»¥««(«»* *mm Ml* MM) m SUNBURN J-q.'̂ n-̂ 'F'IPr-nFUlL̂ IHU|»imi 'I-WH'IWT-̂ .JIIH ■-■n.wup̂ Rt Penticton, is spendingr July have been I la i^ ly prevented by COCOA BUTTER be- w lth her brothel^ and sister-in* Cup law, Mr. and Mrs. *'H, T. Thomas, new home they l i v e had built ̂ .. . a t 1 !^ v ers ,an d .M a^ .P |ff |f^^ ,^ Mr, Mid M w ;^. E. Smith have Mias E iiih 'B la ir o l3 h e 8 .-0 . t o u r ^ th e Island, locatto^ Electric Co.'s store here, h as fo r a sh o rt hoUday a t Victoria, turned from a vaeatton a t I M « u * w . B iots,B .C . ; . 'Mrs. Crowhurst and Mrs. Wil- « e e " liams a r e 'g u e s ts at Sherman ir iiu ™ ^aaJlnv Cottage for the m t of July. J s ^ '^ , „ d u Z n A v ^ n u e J ^ w Mr. and Mrs. Ewing of Cal/^ K L i S I n m J S h ^ e ^ a ? ^ G ^ gary, accompanied by Miss Char- hom e a t GJI)- lotte Ewing, are visiting Mrs. son s Landing. ̂ . C«n be letiel: applying fore expdsure. We hHve VHrious hand letione-- HIND'S HONEY & ALMOND CREAM, .......ITALIAN BALM, JERGEN'S LOTION, NOXEMA. * f GemmilTs Drug Store i« 1. The Store of Service. 1686 Marine Drive West 87 or Weet 607 Bmcraencv Phone Weet 821 (After 10 p.m.) L.O.B.A. O A N C E ̂IN THE ORANGE HALL' ,r. .. ■, >, . >■ ;,■■•),■ .. ■ ■■> . . ■! r i - ■ . 'I . . s. . ■ I.J , ' ■. ■?%■ . •■ i • .' . • i ■ • . .*1 SATURDAY, J o ly 2 ,0tll, at 9 p,ni. ■ • ' t c . ' 4" , " ' > ADMISSION 15C. Miss Nell McArthur of the Calgary teaching staff, paid a visit to Sherman recently. « Mrs. G. W. Kissick and son Buddy, 1326 Haywood Avenue DUNDARAVE -- WESTON ' ' . -SWIM The ton S^im (̂iO()(> yards>̂ ^ _____ , , held on Sunday, July 21st, a t 4 have returned from a week s p.iru The com m ittee would be visit to friends in Seattle. _i - - _. •. i......... £.-- ---------- Picnic Grounds, Tennis' Coarts, Bathing Boating, Fishing, .. Tea-rooms, Sandy • Beaches, - Cottages for rent. pleased', to hear from anyone who has a row boat they could loan for a few hours on Sunday! W ater Polo will be played a s usual. A -f in e " turnout is ex pected. ' Chas. Kemp,' at Sandy (3ove. « * *. *. i. . * * ♦ Mr. Gibson, w ho has been;up Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humble the coast for th e past four or o f Vancoiuver, have moved to five months, has returned to h is Hollyburii. living in a cottage on home a t 18th and Marine r^ lve. 20th Street. . * . * . , - . * * • ' Mr. and Mrs. W ilson,. 1125 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Condon and Duchess Avenue, have moved Mary le ft Sunday for a m onth's into a house a t 20th and M athers tour through Oregon and Calir Avenue, fom ia, during which they expect ♦ ♦ * to v is it the P air at San Diego. Mrs. Stevens, who has been They will be back in tim e to spending a holiday at 632 17th take the hand to camp* on Aug- Street, has returned to Vancou- ust 17th. During their absence ver. R^v. and Mrs. Horton and fam ily ' ♦ * * are occupying their house at Mrs. Cobbett and tw o daugh- 1760 Esquimlalt Avenue. ' ters of Vancouver, J ia y e moved * .♦ * in to a c o tta g o a t2 3 rd ia r id B e lle - , ,'Mr.. .and .JMrs., Horspool of vue Avenue, for the summer. Sandy Cove, have'arrived home ♦ ♦ ♦ after spending a pleasant holi- Mr.nand Mrs. Bloomfield, who day at Galiano,. Island. , spent last week a t th e Clachan, * * * have returned to their home in Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning ii t i ^ Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 GIRL GUIDE GARDEN PARTY VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone Wrat 9 Fertilizers of AJU .E!^ds Wood, Coal, Builders*.. Supplies.. ' Mr; and Mrs. Esmond Bird of Jrds An v isiting their sister Miss Edna Bird,*and ---------- Miss E ls ie Horton, who are sum- An enjoyable garden party in m ering at Sherman, aid of, the Guide Camp Fund . ♦ * * / was given recently by the l^ t All W est Vancouver .beaches Company W est' Vancouver Girl were crowds Sunday as a *««..- Guides, 2439 Bellevue Avenue., result o f the warm sunny_w eath-- iiy '̂̂ pf Vancouv , The proceedings opened w ith er. I t w as the first really w^rm 't^eiV summer bomle a t Horse- th e enrollment o f four recruits week end th is summer, as Girl Guides, under the direc- ♦ ♦ ♦ New W estminster. ♦ ♦ * , Frank Else and h is tw o sons have moved from" th e c ity in to a cottage at 23rd and 'Marine Drive. - Mr. and Mrs. J. S tott and fam . tion o f the Guide Captain, Mrs. * Mrs. Weller, 17th and Marine K. Russell. The Guides formed D nve, le ft on Saturday for a L W Jixoc^ 1443 Marine D rive Anibleside Phone Weist 340 Evenings, W est 148 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance a horseshoe headed b y tw o P at rol Leaders. The Color. P arty their' marched on with- the flag and each recruit, in turn, w as enrolled after repeating; ;.the Guide Promise,-and received her- Guide Tenderfoot Badge.^ , The enrollment was followed by , th e presentation of Guide :i:3:=iseiwice3sstarsVJ;Dt-Audijey_J8n hart, Helen Clegg, Cynthia Has* 1am and Helen W risberg, and prolonged v isit to Masset, Queen Charlotte Islands. Francis Nash has airived froni St. A ugustine's-Sem inaryr Tor-- -ontoi, to spend the holidays w ith shoe Bay. ♦ ♦ ♦ 'Mrs. Lister, o f Vancouver, was a tea hostess la st Monday a t th e . Clachan to a number of her Triends. _ M iss Margaret Hardy, the schools' .nprse,~ left~on M onday- to spend the holidays with her the Patrol Cup (awarded fo r the highest number o f marks ob- .f--ta ih e d ^ u m g J ^ h e c L y e a c X ^ ^ ---------------------1---------- ^ ^ lam ) Rev: J. P. Dingle, rector o f AU Th'ree games were then ptayed " ■ J S w Mr his parents,;^pr. and t o . A . C. parents a t Ocean Fails. Nash, 2206 Marine Drive. ....... ' « «i|i b vir Mr. and Mrs. Lowirie o f Van- __are'!sDendinfir two weeksago underwent an opm*a!troipat Shaughnessy Military Hospital, has ^sufficiently recovered to re- - turn to h is home at 1879 Belle vue Avenue. w Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, July 18th 'LEST WE FORGET' t K FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAT. July 19th and 29th I HAROLD LLOYD 'THE CAT'S PAW' '■ft >'i|) also LAUREL & HARDY " Going Bye Bye *' T SAT, EVENING ,& MONDAY July 20th and 22nd. ■ a t the Clachan. lit iii Ik Miss Evelyn Tye, 2110 Belle vue Avenue, ,is holidaying a ts Gabriolar^sIaM 7 T;he guest o f . a fter which tea w as served to 'the guests. Mrs. R. Fetterly of Kerrisdale, and Mrs. Dawson kindly . poured tea and the Guides acted as servafeurs. Dur ing the tea hour recitations were giveii by Mrs. W. R. Clarke, gold m edalist for B. C. F ^ tiv a l, 193^, and one of her pupils, Joan Spar- rofw, and tw o songs by Sylvia Morris, all o f which were much enjoyed by th e audience. Dingle, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Scott, visited Sherman Cot tage on Saturday: ; . , ♦ ♦ , ♦ J Mass Henderson o f "Calgary^ and Miss Laura Henderson o f Rossland, were visitors sat Sher man (Dottage this week. Ik Ik . Ik' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stalker. '* Hi Miss ,Mary Oliver and Gibson Oliver o f the Hollyibum Block, 16th and Marine Drive, are re turning after spending a week at Cultus Lake. ' ^ . Mrs. H. G. Selwood and Mrs. ; J. R. . Patterson attended the • ' T H E I R O N D U K E ' also Mickey'sBand Concert ■ J [ f ! 4 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ̂ J y c 4 ' IfJulv 23rd and 24th. m L 4 ^ H E i K I N G ! S - . ................ - , H O R S E S " n ̂ I*: 1: / ' i14 > (Musical Romance) -----------------------"alYo '1 " The Secret Bride" ifi' ' i f r; •ij ' J THE OLD STORE fruit and vegetables WEST VAN PR0DU(:E FRESH DAILY 1574 Marine Drive, Hollyburn Ffione West .186. Free Delivery Canadian Home and School con- . Mr. and Mrs. Cragg o f Van- vention held at the Hotel Geqrgia coiiver, are visitors a t Sherman July 16th and 17th'. Mrs. S. Derrick, teacher o f the ~ W e s t Vancouver P.T. A. Class Sherman -- Maylor for th e p a st 2 years had articles i'#< P KELVINATOR - (KBJLVINETTK) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS I R eg u la r price $129.50 . S A L E PRICE $99^ Forst's Ltd. ' North SS5 ' ' ' West 87 66 Lonsdale 'Avo. North Vancouver if., t l i I-J k 1.1Ik |'>! ' - , k -P A quiet wedding was solem - displayed'there, nized a t 2;30 p.m. last,Saturday • in St. FraheiSr-in-the-Woods, M iss B etty Walton, 1910 Belle-^ Caulfeild, when Miss M argery vue Avenue, has returned from Maylor, of Murrayville,^ B. C., an extended v isit to Los A ngeles.. west VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES Gommenciiig on M onday, Ju ly 22nd, and un til fu rth e r notice, th e tw enty . (20) m inutes a;m . and p ,m . ferry and bus ser vice, as heretofore, will be resum ed. become the bride, o f Mr. Archi bald Ashton Sherman o f Cowich- an, B. C. The Rev. F . A . Ram-, sey officiated. > Brutal Kindness Accepted Suitor--"Sir, I admit be in g ,a poor man, but X am determined f o marry your daughter in "spite of Jier wealth.' • ' . Her* Father -- "Oh, well, if that's the,case I'll just remove the obstacle." i t '[M.,: w % f Mrs. D. McN. Thomson rrl 150 -D e a th o f Mrs. Mary F u lto ii. . Miss JMary' Fulton, widow of the late Robert Fulton o f Glas gow, Scotland, passed, aw ay peacefully on W e^ esd ay , July 10th, at the family, r^ idence; 3565 Marine Drive. She, leaves to mourn her loss three daugh ters, Mrs. A. C. Oxley, Isabells and Madge, Vancouver; tw o sons Samuel o f Vancouy^, and Rob ert o f Hoylake, England. Funer al services were ^held a t 2:30 p.m. last Saturday, frpm _the North Vancouver.4 ehapei, .of H a rim Bros. Ltd,;ihe'Rev.ViA:; F . Esquim alt Avenue, has returned from a v is it to Mrs. J. Mitchell,' Gambier Tsliand_______________ _ ' ' She: I am continually breaking into ..song. / ' ;He: You wouldn't have to break in :if you would get_tbe_key.____________ J [t.'̂ !' i **' f ■ • y V DISABLED VETERANS' ASSN. (1921) ' West Vancouver Branch ,1; COMMITTEE ROOM.; .FERRY BUILDING NEXT MEETING-- TueM ay,'Ju ly 23rd, a t 8 p .m . WiU members make a special effort^to^bhi present as .we have some very important business to transact. Remember the date 28rd July, at 8 p.m. i l l U j.I i' f -J, r ; M ■V' M im ro:officiatingrahdin(;erm ^ was made in Capiland V iew .Cem^ eteryV/ j -'-A W I f r u i t M A R K ET 'I 'I • ̂ JLi I * % v e g e t a b l e s 1450j M arine Drive, AMBLESIDE, Phoiie West 77 »/ r ' i * ; 1 i "ki FREE d e l i v e r y m i tv '4% mi- ■lAr )i ' _s< f '■•-w'vSf. iVl