West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jan 1935, p. 1

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ISII Sli uim 1/ . ■ J'4. 'i f l t f \ *■< .Vi Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--'Ambleside, HoUybum^ W eib $1.00 per ye«r. Cyptess Park, CuulfiilM, Whytccliff, Etc. ' ' *' \ ' "i*! ̂ •*. . n A' ^undarave per copy at newsstands. \'ol. IX HOLLYBURN P.O.. wisST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 24th, 1935 No. 391 M einliers Of W est V anciiiiver Council for 1 9 3 5 \ . V.'wj'ji'fJ Sfili B ' VI fV* I* * . t Councillor G. D. Elgar Councilloir R. Fiddes K - Sf.'i ti4'- t »»1 fir SŴ .frŶ h •♦'.'S' . -I OT.t!'C \ 'll ■I'l Tf r .,V. •.nl'iifi m Reeve J. B. Leyland .Councillor W. Dickinson Councillor L. Gnrihori^e WEST VANCOUVER'S FINANCES STEWARDSHIP MEETING In these days of falling revenues and bankrupt cities and '.municipalities the statement of the financial condition of the municipality presented la'st Thursday evening at the steward­ ship meeting was more than satisfactory. It was unique. To ' have,met rail fixed and other charges, balanced the budget, have a surplus of $31.513 in the sinking fund, reduced the bank overdraf t $5,60(17 made a profit of $18,000, on the ferries and buses, and all with no increase in th e it^ rate is. a record , to be proud of. We much doubt if th^re is any municipality in the province'^or indeed" in Canadi^'WbSch can/make such a showing even allowing for the annual payment and interest received from the sale of our upper level lands. ̂ - How wisely and conservatively the aff^rs of th6 munici­ pality have been managed is probably scarcely realized to. the , , full by those of us who live here, for man is prone to take the things in his immediate vision or vicinity much for granted. Also we have always had good and wise councils in West Vancouver. _But by those who live in other, .places not so fortunately circumstanced it is a matter for much favorable comment. Under the cifcumstances it is only natural that the reeve and retiri^ mergers of the council should be returned by. ° acclamlatfo'̂ l̂ Ît ii^one of the few ways in which our citizens can show theilli:. api^i^iation of good "and faithful service. at the annual stewardship meeting of the council and school boair4-^st Thursday evening in Inglewood Auditorium the fin­ ances of the niunicipality were DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOP THE ELECTIONS There will be no election for name of the Lloyd's Wool and shown to be in excellent* condi- Knitting Shop for the past; 10 tion, probably better t h ^ any >=^weeks will in future be *car̂ ried bn under the name of the Dun-« daraye "Original" Wool and Knitting .Shop at the same ad Mrs. Busst of the Handy Ann the reeveship and council. Reeve Shoppe, wishes to announce that Leyland was given an acclama- the store working under the tion for the fourth time, and this will be his sixth term as reeye. Both Councillor Dicldn- soii'and Fiddes were also elected in the province; ,, Reayer-Ley^itd Reeve Leyland , stated there had been no increase in taxation, 60% of the. tax levy ̂had been by acclamation, in each case for their third consecutive term. while CouncillcJi*'Fiddes has been dress, !M46 Marine Driven nei^t a member of several past coun- to Dr; Gallant. She is willing to give the public the same service paid, which was 2% better than she/has always given and will last year; $6,000 worth of bonds appreciate their patronage. had been retired, ' there was a sinking fund surplus of $31,513, and the bank overdraft had been reduced by $5,000 and now stood at $18,000. The ferries and bus­ es, had made a profit §f $18,000, to bus capital account they had turned over $18,000 to the muni- * *____ _ cipality. Net profit after paying all requirements had been rhet all fixed charges was $11,103.26. out of revenue, and the assets to the parks, they had_spent New $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 B uild ing for H oH ylm rn m - In the appropgriations for B. C. announced this mojming * by Hon. E. N. Rhodes, minister of finance, is $50,000 for the erection of a federal building in HoUyburn. This is presjimably a new post office. ' . showed a i surplus of $950,000 over liabilities. __- Gouncillor Dickinson Councillor Dickinson, chair- riian of finance, stated the muni- $3,994.08 on Ambleside Beach, and were „clearing a further 2Vij acres in the park for rugby and hockey; Commissioner Joy Comimissfoner Joy fof the cila. Police Commissioner Joy, too, was returned by acclama- tion. . ' _ _ _ - , The, two vacancies in the school board will̂ 'be, however, contested by four candidates: Trustee Russell, Trustee Jack- son, Donald McTavish and" S. J. Nasmith. Voting will take place next Saturday, 26th instant from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th and Marine Drive, and in this connection voters aj^e:^ asked to refer to the oflficim .y notice on piother page of this issue. ' cipality was in splendid financial police departobnt, stated a new shape. The bank overdraft stood motor cycle and car had been at $18,060, having been reduced $5,000 during the year, there 'was a surplus in the sinking fund of $31,513, they had bal­ anced their budget and paid all fixed and other charges. Councillor Fiddes purchased, police court fines had doubled, and trade licenses were up over $300. -' SCHOOL BOARD Trustee Barker Trustee Barker, chairman of finance, reported a surplus of MitS. KNIGHT-HODGE TO RESUME TEACHING COUNCIL NOTES LLOYD'S WOOL AND . KNITTING SHOP , Evans Wassoii came . before the council regarding access to D.L. 5 5 8 Lots 10 and 11. He was informed that his re­ quest would be placed on file for consideration by .the 1935 Coun­ cil. • ' * ♦ ♦ V . ' . The reeve, in closing the mieet- ing, expressed his thanks to members of the council for their ^lendid co-operation during iyo4 and desir^ the clerk to ex­ press to the staff the apprecia­ tion of the council for their loyal services rendered during a period of exceptional difficulty with its much increased responsilbility.,. ' The Misses Violet and Kath­ leen Clement are now conduct: ̂ fng Lloyd's Wool and Knitting Shop, a t 2474 lljarme Drive. Less than one year ago, they con­ ceived the idea of giving free instruction in knitting sweaters . arid a^ts,^ etc., and they have -put this idea into execution. Their stock includes a new line of all the spring wools. The- girls ask ,/or the patronage of the publici';. Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge is re- Mimhg hb ̂ pianc^tfe the holiday recess. Pupils are prepared for examinations, and Councillor Fiddes, chairman of revenues over expenditures f o r t h o s e taught by her h a ^ won of. the board ofjwbrks, said the the year of $3.27. There were drainage structure to take°care ,-mo unpaid bills and the most of the heavy run-off from Holly- necessary services and supplies burn Ilidge had been entirely re- only had been provided, constructed, new conduits had i Trustee Mrs. O'Donnell been built at 14f h,_ 25th and at - Mrs. O'Donnell, chairman of the . Cannery, three bridges on health, reported that the good Marine Drive had been eliminay work of the school nurse continu­ ed, and they had started eumin- he more than Justified. The confinement o f serious, contagi- bus disease to one ctf over 300 successes and mlany distinctions and honors. For further particulars please refer to the advertisement in this is­ sue or kindly phone West 624R. PAINTING, ETC. Whale oil produced in Canada mst year was worth $96,200 on the rnarket. Other products of Ĵ̂ .baling industry-- m̂eal and lertilizer ^ were valued at ap- proximately $13,850; The Doir -̂ mwis^hale fishery is carri^ on off British Columbia. ^ In regard to W. J. Gale's appli- ~catipn~re~pVoposed-exchange-of property, the council decided to exchange Lot 6, D.L. 879, be­ longing to Annie and W. J. Gale for. Corporation Lot 10, Block 5,̂ D.L. 582, on the f lo w in g con­ ditions: applicants-to pay $215 _ cash', plus costs of exchange, and" also taxes and interest to date on Lot 5, D.L. 879, this offer to I'emain open until the 19th June, 1935. ating the dangerous curves "on the Drive. Councillor Garthcame' Councillor Garthome, chair- manman of the watemorks, said they had spent $10,640.21, and the total receipts were $22,- 741. T^ey had 43 miles of mains Bradley and Turner, 2478 Lawson Avenue, are advertising the fact this week that they are and 2,068 connections, but as a building, and maintenance, re­ result of <the reorganization in norted on the moving of the. .. » n 1 • A Wi-<4-1 ■■ ..... i«t .. | , _r '1 'SJ- scax;let fever and infantile par- prepared to do all kinds of alysis was evidence of this. The painting, kalsomining and paper- school dentist reported the chiJ- hanging.. They have had several dren's t^ th imprbved. years^ experience, and any inter- '-----T rusty Jack in ested are asked to phone them at Trustee Jackson,', chairman of West 380X1. "" 1933, the relative cost had- gone down in spite of 10 more miles of As chairman of the fire department, al} equipment had been paid for. * - Councillor Elgar Pauline Johnson school ahriex tb Inglewood School, which was moved on contract, provided eOMING^EVENTS Friday, February 8th -- Valen­ tine Dance by Barbarians Rugby Auxiliary,with a full cement basemenfand /.furnace, and stuccoed for $1500. Another expensive job was the Councillor • Elgar,. chairman of replacement o f supports on cem-, transportation and parks, stat- ent round the entire annex-at. ed the operating profit on the Hollybum school. The mainten- for the opening of Gordon Ave- ferries and buses had been; $22,- ance cost of approximate 1V^% -nue between, 11th arid 13th 913.99, and after paying $3,100 (Continued on Page 4) ^ Streets. The engineer was authorized by the-council to .prepare plans ■ m ii;, i'H { I *' *■ 1 : I /> a t (r '4 . ' ■ .'J;!;'.-.! . ..r , i l i i i f i - ■ M m All. % W W W'I I- .. \"l, 'A \ ̂ U, J' " -M l " hr f? ' t • 'I f ' iV i - . - // < b; ■.sM I ' ■ ):/ f s f t i i l i liii I,; M m m » $V- • ■; 1 ■ -S ■ / 'J j |'i , •%. i ii' '.f I f Jff. ~'k■ - r' '