West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jul 1935, p. 4

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'* ■ '....... 4 . ' " ' 1OT1 W IST VAN NEWS - ■■ ■ ' - ' ........ ' ' ' . ... . ■ ..- --..... .... .1 ANNOAl, ROSE SHOW /'If < r ....... . IPbone Wttc 46 Prices Good Friday dc Saturday, July 5th Sc 6th V U r m i ) WHEAT, Qu»ker..... . tSe r̂ RAH, Siev«> S, te n d e r mud m w eet k Z t i m Z t€ ATOES, CotumMft, 2*/j» 2 tfjtt ISc Red & White SALMON. F m n c y B i t c k e y e , '/i* ................. tin ISc KAOANA ItRO Hl'KlNG SALMON »/j«. tin .................... lOe K.|J FANCY FINK SALMON l « .................... ........ ....... ».2 tin« 2Se CUT CKKKN BEANS, Ull 2» Tender nnd Criiip ............... tin l ie t;OM)EN BANTAM COKN. 2« till ...... ...... ........ tic ^ I'EAltS, 2« ......................... . tin 18c C'otufnliin-^SU'mined nnd cored, fn Kyrup. Red di White i*EANtJT BUri'ER l5*ojt. tilt ........ ....... .,, |5c Red & White COFFEE Found Vacuum 'Tin ................ . 30C Huntley A Falmer'a ENGLISH ltlHC:uri B -- iVtlte Buerre, lb. 58e Red & White JEU.Y FOWDERS AHHorted flavors ..............; 4 for 19c IMteiits' Phone West 370 - P a n ito 2nd, Mrs. E. B. Khodes. ,JD, -Mo T svish; 2nd, Mrs. H. B. lihodes. Violas «-- 1a{, Mrs. D. Mo Tavigh; 2nd, Mrs. F. A. Albin. P<9>pies--: iKi, Mrs. F. A. Al­ bin; 2nd^ Mrs. M. G. Barker. Dianthus -- 1st, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. H. P. Allen. Aquilegia -- Mra. E. VV. Government Ina|>ected Only HAMS •;* LAMB H B lW COLD MEATS OP ALL KIMBS -!• 1 store at H oU ybura, next Theatre PHONE miN'KLKSH FOT ROASTS, ... lb. 15c ,r 7 " , , ; * r̂̂ * aV IVA'.H OF 8FRING JLAMB,.. Ib. 27c H arrington; 2ri<l, Mrs. h, A. Al- .SltOLLDKRS OF SFRING LAMB bln. I t ll* Sweet m ilium - 1st, Mrs. D. 11 KK HER S BAKEU HAM, Ib. 56c McTavish; 2nd, iv. J. Clifford.GAINER S BAKED HAM, lb. 60e -- a " T' '" r ; " aDAIKY LOAF, per lb.................. 28e , <>ther variety --■ 1st, A. ROILED H'AM. i>er lb..... ..........60c ~ Hammond; 2nd, W. J. Clifford. I'EFi'ER'H FORK SAUSAGE Ib. 20c Decorative Section Rl RNB' DEVON SAUSAGE, Ib. 20c FU NIC HAMS, 5 to.7 lbs.,....... ib. 17c RKKF -- FORK -- VEAL -- LAMB All very lirteat vnuality. Ladies' Spray and Gentleman's- Buttonhole -- 1st, Mrs. C E. Barrow; 2nd, Miss T. Kerrison. RhI a White TO.MAl'O JUICE JO o/, ilnH .............4 for 25c (IRKEN (;AGE FLUMS, Nabob ' S(|iiaf 2h .............................2 tins 13c AFI'LK.S FLAKES; Fcelcd, cOred Hlircii; i'(|unl to 6 lbs of freah -- oiioiif̂ h for 3 large pica I'arkct ......................... ....... ...... 25c UNEMPLOYED ASS'N 'riie regular meeting of the West Vaneouver Unemployed Association was held a t the lA'gion Hall on 'Hiursday, June 27th, Comrade II. Davison in the chair. . A picnic for unemployed and workers of the North Shore is being organised. Lofjkout for annuouncement of time and place. One or more books of bus tickets will lie obtained from Pacific Stages and will bo avail­ able at the book rate to residents of West Vancouver wi.shing to ill lend. Comrade G. Perree was ap­ pointed an additional delegate to the North Shore picnic commit­ tee. Any unemployed of West Van­ couver who have been unable to gel the full government allow- aiK'e are invited to get in touch with the President, H. Davison, or any meml)er of the Grievance " W -T---- - ^ Display of Flowers arranged on 1 sq. yd. of Table Space -- 1st, Mrs. D. Mc'ravish; 2nd, Mrs. F. A, Albin. Sweet Peas •-- 1st, A. Mc­ Arthur. Bouquet of Flowers, other than Roses and Sweet Peas -- 1st, Mrs. P. Masterman; 2nd, Mrs. W. Dickinson.' Nasturtiums, "Double" -- 1st, Mrs. D. McTavish. Nasturtiums, "Single" --- 1st, K. A. Ray. Basket of Cut Flowers -- 1st, Mrs. F. A. Albin ;„2nd, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Flowering Hou.se I^Iant -- 1st, Mrs. R. Johnson; 2nd, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Foliage Hou.se Plant -- 1st, Mrs. W. Dickin.son; 2nd, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Display of Rock Plants -- 1st, and all < - i - B l i i D l N G MATERIAlLS WEST VANCOUVER LUMRER QO. LTD. ------- FOR REAL SATISFACTION . _ J L ' ' Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Classified AdTertisements is 2 cente per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the ca^ of tltooe having regular accounts, all claBsi- fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember ClasslGeds in the West Van Newa get immediate Vesiilts. LOST --̂ Child's Wappon, "Royal Scot;" blue and yellow color. Re­ ward. Phone West 208. __ _ ROOMS TO. RENT ~ In comfortable home near ferry, board if de.sired Phone West 288Y. DAINTY CAKE SHOI'PE ~ Home­ made bread, cakes and pastries. West'514. Summer is here ICE W e maintain a regular Icc Delivery Service to North Vancouver Dolfarton, Deep Cove, West Vancouver. WhyteclifF, " Horseshoe Bay and way points. Refrigerators and Ice Boxes For Sale or Rent * G A R V I N I C E & F U E L C O - ^ r r o s f i y n r ^ ; ("om mil tec and the complaints. ^ Display of Rock P lan ts-- 1st, -will be taken up with the Relief H. T rust; 2nd, Mr.s. H. P. Al- Oll'icer. • len; 3rd, Mrs. P. Ma.sterman. Dinner Table Decoration---l.st, Mrs. H. B^Garland; 2nd, Mrs, W. Dickinsons Special Prizes - Flower Garden; To be judged twice during the season -- 1st, S. H. Trust, 92 points; 2nd, C. . Barrow, 83 Points 3rd, Miss Devirar, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Mer- (M3r, 81 poipts each; 4th, L. Bur­ ley, 75 - points; 5th, Miss M. Frame, 60 points. . . Cottuge G ^ ^ eh ; To be judged twice during the season -- 1st, T. E. Batchefor, 84 points; 2n(l, R. P. Blower, 83 points; 3rd, A. MeArthiir, and M." Bprgeois, 80 points each-; 4th, C. P. Powell, 74 points ; 5th, Mrs. H, P. Alleny 71 points.,,. Best Kept Boulevard -- 1st, E. Davies, 86 points; 3rd, k . BRING YOUR GUESTS for Aftw- noon Tea in the "blue roofed" din­ ing-room at Sherman. 8900 Marine Drive. DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine Drive -- Everything for knitting and embroidery. Free instruction. FOR RENT -- Furnished House, near Marine Drive. Reiit reasonable ' Phone West 2 0 ^ . ; FOR SALE -- 1925 T Model Ford; cheap. Phone West 207L. HAVE HOME-MADE ICES on the patio at Sherman, 3900 Marine Drive. chim ney ; W e e pin g -- Phone g Meldrum, 725 East ,14th Street, North Vancouver, •' FOIt SALE -- Small cook-stove,.two obuble-bed mattresses. Phone West 243X3: WANTED -- July ..and ..August -- Small Piano, will be well cared for Phone Weat 287R. t . ̂ ̂ • ." .... .........-- _-- ... GLASS for all building purposes. Broken windows replaced. Jim Holt, 1742 Marine, West 141; evenings West 140R. DRY ALDER FOB SALbI ^ ^ Any length. Phone West 183X. DOGS BOARDED AND TRIMMED- Fees reasonable; c l^ n kennels;* 30 years experience; E. Cargill; phone North 398L1. IF PHONING for SERVICE ask the operator to CHARGE THE CALL TO US ̂ Ltd* F^iSrBi^S1n6707 - 8 ̂ 9 f DUNDARAVE Library and Gift Shop, ---------- 2476 Marine Drive. Subscription; GIVE THE WIPJE A REAL CHANGE 50c month. New books,; magazines, stationery, gifts. ^Take her to Hunter^s Coffee Shop. Luncheons, teas, dinners/ West 610. HEADQUARTERS "for AH Popular ^Brands of jGigarettes and Tobaccos; so Pishing "Gadgits for local wat­ ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. LAWN MOWERS GROUND, called delivered. ..Saws filed. Ellis 1442 Clyde. West 616L , . CAPT. EJ. GALLANT, Registered an St.; w sChiropractor, 712 Robson couver. Seymour 8790. /an- Hours Electricr Refrigeration Chilton, 85 points. Flower Section (Boys and Girls* under 16 years -of^geX HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave^ ^ WINDOW shades 'and • awnings made to measurements^oT-repaired. Est< . '̂inates free; Picture. framing. E. S. i Marine.̂ .jPhQnê rWest*±= 529. ' ; -Notions, Novelties,. -Sjationeryi .School Supplies, Garden Seeds, Hardware, GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repays., 2463 Marine Drive. O N E C E N T for electricity will oper­ ate your electric re­ frigerator 24 hours. Bouquet of Flowers other than gpses and Sweet. Peas -- 1st, Billy Dickinson; 2nd, Jean Mc- Tavi'sh; 3rd, Shirley Wheel­ wright. Bouquet of Wild Flowers -- 1st, Billy Dickinson ;■ 2nd, Shir­ ley Wheelwright; 3rd, Jack Masterman. Needlework , Pjain Sewing; Under Grade VIII -- 1st, Olive Robbins; 2nd, Toskiko Okada. Plain Sewing; Grade V I I I - - 1st, Elsie Robbins; 2nd, Jacque­ line JPatterson. Cotton Dress; Grade VIII -- 1st Susan McLintock; 2nd, Elsie Robbins. Plain Viewing; Grade IX--1st, Brenda Wicking; 2nd, Dorothy Jackson. * Sports Dress; Grade IX--1st, Dorothy Jackson; 2nd, Bubbles ,Beniard. Oress; Grade. X -- 1st, Kath- leen Jagger; 2nd, Jean Hill. Embroidery; 15 to 18 years-- 1ft' P W Barker * 2nd, Margar­ et White. Knitted Sweater; 12 to 15 year - -- FURNISHED-AND-UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine, Phone West 55, •RADIUr'SPECIALISTS ~ Hayward & Prebble -- Have your .set over­ ru led now; summer prices. Phone West 539. ' - • • * J. TEPPEMA, Builder and Contractor Expert advice. Plans drawn. First • workmanship. Phone West 481R1. STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES -- For sale or rent. West^20-L. GORDON i ROBSON, Barrister, Solic- w Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after­noons. C. J. ARCHER LTD. -- 5 Rooms, lurnace, foe place, full plumbing, attic; furnished,- new range, close to ferry, good buyi $1650. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. r e p a ir s -- Get the best mat- workmanship at Fox's, 14th at FerryT TENDERS .|The 'W'̂ st /Vancouver Board of School Trustees invite teridfos tor interior decorating in Ingle­ wood, Pauline Johnson and Hol- lyburn Schools. • Intending contractors should D. McTavish at Hollyburn School on Friday July 5th. at 10 a.m. MARCEL SHOP -r-- Thermique Steam Permanent. Try our fatigue facial tor tired housewife or business ^woman. West 304. 17th and Marine over Royal. Bapk. ' COLIN TURNER, Bnildw and Con- wactor Alterations and repairs. Phone West 679R. - WANTED ~ One furnished and one ' ^tifurnished 41-room cottage'-'near terry. Phone West-840 or West 143 Hugh S. Taylor, 3063 Marine m^Order, of which ____, are planning "ews. -- 1st. Claire Richardson. investigate the Knitted Sweater; 15 to 18 faster. Island,T years -- No e n t^ . nf supperaed to be a jwrt t h e WEI^ARE a s s o c ia t io n re- qumes discarded clothing. Phone _West 37 and-^cki^will collect. lawn MOWERS SHARPENED -- Repairs, all makes. West Vancou- ver' Machine-Shop: 1449 Marine. 2.. -- emry. u> oe a part The. "J. J. Hanna Challenge """tinent of Lemuria. rophy" donated by 0 . S. H a n L fo " for the most points won in the ohtniTiS^?^^ P ^ ic u la rs can be ^o w , was again won by S. H. otained from him. WOOL . & KNITTING SHOP, ^ 7 4 Marina -- Complete - line spring wools. Free knitting ® Violet and Kathleen Clbm- e n tj^ p r ie to r s .. t.aipvi'a* ELECTRIC SERVI CE-- ALWAYS' A BARGAIN .It s ir rWMt, with 26 po nts. Mrs. D. second, With 23 points,. If ^ e re is anyone who has not a t this^ date received his. or her prize, or an order therefor, it is ^®9^sted that the Secretary be ixr®® stkm as possible. Phofne West 306X. . Ha y , Notary Public -- Real Estate and Insurance. Rhone West o r Seymour, 1260. J- T, WATT, REALTY WEST JN S U R A R C E CO.ANYTIME -- ' steamships "a 9« "'^fPanama, Airways, Bus or.Rail BOOKyoUR-p,sSAQELOCAI.nY. ^