,-̂ Jp «■ '•'̂ (5" Vt*# ' 1 j p i n̂>imû^̂ 1 /.i > V-fwj.-i/ m; "WP \l -̂ .v. !,<' A ^ e e k ly Newspaper»j*f«̂t«SW<w»««t̂ ̂ >tr>j-. Circulating in the District of West Vancoaver-Ambleside, Holly burn ̂ Wesm, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy a t newsstands. Vol. IX _________ H O L L Y B U R N P .O ., W EST V AN C O U VER . B.C., T H U R S D A Y , JA N U A R Y 10th, 1935 N o. 37 WEST VAN. UWTBD F. C. . "OUB COLLEGE! STAR" LEGION NOTES >•■ MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1 O I) P" SPP'PTliMrNext Saturday, January 12th, MONDAY AND TUESDAY ---------- MUNiuil A J ^ e - u i iu n iB I. 0 . 1). b. ME.MING !l.^n S n ra "juSiore at Mahon li ■ f c r ^ . The first jrencral meeting of Notice is. given in this issue The January, imwtiiig of the off i f 2" ^ It IS not often that a cpmmun- the local branch this year was that nominations wiii be received Duman iaiwaon Chanter lO D l.juk. Kick-off a t 2 . ^ p.m ity has the opportunity which heid Friday iast in the Legion by the returning officer a t the " ' 7 "" Players f .4^ is being offered to West Van- Mpmonnl HrII wiHi ihn council chamber from candidates . ' 14tii and Marine . p. • jj^xt Monday and Tues- it WRlkpr in fVin pHdiV hetween this date of the notice at the borne oi Mrs. Britton, ■______ ' day evenings, in the Hollyburn . There tl̂ aq a irofKl tnrnn it nf ̂ P**̂ * nomination day, •11>{>1> Marino Drive, when the nir vnM<4 ROOK CLUB Theatre that of a play written members and a busv ami inter for Monday, cliaptor had the plea.sure of re- given b.vreaucst, of efst cS ^osed S i l ? of w l s t c f r f h d r T " .V t e " T h k h ' £ Pf .■Martin Chuzzlew^" u n to T West VancoSver K e tm i , g mon"tl.T""" c o S i s s io n c r ' " . «»<' Mr.n. D. M, Hardy. f j ; ?im Low'^n St » organisation and the proceeds *"C e " E C l ' Branch Ex- In the evenfof an eiection he- The convener of the Hospitul* ra'? f f i s h ° H ^ by the faickln^ ecutives wiii meet Monday, JanI coming necessary, a poii wiil be Cominilteo, Mrs. Mgg'aviah, rc- Rmif rinb Proceeds for church And judging by the advance saie .uary 14th, a t Branch 19, Sey- opened on .Saturday, January ported on a concert given the exncns" SilveTĉ ^̂ ^̂ of tic^ete th® eitizen^ ̂ ' 26th, betwwn 8 a.m. a«d 8 p.m. patienl.s ofShaugh«essyHoapit- followink are taking part: Mr. Vancouver are going to turn out Next general meeting of the at Ambleaide Hall. • . al. by fneiit. Coriilloid'a band and Mis' W. G. Wiltshire,-Mr,s.' ®n masse to this absolutely 1 ^ 1 - ]„cai branch Friday, January „ W- Horrm is returning ot- winch was greatly appreciated Zmilton-Sniith, Bernard W s ^ Production. And to complete igth. licer. , by the patients. Tlii.s is the an- Mrs J D Hardy Mrs. W. R. e n s e m b l e -------------------- -------------------------------------------- ; nual Xn^as treat which the n S / p t e e S . Price, Mrs. the West Vancouver Boys'Band ELECTION RUMORS ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP Chapter gives to the Shaugh- C^;4idgeM i^^^^ . . . . -------- MEETING nes.sy Hospital each year. Miss Eve Hamilton-Smith, Mrs. ̂ ■" Itjis almiost too early to fore- ' '-- Mr.s. Chapman reported on the Yates and Miss Joyce Burbridge. ̂ cast accurately just who will be The annual Stewardship Meet- Toy Shop, under the manugo- -- -------------- - - p n ^M r? 1 unning in ■ the municipal elec- ing of the council and school nieni of the Gid Guide Commit- THE BURNING BUSH u ̂ - tioris. There are rumors of new board will take place on Thurs- tee, which was as great, if not By Subadar ' . u candidates but reference to the day, January 17th, at 8 p.m. in greater succes.s this year than --------- written lor years p r trie best persons themselves usually re- the Inglewood School Auditor!- before, 195 . children being re- The Portland police recently ®" t̂s in their being found to um, whfen both bodies will pre- .mombered with beautiful gifts took in . charge a very wild have no foundation in fact. Reeve sent their annual statements to suitable to the various ages. The gentleman consequent upon the discriminating Leyland will definitely stand for the ratepayers in detail. i oy Shop Rafl'le also .sponsored latter's careering through the re-election, as will Councillors , -------------------- , hy this comrhittOe, netted suf- ' street-s of that city at 40 miles The stage managemient is in Dickinson and Fiddes, and K. A. LEGION WHIST & DANCE to meet all expenses in per hour in a car, which had the i'ue capable hands of Jim Holt, Ray informed us he might run, _____ thi« branch of the Xmas Cheer. following things wrong with it: while the lighting e fl^ ts are . if he felt he could spare the The Entertainment Committee Th«̂ ijjt oTpnze winnô ^̂ ^ one headlight, no tail light, no an*anged by Mr. Durbin.^ time. For, the school board, of the Canadian Legion wish to ' <̂ '̂fwii!]r will be lound. in another hnm, no muffler, no brakes, no ̂ 2 take place in Trustees Jayson and R̂^̂ ̂ take, this . opportunity of ex- column. . . --steeFing--w-heely-ahd--last--yeaFs--45™-tetngro{^__OT j;he.„hom_e_M_J_both offering-themselves again,--pressing-their- thanks -to-their "^-3'h(^^EducalionaL- convener,-- license. Nor was i t JNew_jfear's - _ w h i l ^ and S. J. Nasmdth announced, his_^p for their able support _Mr-s. _ Fidde.s, ̂reported having ' ^̂ Day. Two broken spokes were all scenes, d and 4 are in the Tennis candidature some weeks ago. during the past year and would collected and ; dispatched 100 that were left of the..steering, ' , . , Commissioner Jjoy ̂ is again like to draw .their attentio ^̂ .t̂ ^̂ disti'icts in - wheel, but^they sufficed. Following is the cast'in-order standihg^for the"̂ poIiCe, comims- the Progressive Whist Drive and northern B. q., where reading;. car was placed in storage, and ot appearan^. T i n sion. Dance being held at 8 p.m, to- niatter is at a premium; 1011.O. we trust its driver reached very Connie Kitcme, jr.....jacK Dor- -------------------- , morrow (Friday) at the Legion D. E, calendars had been pur- cold storage. He needed it. ^ / ' ■■ - "COME TO ENGLAND" Hall. , v ^ ^* ^* * ' Connie, Evelyn and Pansy, (sis- " - _____ _____________ ,, had been presented ^ to the . Mr. Bennett'seems to have sort ters) ....Betty G ra^ illustrated Lecture inc'the Orange - HOIXYBURN HALL ^ oo J:s7"pu bl ic" ofl'ices ah d~the of gummed up the political situ. . Wicking, Joyce Burbridge. Hall, Next Monday T ■ Ski Camp, ation properly by his recent an- Mrs. Ritchie.....^....S h irl^ Ware -------- There" will be an illustrated The Young People's Dance nouncements. For a dyed-in-the- Laura...............Bonmbel Barbour These Educational films have lecture for boys and-girls'on Friday, was such a wool Tory of lifelong standing Su|^...™-.............Bugles Bernard ̂ shown in Victoria and "Joseph Dreamer" at 7:30 success that the committee with to advocate the doctrines he" ha;B . . . .r r^ k Smith Vancouver and have beeii highly p.m., tom^orrow (Friday) in Mrs. r orster and Mrs. McIntyre, been recently preaching is as re- Tennis Players .John ihom p^n commented upon,. They include Hollyburn Hall. At 10 a.m. next conveners, are planning another markable as the^ head of the ;■ Philhp Biglow, Kê ̂ ^ Thames, scenes Sunday the usual Sunday School cue around St. Valentine. Moslem faith suddenly preach- - .^®uald Mackenzie. , around London Town, up the and Young Men's Bible Class. - Plans are beingj perfected for ing the tenets^of Buddha. Opin- , This is uo ordmary. ^mateur ipĵ g,ĵ gg y^lj^y^ A.t the 7:30 p.m. service next Bridge Luncheon, to be held mne n t*rx 4.U - TVlQ'ir hlTT 1« 51 Tlri 1Q HPfl TVV/Vl 11 P.t. 1 OTl T-* V 1 -I J.-!. ̂ J 1 . A -1. ^ ~ - ' ; ;> > 4 , 40c; JT > es, through Westihp^ adults,, 25c; reseiwe 35c; chil- nnd?then down to the dren 15c. ., South (loast -- Rye, Eastbourne, . . ----------------:-- New Forest and Southampton, unless the Liberals figure that MRS. SNIELGROVE including the "Trooping of the a person not afflicted with any political opinions it seems to contain possibilities ' of a coali tion between the two old parties, p.m., prayer and Bible study. C. C. Y. M. Mr. Bennett can never . make harbor any way under the tide conditions.. RESUMES TEACHING lors," and the Military Pageant. These films are released CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST •̂ SACRAMENT" will _he_the Mvo T F qn4.ltTrnvj. frvllDwiDir ■ the British F ilm . Institute, Mrs. T. E. bnelgrove lollow ng lecturer is Qouglas subject of the Lesson . Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Sbient- ist, On Sunday. The Golden Text is: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another;, as I- have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this ^ a ll all .Jnen know-that ye are My dis= ciples, if ye have love one ' to another." (John 13:- 34, 35). 'Among the citations, ̂which the Christmas recess, has re sumed herifeaching of violin and piano. Her pupils have had sue-, cesses iiTthe"examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Any interest ed are asked to phone her at West 210L. Flintoff of Victoria. » Show for children at 4 p.m.; admission 10c, and for adults at 8 p.m., admission for everyone is 15c. Lecture under auspices,of S t . Stephens Men's Club. A y-egular meeting will be held Friday night a t 8 p.m. There will be short talks given by a few of the members; title "What Sociitlisnu Means to Me." Re freshments will be served after the meeting. Will any members .u u . havihg^t.«a"7~^py--o:^ Bellamy's honor they enjoyed in bmng a very splehdid paper was read by the guest speaker, Mrs. Gates regent of the Sir .Charles Tup- per Chapter, in Vancouver, on "The British Empirer" Mrs. Gates has given years of study to this subject, and drew in con cise form such a wonderful pic ture of the greatness of the Em pire from every point view, that her hearers realize^ anew "Looking Backward," please bring them to the meetihg. The club rooms are at 1730 Marine Drive. yy^ y/ / y/ A t>:yyyCyyyyyyy^yŷyyyyyy/ypyyfŷyyyyyyyy ' 'yyyyyyyyyyi'fŷyyy............................ . comprise the Lesson,- Sermcitn js the following from-^the Bible: Ask, and it shall be given you seek, and ye shall find; kilock,' and it shall be'opened unto you." (Mdtthew7: 7). - ■' The Lesson.- Sermon also in-. cludes the follohwing passage icom the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key "to the_ScripturesY bx Mi Baker Eddy': 'W h a t ' we m need is the prayer of fervent sire for growth in grace, pressed nn--patience, 'meelmess; lOve, aiid good deeds. To keep î he commandmienta^of onr Mrr- ^ r and follow his example, is '^ur proper debt iS) Him and the ^ ly worthy evidence, of - our g^titude for all that He has ' next meeting," which will be the annual nomination meeting, will be held February 4th, at the home ofr-Mrs. J. II. Leyland. After the serying of tea and singing the National Anthem," the meeting adjourned. - TOY SHOD RAFFLE Following .is i!he list of those who won prizes in the drawing for the Toy Shop Raffle: Waffle iron, J. R. Mitchell; Permanent Wave, Doris Lash- brook ; Xmas Hamper, E. W. Marin^Ile; Doll Lamp, B. Hew-' e tt; Xmas Hamper, Mrs. E. Hill; Woolly Dog, Mrs. Colin Mac- Lean ; Fairy Doll, Poor Old Soul; pair Imb. Towels, W. Smith; Turkey, Mrs. C. M. Turner; Rock Plants, F. Baker; Pyrex Dish, Miss D. M. Jones; Xmas Cake, Margaret Howe; Shampoo and -Marcel, Miss D. Buck ;-Embr-Tea Cloth, Peter W ait;"Emb. jTea Cloth, M. E. Jones; Milk Tickets, J rW . Fryer; Jap Oranges, Mrs. ,5' ^ I ' M ■ '*H'.. u i % ■te ■ K n t ' 'Yl k , 'Mt( ' !'■ i < r! ft V I ■ f 'V ' 'if it - xi.- t V ■ ' FyVj; 'J l i i ■ i ■ 'S'- I" ' I .®AW 'I # J S ..............J f i tm I m m m M im ' 'V *>■. Ou'Cr s l i i/ -f % f. 'I t h h ' Skeet; Six Sacks Coal, H. Smith; Brass Cigar Box, Boyd, **The hiona**