West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Jan 1935, p. 4

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Ij-.i , Phooe W«*t 4WM V 4l̂4ljt : ii n» "f i-i' wM"W'm f l i ^ e W « | t # rocerg Prices Good Friday uMjl Saturday, Feb« le t & tod O it i lC ^ E S o r CHBlifft win be the subject of the -1 Lfssson - Sermon in fill Churches of Christ, Scientist, on jSUIldSy* •*■ ^ TheCoM enTcxtis: "Beloved, i iv«* I ; „ HOlhBD OATS, Q«l€lt Coddae B lb. M ck IM A White FIvOUE, 24^lh i 1%, ̂ '? 'I ̂ I ^ I .M, UEII l*LU»f iAM, W M im i« ...................... 4 Ik a tt M ealsMl, •̂,'"4 " m o n e W est 370 r l i '! *1 '/<>t I if.f̂ • i ' ' i ■: ."4 P A is; <' - H > with «<Nld F«etlM« 4 )ht kia*,»,*.*.# M0̂ Aunt irtnfnitt FANCAKB F tO U B per pnckri He Aak your srocer sliout th« big Compctltioa. KXTKA HPECIAL! Limited Qusiitiiy riNBAFPLK CUUBH, in 8yrnp Large 17 oi. Un (lim it 4 limi) only lOc Itid Arrow GfN(;ER BNAP9 S dozen .4,4,*.«*»<««••>■««traf#11-■!•»««<##f 15t IU>d & White TOILET TIHriUB Large 7 oz. Itolla...............3 for 85c |{ (d 6c White HPACillEITI, 2 tins HTc HKANH, Hmail W hite........... 4 Iba. 15c AUNT ilAKV'S COFFEE, 1 lb, hag 27< Kid 6c White Premium Baking CHOCOLATE, individflaliy wm pi ped, 1 oz. aquaren; Vt lb. pkg, 19c K cd 6c White BAKINti POWDjSa 12 oz. tin ....... ...... 19c Blue 6̂ White PEAS, Steve 4 2 (ina 2Sc BUKNS BEVONSfimB SAUSAGB per Ih. h n r»* < *nr t r ttf »»*•»*•■ *** »r9»» 18< H W irrS BACK BACON (in the ' piece) per Ih ............................... 28c FINNAN IIAOBIE, per lb.... 16c SMOKED BLACK COD. per Ib.... 20c K IP I'E IIS ..................... 2 Iba. for 25c BAKKA8 V 8 IIOUTBNINO. lb..,.. 12c STKWAUrS AJAX BACON, '/i lb. pkta m PKIME K1B8 OF BEEF, per Ib. 16c PO r BOASTS OF PBIMB BEEF from per Ib ............................. 12Fjc COKNKD IIBISKE1' OF BEEF, i f God go loved us, we ought also to love one another." (1 John 4: Among th(' citations which comprise Gie Usson - Sermon is the ft^lowing from the Bible: ' ■»' "» (p-V, , - r , W P * Y i , „ ' . , . a A . ' l l ' . - s : Government Inspected Only .LAJilB.,4«:%4JSEElt COLD MEATS OF A U KINDB SW CATESSEN 1 Store at HoUybnra, »ext Tfifĉ tre ' ia c N E ,^ ip 8 K r,,« r'.......... ..'IJBeloVed, ̂let us love one an­ other # fCHT;fo r love is of God; and every one Ihat loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." (I John 4 : 7). The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Iftfey t6 the ikriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: '" God is Love.' w.wv..., More than this we cannot ask, *i!iTKfp& I wfcann^t^iro^^^^^Biwf -- Pork -- U m b -- Veal I C annot go. a l l P!«l4,4 . / . . a d'\ 4 . - . . 9 l a ... ' - -----■ - ......................................... , i *1 / •gl ̂ ' V 'e a 'and a ll b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s W EST VANCOUVER LUftffiER C O . LTD. ------- FOR REAL SATISFACTION --------k*: ' ■•■ ■ ■ ■ : a Phone West 115 . 1497 M ^ n e Drive All Fine'., Quality , - K»'d 6c White (IBEEN CUT BEANS ' o f the St. Stephen's Branch No. 2 t i n ......................................10c of the W. A., on Tuesday last. Ktfj 6c White APIIICOTS, No. 2 alze the speaker was Mr. Drew and tin. Exceptional Q uality ........... I5c the subject the "Columbia Coast Mission." Before a large audi- ru Qinu,a*-f nf fLn noir.fty ®f mcnibers and friends,IS Stewart of the Dainty , ... , . CLASSIFIED ADS goodWRIST V A N C O U V E R M rs. o iu w a n o i m e u a i m y M e 'n rA w nf blH fiv/. uo«r«j U N E M P L O Y E D A S S N . Cake Shoppe, w ho l^as been aw ay j^ rso n T l exper^dne^ w fth th e ______________________ Ibr a m o n th , re tu rn e d T p esd ay m issio n . L o g g in g cam ps, fish ing WOMAN WANTS WORK of*any kind iijiH eoaiimoA Vi«e hnmn- villaffeRi flhnicrtrlino'nfttt.lpi'M. «mv? _.iavrr-.wnn1r- a. iMAnfli. Ati-hlv Box The rate for Claaslfied AdvertiacmenU la 2 eonte per word, mlnimon 25 cente. Except In the case of thorns haring regnlsr a^ounta, alj daui. fieda are payable atrictly in ndvance. Remember Claaaifieda in the Weat Van Newa get immediate reaulta. WANTED -- DoIFs Buggy In condition, Phone West 309L. and has resumed cooking and baking, 'a a a her home- villages, struggling settlers, gov- ernmient lighthouse keepers and later wireless stations comprise uary 28th. Supper was served a t 0:30 by the W.A. after which r t At the ^meeting, on the 84th instant.'membership cards were issued; a steward appointed for each gang and authorized to is­ sue cards and collect dues, Will members please get; in touch with a steward or H. Davison, West 515L. Two delegates were present representing the C.C.F. and the P.W.C. •epresentatlon to the council activity indicating an ed^^by *^EnSsh^^^ md Victoria uririmr that local of^work and interest. The - ^ n L v S ' u Revt Allan Gr^n^ covers part of the territorySh-isb. This small fleet of gas boats form practically the DftESSMAKli^G and ALTERATIONS ^y ' Pljone Mrs. Robbins, West 619R. -day, ■'Week or month. 7, West Van News. FOUND--- Sum of money in West Vancouver. Phone West 290R. i Apply Box g g Q g b b TAIRS - Get the best mat _4 erial and Workmanship^at PoxY ' 14th-at Ferry........ {9 vF««a. aaagsaj& Jiixv4xt444 v aa*u^V'i>:'a *■* 1906 the Rev. John Antle com­ menced the work- in his 20 h.p. gas boat,"This was supersededthe business of the parish .was . ^ tU facto ry {jielet e n g ie d "S i L b i ! ? " In HANDY ANN SHOITE, 2444 Marine Drive --- Notions, V, Work Gloves, Stationery, School ! Supplies, Nails, Screws, Toys, Hardware, etc. a J. ARCHiEB LTD. -- List Proper- ties with us now. We have direct inquiries and active connections. Phone West. 226 or Seymour 595L 3.. respectively, and encouraging reports werie f passed making Riven,of all the departments of «vffln+" to tho ponncil parish activity indicating ah in- THE DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" Wool & Knitting Shoppe, 2446 Mar­ ine Drive -- Free instructions, Pro- prietor, Maisie Busst. FOR SALE --> Fifteen white Leghorn hens, cheap. Phone West 311Y2, and Victoria urging that local ^ a" unemployed be.used as much as a pdsHible on the proposed new [i post .office,and pointing out th a t <,].,cted T^K ^h11 t h ^ i r Wal^amontr it« rirtiks nro fifTiete.iit . their War- HEADQUARTERS'~fw All Popular FOR SALE *r-- Msui's Overcoat, new, dark grey, size 38-40, $6.00, Box 23 West Van News. Brandis of C i^ re tte s and Tobaccos;* FOR SALE -- 2 Good Heaters, cheap Al.<?r» FifshiriP- Gndtrit.o fnr lnp.ft7 wAt- ■ ,'^Qg ̂ \ ■ » . #■also Fishing Gadgits for local wat­ ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. only lin k w ith civilization for these scattered peoples a'nd af- WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or W est 148 WEST BAY LIBRARY ~ 50 cents a month. New books every month. r P M i 'M ff. tradesmen tor practically every calling reiiulred in its erection, 7«* | ford them social, ' medical and G i p WEBB'S a trial f i r your, next also -urging a a n m n and They ere *»» rtP«ta.-246rMarn,e Dnve, wages program be inaugurated A T k L ^ e Z i t ' by radio- to rushtor the province. . .^Itornito^^ WANTED TO RENT -- 4 or 5 room modern* bungalow near waterfront ̂ -- to s t class.-long-term-tenantsrPhohe Kerr 943R after 6 p.m. i ij The next meeting will ho held and ^ Dickin^n as '̂ e re are three: St. on February 6th at 8 p.m. a t the The Committee elected wctc f I f "'Ifllin TTaII Wit llt-fm ytn till tin Wa__ ... »'» tv : dVlmnnAl^a nf: .Ry»/»lr Rotr- onrl- Q't- THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re­ quires discardedclothing. Z Phone West 87 and truck will collect. . 1^'gion Hall. VVe urge on all. un­ employed to make i^their" busi- ne.s.s to be present. Don't forget the dance tonight a t the Legion and bring all your coppers for the Chinese auction. Messrs. R. H.'MacTu'rk r W.' g"; 5®®'W®®/= ®" " ®*' WiltshireyB: Hayes. S. B. Brace-- *rISe^t"/® £% 'o:"'i4?The'Wiltshire,-B. Hayes, S. B, Brace well, J. D. Hardy, R. S. Silva- White, D. A. Jay, J. Rye, and Mesdames E. A. Ford and J. T. Littleford. close of the address, three "Salt W ater Ballads," by John Mase­ field, were rendered by Mrs. Hamilton Smith. PRINTING -- For aU to d s of _ printing- _ phone - W est Van News, West 363. FOR RENT-TO RELIABLE TENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally locat­ ed; sawdust burner, good garden. Rent $26. Apply Box 49, West Van News. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rippon and family of Point Grey, have moved into a house a t 1483 Duchess Avenue,. 4iUroduc»4iewes4oLINDIREGTIainps! - CARD DF-THANKS - Mrs. J. Stark wishes to ac­ knowledge with sincere thanks to her many friends and neigh­ bors the letters and cards of ®y*^P^thy and the m any beauti­ ful flowers -sent during- her -recent bereavement in the sud- d^n passing of her husband. GEO. HAY Notary Bublie Real Estate & InsWance (Established 1912) 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings W est .204X This Week's. Special 4 rooms, modern $1000 MARCEL SHOP --- ̂ N^ Thermiqne steam ^permanent; no danger. Mar­ cel, 50c; Reset, 36c; Finger Wave, 50c.. Above Royal Bank. Phone ' West 304. FURNISHED AND.UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, .and acreage for -sale;' John Lawson,' 17th and Marine. Phone West 66. 'WEST VANCOUVER M A C H IN E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine. RADH) REPAIRS-- West Van-'Ralio Service (J. L. Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. Q- CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jack -Anderson of West Bay, on behalf of Mr.-and Mrs. Reminder, wishes to thank all those who helped during the toe, also the Welfare workers. l^ ^ iy iN G three disdna levels oFsight-«aving CARD OP THANKS Mr. T. Batchelor and family wish to ' thank their many friends for their kindness, shown yuring Mrs.' Batchelor's recent Bayfield and So .Vancouver (teneral SPECIA LS Blue Jay Com Pads,'etc...... 25c V apure .........:.... :........... ...... 50c Parkelp ................... ...............5Qc . Boots Regesan Fruit S a line .....................$1.00 Noxzema Cream, 15c, 64c, $1.08 Kepler's Cod Liver Oil - ' with M a lt........... 96c & $1.50 Modess....................... ...2 for 49c Chocolates, Bars, Tobaccos REXALL DRUG STORE McNeil's at 1402 Marine Drive ^ e s t 528 Free Delivery We arq agents for the fine products of BOOTS -- Cash Chemist, England. (?ORp()N ROBSON R u ria te r --- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive ® Phone Weat 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 510 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. Form No* 13. (Section 39.) LAND ACT . * new ifiditea lam|> with the **Tfilite" seleaive power biiib is the latest development by home lighdbg engineers. Inside the gtaceful parchment ̂ ade is a polished metal refleaor cup with an o ^ t e gla^ bottom that spreads glare*free light both upwa^ and down­ ward! The new lamp is being ino^uced by B. C Electric Stores /jk mty $hOO doum and #U 0 a mnthf Cash RADIO repairs AD Work: Guaranteed • "Experience Insures Satisfaction? BROWN & MUNTON 1542 iMarine': - West 366 ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL REPAIRS Efficient ( ŜERVICE , S o ^ t ^ . jOAV or NIGHT \ T BERT e W l EY ' _2836 Marine West 53R2 Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase-^Land. In the Municipality of West Vancou­ ver, Land Recording District" of New Westminster, \and. situate near Fisn̂ erman's. Cove,5We>st Vancouver, B. 0. Take notice th a t Harry Kolthammer of West Vancouver, B. G., "occupation Store-keeper > hrid Public Caterer, in­ tends to apply for permission w purchase the following described lands:-- COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. W EST VANCXIUVEI^IB^hs&L ASSOCIATION r V A LEN TIN E D A N G E THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, in the HOLLYBURN PAVILION Dancing 9 to 1. ' r Refreshments . following - Commencing-:-' a t a post planted at the intersection of Marine. .Drive and the, Southerly";.boundary of Block one (1) of Dt,- L o t 772, thence South 67n' -e.._______ fit: nn> flicnl'e klodem and Old Time Dancing--- Good Music All T -u Novelties AH Liberals and friends invited. thence South 66" 23' Edst a distance m o f 240.6','thence North 27' 33' E^t J thencej following -7 high wafer mark to pomt of commehcemenlTtn® whole containing nine tenths (.9) w an acre more o r less. HARRY KOLTHAMMER,Applicant. Dated. Decrinber 21st, 1934.