West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Feb 1935, p. 4

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.................. w Bttii '; ■ I- jr' i,% ' . 1 - r: Mi" - I . ■*5f "■i'llr 'I1i . ( 4 ?- , /h i'V>f'i 'r ' . , 11 <-n 5 '̂ vfiî 'ff -iV/ :i 'i .■m Wi'- If.- o.-? T - i f - m ru M v 21. iw« P isbn i Wait: w P h o n e W e8 t44 Smith^^Grocerp m G u m o m j u n i o r h i g h " SCHOOL Prices Good Friday and Saturday, Feb. 22nd Be 23rd I n . . . H«l e White gl»A«IIBTri-- I tea d y to «Mt*rv«................2 Un* 10c iM & White A n tico rs No, 2 tixe tin .........„..,»„,„:.„tla I8i lliuo A White PEA8 8 ix« 4. Excellent Quality* 2 tlna 25c a.AIIK'8 PtiTTED MEATH 3 Una 25e Ited A White 8TKAWUEKRY JAM 32 or. Jar.............................. 20c Ited A White CLEANHEE. ..2 Una 15c lied A White TEA Itroiien Orange Pekoe..,, 1 lb, pkt. 42c HIJUAIl'--ll.t', Granulated, 10 Ilia. 55c ■ lied A While PA8TIIY FIXiUll .'P/i Ibl aack ...................... . | 4e- IlKIl J'U;M jam . ......4 lb. Un 30c . Columbia with added pectin. "'S . S . < «R'kkn soup WithIlICIv -- Heady to aerve......tin lOc Ited A White TOMATO JUICE '**«•* .......................... 4 for 25c lied A While IIAKING POWDER 1.2 0}!. tin-.M.'t-,;;......■.... ....... ...... iOf, PORK A deans -- Sunbeam IH or, till (Limit 0 tlna) . . ..3 Una 20c Meata Phone West 370 ULTINS EMPIRE BACON Vi lb. packet .......................... 17c FINNAN IIADDIE per Ib.......... 16c FINNAN IIADDIE FILLETS (Scotch cure) per Ib................. 20c Kil'PERS ......... ::....-. 2 Iba. for 25c POi ROASTS from Prime Beef from per lb.......................... 1 2 }̂ c PKPJ^EIPS PORK SAUSAGE lb. 18c DEEP SAUSAGE........... .2 Iba. 25c 'Hms fo|loffing pupils received li ' the January ex-' amlnationg: Grade 7 -- Joan Colcleugh, Bill Gracey, Jack Climie, Dick Wilson. Grade 8 -- ̂Susan McLintock, Allen Forrester, Lorraine Hol­ den, Claire Pion, Jack McDonald, Dona Cave, Jessie Wrisberg. Grade 9 -- Brenda Wicking, Sheila Edwards, Paul Jagger, Grade 9 (Commercial) -- Dor­ othy Bumiston, Winnie Gibson. JEFFERIES' S u p e r io r M e a t s Government InspecW Only HAMS LAMB BEEP PORK VEAL COLD MEATS OF A^iL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 store at Hollybuni, next Theatre I»HONE WEST 3 HOLLYBURN SCHOOL Class fjeaders -- January, 1935 L U N B E K and a ll LW» OF LAMB, Fineat quality, lb, 25c SHOULDERS OF LAMB, Fineat <|uallty (whole) per lb............ I6c PORK ROASTS -- Butta, per Ib. 17c J'OHK ROAST8-~Fore l e g , Ib. 14c YOUNG lIOILiNrj FOWL, ih... T. 20c All .Meate of the Very Fineat Quality. Red A White SALMON^Fancy Northern Sockeye......Flat Un 10c 'KJMATO CATSUP -- Aaheroft Hi oz. bottle .......................... lOc TO TAKE OUT CROSSINGS LEGION W. A. 'i'he general monthly meeting of the W. A. to, the CanadianThe council have received per- ............................ ... vy«uwji«ii nuHslqii from the P.G.E, Railway , Legion.will be held next Monday, to remove the ̂ rails from the ' '25th in.stant, in the Legion Hall 13th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 27th and 29th htreetH. at the u.HuaI time. All members are requested to Be present. lih ek a l d a n c e VERY SUCCESSFUL 4 V'alenline Dance given by the West Vancouver Liberal As- Hocjntjoii last Thursday evening- in Hollyburn Pavilion was most succeH.sful, over four hundred guests being present, a number coming irom North Vancouver. ' Introduced by R. P. Blower, vlco-prosident of the West Van- Association, Mrs. Edith Turner, who is acting president of the North Vancou- yer Provincial Liberal Associa­ tion, made a short address. Included in the interesting features introduced Between the oaticnig vycj'e several tap dances by the Misses Mollie Edwai'ds, The MARINA formerly Puiilry Rentaurant ^ Bake Shop C;akp8 -- Afternoon Teas Lynches -- Sandwiches "NEW MANAGEMENT 1415 Marine Drive Philip C. Chapman General Insurance A gent Fire, Automobile^ Burglary, Accident and Sickneas, <̂ tc. 2657 KIng'a AVe. Phone >Y.̂ 42Y8 Maisie liiissi uijd Marjorie Riv­ ers, andi^in exhibition of the Hwonl dance and other Scotch dances )y Masters Robert and David Wilson of Cypre.ss Park, to the Imgjnpes, played by one j)X_.tB(L.yomig t̂ers-.--Miss--Hi: ot CJiipiiftiio, also gave two vocal s\yle l̂or usual ^nimitable nnTr? Rhythm Boys and Cdiild s.Orchestra took tunis -in provjdininm^dreTiT-music' fSF the dancing, Um tioov being cro\vd(?(i for every number. Rê fi'eshmenta were served during the evening. ̂ ^ REXALL B irthday Sale NOWON Come or phone for your needs while, stock is com- "pleter REXALL DRUG STORE McNeira at. 1402 Marino Drive West-528 ̂ F f ^ D ^ l i ^ ~ We are agents for the fine products of BOOTS -- Cash Chemists. England. Division I. Grade 6a 1, Pat. Jefferies; 2, Moira MacLcmi; 3, Amy Mc­ Intosh. > Grade 6b -- 1, John Kydd; 2, Peter-'Layton ; 3, Norma Min­ ions. «... Division II. ' Grade 6a -- 1,.Catherine Low- don; 2, Mkry Wii.son; 3, Takeshi Kataoka. Grade 6b -- 1, Dorothy Nel­ son; 2, Louise Me.ssinger; 3, Ruth Edlngton. Division III. Grade 4a -- 1, Jacqueline Vance; 2, Lola Yates; 3, Victor tsSpanks. Grade 4b -- 1, George Knowl-, es; 2, Eric White; 3, Gladys Wil­ son and Eula Paterson, equal. ' Division IV. Grade 3a 1, Peter Clark; 2, Marian La Marche; 3 , 'Billy Slater. Grade 3b --̂ 1, Georgie Eding- ton; 2, Doreen Kearn.s; 3, Bev- erly Ellis. Division V. Grade 2a -- 1, June Harrison; 2, Joy Cranwill; 3, Margaret Mc­ Culloch. Grade 2b -- 1, Velma Boshier; 2, Eleanor Nelson; 3, Dolly Nes­ bitt. ; Division VI. 1. ■Grade la ■-- 1, Patsy Dawson; 2, Joyce Sagar; 8, Murray Thom­ as. Grade lb -- 1, Nancy Falck ; 2, Barbara Whitehead; 3, Jack Standing.: . BUILDING m a t e r ia l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER rO . LTD. Phone W est 115 -FOB UFAL sa tisfa ctio n ........ . ; 1497 M arine Drive, CLASSIFIED A D S, . ■ ■ ■ , . ■■A;' ,■ . (■ Of'... The rate for Classified Advertisements is 2 cents per word^'minirinn 25 cents. Except In the case of tboee having regular accounts, all ek* .It fleds are payable strictly in advance.!/V | E v « ' * Remember Classifieds in the Van N ^ a get immiedlate results' DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNIITTING SHOPPE, 2MG Mar­ ine -- D.M.C., PuIIskein, Silk Stock­ ings. Prop. M. Busst. FOR SALE -- Low English, Pram, like new, $16.00. Also one pair Ladies' Hiking Shoes, size 6, in good condi­ tion, $3.00. Phone West 301L. BOYS AND GIRLS WA] sell James' Seeds ~ H( to Capilano. Apply \ Smith's Grocery. 1602 JTED -- To ftseshoo Bay ■■ writing to larine Drive HANDY ANN SHOPPL --Notions; Stetionem; den Rakes; Shovels; Fox Hardware, etc. ' Dundarave )ys; Gar- Seeds; MARCEL SHOP -- New Thermique steam permanent; Marcel, 50c; Re­ set, 35c; Finger Wave, 50c, Above, Royal Bank. Phone West 304. COMFORTABLE (X)TTAffiE On good beach ferry, jkasonable w W »o;Wths. PhoneWest 350X. t FRED JONES -- Bicycles, Parts, He- pairs, Used Bicycles from $10 up. Trade-ins taken, easy terms,'cash'" paid for used parts. 1455 Marine Drive. West 472Y. . SHOE REPAIRS - - Get-1 erial and workinauB} . 14th at Ferry.- te best mat- at Fox's,' FOR SALE --■ Brand new davenette ■; mattress. Apply 2294 Haywood ■ Avenue. WANTED--By young woman, house-- wprk by day, 25c per hour. Phoncv West.437R2. C. J. ARCHER LTD«t'-̂ wi.'List Proper­ ties with us now. Wn have direct inquiries and, activeî -vconnections. Phone West 225 or Seymour 5954. WEST BAY LIBRARY -i- cents a - New books bvery feonth. FOR S.ALE -- Baby's Grib in. good condition, cheap. Phone West 437R2 IS YOUR RANGE OIL BUflNER WORONG SATlSFACTORIf. V?- Have it cleaned and adjusted v an expert. Phone North 120R2. ' * AI'PLICATIONS will be. Received by the. undersigned for temporary ap- P A U L iN E JOiEINSON SCHOOL The following pupils lead their respective grades and term s at -Jtli€!..-fixaminatidns--hel4--in-^JanU"--ary: pointment, -for three months, as - janitor,-Inglewood SchooL-r Written applications only will be consider- _ed, the envelope to be marked on the outside "application.!' All ap­ plications to be in by • February 26th, but no application will neees- _|arilv-J>e-iiccepted,̂ -.H-.-Br- Garlan^- FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Hous^ to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson.̂ 17th and Marine. Phone West 55. ' Division 1. _Secretary, Board of School Trusted for RENT TO RELIABLE TENANT ---Modern bungalow, centrally IpcatKi sawdust-bumerj*good garden. Rent $25, Apply Box 49, West Van~r~News;-- ------ ----------------- FOR RENT -- Fully furnished niod- Grade 6a -- 1, Pauline Greer; ' 'hree-room bungalow. Close to 2, Maureen Martin; 3, Joam Siyview I*jUiK€» Grade 6b -- 1, Gloria Murphy;rt mIn ' Yjh Ji ji.......J L_ ' €% XT . r ' BRADLEY & TURNER -- PaintingJ Kalsomining and Paperhanging. Phone West 380X1. " KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring wools. Free knitting scho^ Violet and Kathleen Clem- ent. Proprietors. R. C A. Victor Estate and Tnsurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. anpounces two new <i 1 GLOBE TROTTER RADIOS Model 226 - * 1 2 9 .1 5 6 Complete ' Each of these models, ihe 129 arid 226 Incorporates ,Vn KCA Victor six tube dual wave chassis with the Magic Brain. They offer not only prown performance but will also attract cause of their beauty and distinctiw> ness cabinet design. 2, Barbara Edwards; 3, Margar­ et Hilbom. Division II. Grade 6b -- 1, Betty Maren- Simpionds; 3, Allan Ritz. Grade 5a -- 1, Doris Clement; 2, Lois Colvin; 3, Billy Reid. Division III. - .^4ide 5b-r-l, Isobel Edwards; 2, Garry Miller; 3, Ruth" Paf- num. , Division IV. (Jrade 4 a -- 1, Nancy Grieve; 2, Marion Dundas; 3, Richard Moore. Grade 4b -- 1, Dohald Rob-?̂ ertson; 2, Alan Davison; 3, Rose Maiy-Forrest. _ Division V, _________ Mca'elSiT" GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor ' WEST VANCOUVER-- _Office-No,-I447,-Marine-briv«- Pbone West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501; 610 Hastings St. W. Ph9ne, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. "ORIGINAL" teo Knitting Shoppe, 2446 Mar- instructions, Pro- pnetor, Maisie Busst. Fofih No. 13. (Section 39.) LAND ACT for AH Popular also Pi.hiaS'??'5*u® S""* "olaccos; A for local wat-^mbleside Tea Rooms. r a n t e d r-- One fuhilshed and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near _ferry. Phone West 340 or 143 Donald, Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. In the Municipality of West Vancou­ ver, Land'Recording District of No's? Westminster, and situate near Fish- ®rman's Ĉbve, West Vancouver, B. C. i! notice that Harry Kolthammer of West Vancouver, B. C., occupation Store-keeper and public Caterer, in­ tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:-- . ' r , ^ , Ĉ pniniencing at a post planted at fu intersection" of Marine Drive-and the Southerly .boundary of Block one (1) orjDt. Lot 772,. thence South. 67' 9 Last ^or a distance of 35.27', thence on a bearing Igorth 29" 3(K East 258.3 . thence North 64" 0' East 234.5 thence South 6 6" 23' East a distance SOLD ON EA$Y_TERMS - Division VI. Bhvlli«i i. It WF<5T V A X Tfyrx whole containing nine tpnfhs (.9) of Bayfield, Va n c o u v er m a c h i n e " . Grade 2a L D aphne L itt le ; Hated, December 2 1st, 1934.Moore; 3; Louise 's Raidio Shops W est 366 OPKHATKD » y B R O W N 8c 4VIUNTON Drive Division VH.' . ' , 2b -- 1 , D arrell R ye^ FleteW^ . la -- 1, M ^jorie Me- _ J Bivision 'V th. 3. Jack Cruick-'a-;. ^ E S T V A N l ^ O T O R S | « 1 : W e« « 8 r o M D i s ^ 'a t i o n SERVICE f o r t i r e s M P O T for w t s f G G O blfE A R TIRE /IW eipecalirein 'pT ^l t e ^ :customer.' v.». 2̂ hlili-i' 't ,vi" ■"af . r. tr'~' '