■I?' .■'Ir'!'. i X V . fi-: ;'K ■ -SiT.f'K'i L 4 -m h f tH B i w r VAN m m Phone We«t 469 m m p M m % M .. Doctor: **Now, t>efore I ex- jimj I ask what you Harry 0*L,: "Thank you. doc tor. A amall whiKkcy and soda wiU do for me/' GOOD THINGS I I ■ \ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ T Jf ■■■ ' §. M\ Prices Good Friday and Saturday, Jan , I l th dt 12th thwarted. "But h< wrinjr my nec Doctor: "Your rnaater is de cidedly better, Thompson, but very irritable. He mustn't be IU»d 4k WhJU* (iKEEN CUT BEANS T«ttd«r and HtrinalasM.... 2 tiiw 19c Itfd A Whit* TOMATOES, No. 2 tin H4*leclHl Hand Backed..... .2 tJna 17c Ficnta OKABEFIMJIT JUICE le «*. On ........................... lOc Itcd 4k WhUc iOILEI' TfBSUB 2 larK«» rollw .... ................... 10c Bed, & White BA STB Y KLOUB-- Si'i Ih, Hack. . H r; 7 Ib. sack 25c CBACKEO WHEAT..... H lb. aack 18c WHEATLirrs ,, , ::3 lb. aack 18c Bcaal HHAKEB KACT. 2 lb carton 10c BEADY CUT MACABONl, Bulk ................................. 2 Iba. 16c BH 4k White CATSUB. 12 in, IwC 15c B«I 4k White COCOA, •/, lb. tin He A hot, nouriNhinif drink for lunch. HBI.IT BEAH ............... 2 Iba. lie BEABI. IIABUEY .............2 lb». He Meats Phone West 370 But he expressed a desire to «̂ ell. :pr< :k. sir." ah--humor him." JEFFER IES' Government Inspected Only ■ h a m s '"-':- ■ • LAMB" 'C s^-M ia t r ' -l O m ;' y v e a : COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATE^EN 1 Store at HoUyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 IlA(*ON„_Dlainond "A" 20»/i ib. .................................. 18c BC B/ EB--Colden Meadow, 3 Iba. 72c I.ECH OB LAMB .............. . lb. 25c HMOULDKBH OB LAMB (Wlioif) ................................ lb. 16c BttAKTINO CHICKEN. Ih ......... 26c BOILINt; BOWL..................... lb. 20c BINNAN HADDIE, Ib.................. 15c KII'BEBH .....................2 liia. for-25c HUlHKKr t)B IIEEB, per Ib......... 8c BOUK HAUHAOK, per Ib.............. IHc BEEl' HA USAGE, per Ib. 12c 4*1 Golfer in the Uough *Mun>hy got rich (juick, didn't he?" "He got rich .so <iuick that he can't swing a golf club without spitting on his hands." Bed A White ai'ACIIK'ITI, 2 tins 19c DBiED tiltEEN BEA.S,..... 2 lbs. 9c ja b b ic e ..............3 Ihs. 10c He (as they drove along a lonely road) ; ,"You look lovlier to me every minute. Do you know what that's a sign of?" She: "Sure. You're about to run out of gas." an d a l l BU ILDING M ATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER XUMBER CÔ LTD. ------ FOR REAL SATISFACTION ------ Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive MKRGANSEU SWOOI»S HATCHEHY FRY SCURRY THE CORPORATION O F THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Natural Wariness of Race Un- diminished in Baby Salmon by Incubator Birth and Nursery Life Spending their early days in a man-made "nursery" evidently grown a bit older ami had reach- stijiet lold them mergansers W(!i*e no friends of their family and duty darted to cover and didn't come out until danger was w<*ll pasl. Their cousins born on natuj'al spawning grounds in open strearrm couhln't have been wiser. Later on, when the fry had PUBLIC NOTICE CLASSIFIED ADS Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp ,̂ oration of the District of West Vancouver, B. C„ that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY, [ The rat© for Classified Advertisements Is 2 cents per wwd, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all classi fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West Van News get Imniediate results. HANDY Ann SHOITB, 2111 Marine Notions, School Supplies, Station ery, Toys. Hardware, Chinaware, etc, ________ . ■ LOST--Gold rimmed glasses in black case; on bus or 29th and Marine. Phone West 696R1. ' docHii't rob fmh of thoir instinc- od llngorling size, some king- , tivp wariness and, cause them to fishers and diprxjrs came 'flying 21st day of January, 1935, iw. v.i.wiw 4,. ------ at 12 o'clock noon, the little salmon showed that be- fw theiiUrpOse of electing per- ing raised and cared.' for a t a flsh culture plant hadn't dulled Councillors and electing their natural sense. Off they two persons to represent them iitify uuvii mjkucai liiul wiieii went to safety out of sight and Tts School Trustees and one per- hatchory reared flsh are liberal- th<?y didn't i)ut in an appearance represent them as a Corn ed they are preyed unon much again foi* meals for some little iiii«aioner of P4»Iico more heavily than their natural- time. ly propagated fellovys but some -- ------------- - incidents at a rearing*pond at Too often they get married A(;COMMODATION for two paying pruc*.st8 in private home near ferry. Phone West 293L. LOST -- Gobbler Turkey from 978 Mathers, Tuesday. Reward. Phone West 440R2. be ready prey to natural enemies when the time conries that they have been set free in streairp or lake. Sometimes the contrary view has been expressed and it has been argued that when IIEADQUAHTEUS for All I'opular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also FishinK' Gadgits for local wat-., Ambleside Tea Rooms. l o st ^ White Gold Wrist Watch; New Year's Eve. Phone West 290R ers. WANTED -- Delivery boy; know district, ride bicycle. Box 24, West Van News. must- Apply LLOYDS WOOL & KNITTING SHOP 2446 Marine. Instruction Free. mn- nowaday.s for better or worse- Domin on Department of P isheiv bm „ot for good. -! ies at Kennedy Lake, B.C., indi- . cateH that, this is not the cade at all. Baby sockeye .salmon in FOUR ROOM UNFURNISHED GOT- . . - - ta^e--Plumbing. Splendid view; m issioner of Police. $6.50 month. 2024 Nelson Avenue"'-'- ̂ The Mode of Nomination of->«̂ °̂*^M)honc High. 2267Y. 'V? WANTED -- One furnished and one m e Candidatos shall be nom- unfurnished 4-room cottage near DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS --Boys pants a specialty. Phone . Mrs. Robbins, West 619R. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2444 Marine --Hardware, toys, notions, dishes, stationery, etCi Wishing all a pros perous'New Year. ̂ vv i./ K/v. xav/«AA-- uiiiui.Xiioiiuu 'i-i uulu K;uuirâ c JiAcax inated in writing; the Wldting ferry.; Phone West 340 or West 148 shall be subscribed by two elect- r ors of th e Mnnieirmlitv rxvn ^-"J* ARCHERT.IMITED -- Is your -------home-insured ?-If-not,-w hynot-see "NOTICEc»»» the pond knew natural enemie.s ' To Friends arid Client.s: Ui'Jlv i t ' "f "Hticipating a more active market for Real Estate and Htiivo(\^\h!n^ 7w Vhn doming spring and in order had position to nrnnrh-of iwmi-i i w triiiet_a!^L_£lemand,--wemre_revis-- hatchery , Z t «™%Tl"by"'tho hatchery stall, didn't hriiiK them ';we would, therefore, respect- poser and secohder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Of- . fleer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be in the form num bered 3 in^the Schedule of the. ."Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence us for your requirements.. Agents for RELIABLE COMPANIES. In quiries invited. FOR RENT TO RlSLIABLE TENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally locat ed; sawdust burner, good garden. -- Rent $26.-Apply-Box 49,-West-Van- News. LLOYD'S WOOL and KNITTING SHOP, 2446 Marine. Free instruc tions. MARCEL SHOP .--- New Thermique steam permanent; no danger. Mar cel, 50c; Reset, 35e; Finger'Wave, 50c. Above Royal Bank. Phoife West 304. . GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next __sho6_xepairs.__2463_Marine :Drive.. _ and occupation or description of each person^iiroposed, ih such ma.nner as sufficiently to identi>- RADIO REPAIRS -- Prompt, effici ent service. Tubes testedr^AIl^wofk' out frcHu hiding .so long-as the fully j-equest all those who K manner as sufficiently to identic 97V S proiDerty li.sted with us to get event ̂ fAbout 275,000 baby salmon, in touch with our office at an a J o lb<Jirig necessary, THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires ' discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect. guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R born in'the hatchery troughs or early date and confirm the list- lisn incubators, were in lliu-pond ing or suggest any change. By when suddeidy a mergans<'r, a .so doing you will mate sure of- Iish eating duck, swooped down having your "PROPERTY FOR out of the sky. .'riie fish weiv SALE" on :our new list, i might be ■ We would .also be pleased to iff receive now listings of West " jito they would know very little, Vancouver Property and will out almost as sudtlenly as the use. our best endeavours to mJm I ^̂ eeure puixihasers if your prices mon disappeared. Indeed, they m*e reasonable. Wishing all our such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 26th DAY„ OF. JANUARY, 1935. between the hours of 8 o'cldek a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. of said day at the Ambleside Hall,' Cor ner of Idth Street and" Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B. C., of which, every person is hereby required'to take notice and gov- eni himself accordingly. PRINTING -- For aU kinds of printing phone West Van News, \J[est 363. FURNISHED-AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine. Phone West 55. vaniHliod so coinpl(;tol.v- Ihiil Ihe friends and clients A Happy and f I',""' "jy h.a"<l a t tke **"*-" atall ijcgait to woiuior Prosperous New Yeai- Municipal-Hall, District of West 11 by aiiv fihanct ̂ -----Vancouver this 10th C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER WEST VANCOUVER MACHI NE BHOP -- Repairs Spray' Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine, E :^ert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio Service (J. L. Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat erial and ^^workmanship at Fox's, 14th at Ferry. if by any chance some leak had developed in the pond and the baby aockeycy had found a way of escape. The merganser i.s an alert, wary bird and it was tvvo days iKffofe ended the career of the Kennedy Lake in truder, and during that time pnictically all of the frv stavwi put of sight. After that-thov began to reapper but it was "a week beforo they liad all come put of hiding. They- had been born in a hatchery and renrtxrin an enclosed ' hatchery pond, niu-vscd along by man, but in- GEO. HAY, ,1405 Mairine Drive, . West Vancouver Phone West 21 -- : ROvmAnv-IOSeymour-1260. -^idv; T -- ....... day ofJanuai'y, 19.35. \V. HERRIN, n , Reluming Officer.HolL^burn, B.C.,' January T 0th, 1935. "Daddy," said the little girl, "teacher told us today that the olive branch is the emblemi of peace. What is the emblem of war?" • . " * "Orange, blossom," grunted her parent. WEEKLY SPECIALS Jnn. 11th to 17th 39c ■15c 19c 16 OS. Puro Ru.ssinn Mincrnl 50c Vnekts Vapo Itub 100 A. IL S, ^ C. . 16 o*. Purctvst. Cod Liver Oil o a $1.00 Hot Water Bottle , ' (guaranUxNl) ... . . , gs><, * lb. Shpiie's English ToiTw -tOc Stork Nuramg Botlle.s, 3 for 25c Brinting DeveloiJinV REDLL DRUG STORE McNcil'a at 1402 Marine Drive West $28 . Free Delivery Wi> nre agents for the tine 'p ^ u c ts of BOOTS -- Cash Chemist, England. , , GORDON ROBSON Barrister r-- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- ■ Office No. 1447; Marine Drive Phone West 403. TO to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501; 510 Hastings St. W. ■■̂ Phonfr, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. One B rand - One Q uality! Therein lies the secret of Copikm o s suprem e-quality and eveM ucreosing popularity. A with every m odem equipm ent backed b y gen- it a lw ays p ays Form'No'. 13. (Section 39.) LAND ACT Nbtice of T h len tio n ^ Apply^o Purchase Land. Capllenjo Browing Co. Limited Vancouvort B. C. In the Municipality of West Vancou ver', Land Recording District of New Westminster, and situate near Fish erman's Gove, West Vancouver, B.A"Take notice that Harry Kolthamnier of-West Vancouver* -B.-C.r-occupation_ Store-keeper and Public Caterer, ih- tends to apply for permission to purchase the ' following described Ckvonimoal Uguot Slom f BEER 5̂ ■ ^ "■ ■ - 4 . ■ » . . . c J lands,: Commencing at a post planted at the intersection of Marine Drive and the Southerly boundary of Block one U ) o f, Dt, Lot 772,' thence South 67 ' 0 Ea?t for a distance of 35.27', thence, on a bearina^ North 29" East 258.3';-thence North 54" 0' East 234.o , thence South 66" 23'" East a distance of -240.6'.-thence North-27; 33^ East 9.8, thence, following 'high water mark to point of 'commencement the whole containing nine^tenfhs (.9) of an acre more or less. HARRY-KOLTHAM M EIL t Applicanu Uatod, December 21st, 1934. MW