H' WIST w m im iT » a a m m - B m f . H m W t i ^ U l a l a t t r ■■ B m M f Sirffc«t ll;l& «.m.» 7j16 p,m. UimUkir B^hml jmd Bttd* Qmii. Stranfftri A Vitfton Wdk»Mik' B A m W t CfttJBCH riuUir: flev. H. P. JCe»idence: tUZ Haywood AVa. Pbon« Waat 2B21L Hunday iiorvkwa •-- 11 a»itt, JU)4 7:15 p.ia. Sunday School* 10:00 a.m. I f FouJh New Year'e Resolution RESOLVE To look my boat not only on (.'hriNtnma and New Vear*a £ĥ e but throughout' the year. , The moat economical wav to keep thia reaolution, la to mvo one of our *'Homnier'a Perman* enta.*' They leave yout holy Hoft ond irloaay and are m»y to aet youraclf. ¥ " Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1840 Marine. Drira For appointmenta PHONE WEST 117 HOLLYBDRN HALL Hth A Duchesa KltlDAV EVENING, Jan. at 7:30 11th. lllubtrated Ix'cture for Boya and Girla "Joacph the Dreamer** SUNDAV, January I3th* 10 a.m. Sunday School and Younif Mcn'a Bible Claaa SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 Addrcaa by MK. JOHN ANDERSON "Mileatonea by the Way" ruKSDAY EVENING at 8 p.m. I'rnyer and Bible Study. Everyone Welcome WEST VANCOUVER (Hnliinui Science CHUICB EDIFICE m k auA la^uimaJl, UoUybaro Thii Society in a Branch of The Mother Church The Pirat Church of Christ, Setentiat, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.ro. Sunday, Ja iiu a iy 13, 1935. Subject: "SACUAMENr* Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony MectinH: Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in> vited to attend dur services and meetings. §A UNITED CHURCH i ,1 i,*! G(K)I) VALUES A 10 oz, Bottle Li(|ujj[l Potro«- iatum (Heavy) for.......... 49c A 10 oz. Bottle Norwoirian Co<I Liver Oil for............... 50c A Reliable Hot Water Bottle . 85c to 82.00 ih(5 27e size Noxzcma Cream is Him on sale at.............. 16c ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone Wtst W FREE DELIVERY ServiciiH 11:15 a.m. & 7:15 p.m. Next Sabbath morning the minister will occupy the pulpit as tiHuai. 'rh(' evening service will be in thi! form of a Ilally of all Senior Young People's Societies of We.st Vancouver -- St. Stephen's Young People, Baptist Young People and the United Church. Ti)e .speaker for the occasion will be Halford Wilson, President ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, StoreNo>3li 1414 J^arlHe P ho iit W tst 3 1 3 Prices Effective FRIDAY A SATURDAY. January lUh A 12th. AYL3IER MARMALADE 32 ox. glaaa __ each 20e ORCHARD CITY l*EA.S. Sieve f i .............................. ......... 3 for 25c REDMAN gOCKEVE SALMON -- l /2 a ...................... .....2 for 25c LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF -- la .......... .....................for iSlc SINGAPORE PINI5APPLB -- lY ,a ........................ I -----2 for 15c KING BEACH STRAWBERRY JAM, pocUn...............4 lb. tin 39c MAX-LMUM TEA ...................................... ......................... llb . 39c SUGAR -- 10 Ih. cloth Hack .................................................each 55c ROBIN HOOD NON.PRElHIUiW OATS .............................pkg. | 5c ROGERS GOLDEN SYRUP -- 5c............................... .........;.cach 35c SWIIT'S LARD -- 18..... .......................................„,..;::.....2 for 25c HIGHWAY FLOUR -- 21 lb. sack .....................................lach^TSc FIX)OR WAX -- Shinola, Is...............................................each 15c CIIIPSO -- Lar«;e pk«:. ................................................. ;.....each 17c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .......................................... ......2 for 15c W« rttwvp tha rivht to limit quantiUoa. 8AFBWAY STtKRES UMIT^ DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R. of the Provincial Young People's " .Board. Driaays.; Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services Mass, daily •-- 8 a.m. Ill: Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove Violin and Piano inPupils' SuccesHOH AsBoclatcfd Board' of . - Royal - SchoalH"af *"AIuBlTr' West 2101. 'The service will bo conducted entirely by the young people and they will be assisted by the Young Ladies' Choir under the leadership of Miss Burbin. ' Sunday School will meet as usual at 10 a.m. Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions --7 :80. ! BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev."*!!. P., Humphreys Sunday, January 13th, Prayer meeting Wednesday 10:00 a.m.---^unday^ ̂ apd '.5-Si> I k P R . G. D . H , S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th,ond Marino Dr. Oflko Hours 9 to 6 p.m. EvaningH by appointment. , Phone West 72 night at 8 o'clock. 'Hie regular meeting of the Women's Missionary. Society will be held in the Church Hall on --I-Uestlayrr-afternoon-,--™ January- lT)th, at 2:15. The new presi dent, Mrs. Hillis Wright, in the chair. Installation of oificers for the new year will take place. After the usual devotional and Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m.---Morning Worship. Topic: ' "Our Sanctifica tion." ̂ ^ Anthem___L_____ p.m.---Evening Worship. DEATH OF MRS. W. GENTLEMAN, SEN'R Mrs. W. Gentleman, Senior, passed away on Tuesday, Janu ary 2nd, ,at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Philbrook, at Duncans, Vancouver Island, after a long illness. P"uneral services were held in that town, on the. 4th instant, Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry officiating, and inter ment was made in the Somenos Cemetery there. The deceased was aged OO, and leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one son, William, here, and her daughter, Mrs. Philbrook. Her son William rushed to Duncans on receiving word that^is mother was critic ally ill, but arrived a few hours too late. , . SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The B.„ C. Scottish Country .Dance Society, West Vancouver Branch, spent, a ..very. pleasant evening a t J. Nyland's home last Saturday evening. Next Satur- -day evening", 12th instant, at 81. o'clock will be, the opening meet ing of the 1935 season at the Legion Hall. RADIO REPAIRS A l l W o r k G u a ra n te e d !.., v;i'; ' E x p e rie n c e In s u re s Satisfaction' B R O W N & M U N T O N 1542 M a r in e W e s t 366 7:15 Topic; come. Song seiwice "Come and Wei-U at com mencement. biKsincss exercises, there will, be Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. a short sowing period for mis- Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. --- Child- sion supply work. Tea will be ren's Hfiur; Lantern served'Tand^every:' member Tsr----- --r-SIides; all children- wel- asked to come and help in this ' come, veiy worthy cause. 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Praise The Women's Association held meeting. 31 i: E . ( J A L L A N T CHIROPRACTOR 2444A M a rin a D riv e fiva n in g a b y o p p o in tm e n t. Phono S o y . 8790 "o'r ,S o y. 3800L C ity O m c o ; 712 -R o b .so n S t. its final meeting of the year in Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir pra the Church Hall last Tuesday, tice. the President, Mrs. g,'Donnell, Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. in the chair. Mrs. Howfeson sang Next Sunday evening the a solo. Interesting reports were Young People of West Vancou- read, showing much good woi*k ver Churches are uniting- and done during the year, results of are holding a Young People's WEST VANCOUVER DICKENS BOOK CLUB" "LITTLE DORRITT" and "MARTIN GHUZZLEWIT" TOMORROW (Friday) at 8 P.M., at ST. STEPHEN'S HALL A musical-program -will also be rendered "under the auspices,of the W. A. Silver Collection I = '; I'.' IS?' wm m 1} t iVpmtelt; Eatabliahvil on North Shorn 20 Yenra. (Lady AaKiatnnt) &HARRON BROS. WILLIAMSON IFuneral S irretara which* were beneficial to the Church and -community. After the business of the meeting, tea was served. The hostesses for the afternoon wei^ Mi*s, A. Gar- thorne," Mi*s. H. Garland and Miss FYame, Service .at the United Church at 7;15 p.m.-Members of the vari ous' groups" will- take personal part, in the service. ST. North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street- Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 M * m' I f THE V 4>- l V e j ? i _ V a n J V j e z « 5 - f 'S • - I ' f ̂ j ' i Publiahed .Every Thunday^ STEPHEN'S CHURCH. Rector Rev. P. A., Itomsey, L.S.T. January 13th,, 1935 -- ̂ 1st Sunday after Epiphany, 8:00 a,m,--Holy Communion. - 10'& 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-7-Matins apd Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Auxiliary School 11th and Inglewood 10:00 a.m, -- Sunday School. • St. Froncis-in-the-W'ood, Caulfeild____ _____ ■Matins and Sermon. * ' r Pubiiaher F. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 BuaineM and Edit4M'ial Office: 17ih and Atarine Drive (Next to HoUyburn P. O.) -Phone West 363 Mail Addresa: P. O. Box $1, HoUybnm, ECX 9 :46 a.m. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. -- Ingle wood W.A. in Schoolroom. WELFARE DRIVE FUND During the month of January acknowledgment will be for warded to all who contributed by cash or pledge to the recent Wel fare Drive Fund. It is especially urged that all payments on pledges be made ̂ to the Royal Bank in West Vancouver as promptly as possible. The Web fare Association is relying on a mjodest monthly budget to can-y on, and prompt payment of pledges w'ill very materially as sist in financing their work. Mr. 'P . C. Chapman is keeping the r^ords of the Drive Fund, and will always be glad to furnish -Contributors with any informa tion they may desire as to their own accounts. ANEWB.C. FREE p u r home lighting decked with new ^Sight-Meter^' . Mi.,G.M.F«nwickh^™ oved V v f t c T e e f fa HOLLYBURN GIfT SHOP B.G. North Vancouver 123 XiOnsdale Ave. DON'T lUlSS THESE SALE ENDS SATURDAY NEXT Ladyship " and " M onarch" Wools Jo in ou r Library . 35c a m onth 1678 Marine Drive Cuext t^CraiSiHira'Dilicatessen) "Buy a t home and eliminate poverlj*** We9t 601 IET one of-Qur trained experts survey the lighting in your home, using the newest of scientific instruments, a "Sight-Meter". This sensitive instru ment measures light as simply and ac^rately as a thermometer registers heat. You pay out good money for ligh t. , . why not make sure you are getting the utmost in value? The service is absolutely r̂ee withjDO obligation whatsoever. Phone Seymour 5 or fill in the coupon below for a fitee survey. -f C O U P O N CHp and Mail Today ^'̂ hting Deparanent Room 323, B. C. Electric BuUding Please phone me at________ i_______ \ i I would tp-.make an appointment to haveW y 1 home lighting surveyed. ■* | V . ____________ : - - J - Name- Address b e t ^ r l ig h t o b e t t e r s i g h y Lapa-3B B R 1 X I S H X' IIIAADIA Pjprf-- -T-r%rŷ r^All \ \ / /A\/ ^ ^ ̂ v̂ L̂ ir-k cLtv^ I KiU KAI LwAM