%i 4* y f t l'. 'imnm'emmSk' Bot. HBiif Wricu, S t a i ^ IfllS BM»t 7 fU IMi, ' BitndAy §fyj| Bibl# 10 ' m ¥ ^ "r SAFTItr ca o w B 'pMtorj R«y. ft. E k iH sottim FhoB0 w«it m & . Bunday S«nrk«« •» 11 iu»u *tid....Mi,. Sunday Scbool ̂ 10:00 a^a. #< "̂■' Kf . *■ ' / f o w '« T A a t 7 Permanent Wave •" f ^ , ?• : >•* iM '4 4 M t i U it needincr » l«w extra cuylf at the eara or neck line? Two or three curia will make your permanent look like new and the coat la only 20c a curl or 0 for fl.OO. II' * '"i Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1S46 knritf Drirt For appointment# MIONB WEST 117 f . " 'i ■ l^ ■ ll ' ..,v. . The MAKIONBTTB UIMjUl.ATING LIBRARY Complete chuiiKo of Hooka every month Memherahip Fee GOc per Month AMBLESIDE PHARMACY ̂ HOUYBURH HALL n th Sr Bncheea FRIO AY EVENING Feb. lit , at 7:30 "Mountain Meaaagce** Mr. A. T. Dalton Illustrated by orifrlnai views of Mount Garibaldi SliNDAY, Feb. 3rd, at 10 a.m. day Younir Men'a Bible Clasi SundAy School and SUN DAY EVENING at 7:30 Goapel Tcatimonica Hy Our Younif People TUFdjDAY EVENING at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. ? lety )m c 9 fOtii aa« JftifilMalL BeOybara 4riila Seeietjr la a Branch of ̂ U mi Itklitr Church Hhe FIrat Church of Christ, SefenBit, in Boston. Maspaidiaaetta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, February 3, 1935 Subject: * " L O V E " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatlmony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetinaa. I ..... ........... ....... ̂ j <" " ........I * 14^14 MiBlifSsttt '3 1 ' I UNITED CHURCH MiniHler: Rev. Hillia Wright W, L. KEB, Prop 1401 Marina Driva Phone Weet 828 FREE DELIVERY 4 V ̂ ' i. ■hi' ' ' . , • ■ 4: Dr. Marjory McCubbin LD.S.. U.F.P.8.G. DENTIST Itoyul Bank Bldg., Houra: F a.m*. to 6 p.m. and by appointment Phone West 446 or West 393 , , t } ivur ' -I * T E A R O E & S O N Phone West 84 For all the Beet Iti . ■?' ' f.-f if' 'S COAL&WOOD F 1474 Marine Drive i h'** "'1̂' ( D R . Gr D . H . S E M E % " ^ D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, util and Marino'Dr, ' Onice Hours 9 to 6 p.m.c Evenings by appointment. Phone West.,72 ' ^ p $ B. GALLANT CHIROPRACTOR) Ui 'S'j 2444A Marine Drive Evenings by appointment.1 Phono Soy. 8790 or Soy. 3800L City Office; 712 Robson St. m i'lf Bstabliahed on North Shore 20 Years. <Lady Assistant) '|4| , HARRON BROS. & WILLUMSON J f u n r e a l S i c r c t a r s i $ ■■ North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth. Street Phone North 134' l | ' ' Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East P Phone Fair. 184 Next Sabbath the minister will preacli at both oervices. In the morning he-will have as his subject "Can We P*'ind Jesus ' Today Unto Perfection." In the evening he will speak on the subject of "Nation Build ing." ;The Reevei and members of West Vancouver Council with 'th(3. members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., will unite with the congregation in this service of thanksgiving and consecration. Special music will be provided. The Sunday School will meet as usual at the hour of 10 a.m. I'hc Senior Young People will meet following the evening ser- vice. , The Women's Association of the United Church will meet in the Church Hall, Tuesday after noon, February 5th at 2:15. Sunday, February 10th, at TTr30-p-.m7-- ST. ANTHONTY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest In Charge. Rev. W, J. Millay, EffecRve FRIDAY & SATUR|lAV,.Febrtta*y,,tal and' 2nd TOMATO JUICE -- Aylmer, SOUP -T- Aylmer V«g. .and Towata,-® Kli*P£R SNACKS -- CCC Brand----------------- --------------- tueh 5c CHICKEN HADDIE -- BruiwwleJt. No. 1 Un. each I8c STRAWBERRY JAM -- KitiR Beach, pectla........... .......4 lb. tin S8c PLUM JAM -- Supreme ...... 4 Ib. tin 25c COFFEE -- Blue Ribbon FLOUR -- Wild Rose Pastry, 7 lb. paper aack........ .................. 25c FLOUR -- Highway, 7 Ib. paper aack..................................eaeh I9e CORN FLAKES -- Your choice 2 for 16c OATS --• Robin 1 1 ^ Non-i*remlum .!........................I,...;...... pkg. 15c SUGAR -- 10 Ib. cotton sack.......... ...... ........................i....l..each 5Sc DATES -- Sair ................................................. ......................2 Ibp. 15c SALT -- Regal, Shaker ....................... :........... ......................each 9c SOAP -- Pearl W hite.............. ................... ..............................cake' 3c W« r«»*rv« tilt right to Umlt quantltlM. SAPeWAY STORES UMITED D ISTR IBUT ION Residence: 2828 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R. WITHOUT WASTE Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services Mass, daily -i- 8 a.m. Fridays: Benediction, Rosary, Confes- Sidhs -- 7 :30. RICHARD CLARKE PASSES BAPTIST. CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Evening service at the West Vancouver United Church, ; Canadian Girls in Training service and Girls' Choir. Miss Jean Campbell speaker for the evening. Sunday, February 3rd 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Pastor will preach; topic: , _ "The Eternal Word." 7 il5 p.m.---Evening Worsliip. Richard Clarke passed away fast Thursday in his 70th year at his home, 2558 Marine Drive. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, bnî daughter, Jennie, at home; three sons, Tom, at home; Jack in California; Dick in. Van couver; alid two sisters in Eng land, , Requiem' mass was said at 9 a.m:' last Satui^day by Rev. Father W. j . Ijlillay, in St. Aiith- bny's Church; .and interment was made in Capilano View Ceme tery. Harron. Brbs. & William son had. charge of the funeral arrangements., r-, 4 < r Henry Sotvedt made 176 feet and 145.2 points and Tom Mo- braaten scored 186 feet and 143.2 points at the annual win ter sports carnival held last Sun day at Government Camp, Port land. VERNON FEED STOliE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9ii ■■■■■ '• ■■■.: ..y-v-T-", Fertilizers of All Kinds W ood,Coal, .Builders' Supplies fp\ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH , Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. February 3rd, 1935-r4th Sun day after Epiphany. 8 :00 a.m'.--Holy Communion. _ 10 & 11:15 a.m.----Sunday ^hool 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion & , ' Sermon, 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- ̂ mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood^ Caulfeild Sunday, 3:00 p,m. -- Evensong and Sermon. A Birthday Tea will be held on Wednesday, February 6th, at 2 p.m. in Inglewood School (flth Street and Inglewood Avenue), under the auspices of the W. A. Sale of-home cooking and candi es. Af^rnoon tea, ' Thursday, February 7th -- Con- . gregational Social in the parish hall. Topic: 'The Second 'Kme' ' Song service at com mencement. Monday, 8i;00 p.m.--Illustrated Lantern Lecture by ____ Messrs. Brealey and Por- ~T«r, entitled "Yorkshire." The public is invited. Wednesday, 6:46 p.m. -- Child ren's Hour; -Lantern Lecture.' All children in vited. 8 :00 p.m.--Prayer and Praise Meeting. Thursday, ? p.m. -- Choir prac tice '1 Friday, "7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. David Keith of the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive, is confined to his home with a foot injury. *?>■ t REEVe j. B. LEYLANp Wishes to thank the electorate for their continued confidence in the civic administration and to assure them that every, effort will be made to further th e ' best interests o f the Municipality. <2' Marguerite Wilcox Teacher o f Pianoforte Associated with The Kenneth Rb8a Pianoforte ̂ . School special attention given beginners ModeratD fefes Studio: "Phone._, ' 2684 Bellevue ; West l&lLl To the Electors: I return m y'sincere appreciation and thanks to the R atepayers for their continued con fi dence in re-electin g m e to the C ou n cil by acclam ation. Robert Fiddea. 1? M '1̂ THE e s t V a n N e w s PttbUaliadi Brery Thuniday HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.G. *'LApySHIP»» and "MONARcR" WOOLS 'T' -r ~ S e e - t6 e BARGAIN COUNTER 1079 Marine Drive JOIN OUR LIBRARY 25c a m onth . West 601 mi' f :I ■i(s Ftthliaher ' F. P, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baaineaa and fikUtarlal Offiea: _ .17Ui and . Marina Drive ̂ <Naxt' to RoUyhum P. 0.).. Phone West 363 ̂ .M ailA6dt«as: P. O. Bo« .6L X̂oltyhiini, B.C. REV. DAVID A , ALLAN, 1494 Inglewo^ Avenue. Spring Courses Beginning, " El^iitioii, Dramatic Art, Pablic . " Monday, 8 p .m , OT.AKg «4... Elocution. Saturday, 9:30 a.m laocution, Saturday, 10:30 a.i^.11, « ,^ '̂<}Hna>REN»S CLASS . V**AD1ES» CLASS ~ E ..._ ,_________ _ ' t ' ' ' Private tuition arranged. To the Electors^ M y sincere thanks are tendered to th ose w ho assisted in, m y electio i^ for * School Trustee* SAMUEL J, NASMITH M WSSI^yAlTOOUVRB PROVINCIAL RECREATION CENTRE Dance North Vanedover Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. SATURDAY, RETOU/U^Y 9th. a tS p .m . latbalimieiiroodAuditorium' 11.00 R y e » x h^earriw: 82,00 a fear » a 0 . Programma of,Boxing, W itlin g ; Tumbling and Bo^y Bnilding_ Cantlemen 25c ^, Ladies iSc D o n a ld E . M c T a v is h wishes to thank his friends 4nd supporters for electing him to the offied of SCHOOL; TRUSTEE.. . ' 1935-1936. -