I'.,;i '■ f̂ i "I? I - t ' I .? ih If i t ■'., '. * *' k̂ -it\ !1 ' I Ir 11̂ :? i t " t;? jr'.I ' Vt,' ' c\ i ^ 1.r> f i i ! ■ If'3.'?•? ■ >.'- I I'uu j ' 's S ' '} t{£i *'< 't mm imunî iin « B W M M ttN KEWB ffW T VAN BAPTIST c i i iy C l l ' HilJii Wriffbb ,lii»i»ter 9m : Ur9rUim^i^ba(mf9f'^' Siwdar 8rr«ir«« t Ee*idf«w; 1848 BofmtoA A m • 11:16 ouin., 7:16 pju. Fhunc Wcat 26ZU. Sunday School and Bible C^aae ' • .1 0 a.m. 'T" "J- :..Sunday .Servicea -- 11 a.nk. end Stranjrera A Viiitore Wideame. .Sunday School, 10:(M) OLin. The News UNITED c h u r c h Oiir New Year's Resolution Communicm of the Lord'e SupiM̂ r will be obacrved a t the mornifiK Bcrvice next Sabbath at 11:15 a.m. Service aa uHual in the evening a t 7:15 o'clock.""" . Th(f VV. A, will meet in the Church Hall on Tuesday, Janu ary Bth, at 2:15 p.m„ when the annual reports will be read. A full attendance of membera is re<iuc«ted. ST. STEi»HEN»S CHURCH ̂ Rector: Rev. vF. A. Ramsey, L.S.T, W W T T jaC O W lB C b U f f l # Science S n d e ty INNii tyni Baptenlt, HoUjrtMurn tliUi Society in n Branch of n m Mother Church The Writ CJhtircb of Chriat, BdenUntt in Boaton, ' :' ;MnesidkBs«tts SuniLiy Service: a***'* Sunday, January C, 1935 Subject: ^XJOD" ■13f ■ .■■; ..M!" .......... ........... . Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. TenSmony Meetin;; Wcdneiday ■t 8:15 p.m. The public b cordially in vited to attend our eervicea and meetings. W e mentally resolve not to leave apy none unturned to merit a con'j tij'huancc qf the confidence and support you have shown in the past years. Gwendolen Beauty Shoppe 1S40 Marine Drive : For appointmente PHONE WEST U7 January (5th -- The Epiphany; 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 &. 11:15 u.m.--Sunday School 11:15 u.rn. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evoneong and Ser mon. Tue.Hd/Iy, 2:30 p.m.--W. A. busi ness meeting. Janijiiry Cth to 13th -- Week of ST. ANTHONFB CATHOLIC. CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest m Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, S a f e w a y § ¥ w n i $ sto re N o. 31, 1414 M arine , P h o n e ^ w t 313 ' ■ ■ ■-^LLimuLui.niKiW'Twiii» ' ' ' ..... Prices Effective FUlPAY & SATURDAY, January 4th A Sth PEAS -- Ajiroer, Sieve 5, No. 2 tin............................ - --Jifor 29c TOMATOES -- Aylmer. No- Hn.................... .......... -...8 for 29c IN)UK & BEANS -- Aylmer, No. 2 e4|^ti|t.......- ............. :4 for 29c gOUP Aylmer, Vegetable & Tomato.................. ........... 8 to t 19c p j ES -- King Oscar..• ' . ' * * * - - 2 to t 19c SALMON Billow l*ink, No. 1 tin............*.......................»...each 9c (L'ouN _Aylmer, (ioldeii llantam, choicev No. 2 t la ...........2 for 19c 0 .\0 CUBES -- 4 cubes to package........... ............ ............each 9c PEANUT BUITEU -- Bulk ........................-- ....................̂ .Ib. 9c FLOUR •-- Highway, 7 lb. paper Back...........1............ ........... each 19c COFFEE -- Max-l-Mum SHBEDDED WHEAT...................... - ........................... ;-2 Pkffs. 19c JEI.LV POWDEJKS -- Max-i-Mum .................................... 2 for 9c SOAP -- P. |& <i. White Naphtha*.................. .................... 9 for 29c TOILET' TISSUE -- Sable . . fOl|* 2dC W« r*#trv« th« riMht to limit quantllloo* SAFEWAY STORES WITHOUT WASTEDISTRIBUTION Residence: 2328Tnglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240E. 1 Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. DEATH OF W. LYMAN JONES William Lyman Jones, 2585 Bellevue Avenue, passed away, ....... , --- 7 JUOW AVJUttBH --̂ Oi'iU «.AU. isenevue Aveiiue, pa&auu ayvay rayer. Every diiy except jjjgjj Magg and Sermon --4,0:45 Sunday in the North Vancouver COD LIVER & HALIBUT LIVER OIL PREPARATIONS. *v * • Wo carry or can procure nil tho .Stamlard tnakcH of those.. A 2 lb. Jar of Halibut Liver Oil with Malt Extract fur $1.25 Saturday, 10:15 a.m. Hojy' ' (Ilommunion; 7 :30 Intercessions. Tue.sday, 8:15 p.m. -- Church ('ommittee. 1'h<; W.A. throughout Canada will make their Corporate Com munion on Sunday. St. Francis-in-the-Wood, Caujfeild Sunday, 3:00 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. Catechism and Bible Classr-3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays: Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions-- 7:80. c o r r e spo n d e n c e CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "(jOD ■' will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all General Hospital. The deceased Churches of Christ,,Scientist, on who was aged 55, and had resid- Sunday. « i ed here for many years, is sur- The Golden Text is: Now vived by his wife, three sons, unto the King, eternal, imimor- Lyman, Harry and Monty; two' tal, invisible, the only wise God, daughters, Moira and Lapreen; , be honour and glory for ever and two brothers, Harry of Vancou- evei\" (1 Timpthy 1: 17). - ver, and David of Golden; and a Among the citations which sister, Mrs. Ada Saunders of comprise the Lesson - Sermon Butte, Montana. Funeral servic- will be the following from the es were held yesterday at 3 p.m. Bible: "For I know that the in Harron Bros. & Williamson's Lord is great, and that pur Lord ANBLESIDE PHARNACYI ' -li' ~ 1-------- W. L. KER. Prop 1 .1401 Marine Drive 1 Phnn^ W «at 3̂ 1 FREE DELIVERY 1 \h D R t G. D . H . S E A L E D.O.S., L.D.S. DENTISTa;;."* - ■ .:•* i:} ■■ti. • •'Jii i-:/• T f- ^ ■ Hay Block, 14tti and. Marine Dr. Onico lioura 9 to 6 p,m. EyaningH by appointment. Phone Wettt 72 E. GALINA NT CHIROPRACTOR . 2411A Marino Drivo EveninKH by appointmont. Phono Soy. 8700 or Soy, 380DL City Office: 712 Robson St. BA1»TIST CHURC^i Pastor: Rev. H..P. Humphreys Sunday, January 6th 10:00 a.m.--rSuhday School and ------ -- Afl ul t-Clas8r~--------------- Bibki Class. 11:00 a.m,--Morning Worship. Pastor will p]x»ach. Topic: "Motto for 1985." 3 Anthem. The Ordinance of the' Lord's Supper will be observed at the Tlo8o~of"thiy"morning"s^iwic^ 7:16 p.m.--Evening"Worship. Topic: "Celestial Arith metic." Song sendee at com mencement. United Week of Prayer The Editor, West Van. News ________ ___ ____ Dear Sir :_ În connection with Chapel in North Vancouver, Rev. is above all gods." (Psalms 135: the report in your paper that the Hillis Wright officiating, and ^ P.-T. A. were about to meet the terment was madje in Capilano ihe Lesson,- sermon also in- Gov^himent with a view to wid- View Cemetery. eludes tl^, Jollowmg passage ening the scope of e m p l o y m e n t --------------------- from the Christian toence text- for bovs I should like to suggest ' BUILDING PERMITS UP Science and H ^Ith with to-tJiem-Bn-opening~here.*which-------------------------------------,-------- py_ to3A |4crip toM b y _ t e seems to be afforded by the The figures of the building Baker Eddy. God is individual, Ferry Company. ' pennits issued by the municipal Prin- My proposal involves a scheme hall during last December show ^ v e , the universal ,cause, giving an opportunity for as 7 permits taken out for a i^ a l■ - • --------- _ - - - - other self-existence. ̂He IS all- Monday. January 7th--Speaker: agreed period move the most Rev. Mr. Ward of Jackson likely apprentice on the Sonrisa Avenue Mission. to the No. 5 and replace by the Wednesday, Jan. 9th--rSpeaker: next on the list, moving them Rev. Henry Knox of Van- forward until there is a full com- _ an opportunity for as 7 permits taken out for a total many boys as possible to obtain of $8,820. Particulars of these . . . , . « . , , instructien in the different de- were "as follows: 3 dwellings, i^nclusive, and is reflected by all partments of the Ferry Comp- $8,300 ; 2 alterations, $300; 2 that is, real and: etenial and by any, i.e., (lKKR8'ine7Room; (2) garages, $220r""This"" totaf ~is i^o^P™8 else.--H e ^ Garage; (3)̂ Office andJater the $5,845 over that for December impossible to conceive Deck Department; as follows: 1933, when 6 permits were taken 9? omnipresence and indiv- Start 2 boys ill the garage and out for. $2,975. 2 on the Sonri.sa as apprentices and 1 boy in the office to assist the manager. At the end of an iduality except as infinite Spirit or Mind." EatabliahPit on North Hhoro 20 Yourii. (I.4uly Aaslstant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON f m t t s i l itrectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street _Phone North__184_______ couver Heights. Friday, Janua^ 11th--Speaker: Rev. J. E. Harris of South . Hill Church. A cordial invitation to all. W. C. T. U. Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 134 THE W est Van News The West Vancouver W. C. T. U...will hold their regular month ly hieeting in the United Church vestry, corner of Marine Drive „ t x , x,- ^ and. 21st Avenue om Thursday Insurance to take the place afternoon, January 10th, IT O - Workman s Compeimtion at 2:16 p.m;---------------------- approximate cost--$25. plement of 5 boys on the 8 b(mts, 2 on each of the smaller bbais and 1 on the No. 6 owing to the broken watch \yorked by this crew. The idea of starting only 2 boys on the Sonrisa and mov ing them along would in a'meas ure be promotion, as the rate of allowance increases with the size of the boat. Caps and over alls to be supplied at the ap proximate cost of $50 per an- ArenH We All? , (Prom a U.S. Paper) ■ Mrs, Carolyn Marie Grantham daughtei* of .Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gmntham, 1618 Eighteenth Avenue, and Edgar Lee Barger wore married a t 4 this after- Total cost of scheme about"$500. The above is only in the nat ure of a suggestion. Further de tails could be worked out if it was taken up by the^ouncil. Yours truly, TURK'S HEAD. YT^Wrtl. T. U. PnbHsher P. P. LOVEGROVB Phone West 363 , . ^ Bastneis and Editorial, Offic«: ITUi and Marino Drive (Next to Holly burn P .0 ,) Phono West 363 Mail Addreaat P. O. Box 81, Hollybum, B.C. noon. ^ le Re'i ̂ Arthur Chap- ̂ The regular monthly meeting m a n ,'e f the F irs t; Methodist of the Y. W. C. T, U. will be held Chuiph, officiated > and thirsty at the hofe of Mrs. C. H. l&ulk- ̂ relatives and friends were pres- nor, 1344 Gordon Avenue, a t 8' ^at. ; - p.m. Tuesday, 8th January. North Vancoui^er Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 81.00: a year by carrier: $2.00 a :iiRiar HOLLTBURN GIFT SHOP B.C 'Ladyships* and " Monarch^'* Wools Salo Now On Cdme early and get th e p ic k : of th e BARGAINS Jo in our Library - 25c a m onth -187S'jMarine-Drivc-(ncxt-to-GranwiU's Delicatossen) ----- ~ ^ a t home and climmatg poverty" Clearing out ALL STOCK to make room for New Goods "West 601 O W not T O t l G H l A B R I D G E T A B L E ^Vh INK of trying to play bridge by the light of two candles, studk in bottle tops. Yet that is the Cijuivalent of the light in many homes . a. level of illumination that will make any party drag, . Wouldn't you like to imow for sure \ whether your home is correctly Rghted ? Just phone the B. C Electric Home Lighting Department, Seymour 5151. We'll send out an expert with a Sight Meter, an amazing instrument that measures light as a thermometer measures heat. Take zdyspti^ of this ffee service. . . call us today and ^y, *'I want you to measure _my lighb." Sey. 5151... no obligation whatsoever. *!Sigbt Mcitr, ., Mtoiures Ugbt" BETTER LIGHT * BETTER S|^i4T