West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Jul 1935, p. 2

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' % ♦ !'««»<lfn.' w m r r A M m m m c m m m , StiiMMy SifiricM U :lfi «.!»., 7:1$ p.n. StmdAjr School luadl BIbk (̂ %MW 10 «.ttt. Str«nc«r« Si Vlcftorc Wolcons*. BAMIW €BtmC« ■ PAftoJ't' K MmpimyB; iO T c n « r is i r w iT O Phone We»t 2$2K, 7:li| pM , » . ■■■■■: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. j4i, * Partial Permanent' fo r , Natural Curlg Hair UNITED CHURCH Kt̂ v. HHIIh Wriarht, Minister. If your hMirie wavy, but hot unouKh curl in the enda, on* courage >'our wove with Just 2 or U minutes steaming under our permanent wave macliine. Thia will deepen your ow,i;i natural wave and the ends will fall in soft curls. .Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe tS4t H i r l u D r ln For appointmanta- PHONE WEST 117 F I L M S Kodak AGFA and UNIVEX We carry all sizea, ANBLESIDE PHARMACY W. h. KP:k , Prop. ' Phone:1401 Marine Drive West 823 FRKK Dh^LIVEUY . Watch for lilGGER and BKITEK Conteat in Vancouver Daily Sun in conjunction with Crystal Finish Ltd. (Jet your tMitries in hero early; -- C ^ f j ^ S t o l J F 't f l t s h Ag^enog For Service and Satisfaction: "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" . Service will be held a» u«ual- fn Went Vancouver 4Jnited Church next Sabbath a t 11:16 a.nj. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School a s u su a l a t 10 a.rn. S tra n g e ra a n d ' v i ito rs a re cordially inv ited to a t te n d th e se services. Arrangements are being made to hold the Annual Sunday School picnic to Horseshoe Bay this year. Buses will be at Amldeside at 1 :30 p.m. on Thurs- (lay, .July 18th and will pick up all those who live west of the church at 23rd and 25th Ave­ nues. This year it is intended that the parents should go with their children and so make it a real success. Come and sjiend a happy day at the seaside. thidaunted by the rain, mem- b(*rs and friends of the VFest' Vancouver United Church Wom­ en's Association turned out in good numbers to attend the tea on Thursday last, a t the home of Mrs. W. PaHridge. On ac­ count of th(3 weather, the affair was held indoors instead of in the garden a.s previously plan­ ned. Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, the pr<'sident and general convener, 'w e s t t a k c o u v e b ' I |M|| ' ' CHITECH EDIFICE SeUi «»4 EMittlwalt, HoUybaro Thi* Society la a Branch of Til* Mother Church The Pirat Church of Christ; Scientist In Boston, V.., ::LlAiii.iuichusetts j Sunday Swrice: 11:30 a,m. Sunday, July 14,. 1935 Subject: "SACRAMENr' Sunday School ui 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meelinjf Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. jkiin public' Is cordially In- vited^to attend our services and meeĵ inicli:"' BRmSB ISRAEL A^IY. Weekly Prayer Meetings 2.'ith and Marine Drive at H p.m. Mfs. Conilsh In charge. LEGION GARDEN PARTY VERY SUCCESSFUL F*avored with bright sunshine, the garden party and fete given last Saturday afternoon and f ' Y • ' aOVE, HOStEltY & UNCCRtESHOP .. e sp c ffiG K m Sm all and Large Sizes and O u t Sizes. 575 G ranrflte S treet. T. 2801 • J llA v evening by the Canadian Ivogion i t ............................ BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, July 14th, 10:00 a.m.-r-Bunday School and , Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Our Greatest Act." 7:15 p.m.---Evening Worship. Topic, "The Marks, pf Faith." Song Service at com­ mencement. Baptist Assembly, July 15th witb the able a.ssistance of the Legion W. A. was a great suc­ cess. The fete, which was held on the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hampsoii's ixisi- dence on 20th Street, was offici­ ally opened by Mrs. Buell, wife of the provincial president, who was the recinient of^a bouquet as wa^ also Mrsl Hampson. Tea was .served a t little tables a r­ ranged on the east side of the garden, while booths for housie- Housie and other games were placed on the tennis lawn. Dur- . ing the afternoon a fine program of music was played by the'W est. Vancouver Schools Band under the direction of A. W. Delamont, while Miss Molly Edwards' senior girls class gave a well executed display of fancy danc­ ing on the lawn. TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete |ontnctbrs Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- .Sand. -- Cement All Building Materials Phone W est 84 for'quick delivery. PRENDERGRAST--SLOAN ___________ ______ ________ _ to 25th a t Keat's Island, B;C. welcomed the guests. Conviening • Folders on request, the tea was Mrs. R. MaeVean, Ambleside S h e e t A l e t a l L. SPECK. , Proprietor W O r K S asHi.sled by Mrs, II. L. Thomp­ son, Miss Gertrude Thompson, Mis.s Jean Warner, Miss Elsie Partridge, Miss Lenna Simpson. Home, cooking and candy were' 1 1 1 "sar v v r T V * ST. STiEPHEN'S CHURCH vRev. F. A. Ramsey Rector: ....... ....... ....... „ .............. .. ....... July 14th, 1935 -- 4th Sunday sold by Mrs. W. Herrin and Miss afte r ..Trinity. PhiJip. Readings by Miss Lilias 8:00ta.m.--Holy Communion Davie were much enjoyed. A vote of thanks to the hostess by Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce was heartily applgudcd. DiR. G. D, H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST » flay Block, 14th and Marino Dr, 0 Rice Hours d'to 6 p.in. Evenings by appointment. Phon$> West 72 Dr. GEOIICJE S. MACDCDtAUL (. Dental Surgeon ^ Hours; 9:30 a.m. to 5-p.m. Evenings by nppointmont Royal Bank Bldg., Telephone West Vancouver. west 446 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. , Rev. W .J, Millay, Priest in Charge. Residence; 2323 Inglewood Ave. Phone, West 240-R Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8 ;45 a.m. High Mass & Sern^on -- 10:45 11:15 a.m. -- Matins and Ser- • m on.. Preacher the Rev. W. H. Adcock, Rector St. Matthew's Church, Re- ginj^ Sask. , 7 :15 p.ra. --r Evensong and Ser­ mon.. St. FranciSfia-the-Woods, Caulfield Sunday, 9:45 a.m. -- Matins and Sermon. In the evening an entertain­ ment consisting of a musical program and speeches was given from the verandah, the grounds being very" prettily decora^d with colored lights. PresidentiH. Walker acted as chairman, and brief" speeches were made by Lieut.-Colonel Buell, provincial president, and Reeve Leyland." The artists were Miss Jessie Davies, violinist, Mrs. Margery Clark, 1934 Gold medallist in elocution, who was specially in­ troduced by the reeve, and Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, vocalist. The raffle for the basket of groceries was won- by Mrs. A. J. Gleam, with ticket No. 7. The m arriage of Miss Olive ^oan , eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sloan, 1105 Duchess Avenue',, to Mr. Gordon Prendergrast, eldest son of Mr. N. PrendergI^ast,' took place at 3 p.m., Saturdajr, June 22nd, in St. Anthony's Church, Pember­ ton /the 'R ev . Cowan of Lillooet, officiating. The;bride, was dress­ ed in white organdie with touch­ es of pink and wore a. veil and coronet of orange blossoms. Her jbouquet was of pink and white carnations. Her bridesmaid, Miss Muriel Howdle, was. gowned in white and blue silk organdie w ith white accessories.; the mat­ ron of honor, M rs.' J. Smith, wearing navy blue. The best man was Mr. Leon Keyes. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Green. . Following the ceremony a re­ ception was held in the Pemjber- ton Community Hall, to which forty guests were invited. Principal D; Davidson of Hol- lyburn School, has left to : spend the holidays a t his old home in Newton, Ontario. ' ^ CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 7:15 Eatabliahcd on North Shore 25 Xearn '^(Lmly AsBiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfuneral Sirectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 131 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Rosary and Benediction ' p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m.___ - Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions-- 7:45 p.m. "'■̂'SAeRAM:]K^T"-~^-wiiI-=b#^ subject of the. Lesson - Sermon "in all Churches of Christ, Scient­ ist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is : "Whether thei-efore ye eat, or drink, -or whatsoever youjdo,^o all to the glory of God7' " (I Corinthians" Chas. Burbridge. is spending the school holidays;at his home, 2309 Marine Drive, having rec- entlyarrived from.,Ucluelet, B.C. L . O . B . A . P A M C E ' , IN THE ORANGE HALL July_l3.tfa. ...aiL9L.{iin A d m i s s i o n 1 5 c . ..t U, 'Jm ÛL Saturdays -- Confessions ffom 7 :30 p.m. tp 8 :30 p.m. SCOUT NOTES 10: 31). Among th e ... citations which ' comprise the Lesson - Sermion is the following from the Bible: "For ,by one Spirit are we all , baptised into one body, whether WEST VAN MESSENGER SERVICE . ___ yjNiPER NEYV^MANAGEMENT FOR PROMPT CAREFUL DELIVERY PHONE FRED. McIn t o s h , w e a t 342:R On the evening of the 8th' we be Jews or Gentiles! whether instant, the 1st West Vancouver Scout Troop (St. Stephen's) held their annual banquet. The gath­ ering was well attended by the boys and their leaders, while all were greatly honored by the we be bond o r-free; ^and have been all made to drink one Spirit," (I Corinthians 12:13). The. Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text. C. J . Overiogton PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14th & Marine, Phone West 135 pi^sence of Rev. F. A. Ramsey, book, "Science and Health with After* supper a short meeting Key to the Scriptures"by Mary was held a t which Mr. Sewell Baker Eddy:-^Through renent- pr^sent^d the badges : ance, spiriti^al baptism, and re- B, ^m bi^ li, R. Gleam, metal- generation, mortals put off their nvorkers badge; Geoi*ge Downs, material beliefs and false indiv- debaters, laundi*yman's, musici- idualitv." ■ ' TUB ^ West Van News Pabliahed Rrory Thnnday uiTs; Verschoyie Martin, Jack Climie, Charles Forster, 2nd class badge, and Bob Kendrick enrolled. I t was decided by a unanimous ypte th a t the scout meeting should continue throughout the summer. -JPaUldier P. F. UOVEGROVB , Phone West 363 Buatneoa ostd Bditoriol Offlea: , 17ih and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P,0.) Phone West 863 Mail Addren: P. O, Box 51, Hollyburn, RC. Miss Robbins. of Vancouver, waa a visitor lately at Sherman Cottage. IN MEMORIAM 1*̂ hoving Memory of our dearly beloved son, and brother, \ ROBERT BELL, passed away July 13th, 1930. Memories drift to things long past; lim e rolls on, but memories last, bunshine passes, shadows fall; LK)ves remembrance outlasts all. Ever remembered by his father, mother, brothei-s, sisters and fam- Uy* Mr. and Mrs. W. Blair and family* 1527 Goi*don Avenue, aro ho liday ingat Red Roofs, B. C, Make vacation arrangements by long-distance telephone If you arc going away for- your holidays there are many things you II want to find out in advance. Call first by long-distance telephone. In one telephone con^ ersaion. you can ask questions, receive replies, and, ir you vvish, make reservations. North Vancouver Office: 128 L o n s d a l e ^ v e r ' $1.00 a year b| carrier: |2.00 a year by aciall. Thos. Louden' of Vancouver, has moved into the MoBain hoyse a t 2898 Bellevue Avenue. Hurrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFOR DEPENDABlliB D£] 'T D A V E A N D E R S O N , W ^ t V a ^ u v e r R e p re se n ta tiv e Phones--West 691L or, North 13io -""r P«vem disappoint. B. G ^ r ^ E tL P H tT I ^ G d M P A N y ■44