West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Feb 1935, p. 2

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'fAUfJ, ^ . 'CfWi ̂ ^ < s ^ < .,^ <ff^>r ■?â "W Rite SWWWIRIIIW** lAiwp .W»(BR>R|IW i h e w m b c y a n n e w s Ĉ'"-'V'!j!'i*' A l - i m . M M m .vjm w m m .€ m w m .^ ^ ^ Et¥« BlUif WfiiHiil, I I M ^ MmuiMf SwnrkMi „,.... ,,.,4il#-i-8' iw%.-JjlJBi,|Utt»,.,«.,«.„- &und»y School aad Btblo'CliuM 10 «.m. Stronfcrg A VifitMii Woleomo, IUrrMT..C«tl8€MU>- Faster: lUnr. H« F, 0nai{dir#fi» Itcsuicnee: 134$ Haywood Ave. Sunday Services -- II «.m. aiod 7:16 p4M.̂ Sunday School, 10:00 «.aou Hata ■f Y( a n d TV • Jtim r fc. # j , a la Spring The new hat ailhouettes for spring have turned the heads of women towards their hair. Hata cry for curia or else the cauau is lost and if you want soft natural curia don't forgi^ our rriotUi is "no frixzes." G w e n d o l y n B e a u t y S h o p p e 'tm I li , ' I 1646 Marins Orirs For appointments PIIONH WEST 117 p r e s c r i p t i o n s HOLLYBDRir H A U Nth A Daehsss FItIDAY EVENING. Feb. 22nd at 7:30 Young People's Service "The Great Supper" liiualraled by lantern views. S|K>aker: Mr. James Gibson Si'.N'DAYi Feb. 24Ui. at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young Men'a Bible Class srJNDAY EVENING at 7:30 Gospel Service.*sp( Speaker: MIt. ERIC HUNT TUKHIIAY at 8:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. y n s s r n o i c o v v t R -• Christini Science CBHRCB EDIFICE 20th and Esqaimalt. UoUybara This Society is s Branch of Tim Mother Church The First ^u rch of Christ, Sdkmtist* in Boston. Maaaachttaetts Sunday Service: 11:.30 a.m. Sunday, February 24, 1935 S ub jec t: **MINI) " Store No. 311 UldBfarine Fbone West 313 Sunday School ut 1U:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and m ■' an <niv. ry* UNITED CHURCH fA ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone W est 828 FREE DELIVERY WEST VAN Shieet Metal W orks Phone West 30 Ifumoc^ and Range Repairs, Sawduat Burnora N('xl, Sabbath m orning the eervice will be conducted by dele- gatcH from .several A.O.T.S. Clubs in Vancouver. They will ' apeak on the work th a t theae clul)K arc doing in connection with the different city churches. A cordial invitation is ex tend­ ed (o all the men of the congre­ gation to be present a t th is ser­ vice. . In the evening the m em bers and f riend.s of K ing David Lodge A. F. & A. M., will be th e guests of We.st Vancouver United Church, w hen .the m in ister will preach. Special music is being arranged. P rayer m eeting on W ednes­ day night a t 8 p.m. An enjoyable Valentine 'Tea ' was given by the W. A. of .the United Church in the ir hall F ri- da 3̂ February 15th. O ontribut- - ing to the program were M rs. R. Hovyieson in a group of<-charm­ ing songs, and M aster Jack Richardson w ith two clieyer reci- ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. Prices Effective F^RUARY 22ad «ad 23rd COM EE ̂ Max*i>Mum .................................................„..lb. 35c CHOCOLATE WAFERS -- R«d Arrow...... a CHOCOLATE -- Fry's Premium 1/2 lb. Cftke.. ROUIN HOOD NON.I-RKMIUM OATS ...:....................... , 4 , . , 5, COT (iKEEN BEANS - B«rt.Tri|, 2^ ..... ;............ j WlllTB COHN - Royal City. N o . 2 Un.......................... j , 25, TOMATOES _ Orchard City. Na 2JS Oil................ ...l i- f i , i j , ASRAHACUS TH>8 - Aytaar, m , M . U a ................ .» ,.h 17 . RINK SALMON - Billa.'. No. y , On........................... , 5^ SHRIMPS ■-- Dunbar, wet or dry, Now I Ua..... j.Meh 17- YELLOW or BROWN SUGAR - 2 lb. WILD ROSE PASTRY M.OUR - 7 Ib. jmper aaeJc o i l P. & G. SOAP - ..................... ;..... .......................Z Z : . 3"fi'r 10c A V jr/)y .S ^ MIXTURE............................ .......... ........ o lbs IR. SABLETOIWiT TISSUE.................. ......... ' '"2 for 13cl W« rM«rv« tha right to limit qu«ntiU«a. SAFEWAY .STORES UMITEO Rev. W. J. Millay, P rie s t in Charge. Residence; 2323 Inglewood Ave. Phone, W est 240-R DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WAST 10:45 Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:46 a.m. H igh Mass & Sermon -- , a.m. Rosajty and Benediction -- 7:15 , p.m. Catechism and Bible H istory every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. W eek-day Services M ass,'daily -- 8 a.m. F ridays -- 'Rosary, Benediction^ Confessions 7 :45 p.m. S aturdays --- Confessions from 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :30 p.m. C. C. F. NEWS The vvhist drive held last S at­ urday n igh t a t the H eadquarters oh M arine Drive, was a g rea t success botl^ as to the num bers attend ing and the fun enjoyed. The handsome cushion donated by Mrs. H. Chapmaii was pur­ chased by Mrs. Provincial a t th e Jew ish Auction. ST. ST E PH E N 'S CHURCH R ecto r: Rev. F , A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Sunday, February 24th. 8 :00 a.m.---Holy Communion. ------- -------- iw i- 10 & 11:15 a.m .--Sunday School lotions. The "Musical Romance" 1̂'1»*15 a.m.-- M atins and Sermon . directed by M iss, |V:^me was 7 :15'p.ra.-- ^Evensong and Ser- thoroughly enjoyed'^by all. Dr. Marjory McC'ubbin L,D,a, R,F.P.S,G. d e n t i s t Royal Bank BIcIk.,^ Hours: 0 a.m. to « p.m. '^nrd'liy'^arijouitt^^ Phone W est 446 or West 393 BA PTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor:. Rev, H. P. H um phreys Sunday, February 24th IxmOnaTifm^imdaFS^^ DFATS"nFArlnlf PiKl« liH iA lD Ur mon. Thursday, 8 p.m.---Intercession Service. Tuesday, 2:30 p . m . -- Study M ee tin g ^ f W.A. Colored slides oh Esquim os in th e Arctic. AH in te r e s t^ . welcome.^-; , . L ast Tuesday Miss Mildred O sterhout gave a splendid ad­ dress on "Incentive under Social­ ism ," showing th a t the noblest work of man was not done w ith the sordid, money motive. N ex t Tuesday, F ebruary 26th, a debate will be staged between the D unbar and W est Vancouver C.C.P. Clubs and again on W ed­ nesday, th e 27th in stan t, . an­ o ther w hist drive will be held. The prizes will be tw o beautiful O riental vases. The public is cordially invited to all of these meetings." VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phono Woiit 9 F ertilize rs o f ^ Kliicja Wood, Coal, B uilders' Supplies. RADIO REPAIflS Atl Work Guarantcoci 'Experience Insures Sal!•• i f̂ttion' BROWN & MUN s 1542 Marine' ' . \V ' %66 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST TEAROE& SOK ^ DR. G. D, Ho SEALE DTD.S., L.D.8. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. ORlco Hours 9 to 6 p.m. . • Evonlnga by appointment Phono Woat 72 Adult^Bible Class. 11:00 a.m .-- M orning W orship. Topic; "The Candle." - A nthem . MRS. M. S. TAYLOR "M IND" will be th e sub ject of th e :te sQ n - Sermon in all ^ E u rc E es of CErist, Scientist, on^ Sunday. Mcst; Minnie S. Taylor, 1584Antftem. . « • 7:15 ̂p.m.--Evening Worshin w - - Topic: "The Climax?'- The Golden T ext is : "B ^ o ld , th e fe a r of the Lord, ' j f i t is Phone West 84 FotraU the Best t o C eA t& W 6 0 fr 1474 Marine Drive lo p ic : " in e uum ax ." ̂ fv,: S r Song. seiivice_ a t com- Vancouver General m encem ent. Hospital. The deceased, who Monday, 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P U aff«.d 67, leaves to m ourn W ednesday, 6:45 p.m. -- *The g®** slaughter, Mrs. K. 1 C hildren's Hour. L an te ra of 2104 Bellevue Slides. AH Childi^en T O - grandchildren, Al- come. lan and Charles, also tw o sis ters ^tabllshcd onJ^orih Shore 20 Years. (Xtady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON jTutteral Birretars 8 p.m. -- P ray e r and n ra tse *»'®thers in England. -- -------^^-~ftSg_Piai.se__3i'u„eraPserviccsTrere held at"2'meeimg., i wexe a t X ■ S e '"^ ~ fX ;w ld N orth Vancouver Parlors 122 W est S ix th S treet Phone N orth 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone' F a ir. 134 vT n COOVER * ' UNEM PLOYED ASSN; a Co Yo ^A m eeting will ,b§ held on '* A reg u la r m eeting o f th e C .C . F ebruary 21s t, a t 8 ^ . will be held F i'iday a t 8 p.m. u '̂ ' Legion Hall. Mem. There will be an election Af A fl those eligible to ioinThere will be an election of ofZ those eligible to join fleers and following the m eeting f**® ff<l««sted to m ake an effort refreshm en ts will be served. attend , as th e re will be busi­ ness of in terest f h a t vitally af- THB . LITERARY-SOCIETY unemployed. T he h e x fm e e tih g will be held W hist D rive n T hu rsd ay evening. Pfihnm rv on Thurs- w isdom : and to depart from evil is understanding ." (Job 28; 28). A m ong th e c ita tions which comimise th e Lesson - Serm on is th e following from th e Bible; -vrJr riches and honour come of Inee, and Thou re ignest over a ll; and in th ine hand is pbwer and m ig h t; and in th ine hand it IS to m ake great, a n d , to give (l*"Chforiiae¥ 1 le s s o n - Sermon also in ­ cludes tlm following passage from th e C hristian Science text-i book, Science and H ealth with ^e^lptures" by M ary : "God is Mind, and God is in fin ite ; hence a l ^ s Mind. Gn th is sta tem ent r S l s the c i^ e o f th is Science is divine harm ony and im- C. L Overiuglon P I O N E E R B A R B E R E x p e rt W ork 14 th and M arine P hone W est 135.^ V. Erikson was presgent at the rniicil nfeeting to n A e an of-couiicil n f e e t in g _____________ fer to r e n t a b o a t to th e ferry departm en t tem porarily to re­ place No. ^ F e r ^ . He was re­ q u e s t^ to-jSiipply all details of carry ing capacity and rental costs to th e fe rry management. Mr. an d Afrs. T u rn e r of the T urner Valley, Alberta,- are hav­ ing a new hom e b u ilt on their property ; a t 19 th . and Fulton un ^ u r s d a y evening. F ebruarv W ^ S t V a n N e w s a lan tern lecture Will be given by M rs B fî oodij.sPabliahed Every Thunday Pabliaher P. P. L0VE6R0VE Phone West 363 Boefnen and Editorial Office: ITthi and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburh P.O.) Phone W^t 863 Alatl Addreaa: P. a Box 61, HoUybnni, RC R. i l^ m s o n on "Jerusalem and* I ts E nvirons," All friends who ai-o in te rested in th e sub ject a re invited to be p resen t a t th is lecture. music, refreshm ents an d Z o v e l- ; R. C. Lloyd has ipoved into a house a t H orseshoe% ay. ♦ K, Thom pson has moved from «im i-rorriii* i. 2 2342 Law son A venue iE tZ a h house a t 2 tjl9 M arine Drive. t h r o u ^ r i c l ^ ^ s s ^ ^ M cIntyre, 31st Avenue, h ^ been W^t Vancouver Giirfi*Cliili 1 > A c E in the Orange Hall * * n > A r , M A R C H I M „ Commencing at 9 o'clock. Good Orchestra ' « - #. Refreshments North VaniNiuver Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a yaar $2.00 a year RIONTfi*END SALE-- coDNTE - w 10.per cant off n w stock.' ODDMENTS WOOL ETC, USS YHAN C()ST. COME EARLY H O L E .Y B U R N G I F T S H O P ^ B .i ...... , ............................. _ ................................ Burrard Laundry Ltd. d e p e n d a b l e - TtAIBRJRY SERVIGE ^ A V E A N D E ^ O ^ ^ y ,3 , V ~ e r ̂ ^ p ^ e n ta tiv ^ \ ̂ i ̂ t ■■