€ < t e TO SCOTLAND ^ttft»"w i ® ^ ttirued out to ' »■ V t'^'f0 ': the se^nd illastrat^Hi lecture en- titled^TJoroe to Scotland," which I 'l 'i '. Prices Good Friday mM Saturday, March* 1st St 2nd t ̂ ■ ' f l ? J . ,J.S^ 4 ,T . «mimiiiiii|iiiiR>i,Mi,iMiil|||Hi,,|,̂ |,,, 1 flî We4 ...... ' ' fA i ̂f*i <̂1, '■■■" ■ ' i' X k ' « , i „ i ,V *' 1* ' H A i <!'!*,'J <u I m K«d 4k Whit# COFFEE .. . V'Muum Tin, AUNT MAItY*S a>FF B B I lb, ba*' ____ .;..... 'Sge Htd A WhiU* COCOA, Fj «». tin l ie lOsd 4k White 80U F...... ;......6 tine i i t 1 ornate, Veireteble or Clam Chow der. Heady to nerve, Iti-d 4k White TOMATOES, 3 Una 32« Hod ripe. Hand packed. No. 2Fi Un lied Sc White CUT GHKEN BEANS J fl . lOc Hed Sc White MAKMALADE 32 oat. jar ................................... 27c lied Sc While J'EANUT BU'ri'KH -- - 2 Iba.̂ r -.:.:;.;:;.;.T.,T..;i,:.;;.;"..,";;,/'23c" JTNEAFI'CE CUBES, J.arKc 19*ox. tin , .... ....................]0c TEA, Aunt Mury'a, lb,„. gje KTHAWBKHHy JAM ~ NalH>b' * ....................4 lb. tin 47c HHHEDDKI) WHEaV -- ^ 100% whole wheat.........pkt. lOc COI.BEN HVHUF HoKera 2 Hi. tin ...... ................ ......... I6c Mteatp . Phone West 370 BACON, lat irrade, Fr fb. faackei 18c FINNAN IIAODIE par Ifc........... I6c FINNAN liA BD lE FILLETS (Scotch cure) per lb .................. 20c KIFI'EHS ......................-2 Iba. for 25c I'OI HOASTS from Prime Beef from per lb............................ 12flic BKVONSimiE SAUSAGE .. Ib. 18c BKKF SAUSAGE ...............2 Iba. 26c I,KG OF LAMB, pineal quality, lb, 25c SIIOULBERS OF LAMB, Fineat (laulity (whole) per lb.............. 16c POHK HOASTS ~ Butta, per lb. 17c POKK HOAST8~Fore l-eS, lb: l4c VOI/NG BOILING FOWL,U.!.!:. 20c All Mfata of the Very Fineat Quality. '-*«w«tr#lwr:llonda.V' - n ish i- by Dougin FTlntofr ill the Orange HaM under the auspices of St. Stei>ben*8 Men'« Club. ' Mr. Woodcock in the ab.sence of Rev. F, A. KainiB^ due to sickness, introduced the lecturer. The laL ter by means ef views took the audience up the east coast of Scotland, through the High lands, down the west coa.st into the Lowlands, and so through Edinburgh back to Glasgow. The views included many of the J e f f e r ie s ' , . Goyernnwifc'i|li^e)if*0% ' . 'HAMS L'AMB...--':riraBr-'S«*Troir'™ .:." veai COI-D MB4TS OF ALL KfiniS P^tlCATESSGN 1 Store at Hol|ylii.i||ra^ next Theatn beauty spots anri hKHtorfc places lildingfland buildings of Scotland. TWo.; comedies were also shown for the benefitn£ the.children. Mrs, F. X. Iknlgson presided at the piano, playing many old Scottish airs during the per formance. ' and all b u il d in g WEST VANCOUVIR lumber CO. LTD. ------- FOR UI5AL SATISFACTION -____ . Phone West 115 . : . 1407 Marine Drivj? Htd A White FLOOR WAX I lb. (in .... ....... m i.K DATES ................ . 3 |'b«'; 20c ...........................4 Ibu. 15c CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ̂ I CORRESPONDENCE "CHRIST JESUS" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon Iff■'t$r jf.'ll 4 ■ m 'i'Til" The Editor, ■ West Van News, m. ■Attention, Vcteransl ihe British Empire ^ rv ice pjugue, of; which the Canadian l^*gion is a part, wAs once de- ljy the Prince of Wales the biggoHt British institu- Yj-t it might be much nigger, if only more ox-service mmi would join its ranks. Here in West Vancouver, for example there must_be at least two hun- m;cHi who are not memlKjrs. In 1019 the politician had the ex-service men divided up into vai IOU.S small bodies in order that he could handle them. ITie BOXINGX'HAMPIONSHIPS ti<.mJamlTh^Sl*Educa«o!If?» received Christ sponsoring ih a n ,n i„ „ ,h i„ . ^ r i „ 'S e l l e t r a ' l 1 In all Churches of Christ, Scien tist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "As ye have therefore received Christ C LA SSIFIED A D S The rate for ClassiOed Adrertiaementa is 2 cents per word, niinimn 25 Cents. Except in the case of .tluwe having regular accounts, all cU*. fieda are payable strictly in advance.' • * Remember Classifieda in the Weat Van News get immediete results. sponsoring championships in boxing for members of the Rcr. creat ion Centres in B. C„ novices 'i'iic; viirious weight classes are as follows; Bantamweight.......118 lbs. F<'atherweight.......126 lbs.*' Lightweight .......... 135 lbs. We terw eight....... 147 lbs. Middleweight ....... 160 lbs. Light Heavyweight 175 lbs. Heavyweight -- all over. 'Hh; following limitations are placed on all boxing bouts: CRAIG & ROUT! -- Radio Service; over 12 years' experience. Phone West 04 5L. ' . ' ........ U l»01 all these bodies except one oi* bxs), 8 lbs. jFeatherweight (126 two, has since liandled the poll- ' ̂ ' •--- ness of - the^ Godhead bodily." (Colossians 2: 6, 9). Among the citations which comiprise the Lesson - Sermon 18 the follo^ving from the Bible: T say unto thee, Arisb, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house. And immediately he rose up .before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and depart ed to his own house, glorifying God." (Luke 5: 24, 26). ̂The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage FOR SALE or EXCHANGE -- White Leghorn Rooster. Phone West,T68R FOR SALE -- 1 Sleeper 5-tulic b ' tery set with, tubes, $5. 1 Moha 9-tube with table speaker, $25 Phone W est 845L. YOUNG MAN -- Single, wants board and room steady employment. Write Box 9, West Van News. . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Repairs, all makes; West Vanc< ver-Machine Shop. 1449 Marine, LOST -- Vicinity 25th and Mathers; child's brown mitts; white toy dog. West 380L2. ( P J f™™ the DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & k n it t in g s h o p p e , 2446 Mar ine, -- Wool, Knitting Books, DiM. G., Stamped Goods. Free Instruc tions. Proprietor, Maisie Biisst.. SNAPS IN SHRUBS ~ Laurels, K Hydrangeas,. Lavender,. Cotone; ters, Yellow Carnations, Spire Hollies, Varigated Wiegelia, Be wood. Honeysuckle and other va ' eties to clear.' Call, price and choo or phone Geo. Gourlay, West 2. PUBLIC STENiDGRAPHEir- Mt garet Hobson, West 427L. \ V d - 4̂ hf' tician. According to. the records 90 per cent of the pensions obtained by the Legion have Been for non- members. for it worka^equally n?4 non-members. Jho.se who through private doc tors have obtained jiensions may jancy they owe nothingnto the l-/(.*gion. But they should rorneni- J)or __lJje_-Legion- is mainly re- spon.sible for all tht MARCEL SHOP.-- New Thermique steam permanent; Marcel, 50c; Re set, 35c; Finger Wave, 50c. Above Royal Bank. Phone West 804. BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED -- ■ .sell 'Jam es' Seeds -- Horseshoe B to Capilhno. Apply in ■writing „ Smith's Grocery. 1502 Marine Dri K S t f & s * a , g r ' . , . v l\or example: A Bantamweight is the coming anew of weighing 118 lbs. could not box the gospel of *on earth ------ - an opponent weighing over 126 ffood-wifi.toward men' " ^ p lbs. .. If he weighed 116 lbs. his ' -------- ^ ■ ■ PhlnTw^f 380X1. FRED JONES -- 'Bicycles, Parts, Re pairs, Used Bicycles from $1() up. Trade-ins taken,' easy terms,; "cash paid for used parts. 1465 Marine Drive. West 4721if. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundara --rNotions; Stationery; Toys; Ga den R akesS hovels; Forks; Seed Hardware, etc. COMFORTABLE COTTAGE -- ( good beach near ferry, reasonat if taken for six months. Pho. West 350X. ! >C'" Ml 1/ ; I 'V, "v pension for nv>n 20 and over.the official mouthpiece of the ex- service man. Betf-protection and_gratitud( "!̂ >»t,bUghLt.o_mak'e everv-pon- .sionfer a member of-tlui-i^HonT Politt, of-East fhere^will be two divisions -- . B^Uevue AveJmT®^ R ^ A IR S --■ Get the best nu erial : a i ^ ̂ workmanship at Fox 14th a t Ferry. ' ^ ' All entrants, when they regis- ter for these championships, which must--be done by tomor- rowrmustiiroduce~i>irth certifi- Duty to1e.s.s fortunate comrade's same S i f v ̂ one of A drive f o r " S L " ow S " " membership; th'ê imKhicto^ /i 'vill be con- cates,-or affidavits' relating: to^ ............ m iu o r a t j o lL ru K t * resident so TfT, these matters. If he thinks, he cannot lieli) hut ' Yours truly, . H. E. WAUCER, President, Unnadian Legion, West Vancouver. Schools, during the week from M^ch 4th to the 9th inclusive. The size of the ring will be. 14 ft, by 14 ft. Each bout will con sist Of 3 twohminute rounds with one minute between them. All those registering must do What counts iisn't the size of It's the sizeof the fight m the <iog. Joe. how do 'Oh, she's all right I ^less, but there are lot.s of things we needed worse." TEe- News so not later than FVidky, March 1st, and send their names into this office. " Finals will bb^held the follow-' ing Week., The place is yet to be decided. \ Medals, for winners and sport ing goodsTor runners-up are the ^prizes offered. The Instructors are asked to see that only those physically fit, will i^egister, A medical ex amination will take place befor^ they enter the ring. SPRING TONICS Wampole^s Extract of Cod Lijirer_Oii:::iZ|;CTr Peptona .................. $i.oo Syrup Hypophosphites 1,00 Vita-full, a delicious, chocolate beverage large tin .........43c HXALL DRUG STORE McNeil's at 1402 Marine Drive West 528 Free Delivery We are .agents for the fine products of BOOTS -- Cash Chemiste, England.......... _.L_ ' LLQ Y ^S w o o l & KN I'niN G " SHOP, 2474 Marine Complete „ line Spring wools." -Free knitting -̂ '̂ chort̂ =̂ Mê =3Hiâ =KafKreeirCIem-" ent. Proprietors. * * C. J., ARCHER LTD. -- List Prope . ties w th . us now; • We haye direi ____^W.qujjd^„jaiid_-;actiye-r^ PhoheVWest 225 ;or Seymoui' 595' -G l^ . HAY, Notary. Pulilic -- Real Estate and Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. WEST BA Y LIBRARY -- 50 cents month; New books every month. HEADQUARTERS for AH PopuIaF Brands of C i^ re tte s and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. -gBRNISHEDJA N D UNFURNISHI Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, ai acreage for, sale. John Lawsor 17th andc Marine; Phone West 56. WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near •_ ferry . Phone West 340 or West 143 f o r RENT TO RELIABLE TENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally Jocat ed; sawdust burner, good garden Rent $26. .Apply Box 49, West Van News. ' GIVE WEBB'S a- trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- clothing. Phone West 37 and truc¥ will Collect " " RADIO R ^ A IR S -i: West Van. Radio *^«ttie«wVWesM08r GORDON ROBSON Bazriater ~ Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-^ Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12, VANCptJViER OFFICE-- . Suite 510 Hastmgs St W. . Phone, ^ y m o u r 4199. 2 to 6. One B rand - One q»nality! T hew to lie s M o s t of But...surely you didn't tell him straight out that you loved him ? "(Sooduess, no I He had to s(iueeze.it out of me. CopHono Brewing Co, Limited Vancouver,. B. C, , THE DUNDASAVS "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING 2446 Marine Drive Special SALE Olr WDOL F R I D A Y . Match 1st S A T U R D A Y * March 2ndi USEE wn.NDOW DISPLAY) \ - FREE INSTRUCTION * - COURTEOUS, SERVICE 1SJ5T. --Prop. MAISIE BUSST This advertisement is not published o r disnlnv;^^ t •