^ -M -■ - •"srjĵ j TT - ' - -- nr - r ^ I »̂i«iiMiWrtl»rwill̂ i#% IM BpIljjjjl̂jMjN f y f g WEST VAN NEWS ̂ din • , •St•■■Jin'V • T WEST VAN vurrm cmrucm n^f. Hfliit W rlli^ ao id g ir HunAmf 11;15 ».m., 1il$ pjBL ButtcUiy School iumI Blbl« CU»§ >, ,-r-- E 4-' SO ~ W-4® Strcnfcr* A Visitoni WdboasM. BATTisT m v w e a , B«y*»dKJP« Jtek|ilUfim» IkiMotKMii! 1S4I UajrviNMi Ave. i^hono Woit 2StZB» Huiiday Servlcei -- II i.m . ond Sunday Bcbool< 10:00 *.i». 'Partial Permanent^ for Natural Curlg Hair UNITED CHURCH K(?v. IlilliB Wright, iklnlster. Ill I t your hair is wavy, but not viiouKh curl in the ends, en« courage* your wave with Just 2 or .'i minutes steaming under our permanent wave machine, This will deepen your own natural wave and the ends will fall in soft curls. Service will be held _as usual ... Went Vancouver United Chuich next Sabbath at 11:16 n.m, and 7 :16 p.m, Sunday School as usual a t 10 a.ri/). Strangers and viitors are (-ordially invltetl to attend these HtM-vices. . Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe l«4« M iriM D r ln For appointwrato FIfONB WEST 117 b a p t i s t CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess I'astor: Kev. H. P. Humphreys The M arionette! IH D ID V Glrcula ting I iIDjIA Ii I Complete change of IJooks every Month Monthly Fee --• 50 cents or 10 cents per Book for a week. ANBLESIDE PHARMACY 11401 Marine llrlve W. I,. KKR, Prop. Phone: Sunday, July 2]ai 10:00 a.ni.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.-rMorninif Worship, Pastor will preach, topic, "Obtaining Promises." 7 :1 r> p.m.-- Evening Worship. 'J'opio, "The Parable of the Ark." Song Service at com mencement. U'ldnesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer and Praise ^ rv ice . ,A cordial invitation to alL..., 'V gd^ 'V A N C O U V E R Science' SiNriety EDIFICE' ■ Toth and Ea«uinialt, IloUyburn Thii Society ik « Uraacb of Tha Mother Church n»e F irst Church of Christ, Seleatlat, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July 21 , 1985. Subject: " L I F E " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday i t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially In« vitod to attend our services and meetings. BRITISH ISRAEL ASSH. «Weekly Preyer 'Itmrsdays in the Gospel Hall, 25th and Murine Urive | at S p.m. - ' Mrs. Cornish in ehaife. HIGH SCUOOI. l*ROMOnONS The following is a promdtion Jist from West Vancouver High School. DIVISION I. Students writing Junior Mat- triciilation Examinations -both StHTDAlr SCHOOL ti«| BIBLE CLASSES K ..rr „ „ . A welcome for all. ., 8D N D 4V N IG O T , . t 7:30 Mr. H. SoaiMtn of Vanrou,,, wiU preaeh the Gospel of Grace Everyone heartily invited. partial and c;ompIete. jects -- Maelor Martyn. Bettv Donnie Barr, John Beaty, Moulton. Adelia Browstor, David Brown, , DIV lSfO N IV. Mndplirif* Cro.ss. Jean DUilcan. r*«.n#4r. v T c? ; W att, l^ u g la s . Smith, Inez Swanson, Eunice Passed # Examination ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH i ReV. F. A. Ramsey '■ Rector; ITirvey, Ernestine Weedcri, ,Val- arie Whipple. . Completing Normal Entrance: Virginia Gamage, Lenna Simp- July 21a.t -- 5th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.-- Hoh' Communion. 11:15 a.m. -- .Matins; preacher, jecls: Robert Ward son. ' Granted High School Gradua tion Diploma; Enid Clements, Sheila Powell. Granted credits in certain sub- West 323 ' FIIKK DELIVERY Developing, I'linting, Enlarging and , Copying-paying I.#iuve your llJina at AMBLESIDE PHARMACY. Crgatal Finish Ageneg For Service and Satisfaction; "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" Ambleside S h e e t M e ta l I- SPECK. _ _ Proprietor \ y O r k S d r : G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.8., L,aS. DENTIST Hay Block, I4th and Marine Dr. Ofilco Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Eveninga by appointment. Phone Weat 72 ST. AN^THONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28id and Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. j . Millay, Priest in Charge. Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave; Phone, West 240rR , Sunday Services ijow-Mass -- 8:45 a.m. -High Mass'& Sermon -- 10:45 , a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Weekrday Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. . Fridays,-- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7.:45 p.mT. ' . Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 ;30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. the Rev. A. II. Priest. 7:15 p.m. -- Evensong. Thursday; St. James Day, 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. St. Prands-in-the-Woods, Caulfield Sunday, 3 p.m. --- Evensong and Dedication of East Win dow, preacher the Rev. A. H. Priest. The Rector will leave for his Hill, Je^n; Miller, James; Me- Gowan, Evelyn; Simpson, Kath- leen ; W yatt, Barbara. Granted supplementals towam Grade' XI standing -- Edwards Helen; Kissick, Elaine; Miller D ouglas; Zielski, Sophie. DIVISION V. Grade X. Recommended to Grade XI without exam ination -- Norman Coleop, Kenneth Davison, Hugh Farmer, Alan Fraser, Verschoyle Martin, Jack MacLeod, Hector CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST DIVISION II. Promotion List ih Alphabetical Order. t Grade XII, Commercial (A- ----------, xicuiur warded High School Graduation Ian Diploma) 1, Mary Gibson; 2 , Richards.^ Joan Gourlay ; 3, Marjorie Ver-̂ ^̂ -̂̂ non. ; thews, Edward Special Commercial (Awarded J^ck Richâ ôh.̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ K High School Graduation Diploma Granted su p p l^ eh th ls toward xv̂x .xio on completion of 120 credits fol- Grade XI stand ing-- - Eniest vacation on Tuesday, and during lowing Junior Matriculation) -- Harrison, W alter Parker, Wil- his absence the Rev. Canon L Doris Martin; 2, Marjorie Bam Parker, Herbe , d'Easiim will look after the Paton; 3, Margaret Toynbee; 4, The following students are parish. There will be special Betty Vickery; 5, Margaret ci*oditedw itliperf^tattendance preachers at Evcn.song for the Wrisberg. tx , , , . Passed Special Course with Honour Standing: 1, Bert Simp^ son. . . Promoted to Grade XII, Com mercial, from Grade XI, Com-' merpial, (RecommendedI Mary Burns; 2, Bob McCarthey-^ Passed -- 1, Dofeen Todd. ; Passed, Conditionally -with SUpplementals indicated 1, next three weeks. CHURCH WINDOW TO BE DEDICATED Mary Gibson, Harold John son, Elaine Brown, Jean Hill, Douglas W att, Kenneth Davison, Alan Fraser, Gordon Gibson, Jack MacLeod. Dr.-GEORGE-S-MAGDON ALD - D.D.8., D.D.C., Hours: 9:30 n.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment Royal Bank Bldg., Telephone * ■Weat aacouvet*. Wt f̂ .i.ic The central light of the East Window i n St. Francis-in-the- Woods Church, Caulfeild, erect ed, in memory of Francis W. , • - - X. . Caulfeild, founder of the com- munity, will be dedicated on Sun- (Anthm^ day afternoon, July 21st. a t.^ p.mi. by the Rector, the Rev.'F. X̂ ^ A. Ramsey. The window w ill Grade X GO show S t" Francis" at Prayer^ ̂ r - 1, Betty looking up in adoration to the 2 , Harold̂ ^̂ ^ figure of Christ the King. 'The 'y. I 7 JacL^H^ aid™ t t f o m e J h S o f s t , GrTnted Supplementdb toward "ith the figure of St. Grade XI Standing = - l . Edvthe en put their tiu st undei the Catherine in the background, (A rithm etic); 2, Aylene Mrs. H. Harrison, 1750 Belle vue Avenue, hOs received the sad news of the death o f her father, Mr. Wm. Connon, Brandon, Man itoba. Mrs. Harrison* with her daughter Murd l̂gt and son Nor m an,-are lea ving^^^f^ East Saturday.. ' ' . -LIFE" will be the subject of the Lesson Sermon in all Churches o f Christ, Scientist, on -Sunday.------------------------- , - ?2'* Church of srMary"th€ (Arithmetiff);(Z, iSchlrd ^ t h been m ade b y E n g lish L ite r a tu re ) . and I Eatablinhod on North 25 Yonra (Lady Aaslstnnt) Shore HARRON BROS. LTD. •d̂ funeral Strectors North Vancouver .Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parloi-s 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 ofwith Thee is the fountain life," (Psalms 36: 7-9). .Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "I^e Lord shall preserve thy goln^ out and thy coming in from th is time forth, even for Morins & Co. of London, Eng land. SOFTBALL DIVISION III Grade XI Recommended to Grade XH -- James Bloxham, Geoffrey Bradley, John Bradley ^urbridge, Anne Clegg, TEAROE & SON 1474"Marine Drive fflnereti toirtifirctSfr ..■9 ^ Excavation & Foundation Work Lime ■ Sand Cement -------All-Buildin^rM'aterials' ; Phone'.West 84 -for quick delivery. evermore." (Psalms 1 2 1 : 8 ). C. J. Overington P IO N E E R BARBER " NOW OPEN FULL̂ TIME 14th & Alarine, Phone West 135 Tlie Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- ^ p k , "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The understand ing that Life is God, Spirit, lengthens our days by strength ening our trust in the deathless reality of Life, its almightiness and im m ortality," Last Monday, Tritons defeated Barbara MacIntyre, Patricia Mr' ' Engineers 24-2 in a postponed Kenzie, Jack McLeod Eileen the High School Smallwood, Patricia w X c e grounds, North Vancouver. Ruth Williams. ' Below is a list of the remain- ^^®sed into Grade XII -- mg games to be played by Tri- ' f Barker, Doreen Bernard Ivan Brown, Kenneth Bruce Monday, July 22nd -- Ward- T T D o r e e n Elgar! law s vs. Tiitons, at Mahon Park. a Maureen Sher- Tuesday, July 23rd Dollar- Audrey Todd, Jack Dorches ton vs. Tritons, a t Confederation ..^^^^lay, Florence ^ (postponed gam e). Gracej ,̂ Phyllys Howard. t..7. . . ,^ ™ ted suppl̂ ^̂ ^̂Fi'iday, July 26th--Stewart's supplementals tov vs. p i to n s at Confederation stan d in g- - - Velo. El The Rev. and Mrs. HaiTy Berry o f South Vancouver, are occupying one of the Hookham suites at 18th and Argyle Ave. THR ' ■ West Van News Puhliahad Every Thuraday Publialier P. P. LOVEGRQVB Phone West 363 BaaintM and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Rollybum P. 6.) Phone West 363 Mai! Addreaa: P. O. Box dl, HoHybnm, B.C. CARD-OF-THANKS M rs.. George Monroe, 1367, Jef ferson A.venue, wishes to express her sincere thaiiks and a p ^ c ia tio n for all th e , kindnesses shown by friends during the i^ e n t illness of her' late husband and subsequently for the many sympathetic tributes of flowers. . (postponed gam e). Playoffs .should start around t «6 first week in August. .A n Exhibition game will be played next Wednesday, Ju ly 24th, with David Spencer's . ,The _ M lu r e_ o f .„David opencer s in not showing un several weeks ago, which is much regretted,' was due to a misunderstanding,-^ which will not occur next..tVedhekday night. W/f' ^^^dstone, Gerald Howard. Alex MacRa^, Grace Russell. Dou^as Shellard. - Granted credits in certain sub- A Free Have, your radio checked by \ Qualified technician.' We 'will t check your radio .right in your • own home, and'g4ve >you an esti mate of the cost ' of repairs. You are' under no obligation to have the work done." There is" no charge , for this s e r v i c e . . J . L . jg r e w 'T h e R ^ d i o M a n ' 1890 Marine Drive, West 145 N orth Vancouver Office: • 123 Lonsdale Ave: 11.00 ,e year by eanrier:.V mail. 12.00 a year Miss Macfarlane, ^ n d and Bellevue Aye,, has left for an extended trip to Ontario. Biirrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVirir URERAL -WE'?T V A auspices of the ' " ■ to POR d e p e n d a b l e D A V E A N O m O N ^ ^ W est Tomorrow (Friday), July ig ti , at 8 ̂ A. E. MUNN, M .R , ftllQ S0Zn6 VflDCOUVCr » " •«, ■*. p e a k e r s w i l l g i v e a d d r e s s e s . E v e r y b o d y cp rd iaU y invited. ' p.m. messenger SERVICE FOR P R O M P T ^ ^ A N A G iE W iE N T - - j g g> -M C IN T O S H . 3 4 Z R ' ' * J. 5