« | v'l -II V , ,* *f ^ 1 ' i \ j , e '-:i kik iKif, ,W < i <»!(!«'«♦#/ ̂1, -riH*) I:! HtfH* ■■' ■= " ;H' , w, 'JU. r? ' ; V( '!«•}«' ■ f ;«■ i i kcM i l§̂- #1: ■ I ( * Tfcie CBteriniiimejit and dance gdven by the West Vancouver night wiw most successful* the---- ---------- --- - .............................. .-- --̂ --------------- m g h t u rea m w t successiu j, P rice, Good Friday « , d a ,i,urd«y. F>b. 15th & U th S « a ^ c o ^ n "" AUNT MARY'S COFFER. AUNT MARY'S TEA^ m m CLARK'S CORNED SERF*.... ila |fk SIIKBDDBD WHEAT* pkU,,„.L„: lOe HTIlAWIiBRRY JAM -- CdumMa With «dil«d l*«cUn...... 4 lb. tJu S9c NAROJI FORK & DEANS IS o*.............................. ...2 tins I6c Red St White COCOA, F, tb. Un I4c NAHOII DON BLESS CHICKEN 7 o*. tin .................................. 2Se LIMITKD OFFER - - 4 bars Lady CodIva Toilet Soap, and a good Wa«h Cloth, all f o r ................... 2J|e Red A White GREEN CUT BEANS Tender, Stringleaa ..............tin lOc Red & White TOMATO SOUP Ready to nerve .......... ,./„2 tltia I6c HULK DA'I'ES. Freah* dean stock 3 1»M*............ .......................... :.....20c SANTA CLARA PRUNES Medium d r e .................... 2 Iba. 25c READY CUT MACARONI, 2 Iba. 15c RECLEANED SULTANAS, Auatrulian .......................2 Iba. 23c Meatia Plijpe West 370 o f th e a d v iso ry com m ittee , .w ho kroduced DEVONSHIRE SAUSAGE,... lb. 18c HERVUB CHEESE, V i lb. pkt... 15c MONTEREY CHEESE ___ each 19c LECH LAMB, Top Quality, per lb. 25c SHOULDERS LAMB, Top quality Whole ..............................per lb. I6c FINNAN HADDIB; per lb. ....... 16c LOOCIE HADDIE FILLETS, lb. 20c KII'PERS ..............................2 Iba. 25c HWKEi' PICKLED CORNBD BEEF Ikmdeaa ............... --..... per Ib. 14c BURNS' IIAKBASY SHORTENING IVr Ib............................................ 12c I.OIN PORK ROASTS, per Ib......23c All Meuta of the Very Beat Quality. hitherto not been in use. The m;w fifth will eventually provide GLENPJAGLES GOLP" COUIISE A number of players enjoyed ...... ......... . v..w..w.«..j the fine weather on Sunday and a 280 yard direct drive for ex- whilo the eiTects of the frost had perUs, while the less proficient not been entirely overcome by • Kolfors will play a dog's leg with was Introduced by the chairman of the evening, opened the enter tainment with a brief speech. The three boxing bouts of th r^ 2-minute rounds each, brought together a number of promising young exponents of the art, each ending in a draw. M. Hallmark, instructor, acted as judge, and in the last took the ring himself, a city competitor,having failed to turn up. Two wrestling bouts were staged, the first being three rounds of 6 fhinutes each, the second going to 4 rounds. The modern style was *followed, and Jimmy Fraser acted as referee. Both bouts ended in a draw, no fall being registered in the first, while in the second the competi-' tors obtained one apiece. The competitions were follow ed with great interest by the crowd ^throughout. /:■ The Ladies' Pyramid Class of Miss Molly Edwards-g«v4 ,a very pretty and finished performance - . Governraeht Jiwpected Only ' fJAJMS*"" LAMU0kV"' ** COtD MEATS OF AU.KIN11S-:.DBUCATE88EN 1 Sitore a t H ollyburn, next Theatre PH0NB,,WBST'8.' ■'. ' r.'*. : / LUMBERand all BUILDING m a t e r ia l s WEST VAl^OUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ------- FOR REAL s a t i s f a c t i o n -- Phone West 115 1497 M arine Drive CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for ClaasIGed Advertisementa la Z cents per word, minimum 26 centa. Except in the caae of tiiOM having regular accounta, all ciusi- fleda are payable atrictly in advance.' . _ Remember Clasailieda in the Weat Van Newa get Immediate resulu. the sun, some very good games were played, It was notic<?d thdt the work of clearing for the new fifth tee was well in hand: favorable com ments were made on the pro- change, which will elim- a drive of anywhere between 150 and 220 ̂ yards, with a chip shot to the green. - FOR SALE -- Buescher True-tone Trumpet, $25; snap. Apply W.^Eg- gett, 1370 Duchess or phone West of the pyramid and other figures -- -------------------- -----;------- and her Ladies' Exercise Team FOR SALe -- Highboy Combinatbn Radio $25.00. Good heater, $7.00. COMFORTABLE* COTTAGE - On good beach near ferry, reasonable if taken for six months. Phone West 350X.#,a- r R. i). Brewis wrote the council re bus service fo r ,hikers on Sun- jinH ground chairman of transportation and . basket of flowers by Mrs. R. B. an excellent the ferry manager for recom- Rhi^es on behalf of the Ladies' piece of fairway, which has rnendation. and her Ladies' Exercise Team in their display showed the re sults of careful training and practice. Both received the hearty applause of all those present, and their instructress was presented with a beautiful West 801R. FOR SALE --- Large Icebox suitable for store, in new condition. 1329 Marine Drive. CHICKEN MANURE for FloweiBiVi vegetables, $3.50 dump- truclr M Stuart McIntyre, I l th and Kirib Avenue. * dS R.C. A. V ic to rmm- pr.* "I t y '\\ I " announces two npw GLOBE TROTTER RADIOS Class'. The' remainder of the evening was given up to dancing, the floor being crowded. Following are the particulars of the boxing and wrestling bouts: ' . . B oxing George Wedley, 135 lbs., ver sus Billy: McMillan; 135 lbs. -- draw. . ' Kent McCulloch, 155 lbs. vs." Dick Tearoe, fl35 lbs. -- draw, Frank Glover, 180 lbs. vs. M. Hallmark, 160 lbs. --..draw. ' All local competitors. .Wrestling Tom--Larnie-(West--Vancou-- HANDY ANN SHQPPE, 2444 Marine . ^Notions, Stationery, School Sup plies, Rennie's Garden Seeds 5c pkt and up. Stove Pipes, Hardware. RADIO SERVICING -- H a y 4 n d Prebble. Guaranteed work, i Free tube testing. Phone West 4SA. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the belt ttttt* erial and workmanship at 14th a t Ferry. \ LADY REQUIRES partly furnished or unfurnished .warm bed-sitting room and use of kitchen--riot wat- erfront. Phone West 316R.___ ___ REFINED. ENGLISH LADY, widow, will give light services for room and board; excellent housekeeper. : References. Phond West 316R. C. J. ARCHER LTD. -::: List fteSr- ties with us now. We have dirtet inquiries ̂ and active connections. Phone West- 225 b r Seymour 5964. WEST BAY LIBRARY -■ 50 cents a month. New books every month. ■ BRADLEY & TURNER -- P a i n t y Xalsomining and Paperhanging. Phone West 380X1. . IS YOUR RANGE OIL BURNER WORKING SATISFACTORILY?.r Have it cleaned: and adjusted by an expert. Phone North 120R2, ' . LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring, wools. Free knitting - school. Violet and Kathleen/Clem- ent,/Proprietors. MARCEL SHOP -- New Therml^ne steam permanent; no danger. Mar cel, 50c;; Reset, 35c; Finger Wave, 50c. Above Royal Bank. Phone West 304. ^ GEO. HAY, Notary ̂Public -- Real ■ Model 226 *129.50 (30l|l|llOtO Each of these models, the 129 and 226 incorporates an KCA Victor size -tube îuaL wa vê obassis-̂ with-the-Magic- Brain. They offer not only proven performance but will also attract be-• , I- cause of their beauty and distinctive ness of cabinet design. SOLD ON EASY TERMS . ver), versus I)on FVaser (North Vancouver), catch weights. No falls; Pat Douet (We3t-Vancouver), veYsurJfierLofHrCBlegb^^ -- Lome secured first fall with a body press, Douet winning the second with a Boston crab. A telegram, was read by L. C. Reid, chairman of the evening, from Provincial Director Eisen- -hardtrregretting'Kislnabnity"fb Estate'anA Insurance. 21 or Seyrriou'r Phone. West THE DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" Won! & Knitting Shoppe, 2446 Mar ine Drive -- Free instructions, Pro- FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to R en t.; Houses,' lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine^ Phone West 55. B^®ADQUARTERS for AIT Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat- ers. Ambleside ■ Tea RjOoms; ^ FOR RENT TO RELIABLE TENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally locat ed; sawdu"sT"Burher, g o o T 'g a f d e n . Rent $26., Apply Box 49, West-Van News.. ~ - WANTED One- furnished and one 5*" Urnished 4-room cottage near -ferry-Phone-WieSt-340 or"Wpafrr4Ti- bc present. Barradough'S Radio Shops W est 366 Ol'ElUTBD » y BROWN MUNTON 1542 M&rine Drive ■-1 Henry Sotvehdt of the Van couver Ski Club* won the North west skiing championship last Sunday at Leavenworth, Wash ington; A Johansen of the same club being second. Finn Flad- mark, another member of the same club, broke his leg in the Class A jump. ' ® trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect;̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ GORDON ROBSON Barrister Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- . Office No.r-1447, Mqrine Drive Phone W est 403; 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 50Vl610 Hastings St. W.' Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. RADIO R ^ A IR S -- West Van. Radio 1«T M.'r S ' 108. m a c h i n eSHOP Repairs Spray Pumns Household articles. - 1449^ari^f ' Form No. 13. (Section 39.) LAND ACT One Brand - One Q uAiiy! "One Uiliig at a flme and that done weU." Theiein lies the eecrel of Copilano'e supremep-quoiitir and everincreosing popularity. A complete industry, with every modem equipment backed by gen erations of experience, devoted to Hie production of ONE BEER. ONE BRAND, ONE QUAUTY. That's why it always pays to oak for "CopUdno." CopUano Br*wlng Co. Umlted Vemcouvor, B, C. - f, -.u- \ ni CavenuBMit B E E R 25thRexaU Birthday Sale A- long' list of Extra bpeczals while they last. Wateh for Sale Bills soon or call m and get one. REXALL DRUG STORE west 528 «> pree Delivery for the toe 'S ' B O O T S - C a s h ' Chemists, England. Xtqiwt This advertisement is not published dr displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the (Sov- ernment of British Columbia, -- ^" i V ^Vd M i Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. In the Municipality of West Vancou- i ^ r . Land Recording District of New Westminster, and" situate near Fish-; ernjan's Cove, West Vancouver, B. G. Take notice th a t Harry Koltharamer of West Vancouver, B. C., occupationŝ Store-;keeper and Public Caterer, in- ' tends t o ' ,apply for permission to purchase the - following desGribed lands:-^ , , Commencing a t a post planted at the in tersec tion \ o f M arine Drive and ĥ® Southerly boundary of Block one f l) of Dt. Lot 772, thence South 6? 0 East fo r a distance of 35.27', thence bearing [North 29" 36' Ewt 258.3, thence North 54" 6' East 234.5 thence Sbuth ee" 23' East b distance .of 240.6', thence North 27" 33̂ East 3*5, -thence following high water Thork to po in t, of commencement the whole containing nine tenths (.9) of an acre more ■or less. - - - HARRY- KOLTHAMMER, ri j ' Applicant Dated. -December 21st, 1934. A.»pices Duncin LaWion Chapter lO.D.E. A A N D C O M E D Y S. the Low ar-<^ m S A T IL E PIAYErS . Tuesday, W e ie s d a y , T h tm day F c t . 2 6 U l , 2 7 t h , 2 8 t l l . AdmisMon26e. S W an ts (Tuesday) 10c. p S i l ® < r- ' • Tj ̂ ^ ... ..... I. r" ) < "V - , , > ' -V 'I,'. Cr j ' J .' i--,-