West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Feb 1935, p. 1

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d is a b l e d v e t e r a n s a s s n . The Disabled V eterans head­ quarters in thb F e rry buildm g la s filled U) «>P" 'ty Ing held on T uei^ay , F eb ru a ry :]2th. Some useful in fo rm ation SCHOOL SID ELIG H TS (CONTRIBUTED) HOLLYBUHN VERSATILE PLAYERS COMING B5VENTS "COME TO SCOTLAND' & High School '[(.'u^sday, W ednesday and Now th a t exam a' a re safely T hursday evenings of next week, over, W.V.H.8. b rea th es deeply, F eb ru ary 26th, 27th and 28th, th an k fu l to "g e t i t finished." '>jrarding Imperial and „ S outh S ports a re in fu ll sw ing, th e frican veterans w as given by popular being basketbalU ifckuTirade J. P- Rugby is goinf to a ta r t soon and jViuicouver Disabled V ete ran s m ost o f the boys of grades ten , Association. Com rades D arling- '..^Jeven and twelve a re out prac- t o n and Johnstone also address- tis in g already. Badm inton is ed tH6 meeting, g iving very in t- . lasting sidelights .on D isabled a re th e d a tes chosen by the H ollybum V ersatile P layers fo r th e production of th e ir dram a, "H er Sacrifice," and comedy "E ven a W orm Will T urn ," both on one program . Mrs. Florence Bowman is th e au tho r and pro- M arch 5 th (Shrove T uesday) -- C afe teria S upper of oy ste rs and fish in S t. S tephen's Church Hall under th e au s­ pices o f S t. S tephen"s W. A. HOLLYBURN H A LL A second illustrated lectui'o entitled "Como to Scotland," will be given by Douglas FlintofT, meinber of Uio B ritish Film In­ stitu te , next Monday, F ebruary 25th, a t 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall uiulor the auspices of St. Slepheii'vs Men's Club. The V^^crans' Problems. ' ^ t the;.general D.V.A. **-onfer- still a highlight, and t h ^ l u b is ducer o f th ese plays, and it is busy rounding up new m em bers, an tic ipated th a t capacity houses A young people's service will f , n ; m, m e be hold a t 7730 p.m. tom orrow I ' ' ' ' f w " "o' (F rid ay ) , in H ollybum Hall. <li<l..l«cture M r ,H in to i l gave when an addresa will be given V .s ence'NheKTin Vancouver on F eb ­ ruary; 19th all bran<jhes o f Dis- The school is now relaxing, and discussingplans fo r a V alen­ tine P a rty , which is. going to be th e best yet. The com mercial w ill-g reet these clever actors at. each perform ance. Tuesday n ig h t is reserved for students, w hen th e 'adm ission will be ablediVeteransAssociationd w ere g^g^g gave their en te rta in m en t only 10 ce n ts ; bu t for th e o ther repi'̂ 'esented. The, lo ca l-b ran ch F riday , February 1. T here w ere .evenings tick e ts may be procur- was^ represerited by Com rades g^ngs, plays, and music. The mi^niLpr nf fhp Pnaf. McTavish and Blower.Savto. . A full report of th e m eeting will be mâ de. ̂ ^ , The^ Association journeyed to Vancouver to pay a v isit to th e Disabled V eterans A ssociations meetiiug in Vancouver last n ig h t, Febru'a ry ^Othii play w as entitled "Business -- and So F o rth r I t w as one of th e best plays p u t oh so fa r. The group also acted a hum or­ ed from any rhemlber of the cast, o r th e I.O.D.E;. The m usic on Tuesday even­ ing will be in th e capable hands of A lbert K endrick,' while Mr. on "T he G reat Supper," illu st ra ted by lan tern views, by Jam es Gibson. Sunday school and young m en 's Bible class as usual nex t Sunday a t 10 a.mi. A t th e Gospel Service a t 7 :80 p.m . n ex t Sunday, the. 24th in s tan t, th e speaker will be E ric H unt. T ues­ day a t 8 p.m. p ray e r and Bible study. oarlibr in the w in ter on "Come to England," when he .spoke to u crowded house. There will be only one perform ance nex t Mon­ day. Admission, 15 cehta. GIRLS! CLUB DANCE ous account of th e popular song C u th b e rt's Black Diamond T rio "A Thousand Times N o!" w hich .of Vancouver, will have charge received much . applause. T he of th e m usic f o ^ the o ther tw o en tertainm ents seem to .b e get- perform ances. T%e ligh ting ef- W EST VAN. U N ITED F . C. ■ The W est Vancouver G irls' (Jlub, under the general'supor-^ Vision of Mrs. Fred Bayliss, are giving a dance oh F riday even- :ing, March 1st, in the Orange Hall, the proceeds of which will U nited .w ill p la y ' Safew ay M Stores a t 2:80 p.m . S a tu rd ay in W est Vancouver in The Inext m eeting will 1^ held t^ing b e tte r arid b e tte r a s th e ^fects a re being arranged by th e D.v JA. head(juarters in th e classes vie with each o th e r fo r B. C. E lectric, and F erry / buildings on Tuesday, F e b ru ^ y 26th, a t 8 p.m". J. U. H olt is th e best one. s tag e m an ag er w ith Mr. D urbin The boys ()f all th e classes a re in ch a rg e of M , ------ , selectiiig a hockey team to play p lan ts used .on th e stage have RATEF^AYERS! ASSOCIATION th e U niversity an d ^are p rac tis- been very kindly loaned by th e / . -- :------ . in g -ev e ry spare mjinute. The W est V ancouver Florist. school is anxious to see them Fallow ing is. th e cast fo r th e j ^ d y j l p iha^^ win, and th e boys a re equaÛ ^̂ ^̂ A m bleside P a rk in th e second. round of the Con Jones Shield. o rchestra This should be one of th e b e s t , ' p gam es of th e season, and U nite((' is lucky to have th em a t home,v ' fo r th e teami th a t beats th e Safe- w ay should have no troub le Convenei, Miss Jean A t reg u la r m onthly m eet- ' le W est Vancouver R ate- A ssociation held in the ' e a g ^ , a s i t will'he th e ir f irs t of- M rs. H enry B lu iit--:Edith Powell Hall, .'F eb ru ary 7 th , ficial hockey game. M r. H enry B lun t -- Tom T u rn e r M any o f th c rstu d en ts v isited P rof. S .ta ifo rd ~ R u p er H arrison th e "Open House a t th e U niver- M elindy M o rto n ^ Io n a K erd sp n iTiftkinff thfl final U nited a re al- J decorations, Miss Morva Con Jones Cup, and are lalso ! the -following resolutions w ere pa.^sed. : 'The firs t tw o w ere en tered in th e 0 . B. A llan Cup m (Provincial C ham pionship). R.^Lcyland, subm itted to the-^ Council,, an d the th ird to P rem ier Pattu llo . 1. Resolved th a t th e W est Vancouver R atepayers' A ssocia­ tion has full confidence in th e ' Captains and crews o f r th e W est '^ - " Vancouver Ferries, p articu la rly ̂ „_m-CAptain-.Smith-.aMJjis_crg^ who made a heroic effo rt to rescue th e passengers of th e No. 5 ferry during h e r trag ic tr ip on ^ o n d a y , F eb ruary 4 th . W hile i t ^ s regrettable th a t ' o n ^ llf e w as lost, Captain Sm ith a r ie f^ s crew "accDrding^(HnformatioB-re(jeiyw I t is hoped th a t th e te a m 's W est V ancouver supporters will Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Gray, Mr. and M rs. W. B. Small, Mr. and -« t5 j:IastSatun iay .^d5vere,.ypry . Em m efineTC arn^Edi^^^^^ - - ^ k l th ^ 5 S : i in e r a n d g iv L tS e .> * ? w S in fiarpafin fl i T v w h a t th e v «aw P liin i--- N o rm an W illrm r- «na imTS. r . J5ay iiss, O ap ta in anain te rested the re . in w h a t th ey M w FVeddy B lunt-- ^Npitnan W illing- boys a little encouragem ent. '■ '.M lU ̂ H f 7 «>/» ̂ I < A H ton. W. C. T. U. The W est Vancouver W.C.T. . J n C h u r c h M r.N ew sby (E d ito r Local News­ pap er) -- Cyril Powell, C ast fo r th e d ram a: M rs. Clifford Trem aine -- E d ith » Powell_______ ______________ MFs. M urphy ~ T eresa K errison^ A s Safew ay S to res' colors a re sim'ila r to U nited, the local bpys a re exchanging colors w ith th e R angers fo r th is game. ------------^ . Mrs. F. F . Lovegrove. Tickets a t 25 cents m ay be obtained from Miss Florence Edw ards, W est 139R' o r from any m em ber of th e club. h I? / 'i ,h V estry on Thursday aftem oom F eb ru ary 14th.,.As i t w as F ra n - B ryan "'Clifford Tremlaine (M rs. dbfr~(L~'Lr"NOr"2690" Ir^rDrE^-BRIDGE 'S. f 1 '1.HiJ-l cis W illard Day, M rs. H ibberd spoke on th e founder's life and work. M rs. Faulkner reported on "Y " w ork and sick v isiting. I t wasndecided'^o hol(L"a" B irthday T rem ain 's son)-r-D ick Bradley G asper Hardman* (M iser) -- R upert H arrison D r. R obert W inston---Bert Bow- The above lodge held its regu­ la r m eeting in th e Orange Hall, F eb ru ary 19th, w ith a good tu rn ­ ou t o f m em bers present. Two The Bridge a rranged by .the Duncan Lawson C hapter, I,. 0 . D. E., to celebrate "Founder's Day'/ and held F eb ru ary 13th, in V 'a*-' =■7 I ; Vli, |,;s I i-iiv ed by th is A ssociation, m e t th e T ea in April and a com mitteeu situation in a seam ahlike mian-' w as appointed to look a f te r pro- ner with g rea t courage. - gram , etc. Dainty re fre sh m en ts 2. Resolved th a t th is A ssoci- ' w ere served a t th e close of th e ation request th e Council of th e > .m eeting by .Mrs. M eiyick and Municipality o f W est V ancouver M rs. H errin . m an -- : M rs. Robt. -M argaret apj?JimtiojQs, fo r m e m b e p j i ip ^ th e M asonic Hall, wa.g a delight- V iolet to use th e ir efforts w ith th e Union of B ritish Columbia.M uni- cipalities to - reciommend to th e Provincial G overnm ent th e abol­ ishment of th e Tax P en a lty be­ cause th e said P enalty is too drastic and m ost un fa ir, a s in most cases i t causes h ard sh ip to people who a re unable to pay their^ taxes by June 30th. ' I t is in the opinion of th is A ssocia­ tion th a t th e 8% in te re s t ch a rg ­ ed on ta x a rrea rs is a sufficient penalty in th is tim e o f s tress . 3. Resolved th a t th e W est Vancouver R atepayers' Associ- SCOUT NO TES . F riday , th e 15th in stan t, th e 2nd W est Vancouver Troop, m e t in th e Pkuline Johnson Annex. .:'The following badges- were p resen ted : Citizens badge -- P a t F agan , B. Savory; Am bulance badge -- N." Peacock, E . Pea­ cock, M. Parson; M usician badge ~ E. Peacock; E n te r ta in e r b a d g e -- E. Peacock. W inston- Saunders - L oraine (D aughter) C lem e n t, M ary (a Maid ) -- N ora Bowman Glifford/Prem aine (M issing H us­ band) Theo. H ayw ard ' A un t B elinda: (Eccentric Old A u n t)-- Mrs. W. G. W iltsh ire L aw yer Digby -- Cyril Powell These plays a re being spon­ sored by th e Duncan Law son C hapter, I.O.D.E. w ere received and will be initiat,. ed on M arch 4 th . The comanit- ,tee rep o rted arrangem ents^had been m ade fo r th e S t. P a trick 's Dance. LEGIO N M ILITARY W HIST O. E. S. DANCE T he new troop scarves w ere presented to the troop by Mrs. Ri Froudj convener of th e Ladies a « ; r r e q i e r ^ m T e ? pI S o Com m ittee. E -jjro u d presen ted to place before h is G overnm ent R eg istration c e r t i f i ^ to to t h o ^ The annual dance o f N aom i C hap ter No. 26, O rder o f th e . „ , E aste rn S tar, will ta k e place to - « rage score to give all patrons T here will be a M il i ta ^ W hist D rive and Dance ( t h i ^ i r d of th e se r ie s ) , in th e Legidh Mem­ orial ^Hdll tom orrow (F riday ), F eb ru ary 22hd, a t 8 p.m. fo r w hich see advertisem ent in' th is issue. The. com m ittee have awarded those who were unable to be p resen t a t th e la s t Drive, an av. fill a ffa ir and thoroughly en joy­ ed by all those who attended . A very lovely occasional tab le was raffled du rin g th e evening and won by M rs. E atock. M rs. Dickinson and Mrs. Gor­ don Robson very kindly Officiat­ ed a t th e draw ings, and the„ ridge prizes were won by Gor- on Robson, M rs. B lair, Mrs. D oherty , M rs. Menzies, Mrs. R ichardson, Mr. B ritton , F ..E a t- ock,_P. C. Chapm an. m - Up'-: MRS. A. M. L E ST E R PASSES entitled to same. R efreshm ents supplied by th e Ladies Com mit-the m a tte r of in te re s t ra te s on private con trac ts and m ortgag ­ es. And th a t th e G overnm ent find ways and m eans to reduce -i. . the s a id jn te re s t ra te s on-m|orte ^ gages to a m axim um of 4% (fo u r , mg. h-nno^meets everv F ri- m orrow evening fro m 9 till 1 in , th e O range Hall. G ard en ^ Or- . ch estra will supply th e m usic. The-admission, w hich is by ̂inv i­ ta tio n onlyr will be $1.00 p e r couple. Any desiring inv ita tions a re requested to phone the. sec- a sp o rtin g chance fo r the Grand A ggregate Prize. The .sam e applies to those w ho w ere no t a t th e first drive b u t took p a r t in the progres­ sive. M rs. V iolet M ary L ester, wife of M ajor A. M. L ester, 2874 Bellevue Avenue, passed aw ay la s t Sunday a t St. P au l's Hospi­ ta l follow ing an operation. She was in h e r fiftie th year, and leaves to m ourn h e r loss her hus­ band, one d ^ g h te r , A udrey, in T ientsin , C hina; tw o sons, Vern- . ifw 4'f, / I ' ■p-'i ' i '1.1 '7U' A 11 i k tV i te e w ere greatly appreciated and re ta ry , Mrs. J . R. M itchell, W est b rough t to a close a very in- 475X. M odern and Old'Time dancing and^Dick,*at h o m e; fo u r sis pef cent.) b e c a u ^ a r a te o f *4% interest in'" these tim es is equal to a ra te o f 8% a few y ea rs x>ast. The troopm eets every F r i­ day. There are a few vacancies. in each patrol. LEGION NOTES TO OUR READERS "THE PANTRY" CHANGES HANDS ;Any householder no t receiving a copy of th is paper on any and The last, general m eeting of the local branch -yvas held F r i­ day evening last in th e Legion M emorial Hall, w ith P re s id en t H. W alker in th e cha ir. . Com­ m encing March 1st, tb em em b er- from 10 p.m . till 12 min. T he draw ing fo r the canary an d cage will tak e place during th e dance. The w inner will cer­ ta in ly be lucky, g e ttin g ,a lovely bird! in fu ll song in an oriental se ttin g , all fo r a dime. BOARD OF CEM ETERY TRU STEES te rs , M rs, H. D ain ty , Mrs. R. B allantyne, Miss M. Law, all re s id en t in E ngland, Mrs. P; Griffin of V ancouver; and one •brother, J . E . I^ w , Vancouver. F u n era l servicies w ere held a t 1 :30 p.m . y este rd ay in St. S teph­ en 's Church, Rev. F . A. Ram sey ofificiatihg, and in te rm en t was m adein CapilanoV ie\yCem etery. T he pallbearers v^ere: M essrs. ^ Doidge an d Cole, repre.senting ' S t. S tephen 's W .A .; ]̂Vlê j0j:s. 7-7 i I l .i formerly conducted by~ sioh m ay correiite^. We shall ^oss, h as -been tak en over by e s t e m any such ^ o n e a s a fav- and M rs. G. C. Fo<ite o f or,^as i t is ou r only w ay o f check- Vancouver, and will hencefo rth - in g .np on our deliveries. O ur DC Imown a s "'The M arina." T he boys have s tric t in stru c tio n s to public a re invited to go th e re f o r place a paper on th e verandah cakes, lunches, afte rnoon te a s , o f every house on th e k rou tes, and sandwiches. : , F FRANCIS LOVEGROVE all unaffiliated ex -se rv ice! mien who m ay be in terested , a re re ­ quested to g e t in to u j^ w ith th e president, secretary , o r an y Legion m em ber, fo r^ fu r th e r in ­ form ation . . ■ . N ex t executive, m eeting Mon­ day, F eb ru ary 25th . T he following will compose, _ . , th e B oard jofJ2femetery_Tnistees H am pson and L ightly ,jrepresentr. t e r th e period Jan u ary , 1935, to .. ing S t. S tephen 's C hurch ; and Ja n u a iy , 1936; Reeve J . B. Leyland, 7 dou ric illo r W. Difjkinspn, Councillor R, Fiddes, A . Chilton, W. B lair. Reeve J . B. Leyland and P. C. Chapn^n,rrepreeenting th e Dun­ can Law son C hapter, f.O.D.E. H arro n Bros. & W illiam son had ch a rg e o f th e fu n era l a rran g e ­ m ents. . - ( / -J .,,'1 . yAf .KM- S*. • V J ® ^ t