West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Feb 1935, p. 2

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WS!--* taswiMMlMil muM Sl̂ îl̂ l̂ iS I* . . . . i . WSVilf * T r #'? 3f. *} '# 1 1/,, '::* I N # M :k . V* *w fl;r;r; /#!' Â' ,'v̂M*' !^'i f'r ms ..!i ..'f 4 , l i '.Ki- ip , '5i:; i i W S S T r A N UNITSO CBU8CB E#f. M b W r% i^ M li l^ t r U:lfi A.m,» 1 i l6 P M . ButtAnjf School *nd Bibb CImmi Str«nf«rt * V ltiton WdksotM. J . » A m 0 F c m m m - INwtorf' iUrr.'^Bfr#*HHtaif^ ̂ BefifbisiM'; 194$ ifai]rwo«4. Am. Phono West 2$$B. Hundsy Services --^11 a .m and ....... .... . Sunday Schooli, 10:4^ ajn . 5 WyUie *--• Camerois The marriage tookplace qui$t. ly in Montreal last Saturday of Julie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Caulfcild, to Mr. Robert Waugh Wyllie of that city; Mr. and Mrs. WyJlie will return to Mont­ real in about a month's time. Condition W jp* ^ ^ Your Hair For that spring perm anent If your hair oeems dead and lindcsH, don't.uso soap shampoos. The now soopless snampod will do away with tho' alkaline do- iwsit left by ordinary shampoo Call and le t'u s examine your hair without any obligation. HOUYBOIR HEL 14th A Duchssa FlUlMY EVENING, March lot, ' a t 7:30 Young People^a Service Proaperoua Fool** Illustrated by lantern views. Speaker: Mr. L . Hibberd St'NIlAY, March 3rd, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young Men's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:80 GospeJ Address, . Speaker: MIt. J. ANDERSON TUESDAY at 8:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. w e b t Y a n c o u v e b CftnibaB ScieMCf Society 30Ui WMl Bsgaimalt. IleUybara T h b Society is a Branch of Th« Mother Church Tho F irst Church of Christ, in Boston, Masaachusetta « Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, March 3, 1935 Subject: "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wedneaday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in- vltad to attend our services and meetings. S a f e Store No. 31, |4I4 Marine IPhone West 31$ Prices PTfcctive MARCH 1st and ?H Il GIANT SALK-- AYLMER CANNED FOODS Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Marine Drive For appointmenta PHONE WEST 117 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Hillis Wright AYLMER CARROTS & PEAS N% 2 m U a ....... ...... 2 for AYLMER TOMA'rOES -- No. 2 aq. tin ..............................2 for AYLMER PEAS -- Sieve r>, No. 2 U a ............... ........ each AYLMER WHITE CORN -- N«x, 2 tin.......................... .. each AYLMER GOLDEN HANTAM CORN -- No. 2 t i a . . each AYLMER KENTUCKY WONDER WHOLE GREEN BEANS No. 2 tin .......f...................................................................... .. for AYLMER MIDGI5T REEI'S -- N a 2 tin.................... each AYLMER ASPARAGUS TIPS -- 10J4 d*. U a ............ . .each ORCHARD CITY PEAKS -- No. 2 aq. t i a . . . .................. each AYLMER APRICOTS -- No. 2 aq. Un::;;::r.;.;:::.;:::;;,;:..r each AYLMER p e a c h e s -- Choice, halves, 2g, aq......... catfh AYLMER RED PI.UMS -- No. 2 aq. t l a ! ^ ........2 for AYLMER TOMATO SOUP .....................L ........................ each AYLMER TOMATO JUICE ....................................... ;........... each i 60 more IteniH on sale not mentioned Jo , this.ad.......... 19c 15c lOc 9c 10c 25c 17c 17c ioc 16c 19c 17c 7c 5c W« ra««rv« Ui« rifht to llmH quontltlo*. Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Sunday, March 3rd--Quinqua- go.sirna Sunday. H( Chocolates MOIR'S and NEILSON'S in Boxes 25 centN to $2.00 In ilara^--Ganong's, Rowntroo'a, Neilaon'a, Lowney'a, Moir'a, Cndbury'a and Patteraon's. ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone West 828 FREE DELIVERY The MARINA 1416'Marine Drive FINE CAKES See our WINDOW DISPLAY Dr. Marjory McCubbin R.F.P.SJJ. d e n t i s t Royal Bank Bldg., liourH; 0 n.m. to 6 p^m' " And:--by-i4U>i)omtmetd-" Phone West .14G or West 393 8 :00 a.in;-- Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15 a.m.-Sunday ^hool 11:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.hi.--Evensong and Ser­ mon. Ash Wednesday, 10:45 a.m. -- Holy Communion, 4:00 p.m.--Children's Service. Every Thursday in Lent, 10:15 a.m. •-- Holy Communion. 8 p.m.--1/onten Service; Rev. W. Cooppr of St. James' Church, Vancouver, Conduc­ tor. St. Francis-in-ihe-Woods; Caulfeild . Sunday, 3:00 p^m. -- Evensong and Sermion. At the monthly meeting of the St. Stephen's Branch of the W. A. on Tuesday, February 26th, Mi.s.*4 Bowman of the Japanese Mission, was ^ welcome guest.' On the invitation of Mrs. Ram­ sey she gave some o t her experi­ ences in the work in-the Orient to which she I'eturhs on March 2nd. The program was as follows: "Coast Mission of the Canadian Labrador, Mrs. Y atesS ongs, ̂ (a) The Pilgrim's Song, (J. Bun- yan), (b).,.The Cradle , Song (F. •Schubert), Mrs. Ken Robinson. The Eskimo and the Arctic (with Morning Service -- 11:15 a.m. Evening Service-- 7:15 p.m. The regular meeting of the W. A. will be held in the Church Hall next Tuesday at 2:15, p.m. E tSTRIBUTION SAFEW AY STORiES UM ITED WITHOUT WASTE BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 16th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, March 3rd 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adiilt Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Topic: "The Breath of , God." Anthem. The ordinance of the , Lord's Supper will be ob- servedr . 7:16 p.m.--Evening Worship... Topic: "No Place Like Home." ^ o n g service at com­ mencement. Newly organized Junior Choir will jsing. Monday, 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. -- The Children's Hour. Lantern Slides. .All Children Wel­ come. ^ 8 p.m. -- Prayer and praise meeting, 'Thursday, 7 p.m. -- Junior Choir practice, 8 p.m.--Senior-CJhoir practice. Friday, 7 p.m.-^C.G.LT. CATHOLIC ACTION RALLY Mrs. iET. A. Mallett, of Sher- .Ao^^nan,- has just returned from a A well attended meeting in m o n ^ r vkif in ^ St.. Anthony's Parish Hall at 3 ft. Califormar p.m. on Sunday afternoon was ® spent her holi-■•• • • w*4L 9̂ vaas v4m^ <a a vv>AAa\.fv./aa vv %*u a - w*m~ addressed by Rev. Father Boni=̂ with two of her sons, who face, O.F.M., on the subject of make their home in the South Catholic Action. The audience followed closely the brilliant exposition of the four-fold activities of Catholic action which was revealed as" Lay Action, and immediately proceeded to organize for this, work with the following elected officers to assist the pastor Rev. Father Millay, Praem. O.; Vice-president, H. W. Brooks ; Secty.-Treasurer,' B. J. Kloep- fer; 1st Councillor, L. E. Miller; 2nd Councillor, Mrs. Geo. Price. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB - Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Mrs. Stainsby, 1747rEsquimalt Avenue, mioved today into a house at 3180 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver. INGLEWOOD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL NOTES OK. a O, H.-SEALE D.D.8., L.D.S. . DENTIST Hay Block, ,I4th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 -colored^lltdifS^rMfsTJTTiai^^ Smith, The slides (shown by the kindness of Mr; James Porter), were lent from Victoria. They wej^ unusual and. beautiful es­ pecially those of the icebergs. tContribiited) C. J. Overingtoa PIONEER-BARBER TEAROE & SON Phone West 84 ' ■■■■ ■■ Q ■: ■■■ For all the JBest in Expert Work^ 14th and Marine JBhenejy^t~135 COAL & WOOD 1474-MaTine^d5rire- ST: ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. - The Junior High School has been working very' hard lately, what witTf^aftmsTindoor track meet, Mdnday morning meetings and the^nnual. And speaking le-Sftn- of-the-S^ool -Apnual---- t-re^ Established on North Shore . 20 Yoara. ( la n ly Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON IFunetiti SirretorB North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Stf^eet Phono North 134 ̂ - Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East - Phone Fair. 134 miom Rev. W.J^ Millay, Priest in Charge. Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. . Phone, West 240-R ly looks as if tne^nnual Board is rolling up its sleeves and get­ ting down to work now. The re­ sponse to the request for liter­ ary work is very gratifying.The ili - THE W est Van News ' Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. High Mass*& Sermon -- 10:45 a.m.. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Catechififm and Bible History «very Satmxlay -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays -- Rpsaiy, Benediction, Confessions -- 7:45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:80 p.m. pupils also valiantly answered the call for write-ups of the, sports,, clubs, and personals.- Each editor submits excellent reports. A ^h e cost of publishing such a worthy book is high, a com)- mittee was organized to collet adveriisements in the commun­ ity, to help pay for such. A very fair amount has been collected to^ate, but more is still heeded. ,E.xtra copies ol. the Annual will be sold to any who wish them. And, in conclusion, it is whispered about that the Anriu- a] be published at the end of March! ANTHONY ADVERSE OR little WOMEN? PublishedJBmy Thuraday ̂ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart have taken a suite on Radcliffe Avenue. .PablMer F. F. LOVBGROVE Phone W ^ 363 Buslneea and Bditorial Offica: •' 17th «nd Marine Drive (Ne«t ta Bollybum P.O.) PhoRe West 363 Mall Addreaa: P. O. Box 61, Hollybnni, RC. North -Voheouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave;~ $1,00 a year hv carrier: $8.00 a year pyualL Mrs. Harold Walker, who has been a patient J n Shaughnessy Mihtaiy Hospital, has returned to hei- home at 1461 24th Street. I HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. 167$ Marine Drive a Big Success, Business is Good I1.49-9SC. Very pretty and SEMI SERVICE HOSIERY _ „„ MONARCH -"C^tEEN STRIPE" : ; Z 2 i : " ......................... .............. . OHIPFON HOSE.--------------ji.oo. CREPi HOSE------- BiE Stock o f SNOGGIES from ...... .. .... " f .LADIES HAT ......... u___;.:z:........ ~-- BEFORE "sh o S S ^ -ifiS iS ire . ^ E y ^ n e a U l b y ebout ear stylish rreU-made Dresses, Jom Our labrary..................... 25c a Month ^*LADYSHIP'̂ Wool--Reliable and Unshrinkable. Free,Knitting Books* matta mu A . . . as long as the print is of ^ book while V ̂ ^ therS's just a word ofwarning. Look out for eyestrain! - barm your cy« unduly f *̂ '®ohficaIly placed light of" to ôd shading! There's only one wayto know whether vour homp ....-j--- auu snaaingi-Thereihome lighting is being used to PhonetheB. C ElecrfctT Phone the B. C. Electric S o n e J ^ ^ f home sm v^ with atiri J ----------- , otatr w m giai i»ho better LI6 HT • BETTER SIGHT -L»f*e'SS C RA ..I ">"r S' 'I : : '