice .; . - , r instruction o f M. Hallmark. An invitation^S 'e '^ended to" IsWnd,Railroad crossing elimination- life Brealey, B etty M cl/nzie, all to .come and"I^ v A an 4 ^ jo y - , hiring, we"can 7li^ himrsay/'Do-^^felia~Bruce7 Marioffne" Blake-~ you want to viaduct." " , \ , ney.able afternoon and evening. ̂ '̂ 7' - J ̂ ^ ik / >* 1 H C t s/ ' y i C " ̂ '/*̂ SV V "t f >• ~'~J' 4-'-. ■■ ■ V V 'i c *( e ̂. S ̂ r _j '