West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jan 1935, p. 4

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Piione West 469 Phone West 46 f -- ' * ■*•' ' V> * r « ' *1 tBiC* 1̂ ' j -iji* 4r 0B3,5CB£p-B̂ ĵ̂ jTirf̂ |ffpp(S i- u T >- r̂ f<f >ty« 1 S m i t h 8 G r o c e r v L.'i :i (/■; f - r-- -"t 4 " ! ?i>; t r { -iiI ^ 'i l-Vo?■ Hi f l l >S' I £ "S'e- I fill f ill 4111 .14kX)Wi" I5>W0'̂ # f m BUKKING BUSH By Subiut&r IM k b J l I attained the am- bfUon o f • Bfellme -- to hiber- GOOD THDIGS TO EAT nate like the beitrs. But I had only |u » r second t^nd w b en lw i - *■ • * *-- - Prices Good Friday and Saturday, Jan . 4th & 5th tv-av»t4*»nmiiii. iwi H'* BUnmOKt) WHEAT, iMickel HUGAH--B. C. Gr««htl8tce, 8 lim, m lOe With Grocery Order. ItOHAN MEAL ~ Nature'M llealUt Fofid . .................... .............pkU tH FbOUK--|{«d A White, 24 lb, i»«ck83« 4» lb. *««fk ................ ............ |1.5» IUmI & White TOMATO JUICE ' 2 tlnl .......... .......... ..... a........... 12c Hed 4fc. White FANCY BWEE'F FEA8 Hieve 4$ Medium aixe, tender IVaa' ..................... ........ .,.,.2 Hiui 2&c AUNT MAKY CilFFE^ 1 lb* bmic 27« FINEAFIM.K. Sliced, iNo. 2 Un 2 tine 1 I7c ItAFIl) OA'IH, IGibin Hood. pkjr. 18c COKNBI) HKKF. Bovrll,.... 2 tinM 21c* Red & White Hi UAWllEUftY JAM 32 o*. Jar ................................ 28c SMALL WHITE BEANS, 4 Ibe, ISc Bed & White JELLY iMlWOEIlS ̂ phtH . . . . ................... 19c . . . .1 ,. . . :. M t e a t s Phone West 370 CUKESK -- Ontario ...... per lb. 19c SIIOUTKNINli--Creaccnt,..,2 Ibi. 25c FHI.ME BIBS OF BEEF, Uk...... 14c BLADE or CHUCK BOASTS, lb 12yje SHOUf.DEB LAMB (whole) Ib. 16c LFJ;S OF LAMB.......................Ib. 25c MONTKItEY CHEESE, each .:.... 20c BU'i"rEB--Golden Mt̂ iiwpiw;, per lb. 25c BU'l"rEB--Huby ('reekyepSr lb,„„ 24c IfA.MK, llnif or Whole, per lb.... 22c COri AGE BOLLS, per Ib. ......... 23c lUH-f -- Fork -- Veal -- Lamb Fiah and Fowl Ail Kincat Quality Bed A White FI,OOB WAX. 1 b. ^7c Givex tt hard tiniah. HUMEIVIBBR THESK NUMBERS If thu lubrlcantH UHOd during the winter-months are heavy and gummy, the engine must use up more of its power to push the metal parts through the lubriwint than would be neces­ sary if the proper kind of lubri- cants were used. The motorist pays fw this "fluid friction" in r2 ways; 1,--In greater trouble in getting the car started in cold weather,, 2.--Increased gasoline consumpliop. necessiiry to push, the engine parts through the cold-thickened lubricant. '" Much of the winter lubrication trouble has been due to the old system of rating oils according to their performance. at 130 de- giHios Fahrenheit, whethe^' they were for use in summer or win­ ter. 3'he Lubricants Division of _ the S.A.K., in anjeffoiit to correct - thiB-aituationrh,tfi»~l)etMOxicon^ They ine not to be confused with the old SAK 10 and SAE 20 oils, which are still graded in accord­ ance with their characteristics at summer temperatures. ],over: 1 am burning.with love foi* you, my darling. Girl: Don^t. make a fuel of yoursdf., . "The girl he's marrying can swim, (lance, sing, ride, drive a car anti pilot an aeroplane." "Oh, well, he's a good cook." mending, since Cjurly last Fall, the grading^of oils for winter use in accordance with their characteristic.s at Zero Fahren­ heit. The.se new oils are design­ ed in accordance with their win­ ter perfonnance characteristics by th.e-.symboJs 10-W ai»d 20-W. ONE WEEK SFECTAL Jan. 4tli -to 10th . 2fic Vulvo Sanitary Napkins 19c Vj lb. Marrabone Chows.... 16c lOU Aspirin Tablets, Bayers 98c 75c McNeil's Bronchitis Mix­ ture (Break fresh colds).. 59c Mounjflow '>(Hoily\yodd') . H Manicuro, Preparations .... 89c Kars wood (Eng.) Dog Po.̂ ̂ dors, Tonic and Worm........ 5 (iilletto Bazon nnd.pkg.,:____ --HliHnfirock-Brade's-.-.TTT.v.~.~l()c Films, Dcv(^]Qping &- Printing Save with safety a t your REXAU DRUG STORE McNeil's a t 1402 Mdrine Drive West 528' Free Delivery Wo are agents for the fine products of BOOTS -- Cash Chemist, E ngland .------------------ when 1 wa« di«turlx*d a few days ago by the ^ ito r demanding copy. I find the.New- Year has amved so must wish all the usual good hick, etc. From a casual perusal of the papers of the last three months, I discover that the world is still much of a bear garden. An odd king or premier has been a-ssassinated, and politicians generally are not feeling veiy confident of their chances of being returned at the next election. There is an election on shortly in the Saar, and the League of •Nations seems to have for once justified its existence by getting an army from diflerent powers into that section to keep the peace, not that such a thing has , not been done before by the foreign offices of the nations. One would think the Donny- brook, if there is to be any, is most likely to break out after the election arranged apparently for the ISth, a daring (jdte to set off a powder magazine when there is a risk of backfiring. However, I hope to be asleep again by that time. The news from Russia aston­ ished me, after all my commun­ ist friends have been telling one about the happy and prosperous time enjoyed by everybody in that country. Th(n*e seemis to be some small disagreement on the subject, and, when a ^Russian disagrees with his fellow manf he usually bumps him off. It is a trait I have much admireci for it effectively ends the disagree­ ment, providing one does it first. , . . « ■ ♦ ♦ ■ JEFFERIES' SUREHlpRjd&MS Government Inspected Only ' HAMS """LAMB - "•:*-"i'iJBEB0EL»«w8*«*wwjî O®tiSLw#4*wwYi§AL ■ COLD MEATS OF ALL BINDS - j- DBMCATESSBK 1 store at Hollybum, next Theatre " PHOSPi'WBSTS , . / , "7" LUMBER and allb u i l d i n gM A T E R I A L S W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U M B P C O - l t d . ------- FOB HEAL SATISFACTION -------- Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Classified Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the case of those having regular accounts, all classi­ fieds are payable strictly in sdvsnei^ Bemember Classifieds in the West Van News get immediate results. DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS --Boy.x pants a specialty. Phone Mrs. Robbins, West C19R. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2111 Marine --Hardware, toys, notions, dishes, stationery,, etc. Wishing all a pros­ perous New Year. ___ SEE OUR STOCK -- Of Xmas Gift Cigars, Cigarettes, Chocolates, from 25c to 12.50. All new stock. Amble- side Tea Rooms. V EXPERIENCED GIRL -- \Vants a position immediatey. Phone West ' 390. : FOR RENT TO RELIABLE^ENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally locat­ ed; sawdust burner, good garden Rent $26. Apply Box 49, West Van News.' FOR SALE -- New pair men's walk­ ing boots, size 11; cost $8.50. Mis­ fit, for $6.5(), Phone West 151X2. MARCEL SHOP -- New Thermique steam permanent; no danger. Mar­ cel, 60c; Reset, 35c; Finger Wave 50c. Above Royal Bank. Phone West 304. TO RENT -r- Small Cottage suitable for one or two; furrifshed. Apply Mrs, Lancaster, 15th and Clyde. .. We flatter ourselves on this continent, both in Canada and the United States, that we have got away from class distinctions. We proudly say that Jack is as good as his master. In-most places Jack is,' providing he' has WANTED --- Child's Crib- without mattress, also bath. Phone West 311Y2, RADIO REPAIRS -- Prompt, effici- ent service. Tubes tested. All work guaranteed, / ^ m Brown, West 266R PIANO FQB RENT--For six months. Perfect"condition.' Phone W est'37., FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine. Phone West 55. got as much cash as his boss, and yet even that does not al­ ways apply. There are places in Washington and Toronto and Ot­ tawa and Montreal where Jack would not be very welcome de­ spite a large bank balance. As a matter of fact; all we have WANTBQ -- One furnished and one ' unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 WEST VANCOUVER M A C H I N E -- SH O ^.--_Repairs-.-Spray -Pumps,- Hous'ehold articles. 1449 Marine. C. J. ARCHER LIMITED -- Is your home insured ? If not, why not see ug' for your requirements. 'Agents for RELIABLE COMPANIES. In­ quiries invited. .. r a d io REPAIRS -- West Van- Radio Service (J. L. Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. LLOYD'S WOOL and KNITTING SHOP, '2446 Marine." Free instruct" tions. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Perry. Winter Sports in Canada GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. Skiing---'Bob* Sledding^Hockey--Curling--Tobogganing--Dog Derbies O u tsta n d in g A ttr a c tio n s THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re­ quires discarded clothing. Phone West.37 and truck will collect. HE iavigoiftting oIimatt> of a typical Canadiati win- st«r, now regarded M an ad vantage rather than a har<bhip, owing to the viu- uaual variety of healthful and appealing eporhi. i« attmettng intveasmg iiiim- bcni of viaitora to the Dominion. Acroaa Canada there are many l>eautifvd ami attractivo ■ snow-dad mountains, hi'l» and valleys, which offer exceptional opportunities for enjoying a wide^fariety of outdoor winter eporto. The principal activities throughout the country are skiing, onowvhoeing. skating, tohogganing. curling, hockey, t>ob-dcdding andeurung, nocKey, i>ob-<wcduing and <̂log de l̂Jies, Oil of which may be thoroughly enjoyed, under IdcjiJ coh ditions, WiCli tlu' exception of .it oocoaional day during mid-wit the temperature is not too participating in outdoor sports;. While motor travel is not general during the winter season, there arc nmny long stretches Of highway which artJsept conditioned Utrotighout-the winter months. The travdler will always find train service a tmdmi and luxurious means of transporta­ tion. Hoieb in many of the leading summer resort districts remain the year rou'nd. ]»rovulmg good accommoiiation for-tltoso widting to participate in local winter events. Wide Range of S|>orla In Every. Prtkvhtce Each provtucc poisesses wmter attractions mom or Iciss'^peeulinr to its own ;>artieuhr »nrrounding,i. Prac­ tically all fonus tvf winter, sjjort .ire avail.ahle in the Maritime Prov-. inces, but a preferenw is dtoivn for hockey and curling. In the province of Quebec' Urn' major sport events ecriire in and around Motilteal PRINTING --. For aU kinds of • printing phone West Van News, West 363. GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor west" VANCJOUVER̂ Office No. 1447, Marine Drive " Phone .West 403. 10 to. 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501; 510 Hastings. St. W. Phone, Seymour. 4199. 2 to 5. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine: Phone West 135 done on this continent is to change the qualificatioins for ad- miittance to__the first families. And - that- is all - we or anybody else in any country will ever do. We humans are at heart snobs. If you don't believe it, go into a big-city store in a shabby suit and see how much attention you will get from the clerks compar­ ed with that given to the well- dressed. GEO. For Snaps in Real Estate Notary Public Real Eistate & Insurance (E stab lish^ 1912) 1405 Marine D|ive Phone W est 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings. 204X *Form No. 13. (Section 39.) LAND ACT bewt of icc-yachUng may be enjoyed id Qudbec City, Murn^* Bay and the LaurenUan mountains. Ixoers of winter sports ;'will find va;st terri­ tories in Ontario which are idea! in location and in scenic beautv. Ottawa, the federal capital, is ad­ jacent ip some jof the finest skiing o<mnlry' 6n~ the continent, wMle the in Toronto bay and along the water- front of lake Ontario. In the Muis- koka end .Algonquin Park districts, hotels and cabins are open for the accowinodalioa of- -winter- visitors. I n , Manitoba the Winnipeg bonspiel also the winter carnival held a t The Pas, are annual events of Inter­ nationa] in^rest, while Banff, situated in ^ o scenic Canadian Rockies in. Alberta, is one the most Im- aouthwestem part, of BriUah Colum­ bia offer tennis and_other summer spor^fpr the winter visitor. j|t}rtimt e^ trea for winter'^sports. performanees in s^-juraping bfcYC'bcen witaessed at jReyelstoke, 'Hie and'mainland df the CovcrnnientNBureau Information - __ ____ /Service-- J.C - - S Jnform ati^ concerning winter ^orts m Canada maj* be obtained fmm the Kational Devriopment But^u, Department of the haterior -at Ottawa. Th<we who d ^ re such imonuation should state, if possible, the particular district or districts in which they arc interested, in order t ^ t the ̂ moat coihpiete data may bo supplied, , -- A Light Snack _ borne farm hands were dis­ cussing-their respective employ. "farm er Giles," grumbled one IS about the meanest mian I have ever worked for.- -̂----------- asS*f̂ nd" the first, ^ ^ down to breakfast ^ is morning, he asked me how many eggs I was going to eat, ^ a t I never . coiint^ them, m r he says, the eighth,' ?w^T ^ darned wild - - i^«ot up and -w ^ ^ 'hu t ^ h o u t waiting for my break- Notice of Intention to Apply "to Purchase Land. "In" the Municipality of West Vancou­ ver, Land Recording District of New Westminster, ahd situate near Fish­ erman's Cove, West Vancouver, B. C. Take notice th a t H arry Kolthammer of West Vancouver, B. C., occupation Store-keeper and Public Caterer, in­ tends to apply for permission to purchase' the", following desermed lands;-- - - - - - - -- Commencing a t a post planted at the intersection of Marine Drive and the Southerly-boundary of Block one (1) of Dt. Lot 772, thence South 67° n ' - j _ . _ j . - _ - - J . nr- nnf ■̂l,a0' East for a distance of 35.27', thence on a bearing - North 29" 3(y East 258.3', thence North 64" 6' East 234.5' thence South 66" 23' E a s t a. distance of 240.6'. thence North 27" 33' East 9.8, thence' following .high ■water. " mark to point o f commencement the whole containing nine tenths (.?) of ~an apre more oYiess;-- ' . " h a r r y KOlTHAMMER, ^ - Applicant. Dated,_December^sfe-4934,--- ;------ -