West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jan 1935, p. 1

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■* ̂ * ' \ , l\^ -> \ l" • --'«• S - l ^ _1 ■* -.-I *4,. >■ 1 i.. t c ' - 1 ewspaper Circuiating in the District o f West Vancouver^Ambleside, Hoifyhum,Wesm, Dundaravt ■ ■■■ Cypress Park, Cau(fetj(d, Whytecliff, Etc; ' " 7 per copy . t now«t.nd..$1.00 peir year \'ol. HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1935 .ec tio n k u m o Rs else-I„ West Vancouver as candidates sometimes last moment, NEW LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE FROM HERE ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP MEETING HOLLYBURN HALL L. 0 . a A. No. 703 come out at the but lit the time of going to press it looks as if Reeve Leyland and The annual Stewardship Meet- At the Young People's ser*ng pec, vice tomorrow (Friday) at 7 :80 Station-to^tatlOn calls, the ing of the council and schoor , p.m. in Hollyburn Hall an illue^ ........ J - .1 . ' - e 1 . - .... . i . ... ..' . . L . . . . . 1 I t. . . . . 4 . <3 " 4 . . . ^ J ' ... ..1 I J . . . . * 1 1 « . . . ' . . . .1 „ Councillors W, Dickinson and R. ...... will be re-elected by ac-Fiddcs cheapest class of long-distance telephone service, will become available from West Vancouver to Vancouver Island and Lower board will be held tonight at 8 trated lecture will be given on p.m. in the Inglewood School "Egypt's Overlord," and there Auditorium. Annual statements . will be Sunday School and The next legulat meeting of the ladies Qraiigc lodge will bo hold on Monday 21st. Arrange-^ nionts are well in hand for the 5Hh anniversary dance to take clamntion. fnr Mainland points on January 21 There will be>..a n „ „ e iO C p iP P -w lim i-H ills " T?-P.-• mial<5n!i/nn<a 'Jp/ii-mi in detail will be presented to the Young Men's Bible Class as usu- place on Friday, February 1^2 the two jac^on classified "sys- ratepayers. board, w.-- - . ̂ ^ and Russell arc seeking, re-elcc- tiotl and Donald McTayish is a candidate, also possibly S. J. Nasmith. . , • Commissioner Joyruprtoraate, is the only candidate for the vacancy oii the police commis­ sion. "OUR COLLEGE S T ^ " LARGELY ATTENDED Hollyburn Theatre was crowd­ ed on 'Tuesday evening for the play "Our College Star" given by the Dundarave Junior Dra­ matic Society under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, LO.D.E. The play was written by Miss Beryl Gray and all the tern of long-distence service. At the present time the clas­ sified system, which has come into widespr^d use in North America, applies on calls to British Columbia points east of Hope and to points in other parts of Canada and in the United States. On January 21 the B., C. Telephone Company will extend the classified system to the remainder of its territory, al at 10 a.m., next Sunday, the 20th instant. A t the ? :80 ptm. service next Sunday, .John Wal-DISABLED VETERAS' ASSOCIATION lace will give an address, taking JL..----- as his subject "Thi'ee Hard Disabled..Veterans' Associa- Questions." Prayer and Bible tion met at their headquarters study at 8 p.m, next Tuesday. in the Ferry building last Wed- ---- --------------- - nesday,, January 9th, and got CORRESPONDENCE away to a good start after organ- --------- izatiOn. There was a large at- Ehe Editor, tendance of members and sever- West Van News. al new members were enrolled. Dear S ir__Prom a conversa- Plans for the future were laid, tion with a member of the School Tlu* conimiiteo in charge will ... ing. Invitations are now being niailod and a large gathering is anlieipated to assist the ladies in celebrating their 9th birth­ day? UNEMPLOYMENT < ASSOCIATION _____ _________ __________ A meeting of the UriOmploy- __________ _______________, , and judging by the large at- Board it appears that that body A.ssociation Was held on thereby making the types and tendance and enthusiasm shown, has ho very definite plan for re- Thursday, the lOth instant, at hours of long-distance service the association should go a long turning the Senior High School ̂ ' ~ way in the Province in their en- to the building which the rate- deavours to do :sornething for payers built for them. Further uniform. Under the classified system there are four classes of service: person-to-^erson, station-to-sta- ti;on, appointment and messen^ Under the station-to-sta-Li;ger. disabled veterans. The officers and members extend a hearty invitation to any, disabled veter­ ans to attend ahd objjain first the attitude of the Victoria authorities appears to be One of incjlifference. It is said that the grant given towards the con- Iho Legion Hall. The Commit­ tee on dues recommended rules and showed a sample of mem- boi\ship card. Their recommen­ dations were adopted. The cards will bo ready by the next meet­ ing which will be on Thursday, cast were students of the junior tion method the calling party and senior high schools here, calls a particular telephone but 'All those taking part did excep- not a particular party, and pays tionally well, and the play itself in four acts is well writtehn with hand information's to what the struction of a High School build-, 24th instant. The Entertain- association is trying to do on behalf of distaSled veterans. It is realized that the sooner dis- plenty. of humor. The West Van­ couver Schools., Band under -Arth ur- Wt- Delaniont-played - a- number of excellent, selections i f som eone a n s w e rs a t t h a t te le - P i? nhoTiP. n i m a t t e r w h n <t i» S tfM V e te ra n s u n ite u n d e r one the sooner will they be during the evening, which were muchenjoy'ed. Reeve^Leyland at the conclusion of the play made a complimentary speech, and after introducing Miss Beryl ' Gray to the audience-present^ -- her-on--behalf of --the--LO:D.-E7 with a basket of flowers and a gift. Each member of the cast. phone, no matter who,it.is. Day, evening and night rates will apply on station-rto-station -calls,-while-the Pates for-person- to-person calls will be the same at all hours. ing was hot that at all but? a grant for a building foî School purposes. Also Victoria has , , , , placed no time limit on this sd- body the . sooner will they be journ by the waters of Babylon, able to bring their problems be- Finally, . I am informed that fore the proper authorities. A ny there is no general demand, ex- cept among the students In Westinformation required", Tby" pros­ pective members dnay lie had by ment Committee reported that they expected to put on a whist drive and dance at the end of the month. They are also making an educational drive, having\, speakers at the dffl'erent church­ es explaining the views and ob- jects^-ofrthe~associatiom~A"fihar' phoning the secretary, Donald C. C. F. NEWS "etary, J i r . M c T a v f s h - o r Ed. Black, chairman of Membership Committee,, phone West 235R. was presented with a gift by Burnaby, stepped into the breach him from the Chapter, while and gave a well thought out ad­ it is to be regretted that R. B. to ation also extends a hearty in- fumijiis^ng-agernenirto speak o n - v i » d n t o W w H dW m T ym - Tuesday last dole to condi- pathy with their problems and tions m his district. E .Bum s of welfare; and who would like to Vancouver, for the High School students to be housed in. the High 'School: . It is needless to detail reasons why students who have shown rally will be held in the Holly- burn Theatre. IV ,L Please watch for notices of dates. . i 1 - a t ! ' > "J if 10'I capacity for receiving higher in- struction-shou]d-be-pIac€d--in-a: suitable environment. DOLLAR LUMBER & ------------ f u e l g o m pan y - om th Bubbles'J^nard, Brenda Wick- dress on "A System of Planned ing, Bet^Grey and Joyce Bur- Social Economy," which was well J 1 « _ . - • 1 ' m i . T T T t • i j -r-vbridge also received bouquets. J. U. Holt was the capable stage manager; J. E. Durbin being re­ sponsible for the attractive scen­ ery. received. The Whist Drive on Saturday, January 19th, will be the -first of a weekly series. , A joint meeting of the C.C.F. Club and S; P. of C. Branch will associate themselves with them as associate members. Comrade Carey representing Vancouver Disabled Veterans- spoke briefly on Disabled Veterans' Problems which was thoroughly appreciat­ ed. 'The association will meet at headquarters, Ambleside, on Tuesday, January 22nd, at 8 p.m. "COME TO ENGLAND" be held next Monday, at 8 p.m. executive meeting, at 7:30 p.m. in the Headquarters to discuss the? formation of the Federal Campaign Committee, the elec- apacity on Monday night to see tion. of a Headquarters Commit- LEGION NOTES.. the scenes of England presented by Douglas =FlintofF. These edu­ cational films- refreshed the memories of many spots dear to the hearts of people from the The net general meeting , of local branch will be held at 8 p.m., sharp in the Legion Mem- tee and the question of merging the two units. The speaker next Tuesday will be Ernest Jenkins drlkl Hall, Friday, January 18tH. of Vancouver. The subject has Important_business dealing with OM T\T ■-- -Kot been announced. At the the welfare of the ntembers will nnprnflo meeting of the local branch of be diseased,, and a large turn- cat hfn a n T S W&nesday evening, out of same is requested. the comrades paid a tribute to A.very enjoyable whist drive of memory of their late com- and ^ance was held^last Friday of bcotland sometime. m -Febru- rade, John Stark, and a motion " - ^ The object of this letter is to test the last point--whether the parents of both Junior and Seni­ or High School students desire the present arrangement to con­ tinue after September, 1935. If every parent will make his or her wishes known it may crystal- ize the opinions p i at least the newly elected Trustees. I have no doubt financial arguments against this measure of justice may be brought forward but let such be carefully scrutinized. ^ Yours faithfully, ENQUIRER The Dollar Lumber and Fuel Company of North Vancouver are advertising in this issue sawdust, slabs and edgings. For further particulars see adver-. tisement in this issue. •'"j-'V' .V FREE NIGHT MINING CLASSES ANTI-FREEZECOL Supersol Chemical Products draw the attention of West Van­ couver motorists to ' "Anti- Freezecol," m l^e by them in Vancouver and said to be the ary. - . said to ^ at the Legion Hall when twenty ̂ only auto anti-freeze with a l Of sympathy with his bereaved hands of progressive whist wete glycerine base. rphcc r-rvTTXTmnxr « a wife by a standing vote of those played. The winners were: ladies vvMN IRY RALE present-was passed.- iŵ a p nr * All runners taking part in the cross country race are asked to the 12:30 ferry from Ambleside dock next Saturdav. ^h^l9th iiistaht. --------- --̂ SUCCESSFUL DICKEN'S SKETCHES A "Sketches" 1st, Mrs. R. T. Morris; gentle­ men's 1st, R. T. Morris. The consolation prize going to Miss Groome and H. Senris. After freshments a very pleasant hour was^pent dancing._EIease-wateh, Ask your local garage for it or phone Trinity 5908. An ad­ vertisement relative to this pro­ duct appears in this issue. MISS MACKAY PASSES 'The West Vancouver. School Board have made arrangements to establish special free night classes in mining, in which con­ nection will be found below a let­ ter from Trustee Russell,, Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir,--May I call the at­ tention of your readers to the "ad" in- this issue re Night School Classes in Mining. It will ̂be necesspy for those wishing to join this class to let the Sec­ retary know .as soon as possible as the class can only be started if a suflficient number register. . Yours truly, , THOS. E. W; RUSSELL, Chairman of Management Com­ mittee, ^hool Board. if '*•k 'r v : '"i: ■: Vi ■:* . . I J k ; ̂j ¥ ■It JOHN STARK PASSES SUDDENLY by the Dlcken's this paper for ann^ncement of Book Club took place on Friday the Second series of whist drives last. The scenes from "Little which will start shortly. D om t," knd "Martin Chuzzle- , John Stark passed away su5- were interpreted by the fol- denly-last-Sundav'^veninfir-at-'hi ̂ - lowing: Mrs. Charles Burbridge, Ulyiie Avenue The Mra. W. R. Clark, Mrs. Hardy, deceasedTwKowai? nf - Mrs. Hamilton-Smith, Mrs. Wilt- HOR'flCULTURAL ASSN. Miss Marion McKay, a resi­ dent of Vancouver for twenty- five years, passed away at the,; home of 7 her brother,, John W. DEATH OF GniirBAtJNELL George Lewis Bagnell, late of B '^ s t i^ll^ancouvert - - rr ,A- . w . , 4. Sunday, in hig, 81st year. McKay, 2063 Marine Drive, last Deceased was born in St. John, Friday. The dece'ased was born N.B., and came to British Col- He leaves to The Horticultural Association .. ̂ . . „ .. . ---.w will commence their activities S, Pictou Co., N.S., umbra in A905. Q 4.1 T' ---- - vras a'-mative of , , , -*r i. - r» .jScotland, was well known her^ shire and Mrs. Yates ; Bernard I,* 1 . , ?wii nere, Po îriio p-onTiAfK for -the year at a nteeting to be held at the- Municipal- Hall on where he had resided for the Hayes, Frank Parkes, Keimeth Monday, January 21st, at 8 p.m. past sixteen years. He was very Hrice, W. G. Wiltshire; Joyce rm.. ii.ii......*-- interested in sport, and at the ®url>riclge, Joan Sparrow and his death was manager Hamilton Smith The following directors were elected at the. annual general meeting and are requested to at- of the W^st Vancouver United " A.song in character was rend- tend to elect officers for the com- • ootball team. He is survived -by his wife., Fuiiefal services ered by Mrs. Lupin, i t e Club was fortunate in yesterday at 3 p.m; having secured the services of JnS Williamr, Sirs. ShefiEield a She leaves to moTurn her loss, the above mentioned brother of. West Vancouver, and. a sister, Mrs. E. A.- Grant, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Blair, at 1527; Grordon Avenue, also her. brother, Donald McKay of Glengarry, N.S. _ The "funeral service was held at 2 p.m. from^the West Vancou- mourn his passing, 2 daughters, Mrs.. S. E . Tallman of (divide, Wash., Mrs. H. P. Allen of 1204 Keith Road, and two sons, Frank of St. John, N.B., and Charles of Concrete, Wash. Services were dield at 3 :30 p. m. today, at ? the parlors of Harron Bros. & iWilIiamson,"-North ""V ancou ver, Rev. -Hillis Wright officiating, ing year: Mrs. H. B. 'Garlarid, Mrs. P. Mastering, Mrs. H. P. AlIen,^Mrs. Wm. Dickinson, Mrs. „ , - _______ as pianist, and of H. J. Curtis, Mrs. A. Ei Wheel- Horth Vancou- ,Mrs.' F. F. ^Lovegrove, whose wright, Mrs. A. ipg, and ih t e r m S t ^ l^ S B ^ n ' I t e ^ D ^ d Al^^kind?y^^ frthur, R. P. Blower, D. Me- K M ly and Rey._ HiIlis Mary Bagnell, who predeceased apilano View Cemetery, , ~ behihd the scenes. ." Tavish. ver United Church, to the family and interrherit was miade in Cap- pldt at Mountain View Cemetery. ' ilano View Cemetery.. With him Mrs: Colin MacLean sang "Lead__are buried the ashes of his wife ,: Wright officiated at the* church; him. im . < in?!" ■ ■ ■