.................. m̂0î m m»̂ mmi mi "Juliy 187i '^ " •wli r Phone West 469 Pitohe West 46 f f f ^ - l g g t r VAH NBWS PAOIiINB iOHNSON SCHOOL ~-HConUi«i«il fro<n-lj?ea JJw - Addy. v Lornli May. Prices Good Friday St Saturday* July 19th 6c 20th Meats k h * f{«d & While COFFEE j Vocuyni »*ek«<l c s i i ................Jb, Stk | fl«<l & W h ^ TOMATO iU IC E ! 4 tlM U e COftNFMKES, Kellesf*s, 2 i^ is . 15« FUFFKIi im ;i^ Queker, 2 pkiM, 2$c K«d & Whltp MARMALADE 32 ojt* JSf . < . , . . . y ' , o . 2 5 c Red & White FA8TRV FlA>Uf( 3Vj lb, Hack, l ie ; 7 lb. a«ck.25c HTRAWBERUY JAM. ....tumbler 20c CORNED DEEF. Helmet. 2 Una 10c UOOKirS OOLDKN 8VRUF 2 Ib. tin ........................................ 14c Rixl & White GREEN CUT BBANB Tall, 2m ....... ........................... tin 10c Red A White AFRICOT8, 2a, tin 18c Ferf(«cl Mniiill alzc lialvea. FICKLFJJ. HoppyValc - 8wcet or Hour.......8 oz, bottle 12c Red & White FEAS. Sieve 3. F ancy ................................ ; ..... tin 16e ■ Red & While CAT8UI*. 12 ox. . . Made from Fre'ah. Red Ripe 'i'oriioUH'M...................... 2 IkitUcM 26c LADV GODIVA SOAR. .4 cakea 19c Peter' Waite, Barbara Sm ■ p i r o r o N Vn; ProHctency .-- Oarrell Il>e. < Deportment -- Jimmie Smith EoEuIaHty ami Punctuality -- Gordon Sangoler, Shirfey Stam atia. Winnie J\irvey, Alex Svendson, Angela Luke, DoreenPhone West 376 _______________ i.k:<;.s OF LAMB, per lb . ...............25c Fletcher, Henry Hall, Shirley J e f f e r i e s '- __ ______ * ' Governmwt Ih sp et9U '/0 ^ > H •* -~-LAMB " COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS ft- DELICATESSEN 1 store at H o lly b u m , next Theatre Hliot/LDER OF LAMB (whole), I'er Ib............ . ....................... 15c ROT ROASTH OF BEEF PerJh. ........................ 12»/,cA l6c FORK HAU8AGB, per lb................ 20c FINNAN HADDIK, per lb. ........ 15c Anne Drbst, Betty Bradley. • ' DIVISION VIII. Proficiency -- Marjorie Con- Htance Daniel. . , Deportment -- Vicbw- Gillia FINNANHADDIE FILLETS, Ib: 20c Revnoldft FI.EICIIKil'S BAKED HAM, Ib. 65c VEAL LOAF, per Ib...................... 22c BOLOGNA. Dcr Ib.......................... 18c William Chmie,BOLOGNA, per Ib.......................... 18c WHINERS, per Ib. ...................... 22c .MON'JKREY CHEESE, each....... 20c BEEF -- FORK -- LAMB VEAL Very Flneat Quality. and Punctuality -- .......... .......lie, Roy Fletcher, Comer W. Parmdl, Beryl I. Scott, Gordon Alan.Robert.son. Red Ji While BAKING l»OWDER For belter reKultH in all your bahiiiK ......... ............ 12 oz. tin IZc SL'NKLST ORANGES......2 doz. 45c (i'(mmI 8i/-e, Sweet and Juicy. HOLLYBORN SCHOOL JUNE EXAMINATIONS and a ll b u i l d i n g M A T E R IA L S \^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO. LTD. ------- FOB HICAL SATISFACTION --- i - Phone West 115 1497 Marine Dri;^e BEACH PA U IT On Wedneatlay, the 10th In st, St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. held their second beach party- o f th e ' summer, St. John's, North Van couver being invited gu ests.T h e program was as follows: com- ........... ..... . munity singing led by Mr. Parks, Bob Prebble, Madeleine Cross various, games supervised . by and donors of refreshments. The Herb Bibbs, irhost stories bv naxl, activitv of St. St^nKpri'a' is frc.shments. The party, ended with a vole of thanks from Bob Prebble to the visitors and the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." 'rhe co-operation,of the follow ing are much appreciated: Betty (Jourlay, 'fed Hayward, Heii) Bibb.s, Mr. Parks, Mr. Hardy, Herb Bibbs, ghost stories by next activity of St. Stephen's! is Parks and Broderick, more com- the night hike up to Cypress munity singing and finally ref Falls on July 24th. Summer is here Book of Uckets ' 2 5 0 lbs. for $2 .00 W e maintain a regular Ice Delivery Service to North Vancouver; bollarton, Deep Cove, VVest Vancouver, VVhytecliffi Horseshoe Bay and way points. ^Refrigerators and Ice Boxes --̂rF or Sale or R e n f~ IF PHONING for SERVICE -- j utk the operator to---- CHARGE THE CALL TO US GARVIN ICE & FUEL CO., Ltd. 325 East 5th Ave.. - F a irm o n t 6707-8 -9 _2_. .. DIVISION I.--Grade 6 .. Honor Rolls ' Proficiency -- Jphn Kydd. Deportment -- Lloyd McDoug- ail. Regularity and Punctuality -- Mary Wilson, Ernest Sayers, Catherine Lowilon, Nora Kings ley, Leslie Brooks, Roy Knight, Stella Blower. . ' . «v Class Ixjaders - 6a and 7b -- 1, John Kydd; 2 , Pat Jefferies; 3, Lloyd McDoug- all. 6b -- 1, Mary Wilson; 2, Cath erine Lowdon and Takeshi Kata- oka, ^qual; 3, Leslie Brooks. DIVISION II.-- Grade 5 Pupils Receiving Rolls of Honor Proficiency--Jacqueline Vance Deportmeht -- Louise Messin- ger. Attendance -- Francis Morris, Margaret Gibson, Davin Bill, Margaret Payne, Peter Dawson, Douglas Smithers. __ CHasa L e a d e r s -- jGrade 5a -- 1, Louise Messin- g e r ; 2 , Dorothy Nelson; 3, Peter Crawford. ' Grade; 5b -- 1, JacquelinS Vance; 2 , David Magoun; ,3 , Howard Barbour. CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for ClassiOed Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cMts. Except In the case of those havinr reirulsr accounts, all class!* fieds are payable strictly In advance. r ̂ ^ Remember ClasBifieda b' tbe W est Van News get immediate results" LOST -- Small white and tan smooth male fox terrier. Collar and padlock. Reward. Doug. 1774-X. * LOST -- At noon Saturday on Bonna- bolle;-ladies w rist watch. Please re turn th 1291 Marine (basement), WANTED ~ Good plain cook for adults a t summer cottage; whole or part time. Apply, Mrs. Baker, 2204 Bellevue Avenue.. LOST -- Long platinum ' lace pin, diamond in centre. Reward. Phone West B26L. FOR SALE^^-- New ten foot row boa^; Clincher built, $25.00. Sunrise jBoat- Works, Sherman (ask at store).- r f o r SALE - old, snap 2396L1. - Baby Austin, 6 months' for cash. Kerrisdale FOR SALE -- Kitchen Cabinet, Camp .. Bed, Camp Chairs, Brass Table, Ice - Box,- 3-smalI Rugs, Wickier Chair. Apply 'care of Mrs. Blow, Redmill Apts., W est'Bay, , TO RENT *-- Good ,furnished house. Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West 601 JUBILEE LIBRARY, in West Bay Store, 800 volumes fiction. Isabel M. Creighton, B.A., Librarian. WANTED --- GirFto come to summer resort for August as mother's help; One child. Pares, holiday and small remuneration. Box 5, West Van 'vNews.: f o r SALE -- Large Moifat Electric-. Range, garbage burner, oak dining- . »room suite, 8 jpieces,'oak dressing table, oak study table, full size bed stead, sm all. table, Singer sewing . machine," book stand, antique ma hogany settee, square-rail settee. All in good condition. AT'1483 29th _ Street,-W est Vancouver--one-block north from M arint Drive. , DIVISION I I I -- Grade 4. d a s 8'Leaders Grade 4a -- 1, Eric White; 2 , eeoi'ge~Kno\vies7 3, Mavis;Fag-" h o l l y b u r n g if t s h o p , b . c .. -- Join Our Library: 25c a month; $2.00 a year. Ladyship Wools. 1-678 Marine Drive. West 601. aiPand (5eorge Mitchell, equal Grade 4b -- 1, Peter Clarke; 2, George Pitts 3, Billy Slater. Honor Rolls Proficiency' -- Eric Whiter -WINDOW SHADES and-AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estimates free. Picture framing.._ E. S'. Pearce, 1890 Marine. Phone West 529 or West 146. RENTALS -- . We 'have ^a few atl tractive furnished and unfurnished homes for rent. Inquiries invited. C. J. Archer Limited, 1415 Marine Drive. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Phone G. Meldrum, 725 E ast 14th Street, North Vancouver. ;Rogulariiy and" Punctuality DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine D̂rivê f:'̂ "'r v̂erything '̂fcn*= k̂iii'ttTtig' GIVE THE W IFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to Hqnter's Ck>flfee Shop. Luncheons, teas, dinners; .West 610. I 2 t Juanita Linds^, Gladys Wilson, Gerald Jones, Robin Partington, and embroidery; Free instructions. Mrs. Latham, proprietress; GIVE WEBB'S,'fe) tria l for your next shoe repairs. .2463 Marine Drive. DAINTY CAICF. gwnppy, made bread,' cakes l and pastries. West 514. ■ i BRING YOUR GUESTS for After noon Tea in the "blue roofed", din ing-room, at Sherman. 3900 Marine Drive, -- . Eilc White and ^ o r g e Know les have also perfect attendance p iv is ip H % iv .-G ra d e k Hoiior Rolls Proficiency (Jeorgie Ediiig^^v_______________ ___________ . i h o m e -m a d e ICES on the . Uepoi l m e n t -- Ray Waterman Patio a t Sherman, 3900 Marine Regularity and Punctuality --- ^Hugh Doherty, Gordon.Mitchell. .• p , . -- ---------------------- Rank in Grades GLASS for all RADIO SPECIALISTS -- HavwaiiU l your set'over" _hauled now; summer prices. Phone West 539. STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES For sale or rent.- West 220-L. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat erial and workmanship at Fox's, 14th a t Perry. , JivaiiK in uraaes . *"• i"" building purposes. Grade 3a 1 , Doreen Kearrm Jim Holt,A cvv . 0 / ̂ xv̂ atHS, 1742 MarinG, AV̂Gst 141! GVcniDD's; 9.5a , 2, Georgie Edington, 8.6b ; West 140R. ^ 3, Norman Harrison, 8 .3b. ~ -̂---------------------- - Grade 3b -- 1, Ralph White Library and Gift Shop, 8 .5a ; 2 , Margaret McCullooh, 8.3 ■ i o c \ S % w T o o k MARCEL SHOP --f Thermique Steam - Permanent. -Try bur fatigue facial for tired housewife or business woman.-West-304. -17th-and Marine over R oy^ B ank .' ' - b; 3, Joy Cranwill, 8 .1c. DIVISION V. . Honor Roll Pupils Proficiency -- Eleanor Nelson, wportm eut -- Jack Croll. Punctuality and Regularity -- P^tsy Dawson, Jack ..MacAulay. Glass Leaders Grade 2a -- 1 , Eleanor Nel- COLIN TURNER, Builder and Con tractor -- Alterations and repairs. Phone West 679R. stationery, - gifts,. H ^D Q U A RTERS for All Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos also Pishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. WANTED.-- One fornished and one unfurnished '.4-robm' cottage near fe r ry . ' Phone West- 340 or West. 143 GALLANT, Registered Chiropractor; 712 Robson St.; Van couver.^ Seymour 8790. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing. Phone ' West 37 and truck' 'will collect. ^ n ; 2 Velma Boshier; 3, Roy ^ ^ N SHOPPE, Dundarave - l a w n MOWERS' SHARPENED - Repairs, all makes; West Vancou ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. for electricity will operate Grade 2b -- 1, Patsy Dawson; - Supplies,- Hardware" - Garden~^eprd.̂ son ^ ^ckson; 3, Eileen John* ^ u n f u r n is h e d your electric cleaner 2; hours continuously. ___ ELECTRIC SERVICE --ALWAYS A BARGAIN - DIVISION VI.-- Grade 1. , YY Holl Pupils Proficiency ^ Barbara White- head. __ ̂ . D e p o r tm e h tS h ir le y MeIn- tosh, u , ^ and'SeguIarity --' Alfreda Chisholm. . ' Class Xieaders , Grade la -- 1, Barbara White- ~ i f M c J n t b s h ; 3 , Clairo Macdonald, ^ Grade Dorset' Stephen- -^on--and-l^orehce " Laheast̂ ^̂ ^ equal; SPauline Scott, ' Houses to Rent.. H o b serio ts and sale. John Larson 17th and Marine. Phone West 55 ~ ' I ' ' 'J '" - - * _LL0YD'S„ .WOOLy__& KNITTING "SHOPf---2474---MariTig----- ~ Goiuplot®- line spring wools.' Free knitting; school. 'Violet ;and Kathleen Clem ent, Proprietors. ^ ^ ? 0 N H?BS0N, Barrister, Solic- n o o n s ^ ?®ymour 4199. after- GEO. HAYi 'Notary, Public'--- ' Estate and, Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. " ' PRU^TINd -- For all kinds of printings \ phone West Van News; W est 363. J. T. WAXT W e s t V a n c o u v e r r e a l t y wU in su r a n c e CO. FOR CUNARD STEAMSHIPS eteils^oanged-yig-panai,,3̂ Air^ys, Bus or Rail