West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jan 1935, p. 3

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y o u r V and P e r so n a l WlNbOWS DOORS S H IN C LES U T H V EN EER S R O O n N G b u i l d i n g P A P E R . A \C !o a ip le t« ; , ^ B u i l d e r ' Service BRICK. CEMENT TILE UME SAND i T "iP t « i r i i a t ^ r A r McLaren and Mr. Ronald Frasor ora Borealis ovor HoUybum of North Vancouver. Kicige. .................. PUNS AND SPEOnCATIONS Drawn up and «sK' mates given Fm . Mr, and Mrs. W* R* Clai*k and daughter. 18th and Bellevue Avenue, have moved into a house at 2294 Marine Drive.4i « * Mr, Oramb of Victoria, has Astbiiry V BuUders' Supplies I6th and M arine Drive - Phone West 199 , spent part of the holiday season in west Vancouver. •' * '♦ f George Watt was host to a number of friends on Friday evening, Decenfber, 28th, at his home on Esquimalt Avenue. In­ cluded among the guests wore nlper to siwnd the holidays with Miss M. Saunders, Miss J. Ley- p s . Cpraish and limily at his land. Miss Danbeigh, Miss Klee- home, 1718 Gordon Avenue. ' - ^ Burrard L a u n d ry L td , i ; ;^ u w r y ' 'S e r v i c e ~UliJI'ENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1810 NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES , The P.-T. A. ^Night School CliLises will be resumed oh Mon­ day. Jamiary 7th. Auto Mechanics, 7:30 p.m., Monday. jwing, 2 p.m., Tuesday. Typing and Shorthand, 7:15 p.m., Thursday. Spanish, 7:1,5 p.m;, Friday, ' For further particulars please phone Mrŝ H. G. Selwood. pher, Miss F. Johncox, Mias B, . , ̂ ̂ Miss D. Reid, Mis? B. All- A large crowd of sports en- work. Messrs. R. P o i^ n , J. thusiMts spent the New Year on Brown, G. Mason, W. Astbury, Hollybum ,Ridge, where there H, Taylor, J. Watt, G. Humiphri- has been recently, a considorable es, M. G. Watt and B. Lang, fall of snow. * ♦ ♦ rv • * r ij r. • Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard, 16th Miss Daisy BwaJey of Prmcc Street, spent the Christmas holi- ......G e o r g e , . t ' n e , . , s e h p p l . - days, - with'. their daughter and holidays with her iiarents, Mr. son-in-law in Trail. B. C. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey 1295 * * ♦ Fulton Avenue. The Misses Maui'een Dan- * beigh and Jocalyn Kleopher, Beach House was the scene of were Christmas visitors in West a- gay party on Boxing Day, Vancouver.L. 0:B . A. HOLD V SUCCESSFUL DANCE when*̂ the (Grirls' AuxiliarjT to the ' ------- ̂Barbarian Rugby Team enter- One of the m'ost successful tained in honor of 1|;he boys. The and enjoyable entertainments evening passed most enjoyably held during the Christmas sea- in novelty dances and games, spn was the concert and dance Gordon Robertson, master of sponsored by Riith Lodge ̂ L.O. ceremonies, caused much merri- WEST VANCOUVER L. 0. L. No. 2990 The regular meeting of the above lodge will be held next Tuesday in the Orange Hall- at 8 p.m. The newly elected officers l - f j ' the auctioneering.of ^iTtok^ overtheirFriday. Notwithstanding.the in- partners. Balloons, horns and W EST VAN Sheet Metal W orks clement weather a large audi­ ence was'present to welcome the Sunshine Brig^e, CKWX radio artists, bn their first appearance in West Vancouver... Following •the concert which was held in hats added to the colorful effect of the many pretty evening dresses. ' ( es and the standing committees for the year will be appointed. A new member will be received on transfer certificate from Al­ berta. ^ Phone West 89 Furnace and Raniee Repairs, Sawdust Burners FIRST AID CLASSES The St. John's Ambulance'As- sociation^will resume, their first aid course for the hew year on ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL - . _ REPAIRS "Efficient'^ ( -- S ER V IC E" ■{D A Y or N IG H T Courteous Prompt BERT KERLEY 2836 Marine ' W est 53R2 DISABLED VETERANS' Aĵ SOCHATION CONCRETE JOBS You can't g o w r o n g i f . s - TEAROE & SON Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, . DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete - , , Large or Small. 1474. Marine . Drive Phone West 84 . ... Miss Jean ^Wilson of Angus Drive, Vanoouvfer, spent New the lower hall, the stage of which Years in West Vancouver as the had been attractively decorated guest of Mrs. Wasson and Mrs. by J. Durbin for the occasion, Mackovski of West Bay.; the dance took place in the main ̂ , ♦ ♦ . * . ,,, , , ̂ - - - -- hall fpm 9:30 p.m. until mid- Misfi -̂6 etty Savory and Mic- n i^ t. hael Savory entertained a nunh- miumcipal hall. The music supplied by the ber of their friends at a delight- .Sunshine Orchestra-was all that --fui dance New Year's Eve in the JtteededL_tOi_keep__ th€L_Jarge_:^dr-tune ~ Ciip-rlnn.-~Among--the gathering on their toes, and was guests were: the Misses Dot and greatly Appreciated by all. Sev- Bubbles Smith, Joan -Durbin, eral.request numbers were rend- Barbara and Diana Reid, Kath- ered by the artists during the leen H<xlgs6n>'SheilA and Fran- evening. .The members of the ces Powell, Irene Shirlaw, Effie lodge wish to take, this oppor- Vickery, Betty Savory, and tunity to express their appreci- Messrs. Ed Partridge, Max Len- _____________ ation to those who assisted-them}--nox;--Ralph Patterson,- ~BiIly --b atr p a y fpq » acq at'O Tih during the past year in their Lang, Jimj Brown, Gerald Mason, *tAlJi.PAYLRS ASSOCIATION benevolent work and wish one Gordon Stemson, Ted Beard, and all the brightest of bright Gibson Oliver; Michael " Savory. New Years. . ?• ♦ .♦ * regul^ meeting will be Captain and Mrs. Douglas heldi. on nê rt Monday at the Graham entertained at a very usual hour, at which the Worthy enjoyable New Year's Eve party ................... .............. at their hlome,. 2128 Bellevue Tbe Disabled Veterans' Assoc­ iation mil holdi their next meet­ ing bn W^dnesclay* January 9th, at 8 p;m/. in the Ferry Commit­ tee rooms. The executive will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mistress desires a full attend ance,. as important business will comb before the lodge fpr discus­ sion; I . W. Sayory 1443 Marine Drive ' Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 148 Listings W b te d Real Estate Finance DICKEN'S SKETCHES TO BE REPEATED The West Vancouver Ratepay­ ers' A:ssociatioh are holding a meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock in Dundaraye Hall. A number of important matters will come up before the meeting , . and members and all interested Avenue. .The evening was spent are asked to be present. in music and dancing. Among -------------- -- . the guests were Mr. andTMrs. C. y C. C. Y. M. Hailstone, Mr. and, Mrs., Harry, Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holt, The C, C. Y. M. will meet Fri- Mrs. Partington, Mrs; Calvin Of day'at 8:15 p.m|. There will be As a result of numerous re- ; quests the Dicken's Book Club are giving a repeat performance of sketches from "Little Dorrilt" and "Martin Chuzzlewit," a t :8 p.m; Friday, January, 11th, in St. Stephen's parish hall.. A musical program has also been arranged. -Vancouver, Mrs. Howdle, Mr. and Mrs. W., H. Green, Jack Milton, J. Granger, Ted Fratt of Vancouver, ' . Robeit Robson spent the Christmas holidays > \vith his parents,' Mr. and Mrs,̂ Gordon Robson, 2924 ^ r in e Drive, his ship the SŜ Silyerash, being in a debate "Resolved that Human Nature Must Be Changed Before We Aspire toi Socialism." All members are asked to be pres­ ent. The Club rooms are at 1730 Marine Drive. .UNEMPLOYED ASSN. Mr.* Qrant of Victoria, has moved into the Stratton cottage at 14th and Bellevue Avenue. R A D ia SALES AND SERVICE 1586 Marine * West 37 North 525 ̂ , , - . meeting of the Unemployed port for ten days, at that time. Association was held on Thurs- He sailed again for India.on 30th day, 27th December in the ultimo. -------Legion Hall. _ . * * * ,, A J*esolutian was passed that Following their usual custom this jaasociation go on a due Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Watt; Esqui- paying basis. A committee be- malt Avenue, entei^ined at a ing struck off to report on tho New Year's Party. Several matter at the next m ating/ Your Prescription is always property dispensed and promptly delKered from Gemmiirs Unig Store Th* Stora ht Sarvlea. .. 1886 Marine Drive Woat 87 or Wemt 607 Kmergency Phone Went 881 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Î oBtries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Unices Meat Pies, SaiiRngc '̂Rollsr Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Viu'lety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning. Note Address: 4468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 Hollybum Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY January 4th n'nd 5th CHARLES nUGGLBS MARY CARLISLE "M urder in a P rivate Gar** - A ^Comedy Mystox'y. MONDAY and TOESDAY January 7th and 8th " ̂4 BING CROSBY /MIRIAM HOPKINS 'Shie Loves Me Not' A hilarious comedy. . WEDNESDAY & T'HURSDAY --./January 9th and 10th EUGENE PALLUrri'E ANN,DVORAK " Friends of M r. Sweeney** •■-aJao. "The Return of. The Terror." Philip C. Chapman General lnsurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and SiokneBB, etc* 2557 King's Ave. Phone AV. 42Y8 V e r n o n FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Ambleside L. SPECK. Proprietor Sheet Metal Works friends from, Vancouver - încluded in the company. were LEGION NOTES The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 10th,-at 8 p.m. Miss B. MacKay of Fort Lang­ ley, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ^ M. - Stratton,--1468 Marine Drive. ' Corporation of West Vancouver To W/,0tn it Mag Concern '. Slot Machinal and Gambling Devices o f all kinds e Jinmediately.removed from operation. Failure to comply will result in prosecution with­ out further notice.-̂ - - ' ^.eiilEF CONSTABLE . -The next general meeting of the local branch will be held at - 8 p.m. PViday, January 4th, in the Legion Memorial Hall. include reports of the, chairmen of the various committees for the past year. . The officers and-the new ex­ ecutive, for 1933 will officially assume their duti^,' and the', program of activities for the current year will be outlined. . Members are requested to turn out in full in prder to'j^yelhe" fullest support to the branch, and«-new business dealing with Legion welferer DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I.O.D,E. YOUNG PEOPLE'S DANCE ■ T O M O R R O W (FRIDAY) in the Orange Hall - Admission: Juniors'16 cents Seniors 26 cerite H lu str^ ed V 4 I . ' -I, - '4 - m i ' • T--'4 -MwJ I'i; M t!' 'I I f1: " 1' 1 i ')|Vr i 'll, !|, ' \k \J \ 'A I 1 . J ■ > hi*. • - ; m i - h/I 'M I f r : V. I ' 'A*':- W 'f'« {» ̂ i, f| f] ' ! if ti ■ T v fa i . ■ T M iV 'Mi - -- ' ■■■.-I .■ " t e ® 'A \ 1 r/J -i f 4. ^