West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jan 1935, p. 1

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^' ■ / - -■• ■ ̂ _ ^ j- • • - ' T . f t ^ -H V , u - . . » , , - . 1. - u f x * ' 1 1 3 1 C 3 V i t \ » ' / ' * ■ t ^ ^ * Lwii'* <'•<'<■,» r>44< >̂ 1' ' • *■ ; ,■ ■ " ' V E ^ | ^ ' " ' 'r : ' r f ' ' L V -..-..- ^ - f ^ e e ld r ^ e w s p a iJ ^ ^ emulating in the b tstrtcjaf We ̂ Vancouver--Ambieside, HoifybumW ^m, Dundarave l̂ooperŷ .̂ , . Cypress'Park, Caumd,Whytecim Etc, : / ^ ____ _ HOLLYBURN P.O ., w e s t V A N C oU vigR . B.C., TH U R SD A Y . JA N U A R Y 3rd, 1935 __________ N q. 35 ^ JUNIOR DHpiATIC SOCIETY TRUSTEE JACKSON AUTO MECHANICS' CLASS A greater spirit of optimism prevailed at the recent New , Th#» «J«v " Our rnii.i.r« TO RUN AGAIN ------- Year's celebrations throughout western dvilization than has which fh? tnSL. c u i fn "~I-- i, ̂ enroll- b('en the case for a long time. In the ^ore recent past, as Dramatic SocStv T^stee <^rge Jack- numt of 26 studonte, the average the years drew to"a*close;dtivas"the~habit of business and th e....."at the %Tol̂ hnrn ' attendance being abput~80%-.~ . press to state that the forthcoming year would bring a change January 14tĥ and 15th Hu h Under the able instruction of for the better. This, not because there was any %al basis ' trbeToJ^^^^ ̂ mth^Hdo^o Banks thc lectures r d dem- for such prophesying, but for the reason that it seemed to be in the wav ofdocal entertate ̂ rations have been made both .........! ,^ A?d " j'i l t this spirit of kidding ourselves that has " ^ o f l h i " w" ;" aî lh'"wL"! nSSŜ e"d S i.-la iir ^d" the T c U in ™ - been responsible for the depression lasting so long. The Junior and Senior Hivrh Schliok̂ dlftnHl for more care in drfving moment the world began to admit, as it was finally forced .to The ^ ety^ h as been fortunate â ô for the board some weeks ĵ. ob]igatoi*y bn the private towards r ^ v m ^ ^ nations took the first step in lobtaining the co-operation of So far nothing has come to us car and how - '"% t T 3 of i*e pid saw about "f i^ e s lyinV it is ^,\*icrsL 'Sre"nrre"rhe S e T e c ^ o ff^ X * !:^ n X " lne^s'"^ evident that \vorId trade is on the mend. & course, there is ence an evening of lively enter- council neither Reeve S<evland depend on the knowledge a long and tortuous way to be travelled before the sunshine tainment. ̂ ' nor Oouncillors S fn s o n and advice of others when ° ^Th^worl^exch^^ have to be stabilised as a pre Monday, will Fiddes having announced them- '?p.̂ • Umiirirv To anv reallv satisfa^>^ f f i^ h inintPrSaĤ ̂ reserved for Students, at a ?®̂ ves, and no other candidates Uio P.-T. A. of West Vancou- t S X s s ib l / t h e r e X y ha^f ̂ bTin soSo "nfte" sterH V f t tV ^ definitely come forward. day performanc/wili be for both I. 0. D. E. the reach of all local mote^ Great Powers now that ^ 16c res" ctW y!"'"' The regular meeting of the m«nt" «f aduirSicatbn'^X ^' a"na" ill givtup what it deems necessary 4 T ts1 S :u X , " «* T ' ' f**'* tek rp lcV 'a r 2 - l? "p m"' n S for ideas based on the supposition that the Millenium has 'f i t t r Gray Mond^ at the home of of ><nowledge for practlc. ' We in Canada have started on the upward path, while yet oltes o f S s t S e f & S l 7 he X o n a„ make f . ' last facing the facts, some of them some rather, ugly facts, Bubbles Bernard, Frank Smitê ̂ er ffiw m iiv i the stSdê ^̂ ^that have been, keeping us back, and are beginning to realise JP̂ n 'Thompson,, Phyllis Biglow, 8̂ 've a paper on The icma fudents may have are that there are no short cuts to prosperity, that the onlv wav Kenneth McNair and Donald ̂ \ /. is by the old hard road. • MacKenzie. ̂ . r FriniMW A It is,to bê hoped that a larger We in West Vancouver-can face the future with confid- ------- ----------- --------* ' car owners will avail ence. Our progress has been made throughout on sound lines, ̂FRAMAR MONTESSORI Eiffhtv-one Veterans' rhildran . . .̂ ,nd there will be «^\slipping, back, even though we may stili SCHOOL PARTY had f m S enioT̂ ^̂ ̂ thne I t 'have to wait for that brighter future which we feel must be -~r-- the aSnS^fXmSTrtv criTSn bv te ' mu. nnrs Th^ rumik Fi.o»v,o,. ^unuai Amas party ĝ ̂ the course. The intention is to ' Tv/r. H the LegionW . A. last Saturday deal with practical problems, to- i - ■: :r :=r Y ~ ■■=̂ ...... ,, ==^-M(mtes8o r i^ --afternoon~in-i:he^-I^gibn" Hall:~bt'̂ solved 'iF actuhl bemohi^t^^^ •LEGION XMAS DRAWING Cranwill, 1 gal. motor oil; 76, W. !J"i Mkf m Graham acted ds tion and an interesting series of -------- Wallace, chasis lubrication; 211, Efi' convener. .Irene Turner aruJ., discussions:is anticipated. The following'were" the'win-. ■'Mrj^;.Pattersompr. hand-paint- ners in the above drawing, ed'vases; 482, Mrs; Bob Black, ' children with dancing numbers, dd te all interested to enroll with nam«s being given as draTO: d . Moore, box chocLtes.aid lb: was devot^ to a pretty thea tre tick e t and g ^ i e s f t char^ iftrd^foX m blm hto ------Ti_cke_t_No._252,_JIrs,̂ JPê ̂ -tea; -215,-J. Johnsten, -5-sacks--B^Yg^---ei^jtlM--j^€_Brown^^ th^ by ̂ eorge Childs, who i__if ,any-of-the-residents-have-old-^- theatre pass;. 484, Bob Black, coal; ̂568, W. Carley, Xmas the Shoemaker, ' given by .acted as Santa , GÎ us. After cars they wish to rid themselves smoking stand; 235, Wm. Mus- plant; 80, Miss Stevenson, 3 lbs. the following pupils in costume: games and music,.refreshments. 6f, advise hs^nd we ,dan make nez, 49 lbs. flour; 264; H. G. tea; V. Black, bbx chocolates; Anita Jay, Ada wete served ^ .-Barker, 10 lbs. sugar; l39, Mrs.-̂ 50L J. CondojvB lbs."butter; 51, Kirk, Diana J^kson, Mary Con- decorated tables. . ' " -------- ----------- A. McLeod, duck; 205, Mrs. Sal- . Mr. Thoms, 2 sacks, brickettes; ^Uaren, Joe^Lidster - . 1 " the evening their parents HOLLYBURN WEATHER ter, tree; 162, Major Harrisoii, 119, Mrs. B. Williamson, pair and Dickie Horspool. This took sat dovm to an excellent supp^ wi.Amii.K canary; 377, H. Kolthairwner, 2- slippers; 593, PaP'Albin, roast school-room; after Total rainfall for December 10s flour; 7, W. Diggons Dattle, beef; 573, S. Ware, spring roost- which had been nicely d^orated 1934, 13.64 inches. ' floor shine; W. Atwood, Xmas . er; 600, W. J. Pearsoii, sack of JTj'Hy tltostmas eniblems and fw which the BlackyDî :̂̂ nd Total snowfall 6 8 inches cakey 457, Mrs. Drysdal ̂ 3 lbs. potktoes; 385, P. A. Andrews, ̂^tted with a small stage. Miss Orchestra supplied the n ^ c butter; 127, J. Denhison, box of electric lamp; 142, F. Candlish, Frances Powell acted as a ^ ^ p -= I^nsom- and-^AuJ^^ jD ^ W ith^ inch or miore ofcigars; 262, H. G. Baker; butter 1 dozen hand - painted Xmas â mst and generally assisted Miss Clarke also gave some numberkj or «̂ ore of service; 273, Wm. Green, toilet cards; 394,.. Mrs. Dorward, 1/2 r̂mkmiay. • . ' f atfwq Days with heavy snowfall, 3. set; 373, Mr. Isaacs, 5 sacks coal; doten silver spoons; 47, Mrs. Ida Afterwards the children had U. F. NEWS Total rainfall for' December 184,Mrs. Watermian, Jiam; 67, McL^n, 5 sacks coal; 3, T. Phil- their Christmas Tree and Party ,p; ; ^ -1933, 15.22 inches ' . Burkhart, 3 sacks coal; 355, H. lip; 24 lbs. sack flour; M. H.» in Mrs._^ckmay's home, Which Total snowfall for December P. Troland; 570, A. Garthome, Cranwell, turkey; 347, Mr's; W .\ was also beautifully decorated. Headquarters, 1933 2.2 inches ' ' tin tobacco; 331, J. Paton, box R., Clark, Xmas cake; 460, T. Here afternoon tea was served to _ ' Xmas crackers; 376, Mrs. A. Littleford, flash light; 586, G. the parents and friends while fû ^̂ Total rainfalf for 1934, 72.16 Cox, spring rooster; 384, ' G. Crosby, Xmas pudding; 78, Mrs. the children sat down te a pret̂ The tuTkevI wfra wHn ^ Newman, enamel chair;, 312, Waller, Xmas cheer; 574, Mrs.. , tdy decorated teble which was Total snowfall, 7.3inches. Lloyd Faulkner, box chocolates; Harrington, 11 qts. milk. loaded with dainties, the pla^ the^lldLs wh^t nri7P w^ ̂won without rain or snow, 202. 96 Bob Fiddes,. Xmas pudding; . ̂ ------------------- cards and other effects being the bv Mrs F with ah inch or nfore of 1̂03, B; Grout, vase tea; 84, Mrs. YOUNG PEOPLE Ŝ DANCE worku-of the pupils. nrizp ̂ŵ ̂ rain, 24. C. Barron, .turkey; 220, Mrs. , -- ----- excitement ^used b® c h john ̂ ^ Comparison ^ Graham, ginger wine; 341, K. S. A Young People's Dance spon- when Santa Claus arrived, ,a^ V* 'p g+p̂ ves MI A Total rainfall for 1933, 77.90 Price, Juniper tree; 276, Mrs. A. sored by the Duncan Lawson Presented each child with candy .^^s. « p̂ Partington, ciip and saucer; 288, Chapter, I.O.D.E., will take place Hf U e U m a ^ r s ^ M^^ snpwfall, 14 inches. Ah'S. M. Romans, spring rooster; tomlorrow (Friday) night in the oeived a doll and e^h boy a 7th from 3 nm to^5 nm Days without rain or snow, m - p : o c e r : o S n g e n a n .T h d i s a we-school f.^^^^ Z u ld any of her̂ Ŵ^̂ ^̂ Tj0j*g • 287' IVTt* "' wr *Tif' ̂ * 4*̂ 4* ̂ v*4c -- ̂ ® ® ver constituents wish to meet P*a^ with an inch or more ofMr. JYte, wool; 271, will be divided into two parts, > ------------------- her . ' ®̂ wdust bucket; juniors from 7 to .9:30 and RAINFALL AT WEST BAY, The next Whist Drive will be -̂----------- ----- WEST-YANCOU\CBR,-1934----:-heId-on-TueSr, January. khr--------ENJJJ'.AND"̂ . Shampoo ; 169, Geo. Childs, I'pr. 9:30 to 12. There will be a gtood -------- . at 8 p.m. Admission to be free a -------- towds; 535, Mr. Isaacs, svveet- orchestra, refreshments, punch , Precipitation, as recorded at as usual.' * ArrangemlentsTiave been com- Qm and.novelties, and the hall will Cliff Brake, Crtery Avenue. Mr. Swailes,.M.L.A. for Delta Plated by St. Stephen's Men's man 'hnv be: beautifully decorated. Ad- January................ 14.58 inches Jading will -be the speaker on (3ub for the. presentatiori in the ..... ;:::: ::: :J ;i :: - fe* Bibbs, . merchandise; ---------------- *-- April T98 ** CROSS-COUNTRY RACE 14th, of the very beautiful May. 3.32 « * The date for this race has interesting series of ten pTva. Xmas man, thoughtfully:. 'ly e got to* jyn e.................... . .1.02 " " been set for Saturday, January filnis entitled "Come to b a c o n b u y flowers and chocolates and j^jy ;............... a.€i4 - « X9th, at 2:30 p.m. over ̂ he same England// by Douglas Flintoff, groceripa- m parcel - th ^ re tickets and--- _ August.............1.80 pute. The prizes fo r the six member of the British Film In- ^^rtraitH^llI^ arithmetic. September.......... . 2,45 " firrts will consist of sporting./ititute. There will be"aperform- Ib aapir aagcd his fnciid. „ .. October ................ 6.59 " gofods. Runners on the first two ance for children in the after- ^Sentimentel arithmetic, the November ........10.41 « t^nas will receive medals, while noon at 4 o'clock and for adults of r .yoting man sighed. December ............ 42.54 " ' nil participai^ will be given the at 8 p.m. This lecture of beauti- ĝgs; 85 Gpo VimSiJii /i ŵ rk-Pioaa iiAf̂ n _ (Includcs 8 inches snow) „ Proyincml Itecr^tion Centre., ful England has drawn large ■ 'ttlingtoW ltfilfvS sir!" ' TofaRtieO inches.; / ^ . - ^ V £ l d S iJ o lfa ftS " S X T ls ^ r te tu ^ w ^ k t P e^ elriL w ^ * ^ t : JWell, wheel It along, ^ c s i Provincial ^reation ; ought not to be missed. Remem- "anent wave, 427,.Mrs, H. m y b o y " __________ ___ _______________________ ____pn̂ _î F«̂ _T̂ ere are np fees,______her the date, January_14th. ' , i v ' ^ '1 ' ' J '" ""' J- V,/ J ' ' , * * ~ ̂ f ' ' ' '/ - 's / '* ^ " I * 1 ' "" I ' ' « p t I 'V ' " ■V' '"5 i' ' mC'v ;, i ! 1 <. '>■'#I i- fii f'w 4' * 1. 1*1"CrW' I ' 'n-' -imll, '< 0 t ■ ¥<-̂r "' n M it:' i'l l l ' i•; \ , I ye t r >1- ••li-'■/ V > ' ' Mv' I s, frJ!/i r ' ' t 1- lu---h:-- if. •■'». It'- ■ I' ' JI 3̂ \ ; - U ' i A m X ; ̂ ViXm J ' s- v*i" r ■' k< i _ j ' / / tlM 4{ ̂ e , . - ; / I , 4> J i U I <4̂ ^ -R t ' ,v ■ n .'i -'i I nf • Yi, 4, fJ V .. -V - J "A 4 - as J i i