31%:: mi i i i w i i iiisiSS TRS VAN NSW8 YC31i/F ? " J - i JLOcal and P ersonal WINDOWS docks SHINGLES LATH VENEERS îROOnNG building paper 'i "A - '^ C o a ip lie te ' Builders Service BRICK, CEMENT m e UME SAND -..... J!."'";,,;*"T"" .:a:?y':»"t',ii»»i!'»wwfw»iwp^ Jfr. and Mrs. George, 23rd and Jack Healey of CJlaybum, B.C., K i^a Avenue, moved yesterday was a guest over the holidays, to Vancouver. nf Mr «nri Mr« F. n. Paim and■ ,, ,U t|i PUNS AND SPEanCATlONS Dr«^ tip and e$tl* malts piven Frea. Astbury's Builders' Supplies ] 6th and M arine Drive P h on e W est 199 of Mr. imd Mrs. JP, C>» l^ge unci ■dauthtoiv '̂':2469' '̂Bell«i^*;^ve*" Twenty-two new books by the following authors hiivie i^en tly been placed cm t^ii ihelv^^^ the Hollyburn Public Library: ' , Talbot Mundy, Lida Larrimore, - comes Ellery Queen, , Pulton Owaler, fronr^the Gulf Islands, has Ishobel Ross, Sax Rohmer, Floyd the Crump house at Dell, Ann Austin, John Dickson Mrs. Frank Vyvyan has re turned to hbr home at 1747 Pul ton Avenue from North Vancou ver General Hospital, bringinsr with her her new baby daughter. 2670 Bellevue Avenue FOR DFFENDABLB L au n d ry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1310 Mr. and Mrs. Pnmk Rivers and family,'2820 Marino Drive, have moved into , a house at 14th and Marine Drive. Carr, Stanley Gardner, Pamela Wynne and others. Miss Mary Yates was in'vited to join the Camarado Club a t its recent bridge social held Mon- „ , day evening at the home of Miss ̂ George Thie, wlio was severely Mildred Lettnor. Tho&e present injured a few weeks ago when were the Misses Margaret Sen- the^car he was driving was in bloom, Muriel Dawson, Kay collision, with a street car, has Sharpe, Jessie Garthome, Drusii- made good progress towards re- la Dawson, Mary Yates, Mildred Sponsored by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E. " Our College Star*' By the DuhdaraVe Junior Dramatic Society at'HOLLYBURN THEATRE MONDAY and TUESDAY, JANUARY 14th and 15th, 1935 Monday, 7:30 (Students)--10 cents Tuesday, 8̂ :15, Adults--25 cents; Reserved 35c; Children 15c. Lettner and Lulu Ray. The prizes were won by Muriel Daw son, highest score, and Mary Yates, lowest score. Miss Hattie Young and Miss Ethel Roberts oovery and expects to leave the North Vancouver General Hos pital shortly. « ♦ ■ Ik N. V. Cole has moved from __ ______ _________ 3565 22nd Street into a house are also Club members, at 2911 Mty îne Drive. * ♦ * xr , , rr ! . \ rGcCnt meeting of the NordaJ Kaldahl piled̂ up 145.8 West Vancouver Ratepayers' As- points to win the' jumping in the sociation a resolution was passed first inter-club competition of. to be forwarded to the council the season between Hollyburn asking that body to make the Pacific Ski Club and Vancouver same bus fai'e apply all the way Ski Club at Hollyburn Ridge to West Bay. A. R. Peacock, 1483 Duchess Avenue, is leaving this' month for the Old Country. - - CORRESPONDENCE / . ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL . ' , REPAIRS' - .̂Efficient ( SERVICE Courteousi Prompt. . _ DAY or NIGHT . BERT KERLBY 2836 Marine West 53R2 To the Citizens of West Vancouver: On behalf of the Welfare As sociation I take this opportunity over the week-end. Henry Sotvedt of Vancouver Club, was second with * 142.2 points and was credited with the longest jump of the day. He cleared 100 f^et. Vancouver Ski Club race. won the downhill relay 2 p.m. A meeting of the League of Nations Study Group will b<i held at the hom|e of Mrs. W. Gourlay, .2322 Bellevue Avenue, on Wednesday, 16th instant, at ♦ , ♦ t r e "~ "out S « ® 'wHh*ho"- S e rX o n se riven t e S f ckrist Vancouver, have token the ors- the High Local Exama in mas D ^ i S r i v Brewster house at West Bay and elocution of Trinity College, Lori- __have-mioved~in. - ̂ ---- ---------------*.to the convenersT^Mrs; WFGie®,.., Fund Raising Committee^ Mrs. P. C. Chapman for the; Toys; and CONCRETE JOBS You can't go wrong if TEAROEA SON Mys.cB.: Hayes, Distribution, and through these to all who helped to . make it the success that it vvas. „ A statement of amount ra is ^ will be made shortly. _ _ -Yours truly. i(c: , .A. ■ Mr. and) Mrs. Swanson of East Beach, have moved into the house they purchased at 20th and Argyle Avenue. -don~Englandr--SheTi^"PUpil"of Mrs. J. P. Fergusson, F.T.C.L. '« ' Ik . He Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, . DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete Large or Small. 1474 Marine Drive Phone West 84 F. A. RAMSEY, ,_XJhairman, West Vancouver^ Welfare Assn. C. C. F. NEWS :The Whist Drive held on Tues day last was so successful and the capacity of the Headquarters R. P. Blower, 1788 Fulton Avenue; had the misfortune to have most of his birds in his * * * aviary, which it has taken him French aircraft from the years to collect from all over the ̂French training cruiser in Van- world; destroyed by rats qyer_the_ ■"couver^harbor were flying over weekend, 3 West Vancouver last Tuesday. .* * *_ First Birthday Norman McLeod has arrived In honor of the first birthday fram Fraser Dale ^nd is with his of her .son, Benny, Mrs. F. W. wifp and fahuilv a t his hnmft: WavrmfrfATi of o /lo J L W . S a v m 1443 M^ine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance yife and family a t his home, Harrington entertained at a de- 2295 Mathers/Avenue. lightful party on Tuesday, Jan u- , * * * ary 8th. The invited guests so tflvpd that ronmipnpina ^nt increase com- were:.Mrs. T. Dobson and Muri- urdav Februaiw 1 9 ^ S iere^H figures, for 1933 el, Mrs. K. Robinson and Alan, be a W hfstT i^e each^^^^^^ ̂ the nurnber,of pas- Mrs. Martin (Vancouver), Mrs! riftrhf sengers using the fem es last C. Jones and Carole Mrs-. H. -year, the grand total-' being Carter (North Vancouver), Mrs. 872,419. As a matter of fact ex- A. Blanchard and Jean, Mrs. W. cept in the case of February and T. Davies arid KatW Mrs. E. ^October, every month showed an Fulcher and Billy and Aiidry, increase. Last December the Mrs. A. Gill and Sheila, Mrs. W; total 'Stood at -67,494 as ̂ com- Latimer and John; Miss E.r Col- pared with^64,579 for the cor- rpitts, Mrs; J. Sinclair and David, responding month, in 1933. Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs; B; TrafFord * * * and Jacqueline Mrs. A. Thomp-< Mrs. Millard and daughter' son and Betsy Anne, Mrs. Gi Ethel, 2433 Mathers Avenue, Wintle and Tommy, Mrs. J. have returiwd'hcme'after spend- Wen^yss, Mrs. R. Woodcock and ing the Ghristmias holidays with Delores (West Vancouver)^ Rev. and Mrs. Harding Priest a t "' ' ' " Calgary. WEST VANCOUVER L. O. L. No. 2990 night at_8:15 o'clock. The prize winners were Mrs. R. W. Davies, Mrs. H." W. Jones, Mrs. J, Mor ris and W. Wallace. The meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in? the Head quarters, at which R. B. Swailes, M.L.A., is the speaker, bids fair to crowd the building. Though he has only spoken once in West Vancouver dOe to his keen and caustic wit, he was voted one of the best speakers in the election campaign. ., - RADIO $ALES AND SERVICE FORST'SI 1586 Marine West 37 North 525 girLs' junior choir - A '- L a i ^ e .... -- Investment in Creams, Powders, etc., Is not necessary. We have numerous Creams, Powders Rougt's, etc., at 15c. Each Gemmiirs Drug Store Th« S(or« of Soirvk*. 1586 Marino Drlvo West 37 or Weat 607 Emergency Phone West 821 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cukes Meat I'ics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cnke'R, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning. Note Addixjss: 1468 Murine Drive Phono West 27 f f II 1 nnL RnoUyburii Iheatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Juimury lltlv and 12ih WALLACE BEERY JACKIE COOPER "TREASURE ISLAND** (By Robert Louis StovonaofO""* "THE LITTLE DUTCH MILL" (iColor C a rto o n ) 'THE NERVE OF SOME WOMEN" (Stunts porformed by daro- doviJ, women) - . "BUCKINGHAM PALACE" (10-minutes with the King) NEWS, Etc. Philip C. Chapman • General Insurance Agent -Fire, Automobile, Burglaryr Accident and ̂ Sickness, etc. 2657 King's Are. Phono W* 42Y8 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Ambleside Sheet Metal WorkaL. SPECK, Proprietor I A Joint Meeting of the WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BOARD ând MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Will be held a t the Inglewood Hig)i School Auditorium THURSDAY, JJANUARY 17th, 1935, at 8:00 P.M. The purpose of thê meeting is to present the Annual State- ments to the Ratepayers. The regular meeting of the above lodge will be held next Tuesday , in the Orange Hall a t 8 p.m. The newly elected officers will take over their official duti es and the standing committees for the year will .be appointed. A new member will be received _ori_jtransf^_ certificate from_Al- berta. " ....................... The Girls' Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Colin Mac- . Lean are a.sked to meet in' the United Church Hall promptly at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in order to get an early start on thiis sea>- : son's work. ' . - Flirtation, is paying attention without intention. ; Walking to reduce or are you reduced to walking? 'T hope you got my cheque?" "Yes. twice-^once from you and once from the bank." AUXILIARY PLANS VALENTINE DANCE The 'Auxiliary to thelBarbari- an Rugby team held a business meeting recently a t the home of Mrs. F, V. Johneox. Arrange ments were made for a Valen tine Dance on Febriiaiy 8th, in Hollyburn Pavilion, under the leonvenership of Mrs, E; Jjahe., The committ^ assisting, her will include Miss^Barfiara J^id, ikfiss^erar-JqhnccHE^rMrs^^ Canadian Legion, West Vancouver. PROGRESSIVE WHIST & DANCE in the Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. , TOMORROW FRIDAY, JAN. T 1th, ' Good-Prizes - ADMISSION 25c Refreshments ■ :■ . U ■ r ^ , 'fhJ\ . . . . V * » It > J S'-, S'S U.' /I-,' i II*",'v i'iJ l)i :S*SsAi,,l -hi iI IT ; f;' .1 i f w■US"'. 'V-i •h Ml t - l i l i 11^4 -H' ■? I, .T ' - ' K ( ".. H J -f - TA-' 'A. - " ; 'T 'v I It -, i Illustrated Lecture^ "COME TO ENGLAND" MR, DOUGLAS FLINTOFF, Member Brltlth Film Initltute In the Orange Hall, HoJlyburn . MONDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1935 4,00 and S.p.m. Leyland and Miss . Ola-McLean.