West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Jul 1935, p. 4

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u Prices Good Friday Sc Saturday* July 12th Sc 13th I Oe»ng0 ..ib< 4le lt«d & Whilf TKA *-- lirokea Of*# M m ... . H«a A wjiiu! H i'A G iie rn lte«dy t4i Srrvr ..............2 Unii 19c lt»d A Whit<r TUMATOB8. 2y< Fancy Pack ...................... 2 Una 23c Ua© IIEHT FOODH MAYONNAISE H tit* Jar, 20r; 16 02, Ja f, 35c. Hcd A Whit© LOnSTKK, %«, tin 15c HIU.A COI'FFJi, 1 Hi .hair.......... 24c COHN FI.AKK8, Quaker 'irradiated" ................ 2 pkta, I5c FlN E A Fli.E cnilK S Faulth*^!* ................ „.......... tin 10c 8I1HE00EI) WHEAT .......pki. 10c Hed A White JKU.Y FOWDEKS Aaaorted ...... .............'....Q for 25c IIEHHING ................. ....Urffc tin 10c Cold HeuI, 'i'oinulo Sauce. Itcd A Whit© CLEANSER, 2 titii* 16c FRUITS AND VFA;irrAm.E8 HUNK 1ST ORANGES Kw©i't and Juicy...................Uoz. 26c M eats Phone West 370 .Edw«f«i#^-a»d4̂ -tn#mberii - o f ,-the Becreationii! The Hjjpw- er held on Thursday, June 27tn, a t Ea»t Beaeh, took the form of an exciting treasure hunt, the bride elect eventually diRging up the treasure chest jusjt west of UONEI.KHS POT ROASTS, ...Jb, 16c F l .irn IIER'S HAKE!) HAM, lb. 55c GAINER'S BAKED HAM, ..... lb. 50c DAISY LOAP, per lb . ................ 28c BOILED HAM, per lb.................. 50c PEPI'ER'H PORK SAUSAGE, lb. 20c Bl HNS' DEVON SAUSAGE, lb. 20c PI( NIC HAMS, 5 to 7 Ilia.,....... lb. 17c ROl.LKD VEAL ROASTS, lb.... 22c BLADE ROASTS BEEF lb. 12'/|C the boat?hou8e. After passing around the gifts, the guests seated themselves beside the camp«fireand refre.^^hments were served. Government Inspected Only COLD MEATC OF ALL KINDS DELlCATKSStBN 1 s to re a t H ollyburn , n e x t T h e a t r e ♦ PHONE WEST>K.*^' BEEP POKK -- VEAL -- LAMB All very fim^t quality. f' PEPftUIT .... ..-IGRAPEPfSUiT...................... 4 for-IOc AIko ToiiiutueH. Curruta, Pena, Lettuce ( ucumlifr. New Potutoea, CaulL Sower, etc. m/ILDlNG PIORMri'S $12,976 UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION Lust month the municipal hull issued 12 permits totaling $12,- 975. This was made up as fol­ lows: 7 dwellings, .$11,750; 3 ad^ ditions, $1,0715; 2 garages, $150, 'This Is an increase of $6,005 over the figures for June of last year, when the total stood at $6^970. A regular meeting of the W<'Ht Vancouver Unemployed Association will be held a t the Legion I fall on Thursday, July 1 nil. at 8 p.m. . Amongst other business to be di.Huc.ssed will be report of dele­ gate to North Shore Unemployed A delightful miscellaneous show'er was held on Tuesday, June 25th, 1935, at the home of Mrs. Forrest, honoring Miss Maisie Busst's forthcoming nuptials. The room was very at­ tractively decorated with roses and Canterbury Polls. After several interesting pm es, the gifts were presented to the bride elect ip a prettily decorated orange and yellow banket. After the gifts had been passed around the bride elect was pre.spted with a beautiful jbou(3i|etJ of roses; and refresments'*'.were served. The guests included Mrs. B usst,' M rb.' Millard, Miss E. Millard, Mrs. Tiniiey, Mrs. Feather, Mrs. Smith and daugh­ ter Lucy, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Minkley, Mrs. Hawkes, Mrs. Coles, ,]\Irs., Davis, Mrs. E.̂ Lauder, Miss May LUMBERan d a l l B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L S WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. -FOR HEAL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Classifled Advertisementa la 2 cenU per wbrd, minimuin 25 cents; Except in the case of tlmae having regular account^, all ̂ classi- fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifleds in the West Van News get immediate results. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B. C., ~ Join Our Library: 25o a month; $2.00 a year. Laclysbip Wools. 1078 Marine Drive. West COl. LAUNDRESS--PorFortnightly Wash 167S Marine, West Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dicdcinson are visiting here from Yahk, B.C. and Workers' Picnic, and report of (lolcgale to the Unemployed Cripps, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Har Hiingcr'March Congress in Van- i^en and daughter Nettie, Mrs. LOST -- Female Wirb-h.lircd Terrier, black and white with brown ■;-- , "Suzlie." Phone West 356R. LOST -- Embroidered Table Runner (Not finished), June 27th; "Phone West 311L2. couver. Summer is here Book of tickets ' 2>50_lbs. for $2 .00 \A^c maintain a regular Icc Delivery Service to North Vancouver, Doliarton, Deep Cove, West Vancouver, WhyteclifF, Horseshoe Bay and way points. -Refrigerators and l^e Boxes For Sale or Rent IF PHONING /o r SERVICE . ask the operator to* CHARGE THE CALL TO US G A R V I N I C E & F U E L C O ., Ltd. = K 3 ^ E a ¥ m ir A ver*..... " Va1nffi5nr^707"-"B"- r " "Tiinptn on th« let) Curnlviil of the'A ir over KOMO, 8 to8.16a,m, Moiuln.vn and l-'rltlttVS." Latham and Gladys Latham and Mrs. Lloyd. YOUNG GIRL (Sixteen), requires light housework -- live in, fond of children. West 97X. RENTALS -- We have a few at­ tractive furnished and unfurnished home3"T6f~rent....'Inquiries invited. C. J . Archer L if te d , 1415 Marine Drive. ■■ ISHERWOOD -- BUSST FOR SALE -- Cabinet Radio, Spar-ton, 10 tubes, model 1931; $35 cash. Phone West 247Y. ROOMS TO RENT -- In comfortable home near ferry, board if desired. Phone W est 288Y. - A p re tty wedding look place on Friday, July 5th, 1;935, at West's Memorial Chiiroh, 51st and FVaser, when . Maisie Chi- quita, only daughter of Mrs. E. B. Busst, became the bride of Mr. H arry Isherwood, oldest son of Mrs. H. Isherwood of Vancou­ ver. - . The ceremosy was performed by Rev. West of South Vancou­ ver. The bride, given in marriage by her yoiirigesf brother, Alfred, was dressed in~a smart white sports outfit consisting of a pleated dress and short white fitted coat with pleated collar-::: ̂ " and sleeves. A small white tu r FOR SALE -- Ice Box; good condi­ tion, 1564 Fulton Avenue, FOR RENT -- Furnished House, near Marine DrivA Rent reasonable. Bhone W est 207L. . WINDOW SHADES and AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estimates free. Picture framing. E. S. Pearce, 1890 Marine, Phone West 529 or West 145. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Phone G. Meldrum, 725 E ast 14th ' Street, North Vancouver. DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine D rive-- Everything for knitting and embroidery. Free instructions. Mrs.i Latham, proprietress. DOGS BOARDED AND TRIM M ED- Fees reasonable; clean kennels; 30 years experience. E. Cargill; phone North 398L1". ; ' ̂ ' DAINTY CAKE SH O PPE ; made bread, cakes and West 514. -- Home- pastries. GIVE THE W IFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to Hunter's doffee Shop. Luncheons, teas, dinners; West 610. BRING YOUR GUESTS for After­ noon Tea in the "blue roofed" din­ ing-room a t ' Sherman. 3900 Marine LAWN MOWE®^-.GROUND, called for and delivered. Sawsi filed. Ellis 1442 Clyde. West 516L. _ Drive. .kLU^J3ilLj:KltiLJWhjife_n^^^^ -- I«̂ tcd the ensemble._ She " p S l i t f h S ? D r i v e . ' • Hours Electric Refrigeration completed the ensemble. She wore a corsage of rose buds and mauve sweet peas on her left shoulder. The bride.smaid, Gladys Lath- -amj-of--VVest-VancotrveiT-wore*a TCES'-on^thT 3900 Marine WINDOW shsdes and awnings made' to measurements or repaired; Esti- :y.niates„fi:ee;:.-Ricture.-Jraming.-̂ Ev-Sr Peared, 1890 Marine;> Phone. West 529." , - T, ' ' GLASS for all building purposes. Broken windows replaced* Jim Holt, GIVE WEBB'S a tria l fo r your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. . pale powder blue sports ensemble and white hat. A corsage of small rose -buds and sweet peas completed the costume. Mr. Thomas Morris acted as best mjjn. A delightful reception was held later a t the Horticultural Hall, South Vancouver; the hall being prettily decorated with , "pink and white streamers. An '"■orchestra supplied the dance music and refreshments were served later , in the evening. The happy couple left for their home after the reception. & Prebble -- Haye your set over- DUNDARAyE Library and Gift Shop, 2476 Marine Drive. Subscription, 50c month. New books, magazines, stationery, gifts. hauled now; summer prices. Phone West -bSQ. HEADQUARTERS for All Popular STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES -- . For sale or rent. W est 220-L. Brands of Cigffrettes and Tobaccos: ers. Ambles Cigjfre dgits for local wat- Tea Rooms. E g a l l a n t , Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van­ couver. Seymour 8790. , C. J. ARCHER LTD. -- 5 Rooms, furnace, fire place, full plumbing, attic; furnished, new range, close to ferry, good'buy, $1650. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, --Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Garden' Seeds Hardware. SHOE REPAIRS -- ̂Get the best mat­ erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Ferry .' ' WEST .VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range flepairs. Sawdust Burners FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, arid acreage for sale, John Lawson, IT ^ a n d Marine. Phone West 55. "MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanent. -Try our fatigue facial for tired housewife or business woman. West' 304. 17th and Marine over Royal Bank. ROBSON, Barrister, Solic ^or, 1447 Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after­noons. COLIN T U R N E R , B uilder and Cp?f tractor -- Alterations and repairs. Phone W est 679R .; . . WANTED -- One famished and one unfurnished 4-ro6m' cottage near ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 143 ORE CENT foF eleclrlctty will oper­ ate your electric re­ frigerator 24 hoursn ELECTRIC SERVICE--ALWAYS A BARGAIN PRINTING For all kinilq nf W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re-a m u s 01 miiraa __ PhnnA Service radio checked by a qualified technician. We will radio; right in your own home and give you an esti- ,niate of the cost of repairs, iou are under no-obligation to have the work done. There service. is no charge for this J. L. P ettigrew ^The-Radio Man * 1890 Marine Drive, West 145 pnnting phone News, West 363. West Van quires discarded'.clothing. Phone West 37 and truck 'w ill collect. JUBILEE LIBRARY in W'est Bay Store 8 0 0 VOLUMES - FICTION ISABEL M. CREIGHTON. B.A: Librarian LAWN M 0W E R S " S f l3 R P E N E D - Repairs, all ' makes; W est Vancou- vfer Machine-;Shop; 1449 Marine. LLOYD'S WOOL KNITTING; .SHOP, ^ 7 4 Marine -- Complete line spring wools. Free knitting school. Violet and . Kathleen Clem­ ent, P ro p rie to rs.; GEO. HAY, N otary Public -- Estate and Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour-1260. J* T. W A T T VANCOUVER REALTY INSURANCE CQ.WEST 141 a n y T im e AGENT FOR CUNARD steamships AM ietelB amnged via Panama, Alwaj^: Biis o r'to ll BOOK YOUR PASSAGE LOCAl £ y .[. . v U Ssi