West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jan 1935, p. 6

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£m' 4 VAN PJum«.W«tM6 '» '«, ' : ; ;̂> I l i 'i nr »'.' * ̂ ( . ,..V, ';«V . .* ; _-!j- ... r ' * ̂ ' I- î ',' . ̂ > !lf' f '.H «r ' 'J'4̂ *;' V; 'lU ,. I ̂ ̂' ?Vvl i a;̂ v.\ • i >?!■ I i H i ■ ;vyfS?ss mm. ihft ̂* Pricei Good Friday and Saturday, Jan, 25th & 26th .......... ....... ......... ..............„■.... ■■-■■ "-5.. M EEvm G ;; -^€0«t^«i#dNfr0iii 'P«fe D - ■ of th« value of our property was iiurnfficient , . . . . . . . . .^ t e e Ktiaaell, chairman of manaireiDeiit atad grounds, gave a*Mk^' . mL 1 . ___ _ n aM> A>1 iS» ft ..ps fytt • # * * , ..................- I .... -■■,.■ J effer ies Su p e !rio r iTM\t-,̂V̂»h ♦!f"«r'Vjc, !•*. _̂v-« V K A t COFFEE--I lb. Vacuum l ln 87c AVNT MARra TEA......Jk 87c lU d a Wblla AFKICOTS, No. 2 tin Exccfitlonally Fine ^aality........ 16« Nabob -- PUKE BTItAWliEKKY J'AM..........................4 Ib. till Ilk BWJFT'B LAUD I Ib. cart4»iui..................... 2 fo r 28c DJIIKD FItUITS a jM a a M a iiv u M su iir mMsu u * i/ M A i« 0 8 th e geheral progress report and th e school band and M e s tt i ' . Phone West 370 PEPPFiPB SAUfAGE ...........Ib. |8c m n ROASTS of Prime Beef, Ib. 15c FOT ROASTS of Prime Beef, from, per lb. ...................;...... i2y,c L F M S OF LAMB, per ib..... ........... 25cSMYRNA FIGS. New atock. 2 IIni. 15iT "»* BLACK FIGS, good emaUt^ 2 Iba. 18c SANTA CLAflA PRONES; J ........................ 1««i I * lil/iviSiQp r i - - .... 2 Iba. 25cCLING PBAClIEiL fine flavor, lb. 17c Red & Whlt(f„FASTf'RY>/FIX)UR 3|/j Ih. 7 Ib. Hack., 25c I be Ideal Paatrv Flour. ̂ Ibe Ideal Pastry Flour. Something New--SOUP MIX Containa Cracked Green Peaa" Spilt Peaa, Pot Barley, Rice a i2 Alpholief, Macarami. Juat add your own aoup atock for a dell- cloua aoup.................... | Ib. bi ROilHlE BURNS OAT CAKES Packet ............ ............. ' ,, , 14- TURNIPS. Sww t, aound ; 2I IG ̂ & White CHICKEN IIAODIE ........ .............................. He n il I ERS ...................... 2 IIm. for 25c SWIFT'S BACK BACON in piece •'*............................................. 28c BONELESS ROLLED HAM by (be piece, per Ib.......................gpe FRESH LOCAL NEW LAID EGGS (.rade A Large, per dozen...... 28c BAKE EASY SHORTENING per Ib. ................................ l i - Hl'Ti'KR -- St'rvuN, lat Grade 3 Iba. 75c POr/VrOE.S--rioverdalc Gema, 'lit Ib, Hack .......................... 25c "T""" . •! ho 0idgo Inspoclor sent in , Mrs. (Jiilo was nrosonf nf fb« ^ the council for Dc- coum il mectini? in rouard to cx- The dork wax directed to for- l t r k " - \s t S ' '̂ writer' f o ? ^ f f o" '*"̂1 ""'" f consideredxnc wmer ror the woik done and a reply be given later. schopJ' BimtM, all most satisfac- toty. Pmeaent enrollment was 960, an increase of 46 ov/er 1933. Average attendance better than 96%. Inspectors' reports were uniformly good He commended the teachers on their enthusi­ asm. The work of the Grounds Committee helped by the council included cement pavements at Inglewood School and the pres­ ent improvements to the grounds, also the lot on Ingle­ wood at-^Pauline Johnson cleared and graded. Chairman McDonald Chairman McDonald reported no dissention on the board on any vital issues. No motion was made to reverse or modify the existing policy Of economic cen­ tralization and up-to-date cur­ ricula, within thhe board, and the staff had settled down to the present arrangement with the best of grace. The thanks of the board were due to the P.-T. A. for the continuance of the night classes and to the night school instructors and to Mrs. Hodgson in vocal training for services given free. Govemmeiat' IhiENDehed ■ O i^ COLD M EATS OF A L L K p iO S . D E U C A T E S S E N 1 Store at ttollyburn, next Theatre . PH O N B M T O T 3 ' -------- ■ LDN6ERand all i BUILDING MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER COriTD. ------- FOR REAL SATISFACTION ____ Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for Clasalfied A d r^ sem en k la 2 centa per word, minimum 25 centa. Except in the case of those having regular aecoiihta. all clAif«i fleds are payable strictly in advanco. Remember Claaaifieda in the .West Vaa.Nowa get Immediate results '" S Mth't d ' L S w .o f Th" msoS)'. " " ^SM AKING and ALTERATIONS^ ar ^ tn and Lawson, inomson s --Boys pants a specialty. Phnn*. (Transfer. Phone West 110. .. Mrs. Robbins. West 619R. $6.00 -- Cottage for Rent. ComforG ably furnished. Wann. Phone West 350X. HANDY Af^N SHOI^PE, 2444 Marine Drive--School Supplies; Stationery, Notions, I Towels, Sheen & Silk; Nails; Hardware.________ :' workmanship at Pox's. 14th at Ferry. HEADQUARTERS for All Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also F'ishing Gadgits for local wat- .... Ambleside Tea Rooms. - C. J. ARCHER LTD. -- List Proper­ ties with us now. We have direct inquiries and active connections. Phone West 226 or Seymour 5954. ers. BROOKS DRY GOODS - Stocktak­ ing specials one. week only. w a n t e d -i- One furnish^ and one ! uhfui*iftished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 148 LLOYD'S WOOL and KNITTING SHOP, 2446 Marine. Free instruc­ tions. . . STRAYED PROM HOME DEC. 19th Spaniel, answers to name "Mickey/' Please Phone West ooo'K. GIVE W'EBB'S, a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2444 Marine 5^*'^ ~~ ^®Gons, Toys, stationery, Hardware,"Nails, Screws, etc. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION TC- quires discarded clothing. Phdhd -West 37 and truck will collee|.;t FOR RENT TO RELIABLE TENANT pMojier.nJ)ungalow,-centralIy-locat- ^I^^^^S. -'. Apply Box 49, West Van Wes( yaniouver's First School ■•m u n ic ip a l e l e c t io n s a c t ," Form 4. Section'46. N o t I c e ' f# - . V'f. . - i r PRINTING -- For aU kinds 0?printing phone West News, West 363, Municipality of the District of West Vancouver r:i:i;:i£'.c „ rX d trrr in: *«•>■»* . duly nominated na ernuUdatea at the said Electbm ««h the persons OTHER NAMES'SURNAME ̂ »v . IV tjiMtiu ,g| Mrl'AVISII, Donald McEwon NASMITH, Samuel Jackson ^RUSSELL. Thomaa ICdwnrd Wiiliam For School Trustee ' ABODE Rartk, Profession, t Occupation School Trustee t. it . *4 ai' M , ' u 1370 Haywood Avenue, HoIIyburn ̂ 16th & Ottawa Avenue, HoIIyburn 12.52 14th Street, HoIIyburn 1288. 22nd Street, HoIIyburn h - ̂ - - Civil Engineer Retired Building . Oontroctor Accountant^ Builder GEO. HAY For Snaps in t Real Estate v Notary Public Real Estate ft Insnraacs (Established 1912) 1405 Marine Drive - Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204X MARCEL SHOP --1 New I'hermique danger. Mar- fin!.' ®6c; Finger Wave, W e s t m ™ P'-™ r e p a ir s -- Prompt, efficir ent service. Tubes tested. All work guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R f u r n is h e d AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawsonj Marine, Phone West 56; ""fST v a n ^ u v e r iw a c h i n e Rn»e«i,Ti Spray Pumps,*( Household articles. 1449 Marine. (K which »H ho...,,, ^ ^ ^ . Liven under my h.nd Wc.„ v,,,,..,,.,.,,, a c„ thin 2|nt d«, «f Jannnry. 1 9 3 5 . Jlollyburn, B. Cl • ̂ ̂ ̂ ^EURIN, ..- - > - - I. .......... ' - fktuming Officer. O n e B r a a d - O n e Q u a l i t y ! "O n eU iliw a lo a M a n d ^ d o a n w o U ." Ih »»In Il« ,th es«e»to« C ( ^ l e toduiW. wtot .T W modem erotioiie of exDeriOBce. doTotad Ia ch, mn.,...,..----.e««on . ol d e ;;;^ to pwE_BHflap.paEQaimnf. t w . wSH d J ^ S t o S THE WEEKLY SPECIAL January 25th to 31st. Bayer's Aspirin, 12s........ . 19c, Colgate's Dental Cream..;....21c Squibb's Adex Tablets, 80s $1.00 P.D. & Co. Haliver Oil Capsules..... ................... ^i.^o, 60c--1 lb. Absorbent Cotton 45c Emulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampooi-.Tl... :............... igĉ For the Persistent Cough McNeil's Bronchitis, Mixture - 69e large bottle REXALL DRUG STOKE McNeil's at 1402 Marine Drive, West 528 Free Delivery JVe are agents for the fine products of BOOTS -- Cash Chemist, England. Wert Van. Sn mrii&Jr it GORDON ROBSON Barrister -m Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- o?*®® ?[?* ^447, Marine Drive Phono West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 510 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. Form No. 13. (Section 39.) LAND ACT CtapUaiM Brawiag Oa. UmlM Vaaeoutw, A c BEER This advertisement ts hot published or displayed by the Liquor Cpntrol Board or bv the <3oy- . ̂ . ortiment of British Columbia, or by tne Goy- SALMON PACK SHOWS GAINS ITie pack, by species, at Nov­ ember 10 last was as follows: bockeye, the most valuable vari­ ety of . Pacific salmon, 370,860 ^ s e s ; Chums, 496,090 cases: cases; Cohoes, 193,935; Bluebacks, 29,250; 970; Steelheads, j There were, gains ail .round except in Pinks and Steel- ^ matter of fact, ^ more s^mon had been packed at November 10 than had ^ en put up in the full year 1933. liie increase Sockeye pack-- for 1934 is over --has been one of the featuVes of this year's operations. Notice of Intention to Apply to .Purchase Land. ^'*^cipali(y of West Vancou- District of New situate near Fish- West Vancouver, B. G. ftf Koithanimer Vancouver, B. C„ occupation Public Caterer, in- apply for permission to l^ d s * ^ fhe ' following described a post planted at JPteraection of Marine Drive and tfte Sout^^ of Block one n ' '̂ 72, thence South 67" u ̂a distance of 36.27', thence oeawPff North 29 ̂ 3<y East North 54" 0' East 234.5' of ?do J®*li**' 23' East a distance Q R' ̂ ' Whence North 27" 33' East m a ^ L - f o l l o w i n g high water whnii of commencement the an an oontaimng nine tenths (.9) of an acre more or less. h a r r y KOLTHAMMER, I>ated, December, 21st, SiS- ,Y' f Y " /u siMjiS 'mlj <- ' 1 'I