West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jul 1935, p. 1

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* ̂ f* V» I y ># '■ Circulating in the District- o f West Vancouverr'Atnbleside, H oll0dtini^<eftoitr Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy a t newsstanda. y l̂ ol- ^ HOLLYBURN P.O ., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., TH U R SD A Y . JULY 4th, 1935 N o. 11X legion g a r d e n p a r t y SWIMMINd* NEWS ANNUAL ROSE SHOW FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Next Saturday all roads will The Annual Dundarave - Wes- The annual Rose and Flower Fresh,! fru it and vei^tables lead to the home and grounds of ton 1000 yard swiin is to ^ held ghow was held in the Orange . can be purchased a t the H. Long Mr. and Mrs. G. Hampson, 814 » on Sunday, July, 7th, a t S:S0 Hall last Thursday. There were F ru it Market, 1460 Marine 20th Street, where the Canadian p.m. ' This is a closed event, many beautiful exhibits of roses. Drive, Ambleside. A free.deliv- .n „r>4. W plSntS. ThC * ^ - l - i . - 1 - . . . .i i;uh ANNUAL GARDEN FETE ON JULY 13th. Leirion will hold the ir Garden Party and Fete. • ' • ^ Commencing a t 2:30, Mrs. Buell, wile of Lt. Col. Buell, Provincial President, will offici­ ally open the ceremonies. In ad­ dition to the Boys Band and Contestants should get the ir W. V.A.S.C. membership cards. W ater polo is coming along well and, although the water* has show was .one of the best held f6r many years with large entries in every section. The judges complimented the associ- ery service is also maintained, Phone W est 77. • ICE been quite cold, the boys and __________ __________________ girls have been quite keen about ation on the g reat advancement The Garvin Ice and Fuel Co. the sport. Plans are being made in the quality of flowers grown Ltd., < of Vancouver, m aintain a Molly Edward's clever girls, for the Annual R egatta and a in the district. The Gardens and regular ice delivery service both of whom will be entertain- Gala to r Bowen Island and West Boulevards com(petition was to North Vancouver, Dollarton, ing th e afternoon guests, there Vancouver w ith plenty of closed keenly contested, there being Deep Cove, W est Vancouver, .................. ^ .............^ ______ will be housie-housie for succii- events to W est Vancouver, so twenty-one entities, which shows Whytecliff, Horseshoe Bay and 3 p.m. and from then on to the lent hams, fortune telling and as to give all local boys and the keen in terest oiir citizens way points. Refrigerators and late evening a varied program is numerous other games of skill girls a fine opportunity to com- are tak ing in the. beautifying of , ice boxes for sale or rent. Tele- being arranged for the enjoy- adapted for adults as well as pete agm nst each-oth^^ • . , \ l ̂ homes and surroundings, phone calls fo r ice, .mayjbe rnent of both young The 13th of July is drawing near, when the Duncan Lawson Chapter hold the ir fete. They Avish to invite all friends from near and far, so please do not forget to keep this date. , This cordial invitation is ex­ tended to one and all to attend the I.p.D.E. Garden P arty a t "Crimsworth Dene," 2848 Belle-* vue Avenue', the home of the Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland. The opening will take place a t if I W f '[i ijuaj/vvv. _____ well as pete against each-other. . ««« _____ ______________ _______ __ . - . children. Devotees of bridge will The Bwimming Ulub wish to The best rose in the show was a charged to them . For fu rth e r be able to . indulge on. -the voice their appreciation to Reeve fine specimen of the rose Everest particulars kindly refer to the grounds whilst the,ladies of th e Leyland, Councillor E lgar and ' exhibited by S; H. Trust. The advertisement in this issu e .. W.A. wiirprovide"afternoon tea .! Jack-W att fo r .th e personal int- Trust"Cup~tO"l^ won:three times --------- r -- , ----- Mrs. J. B. Leyland Mrs. W. B. erest they ^ e ,ta k in g in the Club was won by W. J. Clifford for the BRITISH - ISRAEL ASS N Small, Mrs. Ramsey and Mrs. and the citizens of W est Vancou- second time. The Hannah Mem- ver for tum ing out to encourage the boys and-giris. , i orial Trophy to be won three^^i . The BritishHarold Walker will officiate a t the urns. - 7- ̂ , In the evening from- 7 p.m. to ---------- ------------ 11 p.mi. the electrically-lighted CLOSING EXERCISES OF grounds will 'be set fo r an inter- PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL esting concert which w ill-b e --------- given from the large balcony The closing exercises of Paulr place someTimVin August. Corn- facing the grounds. ' ' ine Johnson School , were held petitors should keep their gar- of both young and old. Gaily decorated booths in red, white and blue, displaying the "Coat of Arms" of the Provinces of Canada and one in Jubilee a t­ tire representing the Mother­ land and Overseas Dominions I I Israel Assocla- will create a feeling o f an "Old time^ for the Grand Aggregate ' tion 'ho ld w ^ k ly prayer nmet-^ ̂ Home P arty" and it ig asked th a t 1 ' i ' i t was won for the second time by ings every Thursday in the Gos- those attending laugh and chat S. H. Trust. , F inal judging of the. Flower and-C otrage gardens will take pel Hall, 25th and M arine Drive, with their neighbors apd friends Make a date for Saturday to owing to the w eather in the An- apa m enqs iaf 8 p.m. Mrs. Cornish is iP, from afar and so en ter i n t o ^ ' ̂ ' charge. spirit of the occasion. ̂ The evening will be WEST VANCOUVER .'7 haonv affair.--the )rrouI)»?H -' enjoy yourselves and help the Legion to carry on th e ir work. All refreshments and home- cooking are in the capable hands of: the Legion W. A. L. O. B. A. DANCE nex Building. Some parents were present to w itness the dis­ tribution of diplomas and other awards to the :^successful stud­ ents;- - A fter-the-singing-oL -'0-Can- dens in good condition as there may be quite a reversal of points a t th a t tiuie. - happy affair,--the groupc RECREATIONAL CENTRE luminated by hundreds of, qolor- ---------- . * " ed lights, music, dancing on the The men's recreational c la sp s green, doughnuts and coffee, " /7 J. mi ) H The Directors wish to express .got away to a good s ta r t on fortune-telling, games ̂ chance their, appreciationlof the .inter- June 24th, when about twenty^ and a huge bon-fire. Many com̂ ̂ e s t taken in the .'show by the turned out a t th e Legion H all., m ittees have been planning lo r ada," Principal Brealey briefly prjge- will be held each Monday, W«d- conveners of which are : Refresh- addressed ,thq assembled c lasses,. winners- ' ^ . nesday and Friday with ments, Mrs. Bernard Hayes; . ̂ ' 7 . .7 H allinark 'giving iPstructions fe home-cooking, ,M rs. Gordon : Roses- "pody building; boxing and jid^7 :G ray ; t ^ 18 Roses; D istinct Varieties in. jitsu . There are ..still a 'f e w ice cream, Mrs. Gordon Robert- box ]̂-- ls t,:^ -H . Trust.- -- -- --- vacancies le f t-a n d -a n y -young -son ; games and raffles, Mrs.iP. C.7 .1 f! Vf The usual w e ^ y dance given dnd the m eihberarof .the .^etaff- by Ruth Chapter, L.O.B.A., will presented the Honor Rolls to the take place on Saturday, July 6th, leading pupils. A t th e close; -in_the-Orange- H alI,-starting a t Pauline- Greer presented the - ___ __- ___ __ ̂ ^ ___„ ___ __________________ 9 ip.ip.- -The -usual- good - music-- Principal with-a-book-on -behalf -- 12 Roses ; Distinct~Varieties in _ _ man-desiring-to-join-should tu rn .' C h ap m an fish pond. Mrs. J . F . will be provided. These'dances of Division I as a m ark of their box -- 1st, S. H .-T rust; 2nd, A. ^ t the next class at-7-430 p.m.- Jackson; admissions/ Mrs. V. R, have been a very popular featu re esteem, and appreciation of the P. Bogardus. , ,, , ' tomorrow (Friday) , July 5th, a^V Chipa; entertainm ent, Mrs. W. of the seiason. Admission, 15 y^tris work. The meeting closed 6 Roses; Distinct Varieties m the Legiori cents. ̂ w ith cheers from -the pupils. b o x -- 1st, S. C. Boyd; 2 n d ^ . , . son. Details of entertainm ent ..... :...................... , - ...... -- ^....Nijnn, . , „ , 7--- MUSICAL SUCCESSES will be aimoUnce4 next wpek. f 'V -By- 7; I'•i'l PUPILS OF MRS. C. BURBRIDGE IN RECITAL Pupik of Mrs. Charles Burbridge will be heard in recital^ "at"3TnnrPriday, July 5th, a rtieT ip ine of M ?^^^^ teF G offlay , 2322 Bellevue Avenue. The assisting a rtis ts will be Mrs. Hamilton - Smith, elocutionist; and Mrs. F. F .LoVegrove, vocalist. The following is ith^e program : Emblem" -- 1st, C. F. Powell; 2nd, W. J. Clifford. - -- Shot Silk. ^ I s t J V J . Clif- RECITATION--Sonnet. King's Silver Jubilee............Masefield Mrs. Hamilton-Smith CASTANETS AKD^ TAM BOURINES............. .̂......... Thompson ' Mary McLeod ° OFF TO THE H IL L S .... i........... j............................McLachlan DRUM AND TRUMPET ::........................... ........................K u lla ^ !l^y Hendrikson FRENCH MINUET ............. ................................................. Anon Eleanor Murray , POWDER PU FF :........................... Nordmann M argaret H iliboi^ VALSE PETITE . ........................ . K etterer TEMPEST OF THE HEART................Verdi (Arr. by Lerman) M ary McLeod VIKING MARCH.....:......'ll.............. 1............ ......................Vemcr BREAKERS.................................. ,..............................Crawford Bubbles-il^rnard FUN AND FROLIC ........... ......... ....................................... Hirsch CLIMBING............ ............................ ,.i.............. -V--........McLachlan Doreen Bernard . , . VALSE BRILLANTE ..j..:........................................... Ambrojise , : . B arbara W yatt MUSICAL MONQLOGUES: , . < „ • Soliloquy of an Old. Pian6....v'...;............. ..................Harns Green- Eye QT^tfe^/Yellow God.."........................... .. Hayes " Mrs. l|aihilt6n-Sm ith A t th e piano -r- Mrs. Charles Burbridge ' EVENSONG ......... :..... ............ u.....;......................................M artin d a n s e TZIGANE .......... ............... ........-.................... = - ■ Melnik "Po+i*lpiQ ATltiin CHARGE OF THE HUSSARS .-...I................-............. VALSETTE ............... .................................. .................... . Kirchner fo rd ; 2nd, A. Hammtond. 6 Roses; Distinct Varieties -- 1st, S. H. T rust; 2nd, S. C. Boyd. 3 Roses; Red -- 1st, S. H. Trust.;: 2nd, W. J. Clifford.; A t the recent examination of the Associated Board, Lon- --don7^ngland7-4oeal--eentrer-the- following pupils of Mrs. F. SCHOOL BAND TO HAVE BUSY SUMMER K night Hodge were successful: Advanced Piano, Gertrude Mary Nash and Special Certificate; Transitional, Maisie Grieve and To V isit Newcastle Island N ext Saturday the West. Van­ couver School Band will assist a t the Legion Garden P arty a t 2nd M r f the home f fM rs . Hampson. On ^ 2 ' RotVs • or Cream Piano, Norma Mmions Distmc- s„„d ay the band will be the G ^ 2nd S P rim ary Piano, Catherine ^ p their an- ̂ Lpwdon,_ honors;_ Preliminary Newcastle Island.. Yellow o r Orange Pmno, Heverley Ellis, distmc- parents and. friends of S H Trust* 2 n d , The examiner vras Gord n the b o y sa re a lso p la n n in g o n a t- S h ^ e s -- 1st, b. n . i r u s r , , ^ , Bryan, the examination being ^«d in ir th is nicnic The boys G. Guest. , held a t Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge's 3 Roses; Any other studio, 1332 Duchess Avenue. 1st, Mrs. R. Howieson; 2nd, W. been requested th a t a Tt ,A lo f Mva Theory and Orchestral Class be S^Moss formed under the direction qf R.-Howieson; 2ndj (1. Wiltshire. ]\frg, p . K night Hodge. She will Collection of Clim^rs^T-- 1st, endeavor to s ta rt these classes a f te r th e Fall. A t the ^recital, IMSifi '7 a-I ■-? I w. J.'C lifford; 2nd, Ed. Black. Bowl of Roses '--- lst> S. H. T rust; 2nd, Mrs. D. McTavish. \ Special Bloom; Challenge Trophy donated by S., H. T rust; to ibe won 3 years alto­ gether -- 1933 winner, W. J. Clifford; 1934 winner, Mrs. D. McTavish; 1935 winner, W. J. Clifford. 7 Best Rose in the Show -- Won by S. H. TYust, . , , ; Herbaceous Flowers Annuals -- 1st, Mrs.. R. B. Rhodes. will play on the boat and give a concert a t the Island during the afternoon. The following Saturday the band will play a t the I.p.D.E. Gai;den, Party. On Wednesday, July 18th," the boys will assist - _ _ Tr • 1.x TT 1 ^ t the Home Gas picnic and onMrs. F. Kmght-Hodge was the gnd, they will reeim ent of two bouquets, assist th e Women's Auxiliary by playing a t the nicnic for th e 1 I' A<& l i WOMEN'S RECREATION CLASSES picnic blind held annually in Stanley Park. On A ugust 17th, the band will again leave for the ir ten days' outing to Keats Island, re turn- -Provincial Recreation. Classes have been so successful in com­ munities where they have been ing in tim e to take part in the held, th a t i t has been decided contests a t the Vancouver Exhi- continue classes through the ,/ bition. . ' iff' "LEGION NOTES. , Oliver Burbridge . _ . LE PETIT b!ERGER ..................... ............. D ^ u ssy . :.........Chopm The next general meeting o1̂ / th e local branch will be held a t 8,p.mf. Friday, «^ly 5th, in the WALTZ IN.A ' .B arbara.Sparrow __ ... RAPSODIE MIONONNE ................................................ " f MINUET a I'A N T I C O r _____ ............... :.......... ......Seeboeck -------- -- -- 1 -Joyce,Burt)ridge------------ ---------------4 VOCAL-- , / 7 XT * Mighty Lak* a Rose --:......--- .........7.:..:..:........... ' -"Miss You _____________ Stockland - . " . - Mr». F. F . lovegroye -r A t th e P iano -- Mrs. Cplin MacLean WALTZ Op. 39, No. 15 ------------------- SONATA Op. 13 (Ist.m ovem eht) _____________ _ Beethoven Summer months. Activities will commence for women in West ____ . Vancouver th is week end. The Perennials -- 1st, M rs.'R . B, following is th e summer pro- Rhodes ; 2nd, Mrs. W. Dickinson, g ram : Delphiniums -- 1st, Mrs. H . ' Saturday a t Ambleside Park, P. Allen; 2nd, Mrs. L. Ajello. 2 p.m. Bicycle Drill; 2:30 p.m., LeVion M em oriaJ^all. Iris -- 1st, Miss B etty Blair ; Rhythmic Exercises, ete.; 3 p.m. Monday, July 8th , members 2nd,-Mrs. F -A . Albin. . -Beginners"Swimming. , . ,of th e I^ w er M ainland-Branch Peonies -- lst,.^^ rs . Me- Sunday, Dundarave, 2 p.m., Ex:ecutive will hold their regu- Tavish; 2nd, Mrs. F . A..Amin, Polo and Swimming; 3 p.m., ~ la r m onthly m eeting a t the local A ntiirhinum s -- 1st, Mrs, F. Life-saving Classes. ̂ branch, ;.and ' all members are A. Albin. ^ x ' - tx These classes are provided, cordially invited to attend on -- C a m p a n u l a s - ^ --fre e -o f : charge fo r all women th is occasion; "when^ they " will McTavish; 2nd, IV^s. , W; E. over 16 years o f age,- and Miss have dh opportilnity of m eeting Davies. 7 7 Molly Edwards will be in charge. .. gome old friends^ and obtaining Canterbury Bells ^ 1st, Mra. Women "Vrishing to join are ask-. &ome new impressions of "Legi- F , Richardson; 2nd, Mrs. W* ed to reg ister a t Dundarave or s on" activities elsewhere. Re- Dickinson. ..... Ambleside"on class days a t 2- fjpeghments will be served a fte r (CJontinued on P M e .4 ) . . pxa, -------- ̂th em eeting .-- ^ ------------------ - 1< 5 *:v< V "V,:/ 'V Ci* ---r-.-Tli -#!*,/ S.