Jr,, . LT V4C' SATb ? S I ' • • ' •*'̂ , 'vMS^ia; 1 ' I * , ^ j F - 1 r ^1" w. .4 '"' . »e'̂ "";i *"' ' ' ,̂"'V'/.' ̂•>*' 1 fi' t j. * ̂ r*" ^ .f ̂ r̂ ' * « ' " e w s p a p e r Vancot^^Am bleiidcy Dundarave«« «r » « . a p « .dt Vf # .„«f w*'«p; - $100p m y w r. : . ( ! ^ i & m / P t f r i r C w W h y t e c l i 0 ̂ ' ^ : ^ j "'^::x^]\:'!:t" .̂ g ^ ^ ^ p y pewssunds. \'oI. IX HOLLYBURN P.Q., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1935 No. 4^ DEMOCRACY VERSUS. DICTATORSHIP HONORED TWICEIN PAST MONTH /: While the object of. ahy community paper ia primarily to (leal with local matWrs^ yet there are questions of national import which may so affect the life of every person in the land" as to become a fit subject for editorial, comment on the part ol overy ̂newspaper. Of such is the. question of .democracy vonsua dictatorship. . The editor of the Nev^ Tribune of New York, a well known sludont of international affairs, recently spoke in Vancouver 0)1 this subject. He. said that "perhaps democracy'•was'the; greatest casualty of the war." The spirit of democracy had gone down before the spirit of dictatorship because the latter "got things done," And in the chaos and disorganization which follo>ved the War the latter spirit triumphed for the same reason. ' ' \ * , • Now, dictatorships involve a certain loss of liberty on the part of the individual, a thing no man willingly surrenders without he, sees'greater corresponding advantages. Loss of liberty is the greatest objection to this form of government. But let. us riot forget that a dictator who is not really satisfy ing his people does not last long. He usually dies» a fate which . would undoubtedly, have befallen Mussolini and Hitler had their peoples n o t,felt .they were either honestly "delivering ' the goods" or. trying to do so. ' • The fundamental weakness of defnocracy is contained in the old adage, "Too many cooks spoil the broth." And when the cooks are more concerned with filling their own stomachs than looking after those for whom they are bmng- paid to cook, naturally.trouble ensues. Politics as played today by th e ' political cooks of the derriocratic nations, is finished, and "gov ernment of thb people by the people for the people" ,must be-; . come .a fact arid riot iriierely a slogan to ydn elections. Other wise democracy is doomled. ' ' . FERRY No. 5 NOT TO BtJ REPAIRED COMING EVENT'S rsS'.'I X.J'v.'iS J*i H.'Ferguson ^ At the annual meeting of Van couver County'Orangemen held a few weeks agq, J. H. Ferguson was elected Wor. County- Master. The Provincial Grand Icsodge ' sessions were held last week at ~ Following a thorough-investi gation extending over threi' weeks of ferry No. 5 by the underwriters' surveyor, the fed eral steamship inspector and an Inspector appointed by the ferry department, it has been definite ly decided not to repair the ves sel, owing to the fact that re pairs would cost more than the puiehase of a new hulk Last Sunday the council made an in spection trip on the M. V. NorSal belonging to the Powell Rivei' Company, which has been offer ed to them for purchase. She is a very finely appointed boat 185 feet long, and is a t present used to convey that company's dii^ctors to and from Powell River. Considerable reconstruc tion work would have to be done before she could be used for ferry.purposes, but, if converted, she would be bigger and faster than either of the- two present ferries. Friday, Maivh 15th -- L. 0. L, St. Patrick's Dance in Orange Hall. Saturday, March,10th -- Legion. W. A. Mas(iueradc. GIIU.S' CIAIB DANCE Don't forget the pi'e-Ijcnten dance to be given tomorrow (Friday) evening in the Orange Hall under the general super vision of Mrs. Fred Bayliss, starting at 9 p.m. The proceeds art* to be d[j3voted to a ready fund to be used by the West. Vancouver Welfare Asstxjiation in , cases of emergency. Major Blair M. Clerk will bo master,.of C(*renronies, apd a good orchestra has b<}cn engaged for the oc casion. Tlie hall will be deooimt- 0(1 with St. Patrick's Day decor- atiotiH, which have been loaned by the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian I.(egion. Re- . freshments also will bo served during the evening. The gorioral cohvener js Miss Jean I^ttner, arid' tickets~at-25 cents- can be obtained from Miss Florence COUNCIL NOTES RepresentastiVes of the Boeing Aircraft Company cairie before the council to suggest the re- WEST VANCOUVER BAND TO GIVE DANCE The West Vancouver School . -̂KT u Band is. again getting ready to , placement off̂ No,-, 5 F epy by a defend its laurels, -won last year new vessel.. They "were informed, * in the various. niusicaJ festivals. CAFETERIA SUPPER St. Stephen's W. A. are giving Edwards, West 189R or from Kamloops and again Mr. Fergu- a Cafeteria Supper on Shrove any member of the cUib. son,was honored with the oiUce Tuesday, March ' 5th, in- St. of Grand Lecturer, of the Prov- Stephen's Parish Hall from 5 :S0 incial Grand Orange Lodge of p.m. to 7. Oysters, salmon and shrimp -salads,- pancakes' with Syrup; soalldped potatoes, shep- BERESFORD SCHOOL OF MUSIC TO OPEN HERE The Beresford Pi'actical School O. E, S. DANCE DRAWS^^LARGB CROWD herd^s; pie, hot biscuits, and pie of Music, ̂which is established in _ ^ will be served. a number of Canadian" cities and that no tW ng 'S fln itV M ̂ i^ tvM T the°boV s'?^^ - " ■ ■'I.iilJZ There will also be an informal numbers in its feculty of over certificate.. In order to W t e ?i?ePter.N<x^26, Order of,Eai^^ 7 ;;;;-- could take no action. -Meanwhile ̂a letter from the above company with plan was ordered referred to the chairman, of transporta tion. • ' * .♦ i|< - t. - iir these festivals a great deal of music is required, and in order to purchase this, .a dance is be ing arranged for Friday,'March 8,' in the Inglewood School. The hall will be nicely decorated, erfi Star last Friday evening:in the Orange Hall, was a most suc cessful affair. The hall had been The peneiril^ very prettily decorated for the Legion W. A. held. last Monday occasion, and the symbol of the the Legipri Hall^ wriri well a rvixi wc wcwiciLcu, Order,. thc Eastern Star, was tended. Mrs. Rankin was ap^ Claptain H. G.. Ware, wrote th e ,R a m e y Pott's well known or- niuieh in evidence. A very large pointed membership convener. ■CQupcjl^gaTdingJLawspji__Ave-L_,xkeste^ attend- jiueHbetween 22nd and 23rd Sts. and refreshmentsJwiH be served ance, ^ii^o filled The dance floor Ttrie^xtee^M annual masquer- Referred to the engineer for re^ port. ' ' The board of school trustees _sent in_their-T935-estimates-tO- the council. Referred to .the chairman of finance for corisider- ation along with other estiiriates. The engineer reported to the council on: - - 1. 27th Street ditches south of Marine Drive. The work was ordered done a t a cost not to exceed $50;00i throughout the evening, all for the mlodest sum of 35 cents. Tickets can be secured from any member of the band. ^---;If- you-enj oy dancing,- and- at _the same time wish to help your ' Ipdal band again bring honor to ■ West Vancouver, be sure to keep P^day, March 8, open. for every number; the very ex-, cellent music being supplied by Garden's Orchestra from Van couver. The spot prizes ^ere won by Mrs. J. B. Leyland'and LEGION W. A. - ̂ • X* 1 1 r_____ . - for the opening of a branch in West Vancouver. The school wiil teature the yiqlin arid guitar, . and \yill: present each studept erirolled with a c violin or guitar-edtfit free. Of ficial regist:ter»wilT call at houses-=~of=iesiden;ts~inrtNa^ adritobe heYd on Mâ ̂ Epr further particulars Miss G. McNair.' .Refreshments were served during the interval in the Lower Hall. ' the Legion Hall, for which Mrs, D. W., Graham^ is the cenvener. Good reports were recorded by alI_committees. The'AnW al'feporrdrthc act- please refer to the advertisement in this issue. LOCAL LIBERALS TO MEET BUILDING TRADES ASSN. ivities of.the Red Cross in this A-meeting of the West Van- municipality was submitted. I t ., Association will was shown they had distributed * ̂ 8 p.m.', JlpNIOR BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION and Announcement will be made rp .G ri'crpssings, 13th, 14th' • other staeetsf The work a'.meeting will be held for the purpose of forming a junior f ih ^ c h , and all veterans and sons,-will be invited to at-- « teiid. I t is the wish , of the sbranch, to havejt clearly under- was ordered done the railway to be notified. 3. Keith Road--3rd Street to 11th St., scarifying arid, piliiii^. The work was ordered done a t a cost not to exceed $200.00. / 4. Depth of -water -service pipes. to the engineer, • j x. x* •« uplumbing inspector and water . and the conduct of same will be superintendent to arrange a .m^harge of responsible Legion joint meeting with locaTplumb-' ■ i \ au «t ers and afterwards, to bring, in Legion a recommendation. ' ' . Membership Drive. _ Mrs J r - >Tir COUNCIL ENDORSE CMNIC The West Vancouver Building "Trades Association will hold a meeting at 8 p.m'. next Wednes- __ day, March 6th, iii the Legion Hampson. Hall. Members and'all interested -- are requested to .attend, as mat- - ters of importance to all con nected with the building trades will be^discussed. r 4,812c quarts of milk, eleven fam ilies and one hospital case had been taken care of, and one sur gical belt supplied. After the meeting tea was poured by. Mrs. next Thursday, 7th March, m Dundarave Hall. All Liberals and friends are -fiivited to be present. MUNICIPALITY SUED . Jack Bunifield,; 26th and s t^ d that the proposed organiz- King's Avenue, miet with a seri- ation is entirely for the benefit - of cthe sons of all ex-service men, C.C.Y. At the last meeting of the C, C. Y;, officials of the club were elected aa follows: president, Stan Boshier; vice - pre.sident, Doug. Stevens; secretary, Edith Allan. There will be a regular inA 'w rit wns recently filed Supreme Court on behalf of W. E. Burritt, husband of Mrs, Bur- ritt, who was-lost in the ferry . No. 5 collision, seeking recovery of.damages from the municipal ity. ous accident last Thursday morn- mieeting of the C.C.Y.«at 8:15 council re ditch on Nelson and ^ , . , , . , 22nd Street. Referred to the' T h e council a t their last meet- engineer for report. " ' ' ing endorsed the stand of Doctor ,* ♦ ' ' J.<W, McIntosh, city health of- E. S. Yearwood w rote"the ficer, in urging On the provincial council' re old water tank a t goyemment the necessity of est ing while working for the Gen eral Construction Company on the upper levels. A wire rope broke and in some way became twisted round his body, breaking four-ribs and puncturing one-of his lungs. He was taken -to North Vancouver, General Hos pital. : - p.'m. Friday,- in the C.C.F, head quarters, 17th arid Marine. L. O, L. 2990 _____________ The regular meeting of the The mptter of power linerand ̂ Tohr ri.' p" the Orahge Hall. Two.applicaptathe-B ritish Pacific ' Properties -vjriji initiated into member- TM® will be amnique cere- . mony as the father of the two HOLLYBURN HALL cil until the next meeting,H;he clerk to arrange for the rriuni cipal solicitor to be present. The usual service for the ^ - young people illustrated by lant- Horseshoe "K e e n ^ e e r em views will be held a t 7:30 was instructed to reply that, if coast, where the disease is P^iri. tomorrow^ (Friday) in the writer owned the property lai^ely o» the increase young members will take part on the degree team. A report of -the .Grand Lodge Sessions, held ____ _ iri the City of Kamloops, will be Any householder not receiving uSge^d^^te!^^ uieeting by the TO OUR READERS where the tank, stands,* ̂h^. was, at liberty to remove it. tomorrow Hollybum Hall. L} Hibberd, the a copy of this pajier on any and eachb-Thursday evening, is re quested to kindly phone us at LEGION NOTES 0 r Fire Chief J . S. Yates sent in ' ftis r^ignation. front :the fire jb r. H. H. Planche wro|te the co^mcil re obstruction of the ^W ^t Bay-waterfront. He was 'Informed that in future booming speaker, will take as his subject F^est 363, in order that the omis- "A Prosperous Pool." ; Sunday sion m^y be corrected.TWe shall School and young;;men's Bible . esteem, any such phone as a fav- Class at 10 a.m. Sunday, A t the as it is our only way of check- 7:30 p.m. semce on Sunday^ ing up^oii our deliveries. Our . The next general meeting of the local branch will be held at 8 p.m. sharp in the Legion Mem orial Hall, Friday,. March 1st, and a good turnout of members .-A? •' : I H, ' ■ 7 ; • » f U1 \ " ; I T ̂ r, f \ ■ ■ - I ■' <> • ' flM' ' •' , ' U f t' J -L> 'i i li ■ ' ' ' ■ i't h ■'» J . *4 ' ' t ^' : V -iLj---------LIJAh <• L ̂t l ' t 'I't V** • f' 'f?: ' , ' !■ f ' ' I '4 isA-j."/; yL* Li « < • lihS'. . , * > : Itp. ■ - ■' 'I n ,? , > In jV ■■'■'•ti;-, '-Vfi i '"V 'A i" . U " ■ A \ (' : 'll,.' . J I'Al F;*, S' ' '*1, " :4T'A a ' < . ^ -r 'jr:: ; fM<' :