Y o u e WINDOWS doors SHINGLES UTH VENEERS ROORNG building PAPER' A CSoiiiiilete Service D BRtCIQ CENENT TILE UME SAND week to faU white in the city and downhill and slalom racea atag^ PiANS AND SPEOFiCATlOHS ̂ Drawn up and c$ti> mates given Free. Astbury's Bidlders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drive Phone West 199 Burrard Laundry Ltd. V ' 'ik. V V f V#^1S*'JE4jESk1L# JCTFSiiFJHik JL :' SCalXh AnL#SSi ̂FORDEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1810 FREE INSTRUCTION is given to every purchaser of our wools who is making cither a simple or an intricate design.^ NEW SPRING WOOLS. ORDERS FOR KNITTED GOODS LLO YD'S W O O L & K N ITTIN G S H O P 2474 Marino Drive < Proprietors Violet and Kathleen Clement c ^ r s . ^ n i g h t - ^ o d g e Teacher o f Violin, Pianoforte &' Theory Student of Monsieur Hopkins, Watford College of Music, and Barre Bayly (Violin). London, Eng., (Pianoforte). . Harmony, etc., Perris Tozer, Mus. 'Doc. Pupils prepared for Examinations--over 300 successes, many distinctions and Honors. STUDIO: 1332 Duchess Avenue. West 624R. BARBARIANS' RUGBY AUXILIARY V A L E M l l N E - D i U 4 Q S ntID A Y , FEBRUARY 8 tll - Marie Abram's Orchestra A D M IS S IO N 3 5 c . . Dancing 9 till 1 In the Holly burn Pavilion K.W.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 :,_ : - -V 9 Evenings, West 148 Listings Wanted f t a d l D T ^ e A ll Sett Reduced F O R S T 'S West 37 N orth Vancouver North 5S5 66 lionsdale Ave. Real Estate Finance and Insurance Ambleside L. SPECK, Proprietor Sheet Metal Works C. J. Overingtoa PIONEER BARBER Expert Work ; 14th and Marine THone West 135 DOLLAR LUMBER & FUEL CO. SAWDUST, per .unit ......... .......................................$4.00- ^ INSIDE FIR, per cord : 1.........................$5.60 SLABS AND EDGINGS, per cord ......................$4.00 Day or Night ' 291 West Esplanade, 'L Phone North 1359 ^ . - North Vancouver Corporation of the District of West Vancouver NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS fracture his hip. He was taken ed over the week end by the to St. Paurs Hospital, where he Vancouver Ski Club on Htdly- Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphileci r/ Two sizes 50c and $1 The Convalescent Tonic has since passed away. • .'nf.--, f i *'"* e* '<«»♦* All the pupils of Mrs. J. P. Fergusson, F.T.C.L.| passed with honors the recent high local and senior exams in elocution of Trinity College, London, Eng land, There was at the beginning burn Ridge. Mickey Mftehell " s Killiand Davie Killam came in second and third in both events, while Peggie Harlin, Bertha Haig and Beth Crickmay reached the fin ishing point in that order in the women's two races. H ie course was quite rough. There will be a two days* Gemmill's Drug Store Th« Stora of Borvko. 1586 Marine Drivo WcBt 37 or Weat 607 Ehtcrgency Phono Woat 831 (After 10 p.m.) of this week eleven feet of snow slightly soiled, wool sate tomior- at the West Itake Ski Camp on row and Saturday only at the Hollybum Ridge. While the Dundarave "Original" Wool and depth of the snow on the Ridge Knitting Shoppe, 2446 Marine was considerably reduced by the Drive. For further particulars torrential rains which laid the please refer to the advertlse- ground bare on the lower levels, ment in this issue. a further fall has since resulted in the snow being as deep as ever. S ■ ■ ■■ F. C. Dalgleish has moved from 11th and Inglewood Ave nue into a house kt 1232 Esqui- malt Avenue. The robins have returned from the south, a number having been seen this week in the woods on the upper levels. Two red-tailed buzzard hawks were also noticed here yesterday. This is early for these birds, particularly for the above species of hawks, which Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cukes, oPastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pics, Sausage lloHs, Banbury Cokes, Ciiihnmon Buns, Variety Of Tea. Breads, ' Frosh ovory moaning. Note Address: 1408 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Mrs. A. M. Lester, 2874 Belle- is seldom seen here before the vue Avenue, underwent an oper- end of February, •ation last Tuesday at St. Paul's -- - Hospital. * * o The many friends of Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, 137.4 Gordon Aye- nue, will be glad to hear that she was able to get out for the first time last Sunday following her accident. spent a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thompson in Honor of ; their father, Mr. W. Thonfpson's 80th birthday and Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Trussell's tenth wedding anniversary, Jan-'^ uary 26th, 1935. The hostesses „ , 6 , T. T 1 J w i. ̂ for the evening w ere: Mrs. J. D. Reeve J. B. Leyland left on Thompson, Mrs. R. A. Thomp- ................. ...........- Mrs. P. B.'TruSsell, Mrs.Tuesday evening for Victoria. He expect^' to be back this even- inig. Chief of Police Squires gives notice that the continued ignor ing of the parking sign at the 14th Street terminus, if longer persisted in, will result in prpse- cutiou' of~the~ offenders--,--------- W. Climie, who has been son, Wm. Thompson, and Mrs. H. L. Thompson. An enjoyable even ing was spent in games, after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. 'ITie guests included; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey, Mr. and Mi's. G. Baldwin and Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner,~Mf; "Fimaysmi; a patient in Shaughnessy Military Hospital, returned ontMonday to his home at 27th and Mathers Avenue. ~.-- ^ ^ -- » » *----------- Mr. Ovis, 28th ahd Bellevue Avenue, left on Tuesday for ___ _____ _________ Winnipeg, where he v ill take up Thompson; Mr. and Mrî . Len Mr. and Mrs, Jack Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson,, Mr, and, Mrs. Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. Law- son, Miss Gertrude Lawson, Mrs. H ill Mrs. Hart,-Misses McBain, Rev. and Mrs. Wright, Mn and Mrs:- RrMaeVean, Mr. and Mrs. ' J. D, Thompson, Mr. and. Mrs. R; A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hollybulo Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ,lan. 3lHt, February 1st and 2nd "\ JACKIE COOPER LILA LEE 'The Lone Cowhoy' SAT. NIGHT and MONDAY' February 2nd and 4th - •7 W ild Boys oi The Road" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY February 5th and 0th " T H E C A T A N D -- T H E F I D D L E ^ ji. ■ 'with "■ JEANNETIE McDONALD ■ and ■ . RAMON NAVARRO also **Tbe M oonshine" with" DAVID MANNERS and ' PHYLLIS BARRY permanent residence.♦ ♦ * Mrs. E. E. Devlin, who was seriously injured some weeks ago in an accident at her. home in West Bay, is a patient in St. Paul's Hospital. . . . Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thomp son, Miss Grace Thompson,' Miss Gertrude Thompson. O. E. S. The Hpllyburn Versatile Play ers are very busy Oil a comedy, and a drama, both writtenuand produced by Mrs. F, Bowman, to be given at the beginning of March under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E. " J The Sewing Circle of Naomi Chapter, 0 . E. S., met at the home of Mrs. Dunfean McMillan, 20th Street, on Tuesday after noon when there was a large turnout of members. P h i l i p C . C h a p i i i a n General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, .Burglary, Accident and Sicknesa, etc. 2667 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 I. O. D« E. Pajrment of taxes for the y ^ r 1935 can be made- in ad vance and if paid oh or before the 30th of April will bear interest a t the rate of. . ) - ^ NEWS ̂The next meeting of the Dun- . The next regular meeting will t̂ wrou F take place at the. Headquarters ^ w s o n Chapter, I.O.D.L., on Tuesday, February 5th, at 8 will take place at 2:15 p.m. next p.m. when the speaker yviH be .Mdnday, 4th February, at the Herbert (Jiargraves, Provincial home of Mrs. J. B. Leyland7This Vice. Premdent of the Socialist nomination meeting. Party of Canada. . --------- ~ - The next Whist Drive will "lake place on Wednesday, Feb ruary 6th, with the usual attrac tions and without admission fee as usual. The meeting on Tuesday last addressed by < John Sumtaer on "Presenting the!:-C.C.F7!-Jwas .greatly impressed by the argu ments and ability of the speaker who is a tr.B.C. undergraduate, 22 years of age. ; The joint meeting of Monday last elected' a campaign commit tee and also aTiew headquarters committee as well as" transact ing other business. BRADLEY& TURNER Painting, ' Kalsom ining & Paperhanging 2478 Lawson Ave. Res. Phone West 380X1 John Nyland, 2863 Marine Drive, found thirty or more beautifuljviolets in full° bloom in his garden after the snow Had - melted last week. W EST VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS' ASS0CIATI|0N W ill Hold A Meeting in Dundarave Timrsday, Februaiy 7th at 8 p.m. Members and all interested are asked attend. - Sfo PER- ANNUM Trom the^date of payment to to the End of June, 1935. LITERARY SOCIETY Payments may. be made a t the Municipal Hall,. 14th and Esqnimalt, Hollybum,, K C ; HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. ,Tlie address by Mrs. Selwood which was postponed on account of the weather conditions, will given on this (Thursday) evening instead, atr-the usual time and place. Subj^t: "High Lights from Scott's. ^Antiquary* and 'Guy Mannering*/.* (February 1st and 2nd Only) GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; -- Tiger Fingering, 11c oz.; Purple Heather, 12c oz. Other makes also (Nq white on sale) at THE DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" W00|. & KNITTING .SHOPPE . 2446 Marine Drive (Next to Dr. Gallant) . _______ ... , . MAISIE BUSST, Proprietor -! * ■' ̂ > V /• I ' A , V .. -i 11.S. w ^ Vf An. ' m t/ ">f. i m i i ' h - L l .1' • i i l v,'*.'.' 4 \ ,!;l : , e h I B A 1* Hr' I1 i .... . f N I :ff ........ i' k .. i>") A t .1 I "'- I f1 . ! < ̂•'t. 5 ' t J r ii'¥4 .( » I Vijii'. It III It iiff ] "1 iW, , , . i,?' • I l.-. iV-P.. Ifil 1 A . it I! NT< i - Si'S '■ '.t' irl'iitn'M !!■ f i n r j I ifii 'I ! ill \u. *'l;? ,'vt t' 'I 6̂ - ■> - Ii f \ i ft r if* i i - J1 " ^ . Canadian .Legion, yiTest Vancouver -- ' ̂ ' T 1 i | _ _ Y o u n g P e o p l e s ' M o d e r n D a n c e ° in the Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. ̂ 7 a-' 1 M l ^ H i W i P N E S D A Y , . F E B ; 6 t h ■ t H E------------ ------ -------J A D M ISSIO N l5 C d . . . . . : . ' ■ .......-J.:' -- ' ' I - ^ .------------------Si-------- ----------- --T - r ----------------- -J----- ------;-------- ■ V >r-' 7 7 i '■ '.A / J - ' #