West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jul 1935, p. 2

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► » '■--v«aw « mm * P f &V(<" -s* « > i« i* , i j 5S?̂ |fe«(g»?!i35f»3»$̂ A«*,*W 'Wts-igSCfe'-̂ WiT̂ aT* i i w i i i W ii l l w i i l l ^ m s mi« l . WMIf fAK. BAPTIST CHURCH _ *•-- "------- - Sunday B e r fU m lt*>itiff<*r»cî : 1343 Haywood Avo, 11:16 a.in.. 7:16 p.m. ^■"S«nday"M<ior"iia -BibirOliSi**' Phone West 262R. ̂ Kimday Servicea ~ "l4 10 a.m. 7:15 p.Ri. Strangtra A Vlaltora Waleoma. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Chic Simplicity for Summer UNITED c h u r c h : Kcv. Hlllls Wrl^ht ̂Minister. f c * j w » i 4 r ^ c Q u y B B w>IWM||̂tot<itw««l|ii.'yt̂titl'tt!wwaĝ rir-Tijĵ '-WinM--Wnr 'itir-iitirrnriii III n Coriitiaa Science -- Snciely... l: HmartneKR tft contour linci, rather than olaborata detail in Mtreiiaed in our aummer permanenta. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1546 Marina Drlva For appointmanta FHONB WB8T 117 Commjuiiion of tfiTe Lord's SupI><->* will fie observed in West ViUKvniver United Church next »S/ibbalh at the morning service at 11 ;15 a.m. Service will lie held as usual in the evening at 7:15 o'clock, I'he minister will conduct both st'rvices, Sunday Sch<x>l a t 10 a.m. S'r. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector: ICE CREAM in Hulk and Dricka V A NI LI, A, I 'u r r i -F iu i'm , OKANCJK, NKAPOLITAN Wo dulivor to ytiur order. ANBLESlIiE PHARHACY W. L. ^KER, 1401 Marine •* -llriv© - Weat 323 FREE DELIVERY ^ Prop; Phone; .luly 7th, 1035 -- 3rd Sunday after 'IVinity. 7:15 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser­ mon. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. ' At Evensong the preacher will li(' (he Rev. A. C. McCollum, B.A. of the Arctic Missions. St. FranciH-in-the-Woods, Caulfield CBUBCB EDinCB 20th airi Bh^nimait, HoUrburo Thii Society Ik a branch of The Mother Church The Flrat Church of Chriat, , Scientlft, in boston. Maaaacbusetta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July 7, 1935, Subject: " G O D " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.. Testimony Meeting Wednesday -at 6:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetinffS. Burrard L A U N D R YKOHU U 'ENDAULE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative PhoneH--We.st691L or North 18R>* L. O. B. A. D A N C E IN THE ORANGE HAUL ' SATURDAY, Ju ly 6 th , at 9 pan. ADMISSION 1 5 c . INGLEWOOD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BRinSB ISRAEL ASSN. Weekly Prayer Meetings T^iursdays in the G o^el Hell, 25th and Marine Drive at 8 p.m,, Mrs. Cornish in charge, LEGION W. A. For perfect score leave your Snap- vshots to 1)0 finished at the 'AMBI.„ HIDE PHARMACY. You snap them and we finish thorn. i Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Evensong and -Sermonr Crystal. Finish Agency For Service and Satisfaciion: "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" Ambleside Sheet M etal L. SPECK, Proprietor 0 ] r k S BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pa.sLor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, July 7th 10:00 a.m.T--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 1J :U0 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Lo! 1 Come." The Ordinance of the The Canadian Legion W. A., A & B Gronp, held a very suc­ cessful tea a t the home of Mrs. Victor Blanchflowor, 2591 Ottfi- wa Avenue, on the 26th June. The president, Mrs. E. Green, ably officiated at the tea urns. Ladies present included Mrs. F. W. Baker, Mrs. Margaret Slater, Mrs. Wm, Urquhart, Mrs. L. Littleford, Mrs. Staiger, Mrs. J. '"N*.'Gillies, Mrs. A. M. Butt, Mrs. T. B. Turner, Mrs. A. V. Fulton, Bain, Mrs. Doris Howdle, E arl Howells, Patricia Humphreys, lone Ker- rison, Vera Kitcljenbr, Robert Kitching, Pameld Little, Barbara Logan, Tom Loucks, Margaret Mrs. Bain, Mrs. B. M. Rankin, Mrs. J. Veitch, Mrs. A. P. Chis- gloV™ . En?s Blnv^ ' G?Md' holirt, Mrs. E. S. Howdle, Mr.s. E. .' o w l f ' m IK ;.. Green, Mrs, J. W. Lantr Mrs. G. Grade VII--Classe.s 6 and 7 Hohor Promotions Climie. Jfick; Colcleugh, Joan,; McCartney, Douglas; Minkley, Jean: Okada, Toshiko; Okino, Chiyeko; Pick, Muriel; Ray, Ar­ gent; Sayers, Dorothy: Wilson, Dick. ' Recommended Ajello, Joah; Bill, Margaret; Bosquet, Mildred; Crosby, McMillkn, KenneWMiN7^;R^^ 'MacNeif Mar on Mitten' Duncan McTavish, Nor- McRae, Lola Markfe, Jean Fv^^ S i ' n S Nairn, Alice Nelson, Tomy Ok- r X S^* WrisberL^^Uwis ' Ew art Parnum, Michael held, Robeii:, Wmbcig, Lewis, Wilber t Phillips, Claire Allen, M argaret; Banks, Iso- S®?' ̂^harmn bel,' Bowden,^oyce; Clegg, Ted- tjheltard ^ i r f i Sh^nnrd^n^rff' dy; Clements, Mary; Colpitts, Ella; Costello, Michael; Curry, Margaret; Davies, Fred; Davi- Cathprin. D R , G. D . H . S E A L E DENTIST H«y Block, T4th and Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 Hampson, Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. H. Stephens, N. Gillies, Mts. F. M. Climie, Mrs. E. H. Jupp, Mrs. H. Somers, Mrs. M. Lambert, Mrs. E. E. Adie, Mrs. C. A. Dean, Mrs. B. A. Black,'Mrs. T* Batch- Lord's Supper will be ob- elor, Mrs. J. W. Barnett, Mrs. observed at the close of Mary S. Small. Mrs. G. S. Mac- the morning service. donald, Mrs. T. Parker, Rose- 15 p.m.--Evening W orship., . mary Booth, Mrs. M. R. Hope, Topic: "A Ten-Stringed -Mrs. G. Newman, Mrs. L. G. ^=JlIarp.'J-- ------ Stevens, Mrs. C. Sharman, Mrs. Song Service at com- M. Welles, Mrs. A. Gibson and mencement, Rosemary, Miss Morva Batche- Phyllis; Grieve, Maisie; Hpdg son, Isabel; Hurpphreys, Peter; Jackson, John; Kerle^, Doreen;. Kerr, Joe; Knight, Florence; lard, Gladys Taylor," Catherine Teed, Janet Thirkell, Paul Thy- gesen, Robert Tim'brell, Alan Turvey, Clifford Tearoe, Jean Vernon, Muriel Vigar, Bernice Ward, Lois W aterman, Betty Watson, Kathleen Watson, Pattyi\err, joe; ivnigni, riorence; t>*ii Tr , ^ Kydd, Margaret; Lang, Mary; Wilson, Helen Ley, Kathleen; Leyland, John; ^ risberg . Lindsay, Wilfred; Loucks, Ruby; A cordial invitation to all. lor, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mrs. R. ' Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.S.. D.D.C., Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. -- The Women's Mission Circle .meet a t West Bay Beach. Wednesday, 8 p.m. --- Mid-week Prayer Service.. F. Phillips, Mrs. Victor Blanch- tiower. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Dciitnl Surgeon Hourti: U;30.a.m: to 5 p.m, EveningB by, ni>i>pintment/' Royul Bank Bldg., TelophotJc West Vancouver.___West. 44G ST. ANTHCWYS CATHOLIC "GOD" will be,the subject of oo J " J A Lesson - Sermon in- all 23rd and Inglewood- Ave. - -Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Lynn, Jack; Marentette, Joan; Magoun, H arrio tt; Martyn, L ily; Messinger, Dorothy; Miller, Don­ ald ; - Napier, Pe|:gy; Osborne, Norah; Peacock, E ric ; Pochin, Phyllis; Purse, Dorothy; Rathie, Ross; Reynolds, Donald; Rob­ bins, Olive; Slater, Edna ; Smith, Dallas'rSparrow, Barbara;'.Tea-, roe, Joy; Tickell, Doris; W^lace, _ ---------- > -- r-v* Moira; Wardrop, Douglas; West- Vincent Bracewell, A listair Gri- wood, Dorothy; White, Margar- Albert Huggins, Dorothy et; Wilson,-Arthur; Zielski, Ed- Jackson, Don Mackenzie, M ^y die. ̂ ^ O f D o n n e l l , - H a r r y Parker^ Joan Parker, Elsie Paa^idge, Laurie Pa,ttei^ori^ Audreys Rich William Smallwood; Joan Spar- ww, Ĵ nnetb̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂V^mm: ̂ ..........>....-.0.,... Grade IX--Promiotion List Passed with Honors John Allan, Wiljiam:,Barker, Bubbles Bernard, Dorothy Chap­ pell, Sheila Edwards, Betty Hdb- den, Gerald Hookham, Paul dag­ ger, Joan Thompson, Brenda Wicking. Passed Dick Bibbs, David Bloxham, ^inblicihvd on North Shore 25 Yoara (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. IFuneral Sirretors North Vancouver Parlors \22 West Sixth Street Phone'North 134 Vancouver Parlors . 56 'Tenth Avenue East Phohe Fair. 184 Priest in Charge. Residence: 2323Tnglewood Ave Phone, West.246-R Su"nday~Serviceis • • Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. The Golden Text i s : "There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside Thee: neither is ~t-here-any-T0 ck 10:45 ■ 7:15 High Mass & Sermon a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism, and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -r- 8 a.m. Grande VIII--Pass List June, 1935. Honor Promotions: ° :̂ ==̂ Geoff-rey=Ayelil̂ r̂ J-UdSmfbrAdt3n-'"---J==;̂ :r:= ĵ:==rz=r:---- ---- strong, Dona Cave, Helena I a ^ d with Supplementals Clegg, Dale Eriksen, Allan Fon- Julian Ajello, Dorothy Ander- ster, ,Clifford Hill, Lorraine Hbl. Joyce Burbridge, Edward den,- Hiroshi---KataokaT-^Robert-- ^ps|%R-Rssel]-Escotl^ack-Froud7 K e n ^ c k ,' Jack MacDonald, A1-- via Harris, Donald Howieson, astair McLean, -Siisan McLin- James, Victor Johnson, F rid aysR osary , Benediction, eludes the following passaire a *. ^ from the Christian Science text- Saturdays.-- Confessions from book, "Science and Health with 7;o0 p.m, to 8:30 p.m. Key to the Scriptures" by Marj^ Baker Eddy: "Godas individual, _ like our~God." (I SamueK2:2). - " coinpS^theLe^^^^^Serrr^^^ tock; Jacqueline Paterson, Claire B?tty_Jones, Mmra Jones, Ade- from Richardson, Riehard Sagkr. Be- 'a 'df Lopatecki, Jim Love, Ross "Be silent Ô flll AaqIi * atrice Spanks, Jessie Wrisbterg, Muiions, Shirley Pam um , Neil W d 'M is ^ a l s e d * ;^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • Peacock, Wilfrid Lennox. ' His holy habitation." (Zechariah Billy Dic" "Do.mId Gil- . Grade IX -C om m erdal Ijes, Jean Nairn. Promoted w ith Honors Tx . Passed Barbour, Bonnibel; Burniston, Doreen Addy, George Allen, Rorothyj^ :̂ ̂^ ^ The Lesson - Sermon also in- C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME i4th <8: Marine, Rhone West 135 n Ai . ; uoa IS maividuai, I ^ e n t ly a delightful garden incoi-poreal. He is divine Pi*in- ^ r t y was held a t the home of ciple,, Love, the universal cause, Ŝ *'***̂ " w P* Hamilton the only creator, and there is no Smith, Hodyburn, by the First- other self-e.xistence. He is all- '• - - -------- - li. L, J^a Rangers, for the pur- inclusive, and is reflected bv all iJ^vies, Audrey Davy, Royce pose of raising company funds, that is real and eternal and bv g^wson», Douglas Denniston, For the benefit of those who nothing else." ' ' Desmond Elgar, Charles Forster Jim Anderson, Peter Barr, Dd- Homma, Yoshi: wyn Beaty, Betty Blair, George r -'Passed bie^^ A pril; Prebble, Mari- Robert a im i t ^ n L m : Ray, L ila; Reynolds, Lila. Mart™ r T .^ *^assed with Supplementals Maiion Lum e, Robina Cuthbert- Biglow Phvllis* Grav Bettv I)Tries"" A u d r i " " S v Othy; Thomson, Mary. THE West Van News Fubllshod <Kvcry Thursday kmow very little about Sea Rang­ ers, may we say that Sea Rang­ el's are a smalL branch of the Girl Guide movement. He: "How did you get the habit of wearing your hitir so long," She: ."Oh,, it just grew on me.V C yrS iia^aslam Donald iS w h Vancouver, are occupy-. ^yntm a Hasiam, RonaldHawkes mg the Bell house a t Caulfeild. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. M.'Pink- T h e pupils of MRS. C H A S. BURBRIDGE will give a Publisher P; F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Basinew and Bditoria] 'Offiea: 17th iuid Marina Orira (Naxt to Hollyborn-P. O.) Phone West 363 Mall AMraaa: P. O. Box 61, Hotlybnm, B.C PIANO RECITAL At the home oT Mrs, Walter Q,ourlay, 2322 Bellevue Avenue ■ O n F R I D A Y , (tom orrq ;w ), J u ly 5 th at 3 p.m. North Vaneouv^ Office; 128 Lonsdale Ave. I1.IW a yanr bijj^cahlw: 12.00 a yaar jnaB. H a v e y o u v is ic e il th e I ^ W f X R n Y L U R A R T ? J U S T A T T H E B U S T E R M IN U S t u b e p r ic e s 1 put up with Weak, noisy reception? Maybe it IS ,ust a worn..out tube that still Kghtsliut doesn't work. ake advaf«age of New Tube Prices now in effect by. replacing those vveak tubes with Genuine Marconi Radiotrons You will be surprised at the difference they make. all TUBES GUARANTEED. . .-EXPERIENCE! l:.SURESSATlSFAOTIOi^>: .. ' ^ o W N 8c M U N T O N 1^542 MAmNE DRIVE , , W E ST -366 ^KBUaS ASSOCIATED aamo TSOHmcIANS OF ao . A. ' > *' '4'. -'i ' V n S-'-S-j a'.; ■ v-4 v V '