West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Jul 1935, p. 3

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YPU R o w n t o w n is w U WINPOWS DOORS SHIHOES UTH VENEERS ROOFING building paper A CMttiilete « >̂ '■J n >j- t 1 ̂ ,ifiiilfeii BRICK. CEMENT TtLE LIME SAND PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS Drawn up apd «stl* mates given Free. A stb u ry 'is B tiild ers' S u p p lie s kcth and fifarine Drive. Nifehl Phone Wrat 627K Phone Wesi 199 R. c . JAMmSbN & CD'S ANTIMO WHITE Non-poisonoua. For exterior and interior use.Superior to any white lead, oity Priocs Toronto, will arrive here next and Mrs. H errin a re »P^<H2g week to visit Mrs. Moore's idster a holiday m otoring in th e Baclflc Mrs. Q. Eoiiertson, 25th and States. M athers Avenue. • • • ♦ , J. L. Pettigrew has m o v ^ A son was bom on 4th Julj^ a t into a portion o f E. S. Pearoe's the N orth Vancouver General store a t 1890 Marine Drive. Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred , ♦ • ♦ Hawkes, 1640 Esquimalt Ave- Mrs. Edwin Dickie of K errls- nue. dale, with hef a i ^ r , Mrs. P air- * * * i banks, visiting her from Nova The body of a man, clothed in Scotia, spent a few days a t a rough kn it sweater, grey trous- Cypress Park recently, ers and brown shoes, was dis- ♦ ♦ * . ' covered a t 7 p.m, Tuesday by Mrs. Laura McKay of Shaugh- Constable Hailstone in the water nessy Heights, Vancouver, spent near Dundarave Pier. There a short holiday a t the McBride were no identification papers, cottage a t Cypress Park. The rem ains, which had appar- ♦ » ♦ ently been in the water for sev- Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Gale of eral weeks, were removed to the Cypress, are spending the next N orth Vancouver undertaking few m onths in a cottage Dn the IrL o i Be tnee to enter Contest' A« announced in the Vancouver Sun of July 18th. Leave your films here fo r de­ velopment -- City Prices. • ■■ u ■ During this contest if you buy your film here and leave it for finishing, wo will pay the cost of developing -- IDc. Gemmiirs Drug Store The Store of Servleo. 1686 Marine Drive West 87 or W est 607 Emergoncv Phone West 321 (A fter 10 p.m.) parlors of H arron Bros. Ltd^ mountain-side. N orth Lonsdale. Agents-GREENW OOP GROCERY, 15th and Marine Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. G A R D E N F E T E ■■ . I ' ' ' ■- ; ' ̂ • V ■ 4 ■ ' ; On the grounds of Reeve and Mrs. J, B. Leyland's residence 2848 Bellevue Avenue, SATURDAY, JULY 13th, Aftornoon--2.30 to 6. Evening 7.80. Adults 25c. Children 10c. The Rev. A. Ramfeey, Mr. Mrs. Basil Bailey an d . son, and Mrs. F. H. H. Parkes, Bob Dick, o f Sherman, left on Sun- Prebble and Herb Bibbs are leav- day, June 22nd, for, a tr ip to ing here on Monday for Oamp England. - . , A rtaban, Gambier Island. ♦ * * . "' * * , Mrs. Ethel W est of Sherman, . Dr. apd Mrs. Ky.dd and family, last week entertained Mr. and t9 th and Marine Drive, have Mrs. Hutchings and th e ir daugh-/t moved to Vancouver. ter, from Seattle. Miss Betty Savory, has re­ turned from Duncan and is spending the holidays with her parentis, Colonel and Mrs. K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Aver hue. ■ ...................... Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds; Tennis Courts, Bathing Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Sandy Beached Cottages for rent. Miss Noel W ard of Sherman, ̂ Miss ^ e a ry of Vanco^^ ̂ spent a week in Nanaimo v is it- ' ooimpanled by Miss Griffiths and ing her brother, Albert Ward, Hr. and; Mrs. Hollingsworth of The Theory and Orchestral who î iv stationed in the Island E dm onton,v isitedSherm anC ot- claSses to be conducted by Mrs. City. tage recently, v F. Knight-Hodge "will, i t is * ♦ ♦ . . ♦ w 79 .. . hoped, be started , in the e ^ ly A son was born last week to Miss Blanche Macdonald, until fall, not a fte r the fall, as stated Mr. and Mrs. Dii'rfee Harper of recently a member of the stiaff of in our last issue. She hopes , to ' N orth Vancouver^ The new baby the Nanaimo High School, spent start, classes the first week of is th e grandson of Mr. and Mrs. a few days in Cypress Park next September. P. H'. Alder ,of Sherman. lately. Stratton's BAKERY B read ,,Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 ____ Recent visitors a t Sherman Miss Eloise Girdlestone, ac- daughter Gwen, will be away in Cottage, were Mts. A rthu r Cle- companied by her guest, Miss Mr. and Mrs., F. K. Hodge and the Okanagan fo r the next tw o , ments, and Miss Doris Knox, Deacon of Toronto, visited Sher- weeks, returning about, the end of July. % :9 >9 man Cottage a week or so agOi, ■9 • ♦ >9 V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLEi Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, - ^ u i M e ^ S u p p t e both M V a ^ ^ - Mrs. z TTio of Gibson's The E ast Anglia & Morcia As- Landing, paid a visit to her son sociation are holding a garden and daughter-in-law, Mr. and picnic a t the home of Mrs. Vic- Mrs. H. T. '^ o m as, Cypress to r Blanchflower, 42596- O ttawa Park, bver the hdiiday; Avenue, on Sunday next, July * ' * 14th. Officers and members will Dan Brake, of ̂ 'Yeovil," W est erine W. ^Wilson, 2367 Marine leave Vancouver on the 1 0 :30 a. Bay, spenf a week's holidays Drive, left here last Sunday as m. West Vancouver ferry. Local touring the interior of the prov- m em bep of the crew of th e Brit- resi(ients o f E ast Anglian and , ince, Spending some time a t , ish f re ig h to SS. H arm atris on Mercian Counties are cordially ' ^an b ro o k , .'Trail, and o ther a hitch-hike tr ip round the i i m t f i d . . . . ^ _ . . . , . ^ . , : _ _ ._ _ _ ^ n o i n l s ^ ___________ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sm ith of Cypress Park, a re away on a motor tour through- Vancouver Island. ' • ,♦ ♦ ♦ The Misses Clara M.,and Kath- DOLLY VARDEN SHOP 2444 Maxine Diivf \ is bolding JULY CLEARANCE SALE OF ______ -MILLINERY,----------- LADIES' AND\CHILDREN,S WEAR GOOD VALUES Miss Horton and Miss Bird of and then hope to go to India or Vancouver, are living in the the west coast of; Australia. Suttie house a t S h ^ a n for the From there the ir proposed itin- summ-er m on ths.; , erary w«l include South Africa, * * * " . the east coast of Africa, the Red -- ^Mrsr-Ewart,- and-lier~daugh-"- and M editerranean Seas,-Europei- ters, Miss May arid Miss Edith, u England, and so home via New Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY & FRIDAY July 11th and 12th The President Vanishes also - " BACK TO NATURE'* and (t GOOFY MOVIES' SAT. MATINEE & EVENING AND MONDAY July ISth and 15th Shirley Tem ple LIONEL BARRYMORE ' The Little Coloaer also " The Golden Touch 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone Wrat 34iO Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance SUPPLIES No. 1 Old Growth F ir ..u..........f 5.56 per Cord No. 1 F ir Slabs . 2 cords f o r ............ $7.00 Green Alder, $4.00 per cord Residence Phone West 621L Under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, W est Vancouver Branch " Le st W E f o r g e t X9 ^the g rea t Canadian Official W ar Film. at the HOUybimi Theatre Wednesday and Thursday; July 17th & ISth lore occupying th e 'Bellamay cot- York or J lo n trea l. They expect tege a t -Caulfeild for the sum- to be a year, m er months. , ; * * * * *; * Mrs. Florence Cranwill, moth* - Miss Yoshi Homma, Sadaka er of H arry Cranwill, 17th and Kobyakawa, Tomy and Chieka Marine Drive, pasiaed away on O'Kino, have gone N orth for a 4 th July in Winnipeg, a f te r a m onth's holiday. ' . » lingering illness. Mr. C^anwill is ? * * -* • a t present in th a t city. About th irty members of .the , * ♦ - ♦ ^ Vancouver Business arid Profes- Miss Daisy Brealey arrived a t sional Women's Club held a Sup- her home here on Monday for per meeting a t Sherman Tea the ; holidays from Beaverley, Gardens recently. Among those B.C., where she is on the ^hool present' were: Miss Josephine teaching staff. ' Dauphinee, Dominion President, ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Alberta Peters, Vancouver Mrs. J. A. Vernon, 1992 Ingle, Club President, Effie Peters, wood AvenueJ^left yesterday to president of Fanpba Younger ; spend a holiday on Keat's Island. Business Women, Amy Edwards, i * * * Olive Mackin, Mima Brown, Nell Margeryl- Phillips, 19th and Pedden, " K athie _ Campbell, E. Bellevue Avenue, had the m is-' Girdlestone, P ast Presidents of fortune to break her arm last the V ^couver Club., ̂ . . F riday as the resu lt, of a fall. * * . * ̂ She was taken to th e North Mr. and Mrs. Wells and family Vancouver General'Hospital and of Vancouver, arri- now occupy- is now back a t her-home.- TUBSDAY -- July 16th ____ î r b n e Id u n n e ----- 7̂ 'SWEET ADELINE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 17th and 18th 'LEST WE FORGEP Range Oil Burners (fully guaranteed) $ 3 9 . 5 0 ' Installed. Forst's Ltd N'orth625 ' Wests? 66 Lonsdale A ve.' North Vancouver SOc Sunday Dinner SOc from 12 to 7 p.m. Bring the family and relax for a day. " T H E MARINA 4416 Marine Drive ing th e ir summer hom e a t 19th and W aterfront, where they will remain for the season. ■♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B ates (nee Jean McLaren), of A g^siz , B.C., spent the week end ,m th friends here. . Expert Repairs on any RadioRADIO SERVICE B row n & M iin ton ANY MAKE - ANY MODEL , ANY YEAR 1542 Marine Drive WEST VAN PROPDCE Fruit an d V ^ e to lile s -- **i*one i v e ^ D aily West 186Free Delivery SWIMMING NEWS MEMBEBS ASSOCIATED BADIO TEOHNIOIANS OF ECO, WEST 3 6 6 The Girls' Auxiliary of th e W. V.A.S.C. are holding a social, evening a t the Clachan.- on F ri­ day, July 12̂ h, a t 8 p.m,f The girls have planned a fine eyeriing of bridge and dancing. E n r o l l ­ ments will be served. - LONG F R U IT M A R K E T■ f R U IT ^ a V E G E T A B L E S 1450 M arine Drive, AMBLESIDE, PHone West 7V FREE DBLIVEBY m m s . "IMf! '-K 1 IMl If**■"'I ■■4>J 'TTrgr: , i 'I I i. z:Wz-'44 m 1 h ■ J ' 5 V. fi \ .'*• ■ I '■'i' h '>4 'r ■ illS', r.--- m .. 4- r ■ , s - .'1 r V r ! MJM ' I % i l l ■II v-**. . tv W . >. w. 35