West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Feb 1935, p. 3

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, Ifl. «it k '̂ " ,- "t' - V , ». 4,,, j. )̂, '̂►1 -.f/l'tltĴ̂f'M*- 1 ̂"r-'̂ r Febr«22L21iil*i S*?', ■' 'Hf» O TB '1 ->\' --" ' ' I , ' . VAK NEWS y o u r «*S' TOW N •yrrll »)' Local and Personal WINDOWS . ... doors SHINGLES LATH VENEERS . f - ROOnNG building paper A Coinplke BiUlders' Service BRICK, TILE LIME --- CEMENT SAND Miss M uriel Howdle, 2046 Es- A hug« new slide approxl- quim alt A venue, returned on nvitely 500 fee t deep an d 1000 Monday from th e Vancouver fee t long h a s reoently d c c u m d General H ospital aftcT undergo- a s a re su lt of th e s to rm s an d m g a tonsil operation, a n d ' is thaw s of th e p as t few weelcs on A l»UNS AND SPEOnCATIONS Drawn up and esti­ mates given Free. Astbury's Builders' Supplies I6th and M arine Drive P h on e W est 199 Be sure of your garden seeds . We now have a C om plete L ine in stock S ip o POTATOES-Early Rose and Early Epicure W E S T V A N F L O R IS T 18th & Marine Dr. W E ST 3 0 5 now convalescing at her home. M iss B. F ry 's A rt Class mot , a t th e hom e o f the Misses Mc- Bain, Blaisdell House, A ltam ont, on S atu rday afternoon. Miss G ertie Law son coming in a t the tea hour. . Bruce Moore, 14th and Ingle­ wood Avenue, has left here for Cotmitlam.I r-^---.....-- ------------ --- T. McCulloch, 1275 Gordon Avenue, is a pa tien t in N orth ^XmQ9;mfiv.MmmUlQmUk past the w estern aide o f th e Capilano R iver a sh o rt d istance from th e salmon pool. T his will be an adde<i a t t r a ^ io n fo r v isito rs to the Second Canyon. . * , ♦ ' .#■ '■ fer sudden or accident by keeping your^edteine <ihe«t replenished. Dnî Store KIJCiyEN RANGE oil Burners FO R ST'SiNorth 521 ' 00 rjoDsii I Avo, W est 37 N orth Vancouver Ambleside L. SPECK, Proprietor S h e e t M e t a l W orks G L E N E A G L E S GOLF CO URSE i L i t V 13 Pjiarme Drive l^i^bleside X I t w as noticed th a t th e work Mr. and M rs. Newliind have moved into one o f the Thompson su ites a t 2068 Argylo Avenue. ♦ ■ ♦ •* M r. and M rs. S. L. Jagger, 20th and Bellevue Avenue, have taken th e P ren tice house a t 1300 20th S tree t. , L ast S atu rday bo,iween 11 and 12 p.m., an en terta inm en t came over th e rad io from Tia Juana, Mexico, w here there were ap­ paren tly p re se n t a num ber of m em bers of P o st 5; Canadian Legion, and some Am erican Legionaires. The songs and m arches of^ l4-1918 were fe a t­ ured in honor, th e an ­ n o u n c e r-re fe rr in g in. a Miss Brenda F ergusson, pupil of .her m other, M rs. E th e l F e r ­ gusson, F.T.'C .L, took th e p a r t of Jeanne d 'A rc in "The T rial Scene from S a in t Joan ," .a p ro ­ duction of th e V ancouver E m ­ bassy P layers, w hich w as chosen in th e finals S atu rday as th e play which will go to O ttaw a to rep resen t ,B..,C. .in th e D om inion D ram a Festival there . M iss F e r­ gusson was also ,commended by 'th e ad jud ica to r fo r h e r ac ting in the firs t play of the .even ing , "The Bracelet," p resen ted by the C urtain Club under th e d ir­ ection of h e r m other. Th» Stor* of Sorvleo. 1686 Marino Drivo West 37 or Wcat 607 . Emcrgoncy Phone West 821 (After 10 p.m.) * *4 * ii'hone West 340 iM ênings, West 143 r ^ ; Listings Wanted al Estate nance and Jnsurince-1̂ of clearing fo r th e new fifth tee mood to th e Canadians as "God's \^as well in, h a n d ; favorable frozen people." This m ay be a com m ents w ere ihade on th e pro- chestnu t, b u t i t is new to us, so jected change w hich will elim- we a re passing i t along fo r w hat ina te a d ifficult piece of^ground i t is w orth , and b ring in to p lay an & e l le n t . . ♦ ♦ ♦ piece of fa irw ay , w hich has Mi*, and M rs. Taylor heve h ith e rto no t been in use.. The moved from 13th and Clydfe hew fifth will eventually provide Avenue, in to a house a t 16'tn and a 280 y ard d irec t drive fo r ex- W aterfro n t. The d riv er of a Chinese f ru i t and . vegetable- ^yvaggon from V ancouver w as cranking i t *last M onday a t 18th' and Inglewood F, J. Patterson,, superin tend- end of education fors,the Yukon, has presented th e H ollyburn Public L ib rary w ith a cpWZP^ M ary Lee D avis' novel 'S p u r- dough Gold." T. J. E llio tt h'aa moved from 2119 M arine D rive into a house a t 2131 M arine Drive. E. B u tterw orth of Vancouveri jovial:-_has moved in to a house h t Sherr „ man. , , , * ".41 Miss Jessie Castell, doirtestic , science teacher a t the schools,', is sick a t h e r home here. Jam es Ferguson, County M as­ te r of the L.O.L., le ft here on M onday to ' a tten d th e Gr;^h<L^ Lodge Sessions of th e O rder in Kamloops and will be away m ost ~of th e week. " ♦ ♦ ♦ C aptain D arius Sm ith re tu rn r e d ' to du ty on th e ferries in Stratton's BAKERY Brctid, Cukes, P astries, B irthday, C hristening and W edding Cnkcg Meat IMes, Saustige Rolls, Banbury Cukes, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea llroads, b'rosh every morning.! Note A ddress: 14G8 M arine Drive Phone W est 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, 'FRIDAY Fobnmry 21 »t ami-22nd SAT. MA'I'INEl!], Fobrunry 28rd perts, w hile th e Ibss proficient golfers will p lay a^dog's leg w ith a drive of any w here-betw een 150 arid 220 -yards,, w ith a chip sh o t to th e gi;een. _ . ^ Those who used th e Club A venuerw hen i t suddenly plung- charge of No. 6 la s t Monday, house noticed a num ber of-im - - e d - fo rw a rd over the bank and E n g in eer M eTritt,-W ho was on provem ents in th e in terio r. into* .the creek. C arried dow n du ty on. No. 5 when she sank. I t is quite c lear th a t th e Glen- bank and pinned beneath it, and. w as in ju red , is still off the eagles Com pany a re m aking « « d riv er had h is b ^ k in jured , run . . . . . . every effort to provide fo r th e The waggon w as badly sm ashed. ■c'6iri'fdrt"aii9n§njoy^^ patrons. DON'T LET YOUR CHILD Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Short, 21st and M arine Drive, have mioved into a house a t 2271 H ayw ard Avenue.' * » ♦ . Drive, has moved in to a house a t 2123 M arine Drive. WARNER OLANI) ' 'CHARLIE CHAN'S COURAGE' SAT. NIGHT nnd MONDAY 'February. 28rd and 25th MAE WEST ROGER PRIOR " BELLE OF THE NINETIES" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY February 26th and 27th * Madam D ubarry' with DOLORES DEL RIO REGINALD OWEN also The Dragon Murder Case with WARREN WILLIAM ' MARGARET LINDSEY BUILDING TRADES ASSOCIATION STUDY IN POOR LIGHT! Nordal Kaldahl of th e Holly­ burn Pacific Ski Club, won th e__________ _____ ̂ ... ........... :A m eeting of th e W est Van- firs t prize a t P rinceton's annual e ju v e r Building T rades Associ- ski tournam ent last F riday , ation will be held a t 2:30 p.m. Irish Beaum ont of th e H ollyburn P®** S aturday , F eb ruary 2.3rd, Pacific' Ski Club com ing firs t in th e Glass B combined honors. The following day H enry Sot^ vehdt of the V ancouver Ski Club annexed the Class A ju m p ­ ing cham pionship o f W estern (Canada a t Sm ithers; Tom Mb- b raa ten ofthe, V ancouver Ski Club, made the longest ju m p o f th e day, bu t fell both tim es. Mr. and Mrs. R obert K inlock and fam ily, a re back in th e ir old home a t 11th and. K ing's A ve­ nue. in th e Legion Hall. I t is re­ quested th a t all m em bers and those in terested m ake a. point of a tten d in g .this m eeting. DUNDARAVB "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE 2446 Marine-Drive THE.tLATES/r IN WOOL AND ̂ KNITTING BOOKS - SPECIAL-- Sat. Feb. 23rd only Tiger Fingering-./llc osi. Prop. MAISIE BUSST Canadian Legion, West Vancouver M ILIiTARt WHIST and DANCE in the Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. sharp FRIDAY, FEB. 22ND ADMISSION 2 5 c . Let us guard the eyes of your family by making this free check-up OUNG eyes are reader aad 'seosid.^. ;If sub j^ed -IL to condmial strain from reading or studying in poor fight they sulBPer untold damage. Careful selecdon o f the proper fight will go a long way- towardsr--------» c.------------------------------------ then© they place on young dul^en. Phone our Home l i f t i n g Department at S^mour 5151 for a fiee check-up on your home fighting. T h ^ 'U measure-the fi^ l^ in your faomref with the new. Sight Meter and advise as - t^ la d n g and volume of fight for " LThereis tevery domestic need. no obligation. BETTER LliSHT * BETTER SIGHT umr BRITISH C O L U M B IA ELECTRIC RAILW AY C O . The skiing was good on Holly- burn Ridge over th e week end, due to th e two feet of- hew snow which had fallen in th e ea rlie r p a r t of the week. A downhill race was staged on Sunday, from th e shoulder, to W est . L ake Ski Camp, Gus Johnson being th e winner. ^ Mr. and Mrs. T aylor have rented th e R itchie house a t 80 th arid M athers Avenue. The public school pupils a re p ractising softball in , p rep a ra ­ tion fo r th e in terhouse leagues.♦ * ★ ■ The council a re hav ing K eith . Road scarified and oiled from 3rd to n t h S treets.♦ ♦ ♦ • w ith th e close A pproach o f spring qu ite a num ber .of people have been m aking ' inquiries in th e m unicipality to. r e n t hhuses. RE-ROOF NOW GENUINE D U R O ID R O O F S ON EASY TERMS R. B. CRIPPS . - ROOFER ' - WEST 88R Auspices Duncan Lawson Chapter i.O.D.E, D R A M A A N D C O M E D Y by HOLLYBURN VERSATILE PLAYERS - - Feb. 26th, 27th, 28 thin the Lower Orange Hall Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - ■ Adihission 25c. Students (Tuesday) 10c. A. S. G ibbard has moved into a house a t 447 13ih S treet. ftS AUSPICES ST. S T E P H E N 'S M EN'S CLUB C O M E T O S C O T L A N D (Illustrated L ec tu re) . In ORANGE H A LL, MONDAY, FEBRU A RY 25th, a l 8 p.m. , . . r. ' Admission iSc, . , ■ ' '-A. '! 't 'iTA-i fi i f . , J ' m itm . mmi % n f Ai i'V 'i' w i :! H ill,'h V"Al I i m■ : .'J f'T'-f' ' lv.,1 i A "i ILt m a m * ■ a ! -4 Si'I #i7r:̂ i-sK ' "S % : ■/ m r • • ' * »m m m f* 5-'7F-wL' - f , 11 j i> I I ' ' '̂ ¥? Mi. ■-'m m m m m i 'L»ŵ||K ! ii! t'A } 'f ,S ' i "imMi 4 ' • ■'.8 f.,̂ . A M i i H H i S i f i i i ' ' ' 'life liSlip5p||j \ i *1® ' ' . /I -vij". - ' i. - .1 /ij4' J fSS'f i ■'% ifV* ̂ ' ■' A*-iK4f . ;-7 '■mi mmi