* r ' ' *•' ■ ■ » V ,»€®.1 * * P msm ' jrXm^h /+■"»»» .'=r%* " 'v*"' '^/*' -̂". ̂ • ' ' ' -' ' '* ■ '̂*' ^ ^ w , ^ j i ^ r v i « > ' ' ' "" W^t, Vatied$ti^Ami/es/Je, 'iio/fyi(Mri$§m»t$, DundarM tLOO iw f . .» ^ w ^ .- ,< ^ ...... f f>^."^ ~̂~'Ĥ Ĉ Pî ss Park, - Ca ̂ W^Uxliff ̂ £tc. fte p w copy «t newsstands. Vol. - i x ; .;/'\'V; * ;P ^ t"' H Q l^ I^ fB U R t^ -'K o .. W ^ T ' V A I^ fcO tt^ E R . B ~ C ..> h U R S P A Y .,! jA 'l^ U |^ 0 j - ,l> » » . 1935 '■........... ' N o . 40 TBM FOR ̂ h 6 0 L BOARP - WHIST ,^ 1 ^ BRIDGE FOR ' THl^ NEW P O S T E L E C T I O N RESULTS . g?PH fe.!- * ^ * E R E M ® ' ̂ » ; * i Ca^UIn sT T lfa sm lth andj. N ^ m ith a ^ W^ ̂ LeylaM is to Iw con- Donald E. McTavishi were the teos T. E. W. R us^ll W, H, JacK^^ we!^ stoncUng nvmna datfuSf »f {̂ n ntî -rki#) gratulated' on his suooessful ne- successful candidates at the elec- for re-election. With their defeat only Ohaiman W. N. Me- Chaos, devastation and untold Jotiatlona leadinir to a $50*700 tjon iL f tU Donald remains out or toe orto^^ suffering exist today through- S p S ^ p r iL t io n ^ B p a r d /p a r i i& s new system now esvhblished in theschc^s, and he only escaped out the Fl?aSer Valley. The post office building a t Hollyiburn. iiit'are as follows: stories and- pictures recently While in Ottaw^ last Nasmith, S. J. ............ . .2 7 5 , of the fact that t l^ teaching staff of the sch^la. is practically <*arried in the nailv nresfl of con- connection ^ th the ,First , Nar- McTavish, Donald E 218 the .same as b^fow^the change, toere can be only;one con- rows Bridge, he thought the RusseH, T. E V .. .::■ 194 elusion, namely, that the new s ^ t ^ d<»s not meet with the ditions there «how it to be a opportune to take up the. Jackson, G. W. H............. . 118 approval of the electorate. A e th e r from an educational major disaster, and, realizing matter o fa new post office build- Reiectod 1 standpoint they arfe. right or wrong in this attitude is frrele- this, effeita are being made to inir in West Vancouver with the ........ *- *' i vant, as is also ih e aHtoejS pr failuto b^ help the I sufferers, many of federal authorities; He approach- .................................. ratepayers, who after^ ll pay the bills, have signified their whom have lost their homes and ed them as reeve and not from Ballots Issued .. . 429 I disapproval m no uncertain way, and i ^ e r thu circumstances are in dire n e^ . any political standpoint. Every- ' - ___ thenewboard, as we eeeii^ must as the elated representatives West Vancouver is doing its where he receiv^ a sympathetic , 481 of the ratepayers revert back to the old system as soon as share towa«i$ this very worthy hearing and throughout was in i----- _̂_________ possible. receipt of the whole-hearted MISS WILCOX TO ----- -------------- ----- . -- ...... and brid^ at ̂p.m. next Satur- support of Hon. H. H. Stevens. RESUME TEACHING 1 o R A TO HOLD RECREATIOK rMNTRW • day. 2nd FeprUary, in the Legion While not definitely , settled, it , ------- ANNIVERSARY DANC3E e n t f RTATNMFISIT n aiur<w ' be an enter- is understood the site chosen Following the holidays Miss ̂ ' ' ® tainnfent, and'among those on willjie on the north side of Mar- Marguerite Wlloox is starting ______ -- to the program will be Mrs. J. D. ine Drive, either at 14th or 17th again her teaching of the pianor ' Tomorrow night (M la y ) the Donovan, Aubrey Clarke, and Street, m ost. probably; ftl; the forte at her studio, 2684 M le- moml̂ ors .of lUith l 4odge vull the Melic Quartette. Prizes and north west comer of iTth Sfreet. vue Avenue. She is associated rplohrate their ninth anniver- refreshm ent And in this con- Below will be found a copy of with the Kenneth Ross Piano- s'lrv in the Oraiige Hall with a a ®**V**̂ .̂ ?» nectloh (t 'sh'Ppld be explained a letter received by Reeve Ley- forte School, and special atten- K e n t o e S e S i S ' C "£ *13"* •*"!!"*• H^^S^^vens: ,'tion isjrfvoi by ha"r to beffin-„ r s ^ v f i ^ r b y n ^ E?oŜ il'S i S a r a i ^ ^ ? r i ^ . „ » { * r f ' Grand Lodge oflficers^and has va^ltiSg S by j! her^tudio or phone her at West S for^he ^neeTy ch«d"^sino ̂ s ^ s will albobh sent to help the; lOffice of the MlnlsterV ' •' ' --------------------- itsinception ; _ g y S f 'y ' f s J . B out by invitation, land^judging w ^ l^ servedj,^dtoem from'the response to same, is t 15 .™ . ~ T ~ „ n ' .. . at 7:W p.m. m Hpllyburn Hall, going to be one dt the oufetand- c S " B e n t i e S '̂ j ^ a ' A r w B g !e m ^ ^ - .n w Well -DBar Mr. Reeve:. Following A.'T. Dalton will p v e an address inff events of thft season. * cents, gentjemen^jStf/Cents. under way. fCj^Lthe Valentine - our conversations of ytoterday entitled "Mountain Messages," -̂----- Th^ ̂ ^TITe^ferfninmenfV^^ ' -- t-7Hancetotoito:gl?lceinrHol}yburn-"and*TbtiirrveryTirgent ^le^rT"r~"illustrated"^by^origifi^ mitt^ of T h e ^ S e WEST V A N ^ I T O R -- l^viUon^ F ^ r ^ r y ; 8th. Under again took , up .with-inw*<Cbl- Mount Garibaldi. Sunday School rponSb?rfor all am i > ^ l^ g u e ,- to e A s t e r lo r P u b lic and Young Men's Bible Olasa as f??^thiVpffafr m,: ,------ -- . . . . *be Barbarii«iA^^|te Works, the questiopiof^a Post^ usual at 10 a.m, next Sunday., d e L r a te d ^ o r tS ^ o M S ^ S i^ promisekto A t thfe 7:80 pjn: -tortice next nnveynSi Wfu rab oveM ^ Will b ^ e ld T^e^ outstanding'events<g[ the'VAle«- palitv; Pm ay say that the Dep. Sunday, 3rd February, there in J day next m the Orange Hall at tine season. The affair is con- uty Minister was very well im- will* be Gospel testimonies by Z l bP l - v ^ to y J iIrs .^ .-L .i:^ _ w h o _ is_ p ressed indeed-wito the succ ̂ the Young People.-Tuesday at entertemment.committee assisted by Miss Barbara Reid, and able manner in which you 8 p.m., prayer and Bible Study. _ _ ® ,supplymg;-the will make .a. report relative to -Miss Frances Johncox, Miss Jos- presented the case, and steps are --------------------- . , , , '"their annual St. Patrick's night ephine Leyland, and Miss Ola being taken to have the Resi- DEATH OP A. H. CHATWIN bhould the committee- in dance which will be held this McLean. Under the direction of dent Architect, Mr. Dawson, call . Alfred Hill .Chatwin, 1366 ̂ barge, who nave just taken .. year on fYiday, -15th. , , . Miss Barbara Reid the commit- upon you for the purpose of con- Gordon AvenJe,"passed away at duties since the first xhe Right Worshipful Grand tee on decorations will combine sultation in regard to the mat- St. Paul's Hospital last Tuesday, 01 the y^r, have missed any of ĵ ô gê Sessions will be held at the club colors wtth toe Valen- ter, and to.mpke a report, arid aged 88 years. He is survived inyitotions . Kamloops arid the arrangements tine motif. while I am not ̂ able, as yet, to by his wife and one son, Donald; « made for toe delegates-to-- Marie Abrain's Orchestra definitely assure you of what his parents, one brother and two to? i represent toe's lodge'at'the con- .which has been very popular can ?be dope until this report is sisters. Funeral services were S T Jie^nce y^ntion. . ̂ among club-circles in Vancou- received, I feeM -can say that held -atll:80a .m .tod ayin V an - * iS*"'* r --------------------- ver, will'be a spm al feature of your Visit was a very spccesful couver, Rev. H. P, Humphreys .i.- ..J • EDUCATION WEEK this dance. Mrs;..J. B.-Leyland one, and that in all probability officiating and interment was ' Februarv 3rd - 9th and Mrs. Donald Doige have the necessary building will be made in the family plot, I.O.O. the M ge will be held on Monday . , February 3rd 9th kindly consented to act as pat- provided. F. section, Mountain View Gem- top .n i. j Plano arp bemc* made for a ronesses. The success of past Yours sincerely, v /tery . RATEPAYERS! ASSOQLLTION ^ ' i l " u f f S 5 t o ^"s S l 7 p r ,n ' ^ VANCOUVER ., T h e W d st^ l^ v erE a te p a y d " t a . a r y " f the popu^ ̂ LEGION W. A. ^ , . GIRLS' GLEE CLUB The regular-monthly meeting ' The enrollment of the new S , w ^ * " t t o m S iM LEGION NOTES A. to the C anadian-^ rls' choir, under Mrs. P. X. "! ® / "2 - » n n n . ^ / r f r X ^ o u ln T fa ' Legion Post 60, was held'test Hodgson, L.A.B., A.T.C.M., has 5to ? r o x i " i ^ ^ M l s f M d ^ n 't o f ^ i l y The next general.; tou tin g o f , J "'**'® Legion-Hall m th increased to forty, several ex -. nounced It*'is papers. DayS"Set aiside for visit- the local branch will be held at toe president, in the high girls having joined this onA* 8 rim Friday Febhiarv 1st in There was a good attend-V week. A very capable pianist, S o f S i ^ S t h & ^ M e m o r r a ance and exrellent reports Mlss H i|d aW ilson ,is accomp- present. . • " *hieh schools; good turnout of Members is re- ®^}*{,®^ "5 ®°'P7"*«®®; anping the smgws and the Dun- GLENEAGLES GOLF epURSE ?mpo^nt busiiies® r^Ulting **'m *'̂ T"®"' A®"®̂ Wnvfch. I 7 ~ T .. me Johnson aenoois. from the mSnutes of last meet- Tom Turner Mrs. Turner was As can be seen, the Glee Club worx has already commenced ̂ ____ ̂ .itio* ̂ elected social service worker for has made an excellent start and on our beautiful I(K5SJ golf course; ̂ VALENOTNE DA|»ICE ?ia«ortr unH Paato ^̂ ® .After the meeting promises to be one of toe most with a view to attracting both --------- , tea was served. active organizations in West residents and visitors during the ; The West V^couver ^ J ? - V a n c o u v e r . It is hoped that coming season. . .. ^. Association is giving a Valentine in Gemmills Drug Store, tickets FOOTBALL West Vancouver will give it its possession BSnee on Thursday, Febimary lu cents. . The Junior Alliance League hetfrtiestsupportandco-opera- of full details of the plans of the l?ith, in Hollybum Pavihon, „ A very enjo^ble Military will start again on Saturday of tion, especially during these first J^ompany. We; are,* however, itoen dancing will take place ^ i s t Dnve and Dance was Iwld this weejk. On that day the .months of adaptation. given to understand that>^ver- item 9 to 1. Both Modem and Friday, 25th at the ,^West Vancouver Rangers m eet: ------ '--------------- al of the features to which play-, did Time Dancing, novelties, and Legion Hall. Th^ wiimer of toe Porst's Radio at 2:30 p.m. in REV. D. A. ALLAN -r^J^okex^ptidriwiUbfeelimin- music.HBefreshments will hidden pnze was-;Mrs. Pierce. Templeton Park, while the West OPENS SPRING CLASSES ated. We are further infomfed' be,served during thri evening. The winners o f v t o t were M m Vancouver United will play the . --------- that various improvemlents, are ,^1 Liberals and friends invited. Pierce, Mr. Tite, Mr. Moore and North Shore Juniors in Mahon Rev. D. A, Allan is starting contemplated; -- ,v . ! -- --------^ E . Johnson. After refreshments Park, the latter match also start- b is swirig classes in elocution, i^urther reports regarding this UBERAL RALLY & DANCE a very pleasant hour was spent in g a t 2:30 p.m. . ; dramatic art and public speak- development, will appear-i from , : ------ -- m dancing. To our.patrons who _ : ------- ̂ ing, at hjs home, 1 ^ 4 Inglewood time to time. . • T ̂ Liberal Bafiy and Dance have suppor^ ua m therpast > BUILDING PERMITS $4,400 Avenue. Men's class in public * --------- =̂ "'~ 1;^! be given at 8 p.m. Tuesday, whist drive b u t^ ere unabte to Five permits were issued this speaking, Monday at 8 p.m.;- n e w POST OFFICE- : february 12th, in the Hollybum be with us last Friday n igh t will , month by the municipal hall for children's class in elocution, Sat- BUILDING Fhviliem. Dancing will take bcgivenanaveiageas^re.'^ere a total o l $4,400. made up as fol- urday at 9:80 a.m.; ladies'class, , , , ; p ^ f i » m 9 to l,forw hteh go0d" wiil ^ 5 _young;.p™ te^dance olojcution at 10:30 a.m.. Satur- ' Postmaster John "Lawson has niusic will be provided. Addres- *5® and\2 $ 1 5 0 ^ . day. Private tuition can be also received information that th e will he given by prominent ary 6to, from » to 12, So come This is an \increase of $4,290 arranged. Those interested are exact amount of the appropria^ ^ s& k ers , and there will be nov- along young and you can over fig^ es for January of last fiwked to kindly call or write tion for the uew post i&ice ernes and refreshments: All m st assured of aU havmg a live- y ^ r , when the total stood a t ISev. D. A. Allan at above ad- ouilding at HoHyhum is $50,700. liberals and friends are invited, ly time. . - - dress for further particulars. *' -4 " r' ' ,» ̂ ̂ r ' ' r r ̂ ̂ A:* V ' ' ' * , ̂ V ̂ ^ ' -- ...................................................... ' ................ ■ft- !>; ,|i 'si E-*- A p k i ^ " ; 'XM lv'i -■ it C'%-*' •w •< . Vr I K 't fJ, "'f* ; I »i»t1 !../ is L* ' A H " ■ 'M < V.-' i " .Yi- .'3{; IM % %W