West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jan 1935, p. 2

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I'.,;i '■ f̂ i "I? I - t ' I .? ih If i t ■'., '. * *' k̂ -it\ !1 ' I Ir 11̂ :? i t " t;? jr'.I ' Vt,' ' c\ i ^ 1.r> f i i ! ■ If'3.'?•? ■ >.'- I I'uu j ' 's S ' '} t{£i *'< 't mm imunî iin « B W M M ttN KEWB ffW T VAN BAPTIST c i i iy C l l ' HilJii Wriffbb ,lii»i»ter 9m : Ur9rUim^i^ba(mf9f'^' Siwdar 8rr«ir«« t Ee*idf«w; 1848 BofmtoA A m • 11:16 ouin., 7:16 pju. Fhunc Wcat 26ZU. Sunday School and Bible C^aae ' • .1 0 a.m. 'T" "J- :..Sunday .Servicea -- 11 a.nk. end Stranjrera A Viiitore Wideame. .Sunday School, 10:(M) OLin. The News UNITED c h u r c h Oiir New Year's Resolution Communicm of the Lord'e SupiM̂ r will be obacrved a t the mornifiK Bcrvice next Sabbath at 11:15 a.m. Service aa uHual in the evening a t 7:15 o'clock.""" . Th(f VV. A, will meet in the Church Hall on Tuesday, Janu­ ary Bth, at 2:15 p.m„ when the annual reports will be read. A full attendance of membera is re<iuc«ted. ST. STEi»HEN»S CHURCH ̂ Rector: Rev. vF. A. Ramsey, L.S.T, W W T T jaC O W lB C b U f f l # Science S n d e ty INNii tyni Baptenlt, HoUjrtMurn tliUi Society in n Branch of n m Mother Church The Writ CJhtircb of Chriat, BdenUntt in Boaton, ' :' ;MnesidkBs«tts SuniLiy Service: a***'* Sunday, January C, 1935 Subject: ^XJOD" ■13f ■ .■■; ..M!" .......... ........... . Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. TenSmony Meetin;; Wcdneiday ■t 8:15 p.m. The public b cordially in­ vited to attend our eervicea and meetings. W e mentally resolve not to leave apy none unturned to merit a con'j tij'huancc qf the confidence and support you have shown in the past years. Gwendolen Beauty Shoppe 1S40 Marine Drive : For appointmente PHONE WEST U7 January (5th -- The Epiphany; 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 &. 11:15 u.m.--Sunday School 11:15 u.rn. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evoneong and Ser­ mon. Tue.Hd/Iy, 2:30 p.m.--W. A. busi­ ness meeting. Janijiiry Cth to 13th -- Week of ST. ANTHONFB CATHOLIC. CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest m Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, S a f e w a y § ¥ w n i $ sto re N o. 31, 1414 M arine , P h o n e ^ w t 313 ' ■ ■ ■-^LLimuLui.niKiW'Twiii» ' ' ' ..... Prices Effective FUlPAY & SATURDAY, January 4th A Sth PEAS -- Ajiroer, Sieve 5, No. 2 tin............................ - --Jifor 29c TOMATOES -- Aylmer. No- Hn.................... .......... -...8 for 29c IN)UK & BEANS -- Aylmer, No. 2 e4|^ti|t.......- ............. :4 for 29c gOUP Aylmer, Vegetable & Tomato.................. ........... 8 to t 19c p j ES -- King Oscar..• ' . ' * * * - - 2 to t 19c SALMON Billow l*ink, No. 1 tin............*.......................»...each 9c (L'ouN _Aylmer, (ioldeii llantam, choicev No. 2 t la ...........2 for 19c 0 .\0 CUBES -- 4 cubes to package........... ............ ............each 9c PEANUT BUITEU -- Bulk ........................-- ....................̂ .Ib. 9c FLOUR •-- Highway, 7 lb. paper Back...........1............ ........... each 19c COFFEE -- Max-l-Mum SHBEDDED WHEAT...................... - ........................... ;-2 Pkffs. 19c JEI.LV POWDEJKS -- Max-i-Mum .................................... 2 for 9c SOAP -- P. |& <i. White Naphtha*.................. .................... 9 for 29c TOILET' TISSUE -- Sable . . fOl|* 2dC W« r*#trv« th« riMht to limit quantllloo* SAFEWAY STORES WITHOUT WASTEDISTRIBUTION Residence: 2328Tnglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240E. 1 Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. DEATH OF W. LYMAN JONES William Lyman Jones, 2585 Bellevue Avenue, passed away, ....... , --- 7 JUOW AVJUttBH --̂ Oi'iU «.AU. isenevue Aveiiue, pa&auu ayvay rayer. Every diiy except jjjgjj Magg and Sermon --4,0:45 Sunday in the North Vancouver COD LIVER & HALIBUT LIVER OIL PREPARATIONS. *v * • Wo carry or can procure nil tho .Stamlard tnakcH of those.. A 2 lb. Jar of Halibut Liver Oil with Malt Extract fur $1.25 Saturday, 10:15 a.m. Hojy' ' (Ilommunion; 7 :30 Intercessions. Tue.sday, 8:15 p.m. -- Church ('ommittee. 1'h<; W.A. throughout Canada will make their Corporate Com­ munion on Sunday. St. Francis-in-the-Wood, Caujfeild Sunday, 3:00 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. Catechism and Bible Classr-3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays: Benediction, Rosary, Confes­ sions-- 7:80. c o r r e spo n d e n c e CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "(jOD ■' will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all General Hospital. The deceased Churches of Christ,,Scientist, on who was aged 55, and had resid- Sunday. « i ed here for many years, is sur- The Golden Text is: Now vived by his wife, three sons, unto the King, eternal, imimor- Lyman, Harry and Monty; two' tal, invisible, the only wise God, daughters, Moira and Lapreen; , be honour and glory for ever and two brothers, Harry of Vancou- evei\" (1 Timpthy 1: 17). - ver, and David of Golden; and a Among the citations which sister, Mrs. Ada Saunders of comprise the Lesson - Sermon Butte, Montana. Funeral servic- will be the following from the es were held yesterday at 3 p.m. Bible: "For I know that the in Harron Bros. & Williamson's Lord is great, and that pur Lord ANBLESIDE PHARNACYI ' -li' ~ 1-------- W. L. KER. Prop 1 .1401 Marine Drive 1 Phnn^ W «at 3̂ 1 FREE DELIVERY 1 \h D R t G. D . H . S E A L E D.O.S., L.D.S. DENTISTa;;."* - ■ .:•* i:} ■■ti. • •'Jii i-:/• T f- ^ ■ Hay Block, 14tti and. Marine Dr. Onico lioura 9 to 6 p,m. EyaningH by appointment. Phone Wettt 72 E. GALINA NT CHIROPRACTOR . 2411A Marino Drivo EveninKH by appointmont. Phono Soy. 8700 or Soy, 380DL City Office: 712 Robson St. BA1»TIST CHURC^i Pastor: Rev. H..P. Humphreys Sunday, January 6th 10:00 a.m.--rSuhday School and ------ -- Afl ul t-Clas8r~--------------- Bibki Class. 11:00 a.m,--Morning Worship. Pastor will p]x»ach. Topic: "Motto for 1985." 3 Anthem. The Ordinance of the' Lord's Supper will be observed at the Tlo8o~of"thiy"morning"s^iwic^ 7:16 p.m.--Evening"Worship. Topic: "Celestial Arith­ metic." Song sendee at com­ mencement. United Week of Prayer The Editor, West Van. News ________ ___ ____ Dear Sir :_ În connection with Chapel in North Vancouver, Rev. is above all gods." (Psalms 135: the report in your paper that the Hillis Wright officiating, and ^ P.-T. A. were about to meet the terment was madje in Capilano ihe Lesson,- sermon also in- Gov^himent with a view to wid- View Cemetery. eludes tl^, Jollowmg passage ening the scope of e m p l o y m e n t --------------------- from the Christian toence text- for bovs I should like to suggest ' BUILDING PERMITS UP Science and H ^Ith with to-tJiem-Bn-opening~here.*which-------------------------------------,-------- py_ to3A |4crip toM b y _ t e seems to be afforded by the The figures of the building Baker Eddy. God is individual, Ferry Company. ' pennits issued by the municipal Prin- My proposal involves a scheme hall during last December show ^ v e , the universal ,cause, giving an opportunity for as 7 permits taken out for a i^ a l■ - • --------- _ - - - - other self-existence. ̂He IS all- Monday. January 7th--Speaker: agreed period move the most Rev. Mr. Ward of Jackson likely apprentice on the Sonrisa Avenue Mission. to the No. 5 and replace by the Wednesday, Jan. 9th--rSpeaker: next on the list, moving them Rev. Henry Knox of Van- forward until there is a full com- _ an opportunity for as 7 permits taken out for a total many boys as possible to obtain of $8,820. Particulars of these . . . , . « . , , instructien in the different de- were "as follows: 3 dwellings, i^nclusive, and is reflected by all partments of the Ferry Comp- $8,300 ; 2 alterations, $300; 2 that is, real and: etenial and by any, i.e., (lKKR8'ine7Room; (2) garages, $220r""This"" totaf ~is i^o^P™8 else.--H e ^ Garage; (3)̂ Office andJater the $5,845 over that for December impossible to conceive Deck Department; as follows: 1933, when 6 permits were taken 9? omnipresence and indiv- Start 2 boys ill the garage and out for. $2,975. 2 on the Sonri.sa as apprentices and 1 boy in the office to assist the manager. At the end of an iduality except as infinite Spirit or Mind." EatabliahPit on North Hhoro 20 Yourii. (I.4uly Aaslstant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON f m t t s i l itrectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street _Phone North__184_______ couver Heights. Friday, Janua^ 11th--Speaker: Rev. J. E. Harris of South . Hill Church. A cordial invitation to all. W. C. T. U. Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 134 THE W est Van News The West Vancouver W. C. T. U...will hold their regular month­ ly hieeting in the United Church vestry, corner of Marine Drive „ t x , x,- ^ and. 21st Avenue om Thursday Insurance to take the place afternoon, January 10th, IT O - Workman s Compeimtion at 2:16 p.m;---------------------- approximate cost--$25. plement of 5 boys on the 8 b(mts, 2 on each of the smaller bbais and 1 on the No. 6 owing to the broken watch \yorked by this crew. The idea of starting only 2 boys on the Sonrisa and mov­ ing them along would in a'meas­ ure be promotion, as the rate of allowance increases with the size of the boat. Caps and over­ alls to be supplied at the ap­ proximate cost of $50 per an- ArenH We All? , (Prom a U.S. Paper) ■ Mrs, Carolyn Marie Grantham daughtei* of .Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gmntham, 1618 Eighteenth Avenue, and Edgar Lee Barger wore married a t 4 this after- Total cost of scheme about"$500. The above is only in the nat­ ure of a suggestion. Further de­ tails could be worked out if it was taken up by the^ouncil. Yours truly, TURK'S HEAD. YT^Wrtl. T. U. PnbHsher P. P. LOVEGROVB Phone West 363 , . ^ Bastneis and Editorial, Offic«: ITUi and Marino Drive (Next to Holly burn P .0 ,) Phono West 363 Mail Addreaat P. O. Box 81, Hollybum, B.C. noon. ^ le Re'i ̂ Arthur Chap- ̂ The regular monthly meeting m a n ,'e f the F irs t; Methodist of the Y. W. C. T, U. will be held Chuiph, officiated > and thirsty at the hofe of Mrs. C. H. l&ulk- ̂ relatives and friends were pres- nor, 1344 Gordon Avenue, a t 8' ^at. ; - p.m. Tuesday, 8th January. North Vancoui^er Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 81.00: a year by carrier: $2.00 a :iiRiar HOLLTBURN GIFT SHOP B.C 'Ladyships* and " Monarch^'* Wools Salo Now On Cdme early and get th e p ic k : of th e BARGAINS Jo in our Library - 25c a m onth -187S'jMarine-Drivc-(ncxt-to-GranwiU's Delicatossen) ----- ~ ^ a t home and climmatg poverty" Clearing out ALL STOCK to make room for New Goods "West 601 O W not T O t l G H l A B R I D G E T A B L E ^Vh INK of trying to play bridge by the light of two candles, studk in bottle tops. Yet that is the Cijuivalent of the light in many homes . a. level of illumination that will make any party drag, . Wouldn't you like to imow for sure \ whether your home is correctly Rghted ? Just phone the B. C Electric Home Lighting Department, Seymour 5151. We'll send out an expert with a Sight Meter, an amazing instrument that measures light as a thermometer measures heat. Take zdyspti^ of this ffee service. . . call us today and ^y, *'I want you to measure _my lighb." Sey. 5151... no obligation whatsoever. *!Sigbt Mcitr, ., Mtoiures Ugbt" BETTER LIGHT * BETTER S|^i4T