West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jul 1935, p. 3

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. -iLV. ^ ^ ̂ V ! '*SS,vs . ̂ - mm̂ w0m tjftllMliiiaflfl iMi »www»wŵ ^turnTOE WEST vijf tnsws Fy o u r o w f ^ i s o ^ i A a a [--■Tif',iftii/W-lnM,*.,|i,i,».,o,Jn«w.̂ ̂ ..-H'W r- rr-" i r r - -r WINDOWS doors SHINGLES LATH VENEERS roofing 'BUILDING PAPER A Complete S erv ice pRICK. CEMENT TILE UME SAND PUNS AND SPCaflCATIONS Dravyn up and tsti* mates given Free. Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drive . Night Phone West 627R Phone JVe3t 199 R. C. JAMUESON & CO'S antimo white Agents-GREENW rtOD GROCERY, 15th and M arine Non-poisonous. For exterior and ' interior use. ' Sllperior ,̂to any white lead. LOity Prices gleneagles g o l f l i n k s In spite of the-various cotinter attractions and the threateningr weather, there was la fairly good attendance over th e holiday weekend. Mrs. Silcock and Mrs. Eaddie of Quilchena were among the visitors; the form er had a splendid card o f -36 " for nine holes. Both ladies played in the Ladie>s' Invitation Tournament last year and were agreeably- surprised with the impr<>ve-/* njients made in the local course. COMBINED RECITAL BY PUPILS ' I Margaret Hardman, 2113 M ar­ ine Drive, on T u^day won t h e . senior girls' championship a t the King Edward High School Sports in the city. She was first in the high jump, broad jum p,, 220 yards, and in addition led her team to victory in the relay race. ' ' V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Co^, ~>HBuilders^"Supplies'=^"^^ K . W , S a v o r y 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone W ^ t 340 Evenings, West 143 A very successful recital by the pupils of Mrs. F. Knight- Hodge and Miss M argaret Mc­ Intyre was given la s t Friday evening in the Legion 'Hall, which was crowded for the oc­ casion. The long program of violin and piano num bers was divided up into beginner's class, elementary grade, junior grade, and advanced class. ' Generally speaking* the performances of the pupils Were of a high stand­ ard and reflected great credit on their teachers. Special features of the program were Haydn's "Toy S y i^ h o n y " given by th e pupils (w Mrs. Knight-Hodgo, who sacted as conductor; assisted by members of th e W est Van­ couver Orchestral Society, and a violin ensemble by the pupils, of MissJMcIjityre. . * . . 'The assisting a r tis t was Mrs., M argery R. Clarke, gold medal­ list and winner of the grand ag- g r ^ a te in elocuMon a t th is year's Musical Festival, who, re­ cited two numbers with great feeling and sympathy. . George Brealey, a pupil of 'Mrs; Kjffight-Hodge, who a t t he last m o m '^ '* lo o ir'W ^ "of" another violin pupil unable to be presentjtjwas the recipient of an encore, and bouquets woi^o who has had many years' ex­ perience in th e wholesale and retail grocery business, has as­ sumed the management of Sm ith's Grocery a t 2422 Marine Drive, Dundarave.* * • W. Davie, Miss Lilias Davie and Miss Lorna Thomson, spent th e holidays a t Long, Bay, Gambier Island, Mr. and Mrs. Kehneth Robin­ son and family, who formerly resided here, have returned fr5m Burnaby and are occupying a house a t 13th a?id Duchess Ave­ nue. --' « * * . T. Topping of Vancouver, has mloved into a cottage a t 14th and Bellevue Avenue for the sum-* mer. 4< « >« R. H. Milner has moved from Vancouver into the Adie house a t 1034 Esquim alt Avenue, for the season. Mrs. Kemible of the Ambleside Block, has left fo r a two m onths' visit to California. monton, moved last week in to the ir new home a t 81st and Mar* ' ihe Drive. m ♦ •!<. •_,» C. G. Lewis o f Vancouver, is occupying a house a t Caulfeud for the summer.♦ ♦ • - Mr. and Mrs. Collins and famSly, , of Vancouver, have moved into one of the Clachan cabins fo r the season.« 4« * , Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Griffin of Vancouver, have taken up resi­ dence a t Caulfeild for the sum­ mer. W. G. Draper and Miss Eva Campbell left today for Seattle, where they will spend a sho rt vacation as the guests of Dr. M. T. and Mrs. Habershon, ' 4 i « « .. Mrs. Leonard Richards, and her two sons, John and Dick, are visitors to W est Vancouver, from Ashcroft, B. C., and are guests of Aubrey Clarke, 3056 Procter Avenue. - « lyEAktfM -- DODO Mr. and Mrs. J. W right of Summer flowers v/ere a b righ t- Burnaby, are occupying a house ening touch in St. Paul's Angli- a t 13th and Marine Drive for the can Church on Saturday evening s u m m e r . w h e n Muriel Agnes, eldest * * * daughter ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wil- , Mrs. Garness pf**Edmontoni is liam E. Dodd, became the bride the guest th is week of Miss Ola of Mr. John Basil D'Easum, son" McLean, 2120 Bellevue Avenue, of Revi^Canon and Mrs. G. C. * D'Easum, 18th and Bellevue. The R. S. Lawrence 'Of Vancouver^ wedding service was read by the has moved into a house a t 2348 groom's father, and bridal musio M athers Avenue. as wejl as th a t played during ̂ ' ♦ ♦ ♦ signing of the register, w as A. W. Ritchie has moved from rendered by Mr. Alan Thompson, the bity into the-Heard house a t i ^ e bride, given in m arriage 31st and Travers Avenue. ,, by her father, was charm ing in♦ ♦ * David J. Crocktt of* Vancou­ ver, spent th e week end a t the Clachan. lie. * « Mrs. W risberg and. family. her white, crepe gown cu t m Elizabethan style to floor length. The sleeves fell full to the elbow where they were caught into tig h t cuffs and extended over the hands in lily points. " H er have mioved ffom;2446 Haywood matching hat. featured a should- 2031 - ^ - - - 1 ----- -M -- J 1-™ ------- ^Avenue, into ai house Esquim alt Avenue. J . E. Hall of Vancouver,^ has moved into a house a t Caulfeild for the summer.♦ ♦ ♦ Mfs. Aubrey Clarke, 3035 iviiss ivianon r>oyu aim ivusss P ro C te r-A t^en u er4 s-s^sit4 n g --* er= ~ ^^ jj^^^g --j^ ------- 4. bridesmaids, while Uttle Fred- er-Iength veil and her bouquet was of pink roses, lily of the valley, pastel shaded sweet peas and fern. Four attendants preceded the bride to the altar. Mrs. H. Asquith was m atron of honor and Miss Marion .Boyd and Miss ■^^^ptedTO H rsTK m ght^H odg^ relatives a t Vauxhall, Alberta, and expects to be away from ■ home fo r about a month. _______________ * Mrs;v Clarke, and Miss Gertrude Nash. f. Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance T.. Banks and Scott Richard­ son, both of Long Beach, Cali­ fornia, are spending a few weeks a t 2992 Marine Drive. T heJatter is a form er resident of W est Vancouver. ^ Mrs. Bowser h a s ~ m b ^ "into a house a t 2576 Bellevue Avenue for the season.# ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Perrick and Rev. Dr. Lister, all of Vancobver, are spending July a t the Clachan. rina Henry acted as flower girl. Mauve georgette was , the medium of the-gown-wor-n-by- QUALITY GUARANTEED WILSON'S GLOVE, HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP SEMTrANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Broken lines and Oddments from regular stock. 575 Granville Street. T. 2801 ' 'Mrs. McMillan andTamily,, Mr. and Mrs. Yorke and family, ml of Vancouver, and Mrs. Young and family of North Vancouver, are occupying cabins a t .the Clachan for the m onth of July. * * 4 Miss M argaret Hewlett, of Burnaby, was th e guest last week of Miss Jean-Griffiths._25th and Bellevue Avenue, the miatron of honor with which white hat, white accessories and pink sweet peas and' fern were charm ing complements. The bridesmaids chose green georgette with ̂ pleated coronets worn on th e ir heads. Their flowers were mauve sweet peas. The frocks' of all three attend­ an ts were fashioned alike being of floor length with narrow rolled collars and shirred peas­ ant sleeves. The little flower girl was a dainty picture in her peach georgette frock and she carried s w ^ t peas in shades of -white, pink and mauve. __Mr. Bob Bourne was best man and The Royal Life Saving^ Soci­ ety, B. C. Branch, a re s ta g in g a big lif« saving display a t Kitsil- Pool tomorrow a t 7 p.m. ushers were Mr. B urt Mid- dendorf and M rf Howard Myers. A quiet reception followed the ceremony a t the home of the bride's parents a t 1148 Thurldw ; Street. Later, the couple left by W est v a n pr o d u c e F n itt and V egC ables Fresh D aily Free Delivery ano iriUUl', WillW-i.a.vrT, »v • OI/X«UU JUtllCLf 1/ Kij W est Vancouver girls' inhalator boat for Seattle, the bride travel- crew, the first of its kind in Can- ling in a jacket dress of peacock ada, formed under the direction blue w ith a white coat and of L. C. Reid; will take part. m atching accessories. They will ' reside in Vancouver. An increAsing number of people W e do D eliver Promptly « t any Use your 'phone o Dr s i i s W ^ t 3 7 Gemmiirs Drug Store The Store of Serviee. 1686 Marine Drive West 37 or West 607 Emergency Phone West 831 (A fter 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note A ddress: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyfiurn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE July 4th, 5th and 0th **Palooka f t A comedy of tho prize ring also^ MIDSUMMER MUSH and 1 'TWO-GUN MICKEY' SATURDAY EYE. & MONDAY July 6th and 8th " Forsaking All Others" also - "SHOW KIDS" and 'I Haven't G ot A H at'- TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ,, s 1 1 July 9th and 10th ' >} «( "IT HAPPENED ■ < ■ (Return engagement)' ̂ also ^*The M e n a c e "- ; .41%' % i t a W Range Oil Burners (fully guaranteed) t 3 9 . 5 0 Installed. F orst'sL td. North 5*6 - W est 87 66 Lonsdale Are. North Vancouver I . I ' 17.*! ' ' 4: . A , m C 1. TEAROE&SON ' 1474 Marine Drive^ -Concrete- Contractors- Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand -- Cement All Building Materials Phone West 84 ' for quick delivery. i- . t "1 l i p " ■ - ■ ff'-■V' •• Y:-.' i -■ ;'i- J "tMm/ -> You cannot make up a good-looking form with -figures that are in ~ poor shape. ' , DEATH OF 4 GEORGE R.-MONROE T h e C A N A D IA N LEGION (Post 60) Under distinguished patronage ̂ are holding a (URDEN PARTY AND FETE on the grounds'of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hampson, 814 - 20th St- On SATURDAY, JULY 6ttk . 2.30 to 5 p.m. and 7.00 to 11 p m*. Adults 25c. Children lOc. George Russell Monroe, 1367 Jefferson Avenue, passed Away last Saturday in h is sixty-eighth year a t the N orth .Vancouver G eneralH ospital. He leaves to mourn his loss.his wife and one d a u g l^ r , Mrs. A rihur. Scott o f . Seattle. Funeral services were held yesterday a t 2:30 p.m., a t 1ihe chapql of Harron Bros. Ltd., 122 W est 6th Street, N orth Van­ couver, the Rev. F . A. Jlam sey officiating, and in te m e n t w a s ' made in ^Capilano; View Ceme­ tery. H. L O N G F R U IT M A R K E TFRUIT a VEGETABLES 1450 Marine Dr^e, AMBLESIDE, Phone W est 77 FREE DELIVERY '1' ■ >' ' (5 As ■ # - i-t FERGUSON'S MOVING DAILY FB E I6H T SERVICE 'Trucks Leave W est Vancouver 8 a.m .; 3 p.m. Leave Vancouver 3 p.m. . . Phones: W est 85; D p a ^ I^ 430;, - * 5 4- N ■\ J ■ ■-« 'V>r'̂ ,v'